Setup a recurring meeting to make sure stuff is progressing.
I (avivey) think every-other-week should be a good start. Preferably, using some real-time video conferencing tool.
=== Availability ===
Add your name, time-zone and preferences below and we'll come up with some possible times later
| Person | Time zone | Period | Method |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| @avivey | GMT+2 | Fortnightly | |
| @speck | GMT-5 | Fortnightly | Google Meet, Zoom, whatever |
| @Matthew | GMT-7 (Next week GMT -6) | Fortnightly | No preference |
|@20after4| GMT-6| Fortnightly| Something that isn’t zoom :) |
|@dcog| GMT-5| Fortnightly| Jitsi Meet, something that isn’t zoom |
=== Proposed Agenda ===
1. Identify priority work
2. Set roadmap for priority work
3. Discuss "starmap" vision for larger changes
=== Notes ===