[Httpful](http://phphttpclient.com) is a simple Http Client library for PHP 5.3+. There is an emphasis of readability, simplicity, and flexibility – basically provide the features and flexibility to get the job done and make those features really easy to use.
A[PHPArchive](http://php.net/manual/en/book.phar.php) (or .phar) file is available for [downloading](https://github.com/nategood/httpful/downloads). Simply [download](https://github.com/nategood/httpful/downloads) the .phar, drop it into your project, and include it like you would any other php file. _This method is ideal smaller projects, one off scripts, and quick API hacking_.
HttpfulisPSR-0compliantandcanbeinstalledusing[composer](http://getcomposer.org/). Simply add `nategood/httpful` to your composer.json file. _Composer is the sane alternative to PEAR. It is excellent for managing dependancies in larger projects_.
BecauseHttpfulisPSR-0compliant,youcanalsojustclonetheHttpfulrepositoryanduseaPSR-0compatibleautoloadertoloadthelibrary,like[Symfony's](http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/class_loader.html). Alternatively you can use the PSR-0 compliant autoloader included with the Httpful (simply `require("bootstrap.php")`).
Youcancheckoutthe[HttpfulLandingPage](http://phphttpclient.com) for more info including many examples and [documentation](http:://phphttpclient.com/docs).