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diff --git a/src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialRevisionEditor.php b/src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialRevisionEditor.php
index 6e3b99ac23..4e9be00d2a 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialRevisionEditor.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialRevisionEditor.php
@@ -1,1109 +1,1117 @@
* Handle major edit operations to DifferentialRevision -- adding and removing
* reviewers, diffs, and CCs. Unlike simple edits, these changes trigger
* complicated email workflows.
final class DifferentialRevisionEditor extends PhabricatorEditor {
protected $revision;
protected $cc = null;
protected $reviewers = null;
protected $diff;
protected $comments;
protected $silentUpdate;
private $auxiliaryFields = array();
private $contentSource;
private $isCreate;
private $aphrontRequestForEventDispatch;
public function setAphrontRequestForEventDispatch(AphrontRequest $request) {
$this->aphrontRequestForEventDispatch = $request;
return $this;
public function getAphrontRequestForEventDispatch() {
return $this->aphrontRequestForEventDispatch;
public function __construct(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
$this->revision = $revision;
$this->isCreate = !($revision->getID());
public static function newRevisionFromConduitWithDiff(
array $fields,
DifferentialDiff $diff,
PhabricatorUser $actor) {
$revision = DifferentialRevision::initializeNewRevision($actor);
$editor = new DifferentialRevisionEditor($revision);
$editor->addDiff($diff, null);
return $revision;
public function copyFieldsFromConduit(array $fields) {
$actor = $this->getActor();
$revision = $this->revision;
$all_fields = DifferentialFieldSelector::newSelector()
$aux_fields = array();
foreach ($all_fields as $aux_field) {
if ($aux_field->shouldAppearOnCommitMessage()) {
$aux_fields[$aux_field->getCommitMessageKey()] = $aux_field;
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
if (empty($aux_fields[$field])) {
throw new Exception(
"Parsed commit message contains unrecognized field '{$field}'.");
foreach ($aux_fields as $aux_field) {
public function setAuxiliaryFields(array $auxiliary_fields) {
assert_instances_of($auxiliary_fields, 'DifferentialFieldSpecification');
$this->auxiliaryFields = $auxiliary_fields;
return $this;
public function getRevision() {
return $this->revision;
public function setReviewers(array $reviewers) {
$this->reviewers = $reviewers;
return $this;
public function setCCPHIDs(array $cc) {
$this->cc = $cc;
return $this;
public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) {
$this->contentSource = $content_source;
return $this;
public function addDiff(DifferentialDiff $diff, $comments) {
if ($diff->getRevisionID() &&
$diff->getRevisionID() != $this->getRevision()->getID()) {
$diff_id = (int)$diff->getID();
$targ_id = (int)$this->getRevision()->getID();
$real_id = (int)$diff->getRevisionID();
throw new Exception(
"Can not attach diff #{$diff_id} to Revision D{$targ_id}, it is ".
"already attached to D{$real_id}.");
$this->diff = $diff;
$this->comments = $comments;
$repository = id(new DifferentialRepositoryLookup())
if ($repository) {
return $this;
protected function getDiff() {
return $this->diff;
protected function getComments() {
return $this->comments;
protected function getActorPHID() {
return $this->getActor()->getPHID();
public function isNewRevision() {
return !$this->getRevision()->getID();
* A silent update does not trigger Herald rules or send emails. This is used
* for auto-amends at commit time.
public function setSilentUpdate($silent) {
$this->silentUpdate = $silent;
return $this;
public function save() {
$revision = $this->getRevision();
$is_new = $this->isNewRevision();
if ($this->reviewers === null) {
$this->reviewers = $revision->getReviewers();
if ($this->cc === null) {
$this->cc = $revision->getCCPHIDs();
if ($is_new) {
$content_blocks = array();
foreach ($this->auxiliaryFields as $field) {
if ($field->shouldExtractMentions()) {
$content_blocks[] = $field->renderValueForCommitMessage(false);
$phids = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::extractPHIDsFromMentions(
$this->cc = array_unique(array_merge($this->cc, $phids));
$diff = $this->getDiff();
if ($diff) {
// Save the revision, to generate its ID and PHID if it is new. We need
// the ID/PHID in order to record them in Herald transcripts, but don't
// want to hold a transaction open while running Herald because it is
// potentially somewhat slow. The downside is that we may end up with a
// saved revision/diff pair without appropriate CCs. We could be better
// about this -- for example:
// - Herald can't affect reviewers, so we could compute them before
// opening the transaction and then save them in the transaction.
