If you click on the hamburger menu on any Maniphest comment, you may see the action "Quote comment" noticed that the destination URL of the button {nav icon=caret-down > icon=quote-left,name=Quote Comment} is somehow too much generic than usual (just the anchor `#`).
The destination is something like> //1. Why have you noticed that?//
I'm an average-experienced web user and I always look at the destination of any link before visiting them.
And so, I checked the destination of the link {nav icon=caret-down > icon=quote-left,name=Quote Comment}, noticing that this was the destination:
The URL is clearly not complete (ending with just `#`).And I think a link with `#` it's too much generic.
> //2. Why do you think that `#` is too much generic there?//
I think it's too much generic because `#` is literally the most generic link in the world to make HTML happy and have JavaScript actions in place. And that is what there is in place: an event delegation that undoes your action, so you really does not visit that destination (the top of the page) but you do something else: quoting that comment.
But Phorge is usually better than that with destination links.
> //3. Why do you think that Phorge is usually better than that with destination links?//
As an average Internet user I like the way Phorge has buttons and links with a meaning.
For example, this is the "internal" destination URL for the "Flags for Later" link:
Internal destination for the Start Tracking Time link:
Internal destination for the "View Raw Remarkup":
Usually the user never visit these resources but they are there.
//4. Why these nice URLs are set in these links, if nobody visit them?//
I think the main reason is: because Phorge can, easily, set nice destination URLs that somehow have semantically sense.
And so also {nav icon=caret-down > icon=quote-left,name=Quote Comment} could have a destination that could have //more// semantically sense. For example, having the anchor to the current comment.
//5. Why do you think that the anchor `#comment-ID` should be "internal destination" of that link?//
Because I cannot thing about anything that is:
1. more better than `#`
2. less better than `#comment-ID`
And so the destination could be just from:
It should end with the comment-ID. Like:To: