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diff --git a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialInlineCommentMailView.php b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialInlineCommentMailView.php
index 0bc914914b..c1430320e3 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialInlineCommentMailView.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialInlineCommentMailView.php
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
final class DifferentialInlineCommentMailView
extends DifferentialMailView {
private $viewer;
private $inlines;
private $changesets;
private $authors;
public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
$this->viewer = $viewer;
return $this;
public function getViewer() {
return $this->viewer;
public function setInlines($inlines) {
$this->inlines = $inlines;
return $this;
public function getInlines() {
return $this->inlines;
public function buildMailSection() {
$inlines = $this->getInlines();
$comments = mpull($inlines, 'getComment');
$comments = mpull($comments, null, 'getPHID');
$parents = $this->loadParents($comments);
$all_comments = $comments + $parents;
$this->changesets = $this->loadChangesets($all_comments);
$this->authors = $this->loadAuthors($all_comments);
$groups = $this->groupInlines($inlines);
$hunk_parser = new DifferentialHunkParser();
$spacer_text = null;
$spacer_html = phutil_tag('br');
$section = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailSection();
$last_group_key = last_key($groups);
foreach ($groups as $changeset_id => $group) {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset($changeset_id);
if (!$changeset) {
$is_last_group = ($changeset_id == $last_group_key);
$last_inline_key = last_key($group);
foreach ($group as $inline_key => $inline) {
$comment = $inline->getComment();
$parent_phid = $comment->getReplyToCommentPHID();
$is_last_inline = ($inline_key == $last_inline_key);
$context_text = null;
$context_html = null;
if ($parent_phid) {
$parent = idx($parents, $parent_phid);
if ($parent) {
$context_text = $this->renderInline($parent, false, true);
$context_html = $this->renderInline($parent, true, true);
} else {
$patch_text = $this->getPatch($hunk_parser, $comment, false);
$context_text = $this->renderPatch($comment, $patch_text, false);
$patch_html = $this->getPatch($hunk_parser, $comment, true);
$context_html = $this->renderPatch($comment, $patch_html, true);
$render_text = $this->renderInline($comment, false, false);
$render_html = $this->renderInline($comment, true, false);
$html_fragment = $this->renderContentBox(
if (!$is_last_group || !$is_last_inline) {
return $section;
private function loadChangesets(array $comments) {
if (!$comments) {
return array();
$ids = array();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$ids[] = $comment->getChangesetID();
$changesets = id(new DifferentialChangesetQuery())
return mpull($changesets, null, 'getID');
private function loadParents(array $comments) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$phids = array();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$parent_phid = $comment->getReplyToCommentPHID();
if (!$parent_phid) {
$phids[] = $parent_phid;
if (!$phids) {
return array();
$parents = id(new DifferentialDiffInlineCommentQuery())
return mpull($parents, null, 'getPHID');
private function loadAuthors(array $comments) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$phids = array();
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$author_phid = $comment->getAuthorPHID();
if (!$author_phid) {
$phids[] = $author_phid;
if (!$phids) {
return array();
return $viewer->loadHandles($phids);
private function groupInlines(array $inlines) {
return DifferentialTransactionComment::sortAndGroupInlines(
private function renderInline(
DifferentialTransactionComment $comment,
$is_quote) {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset($comment->getChangesetID());
if (!$changeset) {
return null;
$content = $comment->getContent();
$content = $this->renderRemarkupContent($content, $is_html);
if ($is_quote) {
$header = $this->renderHeader($comment, $is_html, true);
} else {
$header = null;
if ($is_html) {
$style = array(
'margin: 8px 0;',
'padding: 0 12px;',
if ($is_quote) {
$style[] = 'color: #74777D;';
$content = phutil_tag(
'style' => implode(' ', $style),
$parts = array(
if (!$is_html) {
$parts = implode('', $parts);
$parts = trim($parts);
if ($is_quote) {
if ($is_html) {
$parts = $this->quoteHTML($parts);
} else {
$parts = $this->quoteText($parts);
return $parts;
private function renderRemarkupContent($content, $is_html) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$production_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/');
if ($is_html) {
$mode = PhutilRemarkupEngine::MODE_HTML_MAIL;
} else {
$mode = PhutilRemarkupEngine::MODE_TEXT;
$attributes = array(
'style' => 'padding: 0; margin: 8px;',
$engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array())
->setConfig('viewer', $viewer)
->setConfig('uri.base', $production_uri)
->setConfig('default.p.attributes', $attributes)
try {
return $engine->markupText($content);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return $content;
private function getChangeset($id) {
return idx($this->changesets, $id);
private function getAuthor($phid) {
if (isset($this->authors[$phid])) {
return $this->authors[$phid];
return null;
private function quoteText($block) {
$block = phutil_split_lines($block);
foreach ($block as $key => $line) {
$block[$key] = '> '.$line;
return implode('', $block);
private function quoteHTML($block) {
$styles = array(
'padding: 0;',
'background: #F7F7F7;',
'border-color: #e3e4e8;',
'border-style: solid;',
'border-width: 0 0 1px 0;',
'margin: 0;',
$styles = implode(' ', $styles);
return phutil_tag(
'style' => $styles,
private function getPatch(
DifferentialHunkParser $parser,
DifferentialTransactionComment $comment,
$is_html) {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset($comment->getChangesetID());
$is_new = $comment->getIsNewFile();
$start = $comment->getLineNumber();
$length = $comment->getLineLength();
// By default, show one line of context around the target inline.
