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diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestReportController.php b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestReportController.php
--- a/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestReportController.php
+++ b/src/applications/maniphest/controller/ManiphestReportController.php
@@ -92,295 +92,6 @@
$handle = $handles[$project_phid];
- $xtable = new ManiphestTransaction();
- $conn = $xtable->establishConnection('r');
- // Get legacy data: Querying the task transaction table is only needed for
- // code before rPd321cc81 got merged on 2017-11-22.
- if ($project_phid) {
- $legacy_joins = qsprintf(
- $conn,
- 'JOIN %T t ON x.objectPHID = t.phid
- JOIN %T p ON p.src = t.phid AND p.type = %d AND p.dst = %s',
- id(new ManiphestTask())->getTableName(),
- PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TABLE_NAME_EDGE,
- PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST,
- $project_phid);
- } else {
- $legacy_joins = qsprintf($conn, '');
- }
- $legacy_data = queryfx_all(
- $conn,
- 'SELECT x.transactionType, x.oldValue, x.newValue, x.dateCreated
- FROM %T x %Q
- WHERE transactionType IN (%Ls)
- ORDER BY x.dateCreated ASC',
- $xtable->getTableName(),
- $legacy_joins,
- array(
- ManiphestTaskStatusTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE,
- ManiphestTaskMergedIntoTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE,
- ));
- // Remove any actual legacy status transactions which take status from
- // `null` to any open status.
- foreach ($legacy_data as $key => $row) {
- if ($row['transactionType'] != 'status') {
- continue;
- }
- $oldv = trim($row['oldValue'], '"');
- $newv = trim($row['newValue'], '"');
- // If this is a status change, preserve it.
- if ($oldv != 'null') {
- continue;
- }
- // If this task was created directly into a closed status, preserve
- // the transaction.
- if (!ManiphestTaskStatus::isOpenStatus($newv)) {
- continue;
- }
- // If this is a legacy "create" transaction, discard it in favor of the
- // synthetic transaction to be created below.
- unset($legacy_data[$key]);
- }
- // Since rPd321cc81, after the move to EditEngine, we no longer create a
- // "status" transaction if a task is created directly into the default
- // status. This likely impacted API/email tasks after 2016 and all other
- // tasks after deploying the Phorge codebase from 2017-11-22.
- // Until Facts can fix this properly, use the task creation dates to
- // generate synthetic transactions which look like the older transactions
- // that this page expects.
- $default_status = ManiphestTaskStatus::getDefaultStatus();
- $duplicate_status = ManiphestTaskStatus::getDuplicateStatus();
- if ($project_phid) {
- $synth_joins = qsprintf(
- $conn,
- 'JOIN %T p ON p.src = t.phid AND p.type = %d AND p.dst = %s',
- PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TABLE_NAME_EDGE,
- PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST,
- $project_phid);
- } else {
- $synth_joins = qsprintf($conn, '');
- }
- // Build synthetic transactions which take status from `null` to the
- // default value.
- $synth_data = queryfx_all(
- $conn,
- 'SELECT t.dateCreated FROM %T t %Q',
- id(new ManiphestTask())->getTableName(),
- $synth_joins);
- foreach ($synth_data as $key => $synth_row) {
- $synth_data[$key] = array(
- 'transactionType' => 'status',
- 'oldValue' => null,
- 'newValue' => $default_status,
- 'dateCreated' => $synth_row['dateCreated'],
- );
- }
- // Merge the synthetic transactions into the legacy transactions.
- $data = array_merge($synth_data, $legacy_data);
- $data = array_values($data);
- $data = isort($data, 'dateCreated');
- $stats = array();
- $day_buckets = array();
- $open_tasks = array();
- foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
- switch ($row['transactionType']) {
- case ManiphestTaskStatusTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE:
- // NOTE: Hack to avoid json_decode().
- $oldv = $row['oldValue'];
- if ($oldv !== null) {
- $oldv = trim($oldv, '"');
- }
- $newv = trim($row['newValue'], '"');
- break;
- case ManiphestTaskMergedIntoTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE:
- // NOTE: Merging a task does not generate a "status" transaction.
- // We pretend it did. Note that this is not always accurate: it is
- // possible to merge a task which was previously closed, but this
- // fake transaction always counts a merge as a closure.
- $oldv = $default_status;
- $newv = $duplicate_status;
- break;
- }
- if ($oldv == 'null') {
- $old_is_open = false;
- } else {
- $old_is_open = ManiphestTaskStatus::isOpenStatus($oldv);
- }
- $new_is_open = ManiphestTaskStatus::isOpenStatus($newv);
- $is_open = ($new_is_open && !$old_is_open);
- $is_close = ($old_is_open && !$new_is_open);
- $data[$key]['_is_open'] = $is_open;
- $data[$key]['_is_close'] = $is_close;
- if (!$is_open && !$is_close) {
- // This is either some kind of bogus event, or a resolution change
- // (e.g., resolved -> invalid). Just skip it.