// - Herald doesn't *really* need PHIDs to compute its effects, we could
// run it before saving these objects and then hand over the PHIDs later.
// But this should address the problem of orphaned revisions, which is
// currently the only problem we experience in practice.
if ($diff) {
if ($diff) {
// We're going to build up three dictionaries: $add, $rem, and $stable. The
// $add dictionary has added reviewers/CCs. The $rem dictionary has
// reviewers/CCs who have been removed, and the $stable array is
// reviewers/CCs who haven't changed. We're going to send new reviewers/CCs
// a different ("welcome") email than we send stable reviewers/CCs.
$old = array(
'rev' => array_fill_keys($revision->getReviewers(), true),
'ccs' => array_fill_keys($revision->getCCPHIDs(), true),
$xscript_header = null;
$xscript_uri = null;
$new = array(
'rev' => array_fill_keys($this->reviewers, true),
'ccs' => array_fill_keys($this->cc, true),
$rem_ccs = array();
$xscript_phid = null;
if ($diff) {
$adapter = HeraldDifferentialRevisionAdapter::newLegacyAdapter(
$xscript = HeraldEngine::loadAndApplyRules($adapter);
$xscript_uri = '/herald/transcript/'.$xscript->getID().'/';
$xscript_phid = $xscript->getPHID();
$xscript_header = $xscript->getXHeraldRulesHeader();
$xscript_header = HeraldTranscript::saveXHeraldRulesHeader(
$sub = array(
'rev' => $adapter->getReviewersAddedByHerald(),
'ccs' => $adapter->getCCsAddedByHerald(),
$rem_ccs = $adapter->getCCsRemovedByHerald();
$blocking_reviewers = array_keys(
} else {
$sub = array(
'rev' => array(),
'ccs' => array(),
$blocking_reviewers = array();
// Remove any CCs which are prevented by Herald rules.
$sub['ccs'] = array_diff_key($sub['ccs'], $rem_ccs);
$new['ccs'] = array_diff_key($new['ccs'], $rem_ccs);
$add = array();
$rem = array();
$stable = array();
foreach (array('rev', 'ccs') as $key) {
$add[$key] = array();
if ($new[$key] !== null) {
$add[$key] += array_diff_key($new[$key], $old[$key]);
$add[$key] += array_diff_key($sub[$key], $old[$key]);
$combined = $sub[$key];
if ($new[$key] !== null) {
$combined += $new[$key];
$rem[$key] = array_diff_key($old[$key], $combined);
$stable[$key] = array_diff_key($old[$key], $add[$key] + $rem[$key]);
// Prevent Herald rules from adding a revision's owner as a reviewer.
// We want to attribute new CCs to a "reasonPHID", representing the reason
// they were added. This is either a user (if some user explicitly CCs
// them, or uses "Add CCs...") or a Herald transcript PHID, indicating that
// they were added by a Herald rule.
if ($add['ccs'] || $rem['ccs']) {
$reasons = array();
foreach ($add['ccs'] as $phid => $ignored) {
if (empty($new['ccs'][$phid])) {
$reasons[$phid] = $xscript_phid;
} else {
$reasons[$phid] = $this->getActorPHID();
foreach ($rem['ccs'] as $phid => $ignored) {
if (empty($new['ccs'][$phid])) {
$reasons[$phid] = $this->getActorPHID();
} else {
$reasons[$phid] = $xscript_phid;
} else {
$reasons = $this->getActorPHID();
// Add the author and users included from Herald rules to the relevant set
// of users so they get a copy of the email.
if (!$this->silentUpdate) {
if ($is_new) {
$add['rev'][$this->getActorPHID()] = true;
if ($diff) {
$add['rev'] += $adapter->getEmailPHIDsAddedByHerald();
} else {
$stable['rev'][$this->getActorPHID()] = true;
if ($diff) {
$stable['rev'] += $adapter->getEmailPHIDsAddedByHerald();
$mail = array();
$phids = array($this->getActorPHID());
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
$actor_handle = $handles[$this->getActorPHID()];
$changesets = null;
$old_status = $revision->getStatus();
if ($diff) {
$changesets = $diff->loadChangesets();
// TODO: This should probably be in DifferentialFeedbackEditor?
if (!$is_new) {
$mail[] = id(new DifferentialNewDiffMail(
// Save the changes we made above.