$context = 1;
// If the inline is at least 3 lines long, don't show any extra context.
if ($length >= 2) {
$context = 0;
// If the inline is more than 7 lines long, only show the first 7 lines.
if ($length >= 6) {
$length = 6;
if (!$is_html) {
$hunks = $changeset->getHunks();
$patch = $parser->makeContextDiff(
$patch = phutil_split_lines($patch);
// Remove the "@@ -x,y +u,v @@" line.
return implode('', $patch);
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$engine = new PhabricatorMarkupEngine();
if ($is_new) {
$offset_mode = 'new';
} else {
$offset_mode = 'old';
// See PHI894. Use the parse cache since we can end up with a large
// rendering cost otherwise when users or bots leave hundreds of inline
// comments on diffs with long recipient lists.
$cache_key = $changeset->getID();
$parser = id(new DifferentialChangesetParser())
$parser->setRenderer(new DifferentialChangesetOneUpMailRenderer());
return $parser->render(
$start - $context,
- $length + 1 + (2 * $context),
+ $length + (2 * $context),
private function renderPatch(
DifferentialTransactionComment $comment,
$is_html) {
if ($is_html) {
$patch = $this->renderCodeBlock($patch);
$header = $this->renderHeader($comment, $is_html, false);
$patch = array(
if (!$is_html) {
$patch = implode('', $patch);
$patch = $this->quoteText($patch);
} else {
$patch = $this->quoteHTML($patch);
return $patch;
private function renderHeader(
DifferentialTransactionComment $comment,
$with_author) {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset($comment->getChangesetID());
$path = $changeset->getFilename();
// Only show the filename.
$path = basename($path);
$start = $comment->getLineNumber();
$length = $comment->getLineLength();
if ($length) {
$range = pht('%s-%s', $start, $start + $length);
} else {
$range = $start;
$header = "{$path}:{$range}";
if ($is_html) {
$header = $this->renderHeaderBold($header);
if ($with_author) {
$author = $this->getAuthor($comment->getAuthorPHID());
} else {
$author = null;
if ($author) {
$byline = $author->getName();
if ($is_html) {
$byline = $this->renderHeaderBold($byline);
$header = pht('%s wrote in %s', $byline, $header);
if ($is_html) {
$link_href = $this->getInlineURI($comment);
if ($link_href) {
$link_style = array(
'float: right;',
'text-decoration: none;',
$link = phutil_tag(
'style' => implode(' ', $link_style),
'href' => $link_href,
pht('View Inline'),
// See PHI920. Add a space after the link so we render this into
// the document:
// View Inline filename.txt
// Otherwise, we render "Inlinefilename.txt" and double-clicking
// the file name selects the word "Inline" as well.