- continue;
- }
- $day_bucket = phabricator_format_local_time(
- $row['dateCreated'],
- $viewer,
- 'Yz');
- $day_buckets[$day_bucket] = $row['dateCreated'];
- if (empty($stats[$day_bucket])) {
- $stats[$day_bucket] = array(
- 'open' => 0,
- 'close' => 0,
- );
- }
- $stats[$day_bucket][$is_close ? 'close' : 'open']++;
- }
- $template = array(
- 'open' => 0,
- 'close' => 0,
- );
- $rows = array();
- $rowc = array();
- $last_month = null;
- $last_month_epoch = null;
- $last_week = null;
- $last_week_epoch = null;
- $week = null;
- $month = null;
- $last = last_key($stats) - 1;
- $period = $template;
- foreach ($stats as $bucket => $info) {
- $epoch = $day_buckets[$bucket];
- $week_bucket = phabricator_format_local_time(
- $epoch,
- $viewer,
- 'YW');
- if ($week_bucket != $last_week) {
- if ($week) {
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(
- pht('Week of %s', phabricator_date($last_week_epoch, $viewer)),
- $week);
- $rowc[] = 'week';
- }
- $week = $template;
- $last_week = $week_bucket;
- $last_week_epoch = $epoch;
- }
- $month_bucket = phabricator_format_local_time(
- $epoch,
- $viewer,
- 'Ym');
- if ($month_bucket != $last_month) {
- if ($month) {
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(
- phabricator_format_local_time($last_month_epoch, $viewer, 'F, Y'),
- $month);
- $rowc[] = 'month';
- }
- $month = $template;
- $last_month = $month_bucket;
- $last_month_epoch = $epoch;
- }
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(phabricator_date($epoch, $viewer), $info);
- $rowc[] = null;
- $week['open'] += $info['open'];
- $week['close'] += $info['close'];
- $month['open'] += $info['open'];
- $month['close'] += $info['close'];
- $period['open'] += $info['open'];
- $period['close'] += $info['close'];
- }
- if ($week) {
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(
- pht('Week To Date'),
- $week);
- $rowc[] = 'week';
- }
- if ($month) {
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(
- pht('Month To Date'),
- $month);
- $rowc[] = 'month';
- }
- $rows[] = $this->formatBurnRow(
- pht('All Time'),
- $period);
- $rowc[] = 'aggregate';
- $rows = array_reverse($rows);
- $rowc = array_reverse($rowc);
- $table = new AphrontTableView($rows);
- $table->setRowClasses($rowc);
- $table->setHeaders(
- array(
- pht('Period'),
- pht('Opened'),
- pht('Closed'),
- pht('Change'),
- ));
- $table->setColumnClasses(
- array(
- 'right wide',
- 'n',
- 'n',
- 'n',
- ));
- if ($handle) {
- $inst = pht(
- 'NOTE: This table reflects tasks currently in '.
- 'the project. If a task was opened in the past but added to '.
- 'the project recently, it is counted on the day it was '.
- 'opened, not the day it was categorized. If a task was part '.
- 'of this project in the past but no longer is, it is not '.
- 'counted at all. This table may not agree exactly with the chart '.
- 'above.');
- $header = pht('Task Burn Rate for Project %s', $handle->renderLink());
- $caption = phutil_tag('p', array(), $inst);
- } else {
- $header = pht('Task Burn Rate for All Tasks');
- $caption = null;
- }
- if ($caption) {
- $caption = id(new PHUIInfoView())
- ->appendChild($caption)
- ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NOTICE);
- }
- $panel = new PHUIObjectBoxView();
- $panel->setHeaderText($header);
- if ($caption) {
- $panel->setInfoView($caption);
- }
- $panel->setTable($table);
$tokens = array();
if ($handle) {
$tokens = array($handle);
@@ -388,20 +99,6 @@
$filter = $this->renderReportFilters($tokens, $has_window = false);
- $id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
- $chart = phutil_tag(
- 'div',
- array(
- 'id' => $id,
- 'style' => 'border: 1px solid #BFCFDA; '.
- 'background-color: #fff; '.
- 'margin: 8px 16px; '.
- 'height: 400px; ',
- ),
- '');
- list($burn_x, $burn_y) = $this->buildSeries($data);
if ($project_phid) {
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
@@ -471,52 +168,8 @@
return $filter;
- private function buildSeries(array $data) {
- $out = array();
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($data as $row) {
- $t = (int)$row['dateCreated'];
- if ($row['_is_close']) {
- --$counter;
- $out[$t] = $counter;
- } else if ($row['_is_open']) {
- ++$counter;
- $out[$t] = $counter;
- }
- }
- return array(array_keys($out), array_values($out));
- }
- /**
- * @param $label string Time representation for the row, e.g. "Feb 29 2024",
- * "All Time", "Week of May 10 2024", "Month To Date", etc.
- * @param $info array<string,int> open|close; number of tasks in timespan
- * @return array<string,string,string,PhutilSafeHTML> Row text label; number
- * of open tasks as string; number of closed tasks as string;
- * PhutilSafeHTML such as "<span class="red">+144</span>"
- */
- private function formatBurnRow($label, $info) {
- $delta = $info['open'] - $info['close'];
- $fmt = number_format($delta);
- if ($delta > 0) {
- $fmt = '+'.$fmt;
- $fmt = phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'red'), $fmt);
- } else {
- $fmt = phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'green'), $fmt);
- }
- return array(
- $label,
- number_format($info['open']),
- number_format($info['close']),
- $fmt,
- );
- }
- * @return int 50
+ * @return int 50, the default value of the default "normal" Priority
private function getAveragePriority() {
// TODO: This is sort of a hard-code for the default "normal" status.
File Metadata
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Sat, Mar 8, 11:19 (4 d, 13 h ago)
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D25902.1741432781.diff (11 KB)
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D25902: Remove unused code in ManiphestReportController::renderBurn()
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