$diff->setDescription(preg_replace('/\n.*/s', '', $this->getComments()));
$this->updateAffectedPathTable($revision, $diff, $changesets);
$this->updateRevisionHashTable($revision, $diff);
// An updated diff should require review, as long as it's not closed
// or accepted. The "accepted" status is "sticky" to encourage courtesy
// re-diffs after someone accepts with minor changes/suggestions.
$status = $revision->getStatus();
if ($status != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED &&
$status != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED) {
} else {
$diff = $revision->loadActiveDiff();
if ($diff) {
$changesets = $diff->loadChangesets();
} else {
$changesets = array();
// If the actor just deleted all the blocking/rejected reviewers, we may
// be able to put the revision into "accepted".
switch ($revision->getStatus()) {
case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION:
case ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW:
$revision = self::updateAcceptedStatus(
$event_data = array(
'revision_id' => $revision->getID(),
'revision_phid' => $revision->getPHID(),
'revision_name' => $revision->getTitle(),
'revision_author_phid' => $revision->getAuthorPHID(),
'action' => $is_new
? DifferentialAction::ACTION_CREATE
: DifferentialAction::ACTION_UPDATE,
'feedback_content' => $is_new
? phutil_utf8_shorten($revision->getSummary(), 140)
: $this->getComments(),
'actor_phid' => $revision->getAuthorPHID(),
$mailed_phids = array();
if (!$this->silentUpdate) {
if ($add['rev']) {
$message = id(new DifferentialNewDiffMail(
if ($is_new) {
// The first time we send an email about a revision, put the CCs in
// the "CC:" field of the same "Review Requested" email that reviewers
// get, so you don't get two initial emails if you're on a list that
// is CC'd.
$mail[] = $message;
// If we added CCs, we want to send them an email, but only if they were
// not already a reviewer and were not added as one (in these cases, they
// got a "NewDiff" mail, either in the past or just a moment ago). You can
// still get two emails, but only if a revision is updated and you are
// added as a reviewer at the same time a list you are on is added as a
// CC, which is rare and reasonable.
$implied_ccs = self::getImpliedCCs($revision);
$implied_ccs = array_fill_keys($implied_ccs, true);
$add['ccs'] = array_diff_key($add['ccs'], $implied_ccs);
if (!$is_new && $add['ccs']) {
$mail[] = id(new DifferentialCCWelcomeMail(
foreach ($mail as $message) {
$mailed_phids[] = $message->getRawMail()->buildRecipientList();
$mailed_phids = array_mergev($mailed_phids);
id(new PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher())
id(new PhabricatorSearchIndexer())
public static function addCCAndUpdateRevision(
PhabricatorUser $actor) {
self::addCC($revision, $phid, $actor->getPHID());
$type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_OBJECT_HAS_UNSUBSCRIBER;
id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor())
->removeEdge($revision->getPHID(), $type, $phid)
public static function removeCCAndUpdateRevision(
PhabricatorUser $actor) {
self::removeCC($revision, $phid, $actor->getPHID());
$type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_OBJECT_HAS_UNSUBSCRIBER;
id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor())
->addEdge($revision->getPHID(), $type, $phid)
public static function addCC(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
$reason) {
return self::alterCCs(
$rem = array(),
$add = array($phid),
public static function removeCC(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
$reason) {
return self::alterCCs(
$rem = array($phid),
$add = array(),
protected static function alterCCs(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
array $stable_phids,
array $rem_phids,
array $add_phids,
$reason_phid) {
$dont_add = self::getImpliedCCs($revision);
$add_phids = array_diff($add_phids, $dont_add);
return self::alterRelationships(
private static function getImpliedCCs(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
return array_merge(
public static function updateReviewers(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
PhabricatorUser $actor,
array $add_phids,
array $remove_phids,
array $blocking_phids = array()) {
$reviewers = $revision->getReviewers();
$editor = id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor())
$reviewer_phids_map = array_fill_keys($reviewers, true);
$blocking_phids = array_fuse($blocking_phids);
foreach ($add_phids as $phid) {
// Adding an already existing edge again would have cause memory loss
// That is, the previous state for that reviewer would be lost
if (isset($reviewer_phids_map[$phid])) {
// TODO: If we're writing a blocking edge, we should overwrite an
// existing weaker edge (like "added" or "commented"), just not a
// stronger existing edge.
