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final class ArcanistGitLocalState
extends ArcanistRepositoryLocalState {
private $localCommit;
private $localRef;
private $localPath;
public function getLocalRef() {
return $this->localRef;
public function getLocalPath() {
return $this->localPath;
protected function executeSaveLocalState() {
$api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
$commit = $api->getWorkingCopyRevision();
list($ref) = $api->execxLocal('rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD');
$ref = trim($ref);
if ($ref === 'HEAD') {
$ref = null;
$where = pht(
'Saving local state (at detached commit "%s").',
} else {
$where = pht(
'Saving local state (on ref "%s" at commit "%s").',
$this->localRef = $ref;
$this->localCommit = $commit;
if ($ref !== null) {
$this->localPath = $api->getPathToUpstream($ref);
$log = $this->getWorkflow()->getLogEngine();
$log->writeTrace(pht('SAVE STATE'), $where);
protected function executeRestoreLocalState() {
$api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
$log = $this->getWorkflow()->getLogEngine();
$ref = $this->localRef;
$commit = $this->localCommit;
if ($ref !== null) {
$where = pht(
'Restoring local state (to ref "%s" at commit "%s").',
} else {
$where = pht(
'Restoring local state (to detached commit "%s").',
$log->writeStatus(pht('LOAD STATE'), $where);
if ($ref !== null) {
$api->execxLocal('checkout -B %s %s --', $ref, $commit);
// TODO: We save, but do not restore, the upstream configuration of
// this branch.
} else {
$api->execxLocal('checkout %s --', $commit);
$api->execxLocal('submodule update --init --recursive');
protected function executeDiscardLocalState() {
// We don't have anything to clean up in Git.
protected function newRestoreCommandsForDisplay() {
$ref = $this->localRef;
$commit = $this->localCommit;
$commands = array();
if ($ref !== null) {
$commands[] = csprintf(
'git checkout -B %s %s --',
} else {
$commands[] = csprintf(
'git checkout %s --',
// NOTE: We run "submodule update" in the real restore workflow, but
// assume users can reasonably figure that out on their own.
return $commands;
protected function canStashChanges() {
return true;
protected function getIgnoreHints() {
return array(
'To configure Git to ignore certain files in this working copy, '.
'add the file paths to "%s".',
protected function saveStash() {
$api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
// NOTE: We'd prefer to "git stash create" here, because using "push"
// and "pop" means we're affecting the stash list as a side effect.
// However, under Git 2.21.1, "git stash create" exits with no output,
// no error, and no effect if the working copy contains only untracked
// files. For now, accept mutations to the stash list.
$api->execxLocal('stash push --include-untracked --');
$log = $this->getWorkflow()->getLogEngine();
pht('SAVE STASH'),
pht('Saved uncommitted changes from working copy.'));
return true;
protected function restoreStash($stash_ref) {
$api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
$log = $this->getWorkflow()->getLogEngine();
pht('LOAD STASH'),
pht('Restoring uncommitted changes to working copy.'));
// NOTE: Under Git 2.21.1, "git stash apply" does not accept "--".
$api->execxLocal('stash apply');
protected function discardStash($stash_ref) {
$api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
// NOTE: Under Git 2.21.1, "git stash drop" does not accept "--".
$api->execxLocal('stash drop');
private function getDisplayStashRef($stash_ref) {
return substr($stash_ref, 0, 12);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 23:25 (6 w, 6 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
ArcanistGitLocalState.php (4 KB)

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