I noticed that, if you Archive a single Panel, that Panel is already shown in any related Dashboard.
Steps to reproduce:
- create a Dashboard with some Panels
- visit a single panel (`/dashboard/panel/`)
- Archive a Panel
What happens:
→ The Panel is still visible in any related Dashboard
What should happen instead:
→ The Panel should be hidden from any related Dashboard (at least in view mode, not necessarily in edit mode)
Quality assurance:
- Verify that an Archived Panel is already not shown in the "Active Panels" list (`/dashboard/panel/`)
- Verify that an Archived Panel becomes visible again, after using {nav Activate} (un-Archive)
Bonus points:
- Dashboard Edit Page: don't just hide Archived panels, just just show any Panel in their position, with a visual distinction between Active/Archived Panels
- Dashboard Edit Page: add a Panel shortcut somewhere to visit the Panel Edit page (for example, to be able to {nav Activate} in less than 8 clicks: open tab, search Dashboard, click Panels, click All, find the correct one, open, Activate, OK)