if (isset($blocking_phids[$phid])) {
$status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING;
} else {
$status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ADDED;
$options = array(
'data' => array(
'status' => $status,
foreach ($remove_phids as $phid) {
public static function updateReviewerStatus(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
PhabricatorUser $actor,
$status) {
$options = array(
'data' => array(
'status' => $status
$active_diff = $revision->loadActiveDiff();
if ($active_diff) {
$options['data']['diff'] = $active_diff->getID();
id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor())
private static function alterRelationships(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
array $stable_phids,
array $rem_phids,
array $add_phids,
$relation_type) {
$rem_map = array_fill_keys($rem_phids, true);
$add_map = array_fill_keys($add_phids, true);
$seq_map = array_values($stable_phids);
$seq_map = array_flip($seq_map);
foreach ($rem_map as $phid => $ignored) {
if (!isset($seq_map[$phid])) {
$seq_map[$phid] = count($seq_map);
foreach ($add_map as $phid => $ignored) {
if (!isset($seq_map[$phid])) {
$seq_map[$phid] = count($seq_map);
$raw = $revision->getRawRelations($relation_type);
$raw = ipull($raw, null, 'objectPHID');
$sequence = count($seq_map);
foreach ($raw as $phid => $ignored) {
if (isset($seq_map[$phid])) {
$raw[$phid]['sequence'] = $seq_map[$phid];
} else {
$raw[$phid]['sequence'] = $sequence++;
$raw = isort($raw, 'sequence');
foreach ($raw as $phid => $ignored) {
if (isset($rem_map[$phid])) {
foreach ($add_phids as $add) {
$reason = is_array($reason_phid)
? idx($reason_phid, $add)
: $reason_phid;
$raw[$add] = array(
'objectPHID' => $add,
'sequence' => idx($seq_map, $add, $sequence++),
'reasonPHID' => $reason,
$conn_w = $revision->establishConnection('w');
$sql = array();
foreach ($raw as $relation) {
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%d, %s, %s, %d, %s)',
'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d AND relation = %s',
if ($sql) {
(revisionID, relation, objectPHID, sequence, reasonPHID)
implode(', ', $sql));
private function createComment() {
- $comment = id(new DifferentialComment())
+ $template = id(new DifferentialComment())
- ->setRevision($this->revision)
- ->setContent($this->getComments())
+ ->setRevision($this->revision);
+ if ($this->contentSource) {
+ $template->setContentSource($this->contentSource);
+ }
+ // Write the "update active diff" transaction.
+ id(clone $template)
DifferentialComment::METADATA_DIFF_ID => $this->getDiff()->getID(),
- ));
+ ))
+ ->save();
- if ($this->contentSource) {
- $comment->setContentSource($this->contentSource);
+ // If we have a comment, write the "add a comment" transaction.
+ if (strlen($this->getComments())) {
+ id(clone $template)
+ ->setAction(DifferentialAction::ACTION_COMMENT)
+ ->setContent($this->getComments())
+ ->save();
- $comment->save();
private function updateAuxiliaryFields() {
$aux_map = array();
foreach ($this->auxiliaryFields as $aux_field) {
$key = $aux_field->getStorageKey();
if ($key !== null) {
$val = $aux_field->getValueForStorage();
$aux_map[$key] = $val;
if (!$aux_map) {
$revision = $this->revision;
$fields = id(new DifferentialAuxiliaryField())->loadAllWhere(
'revisionPHID = %s AND name IN (%Ls)',
$fields = mpull($fields, null, 'getName');
foreach ($aux_map as $key => $val) {
$obj = idx($fields, $key);
if (!strlen($val)) {
// If the new value is empty, just delete the old row if one exists and
// don't add a new row if it doesn't.