' ',
} else {
$link = null;
$header = $this->renderHeaderBlock(array($link, $header));
return $header;
private function getInlineURI(DifferentialTransactionComment $comment) {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset($comment->getChangesetID());
if (!$changeset) {
return null;
$diff = $changeset->getDiff();
if (!$diff) {
return null;
$revision = $diff->getRevision();
if (!$revision) {
return null;
$link_href = '/'.$revision->getMonogram().'#inline-'.$comment->getID();
$link_href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($link_href);
return $link_href;
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php b/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php
index 596ea0e426..e214aa16a4 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/parser/DifferentialChangesetParser.php
@@ -1,1483 +1,1490 @@
final class DifferentialChangesetParser extends Phobject {
const HIGHLIGHT_BYTE_LIMIT = 262144;
protected $visible = array();
protected $new = array();
protected $old = array();
protected $intra = array();
protected $newRender = null;
protected $oldRender = null;
protected $filename = null;
protected $hunkStartLines = array();
protected $comments = array();
protected $specialAttributes = array();
protected $changeset;
protected $whitespaceMode = null;
protected $renderCacheKey = null;
private $handles = array();
private $user;
private $leftSideChangesetID;
private $leftSideAttachesToNewFile;
private $rightSideChangesetID;
private $rightSideAttachesToNewFile;
private $originalLeft;
private $originalRight;
private $renderingReference;
private $isSubparser;
private $isTopLevel;
private $coverage;
private $markupEngine;
private $highlightErrors;
private $disableCache;
private $renderer;
private $characterEncoding;
private $highlightAs;
private $highlightingDisabled;
private $showEditAndReplyLinks = true;
private $canMarkDone;
private $objectOwnerPHID;
private $offsetMode;
private $rangeStart;
private $rangeEnd;
private $mask;
private $linesOfContext = 8;
private $highlightEngine;
public function setRange($start, $end) {
$this->rangeStart = $start;
$this->rangeEnd = $end;
return $this;
public function setMask(array $mask) {
$this->mask = $mask;
return $this;
public function renderChangeset() {
return $this->render($this->rangeStart, $this->rangeEnd, $this->mask);
public function setShowEditAndReplyLinks($bool) {
$this->showEditAndReplyLinks = $bool;
return $this;
public function getShowEditAndReplyLinks() {
return $this->showEditAndReplyLinks;
public function setHighlightAs($highlight_as) {
$this->highlightAs = $highlight_as;
return $this;
public function getHighlightAs() {
return $this->highlightAs;
public function setCharacterEncoding($character_encoding) {
$this->characterEncoding = $character_encoding;
return $this;
public function getCharacterEncoding() {
return $this->characterEncoding;
public function setRenderer(DifferentialChangesetRenderer $renderer) {
$this->renderer = $renderer;
return $this;
public function getRenderer() {
if (!$this->renderer) {
return new DifferentialChangesetTwoUpRenderer();
return $this->renderer;
public function setDisableCache($disable_cache) {
$this->disableCache = $disable_cache;
return $this;
public function getDisableCache() {
return $this->disableCache;
public function setCanMarkDone($can_mark_done) {
$this->canMarkDone = $can_mark_done;
return $this;
public function getCanMarkDone() {
return $this->canMarkDone;
public function setObjectOwnerPHID($phid) {
$this->objectOwnerPHID = $phid;
return $this;
public function getObjectOwnerPHID() {
return $this->objectOwnerPHID;
public function setOffsetMode($offset_mode) {
$this->offsetMode = $offset_mode;
return $this;
public function getOffsetMode() {
return $this->offsetMode;
public static function getDefaultRendererForViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
$is_unified = $viewer->compareUserSetting(
if ($is_unified) {
return '1up';
return null;
public function readParametersFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$renderer = null;
// If the viewer prefers unified diffs, always set the renderer to unified.
// Otherwise, we leave it unspecified and the client will choose a
// renderer based on the screen size.
if ($request->getStr('renderer')) {
$renderer = $request->getStr('renderer');
} else {
$renderer = self::getDefaultRendererForViewer($request->getViewer());
switch ($renderer) {
case '1up':
$this->setRenderer(new DifferentialChangesetOneUpRenderer());
$this->setRenderer(new DifferentialChangesetTwoUpRenderer());
return $this;
const CACHE_VERSION = 11;
const CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 8e6;
const ATTR_GENERATED = 'attr:generated';
const ATTR_DELETED = 'attr:deleted';
const ATTR_UNCHANGED = 'attr:unchanged';
const ATTR_WHITELINES = 'attr:white';
const ATTR_MOVEAWAY = 'attr:moveaway';
const WHITESPACE_SHOW_ALL = 'show-all';
const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_TRAILING = 'ignore-trailing';
const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_MOST = 'ignore-most';
const WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL = 'ignore-all';
public function setOldLines(array $lines) {
$this->old = $lines;
return $this;
public function setNewLines(array $lines) {
$this->new = $lines;
return $this;
public function setSpecialAttributes(array $attributes) {
$this->specialAttributes = $attributes;
return $this;
public function setIntraLineDiffs(array $diffs) {
$this->intra = $diffs;
return $this;
public function setVisibileLinesMask(array $mask) {
$this->visible = $mask;
return $this;
public function setLinesOfContext($lines_of_context) {
$this->linesOfContext = $lines_of_context;
return $this;
public function getLinesOfContext() {
return $this->linesOfContext;
* Configure which Changeset comments added to the right side of the visible
* diff will be attached to. The ID must be the ID of a real Differential
* Changeset.
* The complexity here is that we may show an arbitrary side of an arbitrary
* changeset as either the left or right part of a diff. This method allows
* the left and right halves of the displayed diff to be correctly mapped to
* storage changesets.
* @param id The Differential Changeset ID that comments added to the right
* side of the visible diff should be attached to.
* @param bool If true, attach new comments to the right side of the storage
* changeset. Note that this may be false, if the left side of
* some storage changeset is being shown as the right side of
* a display diff.
* @return this
public function setRightSideCommentMapping($id, $is_new) {
$this->rightSideChangesetID = $id;
$this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile = $is_new;
return $this;
* See setRightSideCommentMapping(), but this sets information for the left
* side of the display diff.
public function setLeftSideCommentMapping($id, $is_new) {
$this->leftSideChangesetID = $id;
$this->leftSideAttachesToNewFile = $is_new;
return $this;
public function setOriginals(
DifferentialChangeset $left,
DifferentialChangeset $right) {
$this->originalLeft = $left;
$this->originalRight = $right;
return $this;
public function diffOriginals() {
$engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine();
$changeset = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent(
implode('', mpull($this->originalLeft->getHunks(), 'getChanges')),
implode('', mpull($this->originalRight->getHunks(), 'getChanges')));
$parser = new DifferentialHunkParser();
return $parser->parseHunksForHighlightMasks(
* Set a key for identifying this changeset in the render cache. If set, the
* parser will attempt to use the changeset render cache, which can improve
* performance for frequently-viewed changesets.
* By default, there is no render cache key and parsers do not use the cache.
* This is appropriate for rarely-viewed changesets.
* NOTE: Currently, this key must be a valid Differential Changeset ID.
* @param string Key for identifying this changeset in the render cache.
* @return this
public function setRenderCacheKey($key) {
$this->renderCacheKey = $key;
return $this;
private function getRenderCacheKey() {
return $this->renderCacheKey;
public function setChangeset(DifferentialChangeset $changeset) {
$this->changeset = $changeset;
return $this;
public function setWhitespaceMode($whitespace_mode) {
$this->whitespaceMode = $whitespace_mode;
return $this;
public function setRenderingReference($ref) {
$this->renderingReference = $ref;
return $this;
private function getRenderingReference() {
return $this->renderingReference;
public function getChangeset() {
return $this->changeset;
public function setFilename($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
return $this;
public function setHandles(array $handles) {
assert_instances_of($handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle');
$this->handles = $handles;
return $this;
public function setMarkupEngine(PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine) {
$this->markupEngine = $engine;
return $this;
public function setUser(PhabricatorUser $user) {
$this->user = $user;
return $this;
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
public function setCoverage($coverage) {
$this->coverage = $coverage;
return $this;
private function getCoverage() {
return $this->coverage;
public function parseInlineComment(
PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) {
// Parse only comments which are actually visible.
if ($this->isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff($comment)) {
$this->comments[] = $comment;
return $this;
private function loadCache() {
$render_cache_key = $this->getRenderCacheKey();
if (!$render_cache_key) {
return false;
$data = null;
$changeset = new DifferentialChangeset();
$conn_r = $changeset->establishConnection('r');
$data = queryfx_one(
'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE id = %d',
if (!$data) {
return false;
if ($data['cache'][0] == '{') {
// This is likely an old-style JSON cache which we will not be able to
// deserialize.
return false;
$data = unserialize($data['cache']);
if (!is_array($data) || !$data) {
return false;
foreach (self::getCacheableProperties() as $cache_key) {
if (!array_key_exists($cache_key, $data)) {
// If we're missing a cache key, assume we're looking at an old cache
// and ignore it.
return false;
if ($data['cacheVersion'] !== self::CACHE_VERSION) {
return false;
// Someone displays contents of a partially cached shielded file.