if ($obj) {
} else {
if (!$obj) {
$obj = new DifferentialAuxiliaryField();
if ($obj->getValue() !== $val) {
private function willWriteRevision() {
foreach ($this->auxiliaryFields as $aux_field) {
private function didWriteRevision() {
foreach ($this->auxiliaryFields as $aux_field) {
private function dispatchEvent($type) {
$event = new PhabricatorEvent(
'revision' => $this->revision,
'new' => $this->isCreate,
$request = $this->getAphrontRequestForEventDispatch();
if ($request) {
* Update the table which links Differential revisions to paths they affect,
* so Diffusion can efficiently find pending revisions for a given file.
private function updateAffectedPathTable(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
DifferentialDiff $diff,
array $changesets) {
assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset');
$project = $diff->loadArcanistProject();
if (!$project) {
// Probably an old revision from before projects.
$repository = $project->loadRepository();
if (!$repository) {
// Probably no project <-> repository link, or the repository where the
// project lives is untracked.
$path_prefix = null;
$local_root = $diff->getSourceControlPath();
if ($local_root) {
// We're in a working copy which supports subdirectory checkouts (e.g.,
// SVN) so we need to figure out what prefix we should add to each path
// (e.g., trunk/projects/example/) to get the absolute path from the
// root of the repository. DVCS systems like Git and Mercurial are not
// affected.
// Normalize both paths and check if the repository root is a prefix of
// the local root. If so, throw it away. Note that this correctly handles
// the case where the remote path is "/".
$local_root = id(new PhutilURI($local_root))->getPath();
$local_root = rtrim($local_root, '/');
$repo_root = id(new PhutilURI($repository->getRemoteURI()))->getPath();
$repo_root = rtrim($repo_root, '/');
if (!strncmp($repo_root, $local_root, strlen($repo_root))) {
$path_prefix = substr($local_root, strlen($repo_root));
$paths = array();
foreach ($changesets as $changeset) {
$paths[] = $path_prefix.'/'.$changeset->getFilename();
// Mark this as also touching all parent paths, so you can see all pending
// changes to any file within a directory.
$all_paths = array();
foreach ($paths as $local) {
foreach (DiffusionPathIDQuery::expandPathToRoot($local) as $path) {
$all_paths[$path] = true;
$all_paths = array_keys($all_paths);
$path_ids =
$table = new DifferentialAffectedPath();
$conn_w = $table->establishConnection('w');
$sql = array();
foreach ($path_ids as $path_id) {
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%d, %d, %d, %d)',
'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d',
foreach (array_chunk($sql, 256) as $chunk) {
'INSERT INTO %T (repositoryID, pathID, epoch, revisionID) VALUES %Q',
implode(', ', $chunk));
* Update the table connecting revisions to DVCS local hashes, so we can
* identify revisions by commit/tree hashes.
private function updateRevisionHashTable(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
DifferentialDiff $diff) {
$vcs = $diff->getSourceControlSystem();
if ($vcs == DifferentialRevisionControlSystem::SVN) {
// Subversion has no local commit or tree hash information, so we don't
// have to do anything.
$property = id(new DifferentialDiffProperty())->loadOneWhere(
'diffID = %d AND name = %s',
if (!$property) {
$hashes = array();
$data = $property->getData();
switch ($vcs) {
case DifferentialRevisionControlSystem::GIT:
foreach ($data as $commit) {
$hashes[] = array(
$hashes[] = array(
case DifferentialRevisionControlSystem::MERCURIAL:
foreach ($data as $commit) {
$hashes[] = array(
$conn_w = $revision->establishConnection('w');
$sql = array();
foreach ($hashes as $info) {
list($type, $hash) = $info;
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%d, %s, %s)',
'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d',
if ($sql) {
'INSERT INTO %T (revisionID, type, hash) VALUES %Q',
implode(', ', $sql));
* Try to move a revision to "accepted". We look for:
* - at least one accepting reviewer who is a user; and
* - no rejects; and
* - no blocking reviewers.
public static function updateAcceptedStatus(
PhabricatorUser $viewer,
DifferentialRevision $revision) {
$revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
$has_user_accept = false;
foreach ($revision->getReviewerStatus() as $reviewer) {
$status = $reviewer->getStatus();
if ($status == DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING) {
// We have a blocking reviewer, so just leave the revision in its
// existing state.
return $revision;
if ($status == DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_REJECTED) {
// We have a rejecting reviewer, so leave the revisoin as is.