if (!isset($data['newRender']) && (!$this->isTopLevel || $this->comments)) {
return false;
unset($data['cacheVersion'], $data['cacheHost']);
$cache_prop = array_select_keys($data, self::getCacheableProperties());
foreach ($cache_prop as $cache_key => $v) {
$this->$cache_key = $v;
return true;
protected static function getCacheableProperties() {
return array(
public function saveCache() {
if (PhabricatorEnv::isReadOnly()) {
return false;
if ($this->highlightErrors) {
return false;
$render_cache_key = $this->getRenderCacheKey();
if (!$render_cache_key) {
return false;
$cache = array();
foreach (self::getCacheableProperties() as $cache_key) {
switch ($cache_key) {
case 'cacheVersion':
$cache[$cache_key] = self::CACHE_VERSION;
case 'cacheHost':
$cache[$cache_key] = php_uname('n');
$cache[$cache_key] = $this->$cache_key;
$cache = serialize($cache);
// We don't want to waste too much space by a single changeset.
if (strlen($cache) > self::CACHE_MAX_SIZE) {
$changeset = new DifferentialChangeset();
$conn_w = $changeset->establishConnection('w');
$unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
try {
'INSERT INTO %T (id, cache, dateCreated) VALUES (%d, %B, %d)
} catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) {
// Ignore these exceptions. A common cause is that the cache is
// larger than 'max_allowed_packet', in which case we're better off
// not writing it.
// TODO: It would be nice to tailor this more narrowly.
private function markGenerated($new_corpus_block = '') {
$generated_guess = (strpos($new_corpus_block, '@'.'generated') !== false);
if (!$generated_guess) {
$generated_path_regexps = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig(
foreach ($generated_path_regexps as $regexp) {
if (preg_match($regexp, $this->changeset->getFilename())) {
$generated_guess = true;
$event = new PhabricatorEvent(
'corpus' => $new_corpus_block,
'is_generated' => $generated_guess,
$generated = $event->getValue('is_generated');
$attribute = $this->changeset->isGeneratedChangeset();
if ($attribute) {
$generated = true;
$this->specialAttributes[self::ATTR_GENERATED] = $generated;
public function isGenerated() {
return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_GENERATED, false);
public function isDeleted() {
return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_DELETED, false);
public function isUnchanged() {
return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_UNCHANGED, false);
public function isWhitespaceOnly() {
return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_WHITELINES, false);
public function isMoveAway() {
return idx($this->specialAttributes, self::ATTR_MOVEAWAY, false);
private function applyIntraline(&$render, $intra, $corpus) {
foreach ($render as $key => $text) {
if (isset($intra[$key])) {
$render[$key] = ArcanistDiffUtils::applyIntralineDiff(
private function getHighlightFuture($corpus) {
$language = $this->highlightAs;
if (!$language) {
$language = $this->highlightEngine->getLanguageFromFilename(
if (($language != 'txt') &&
(strlen($corpus) > self::HIGHLIGHT_BYTE_LIMIT)) {
$this->highlightingDisabled = true;
$language = 'txt';
return $this->highlightEngine->getHighlightFuture(
protected function processHighlightedSource($data, $result) {
$result_lines = phutil_split_lines($result);
foreach ($data as $key => $info) {
if (!$info) {
return $result_lines;
private function tryCacheStuff() {
$whitespace_mode = $this->whitespaceMode;
switch ($whitespace_mode) {
$whitespace_mode = self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_MOST;
$skip_cache = ($whitespace_mode != self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_MOST);
if ($this->disableCache) {
$skip_cache = true;
if ($this->characterEncoding) {
$skip_cache = true;
if ($this->highlightAs) {
$skip_cache = true;
$this->whitespaceMode = $whitespace_mode;
$changeset = $this->changeset;
if ($changeset->getFileType() != DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT &&
$changeset->getFileType() != DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) {
} else {
if ($skip_cache || !$this->loadCache()) {
if (!$skip_cache) {
private function process() {
$whitespace_mode = $this->whitespaceMode;
$changeset = $this->changeset;
$ignore_all = (($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_MOST) ||
($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL));
$force_ignore = ($whitespace_mode == self::WHITESPACE_IGNORE_ALL);
if (!$force_ignore) {
if ($ignore_all && $changeset->getWhitespaceMatters()) {
$ignore_all = false;
// The "ignore all whitespace" algorithm depends on rediffing the
// files, and we currently need complete representations of both
// files to do anything reasonable. If we only have parts of the files,
// don't use the "ignore all" algorithm.
if ($ignore_all) {
$hunks = $changeset->getHunks();
if (count($hunks) !== 1) {
$ignore_all = false;
} else {
$first_hunk = reset($hunks);
if ($first_hunk->getOldOffset() != 1 ||
$first_hunk->getNewOffset() != 1) {
$ignore_all = false;
if ($ignore_all) {
$old_file = $changeset->makeOldFile();
$new_file = $changeset->makeNewFile();
if ($old_file == $new_file) {
// If the old and new files are exactly identical, the synthetic
// diff below will give us nonsense and whitespace modes are
// irrelevant anyway. This occurs when you, e.g., copy a file onto
// itself in Subversion (see T271).