return $revision;
if ($reviewer->isUser()) {
if ($status == DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED) {
$has_user_accept = true;
if ($has_user_accept) {
return $revision;
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialComment.php b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialComment.php
index 557cbb6508..1bc0dec2b0 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialComment.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialComment.php
@@ -1,153 +1,156 @@
final class DifferentialComment extends DifferentialDAO
implements PhabricatorMarkupInterface {
const METADATA_ADDED_REVIEWERS = 'added-reviewers';
const METADATA_REMOVED_REVIEWERS = 'removed-reviewers';
const METADATA_ADDED_CCS = 'added-ccs';
const METADATA_DIFF_ID = 'diff-id';
const MARKUP_FIELD_BODY = 'markup:body';
protected $authorPHID;
protected $revisionID;
protected $action;
protected $content = '';
protected $cache;
protected $metadata = array();
protected $contentSource;
private $arbitraryDiffForFacebook;
private $proxyComment;
public function getContent() {
return $this->getProxyComment()->getContent();
public function setContent($content) {
// NOTE: We no longer read this field, but there's no cost to continuing
// to write it in case something goes horribly wrong, since it makes it
// far easier to back out of this.
$this->content = $content;
return $this;
private function getProxyComment() {
if (!$this->proxyComment) {
$this->proxyComment = new DifferentialTransactionComment();
return $this->proxyComment;
public function setProxyComment(DifferentialTransactionComment $proxy) {
if ($this->proxyComment) {
throw new Exception(pht('You can not overwrite a proxy comment.'));
$this->proxyComment = $proxy;
return $this;
public function setRevision(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
return $this->setRevisionID($revision->getID());
public function giveFacebookSomeArbitraryDiff(DifferentialDiff $diff) {
$this->arbitraryDiffForFacebook = $diff;
return $this;
public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() {
$phids = array();
$metadata = $this->getMetadata();
$added_reviewers = idx(
if ($added_reviewers) {
foreach ($added_reviewers as $phid) {
$phids[] = $phid;
$added_ccs = idx(
if ($added_ccs) {
foreach ($added_ccs as $phid) {
$phids[] = $phid;
return $phids;
public function getConfiguration() {
return array(
'metadata' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON,
) + parent::getConfiguration();
public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) {
$this->contentSource = $content_source->serialize();
return $this;
public function getContentSource() {
return PhabricatorContentSource::newFromSerialized($this->contentSource);
public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) {
return 'DC:'.$this->getID();
public function newMarkupEngine($field) {
return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine(
'differential.diff' => $this->arbitraryDiffForFacebook,
public function getMarkupText($field) {
return $this->getContent();
public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) {
return $output;
public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) {
return (bool)$this->getID();
public function save() {
$result = parent::save();
- $content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
- PhabricatorContentSource::SOURCE_LEGACY,
- array());
- $xaction_phid = PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(
- PhabricatorApplicationTransactionPHIDTypeTransaction::TYPECONST,
- DifferentialPHIDTypeRevision::TYPECONST);
- $proxy = $this->getProxyComment();
- $proxy
- ->setAuthorPHID($this->getAuthorPHID())
- ->setViewPolicy('public')
- ->setEditPolicy($this->getAuthorPHID())
- ->setContentSource($content_source)
- ->setCommentVersion(1)
- ->setLegacyCommentID($this->getID())
- ->setTransactionPHID($xaction_phid)
- ->save();
+ if (strlen($this->getContent())) {
+ $content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
+ PhabricatorContentSource::SOURCE_LEGACY,
+ array());
+ $xaction_phid = PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(
+ PhabricatorApplicationTransactionPHIDTypeTransaction::TYPECONST,
+ DifferentialPHIDTypeRevision::TYPECONST);
+ $proxy = $this->getProxyComment();
+ $proxy
+ ->setAuthorPHID($this->getAuthorPHID())
+ ->setViewPolicy('public')
+ ->setEditPolicy($this->getAuthorPHID())
+ ->setContentSource($content_source)
+ ->setCommentVersion(1)
+ ->setLegacyCommentID($this->getID())
+ ->setTransactionPHID($xaction_phid)
+ ->save();
+ }
return $result;
File Metadata
Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 23:41 (6 w, 6 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(38 KB)
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rP Phorge
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