$ignore_all = false;
$hunk_parser = new DifferentialHunkParser();
// Depending on the whitespace mode, we may need to compute a different
// set of changes than the set of changes in the hunk data (specifically,
// we might want to consider changed lines which have only whitespace
// changes as unchanged).
if ($ignore_all) {
$engine = new PhabricatorDifferenceEngine();
$no_whitespace_changeset = $engine->generateChangesetFromFileContent(
$type_parser = new DifferentialHunkParser();
$unchanged = false;
if (!$hunk_parser->getHasAnyChanges()) {
$filetype = $this->changeset->getFileType();
if ($filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_TEXT ||
$filetype == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK) {
$unchanged = true;
$moveaway = false;
$changetype = $this->changeset->getChangeType();
if ($changetype == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY) {
$moveaway = true;
self::ATTR_UNCHANGED => $unchanged,
self::ATTR_DELETED => $hunk_parser->getIsDeleted(),
self::ATTR_WHITELINES => !$hunk_parser->getHasTextChanges(),
self::ATTR_MOVEAWAY => $moveaway,
$lines_context = $this->getLinesOfContext();
$this->hunkStartLines = $hunk_parser->getHunkStartLines(
$new_corpus = $hunk_parser->getNewCorpus();
$new_corpus_block = implode('', $new_corpus);
if ($this->isTopLevel &&
!$this->comments &&
($this->isGenerated() ||
$this->isUnchanged() ||
$this->isDeleted())) {
$old_corpus = $hunk_parser->getOldCorpus();
$old_corpus_block = implode('', $old_corpus);
$old_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($old_corpus_block);
$new_future = $this->getHighlightFuture($new_corpus_block);
$futures = array(
'old' => $old_future,
'new' => $new_future,
$corpus_blocks = array(
'old' => $old_corpus_block,
'new' => $new_corpus_block,
$this->highlightErrors = false;
foreach (new FutureIterator($futures) as $key => $future) {
try {
try {
$highlighted = $future->resolve();
} catch (PhutilSyntaxHighlighterException $ex) {
$this->highlightErrors = true;
$highlighted = id(new PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighter())
switch ($key) {
case 'old':
$this->oldRender = $this->processHighlightedSource(
case 'new':
$this->newRender = $this->processHighlightedSource(
} catch (Exception $ex) {
throw $ex;
ipull($this->intra, 0),
ipull($this->intra, 1),
private function shouldRenderPropertyChangeHeader($changeset) {
if (!$this->isTopLevel) {
// We render properties only at top level; otherwise we get multiple
// copies of them when a user clicks "Show More".
return false;
return true;
public function render(
$range_start = null,
$range_len = null,
$mask_force = array()) {
// "Top level" renders are initial requests for the whole file, versus
// requests for a specific range generated by clicking "show more". We
// generate property changes and "shield" UI elements only for toplevel
// requests.
$this->isTopLevel = (($range_start === null) && ($range_len === null));
$this->highlightEngine = PhabricatorSyntaxHighlighter::newEngine();
$encoding = null;
if ($this->characterEncoding) {
// We are forcing this changeset to be interpreted with a specific
// character encoding, so force all the hunks into that encoding and
// propagate it to the renderer.
$encoding = $this->characterEncoding;
foreach ($this->changeset->getHunks() as $hunk) {
} else {
// We're just using the default, so tell the renderer what that is
// (by reading the encoding from the first hunk).
foreach ($this->changeset->getHunks() as $hunk) {
$encoding = $hunk->getDataEncoding();
// If we're rendering in an offset mode, treat the range numbers as line
// numbers instead of rendering offsets.
$offset_mode = $this->getOffsetMode();
if ($offset_mode) {
if ($offset_mode == 'new') {
$offset_map = $this->new;
} else {
$offset_map = $this->old;
+ // NOTE: Inline comments use zero-based lengths. For example, a comment
+ // that starts and ends on line 123 has length 0. Rendering considers
+ // this range to have length 1. Probably both should agree, but that
+ // ship likely sailed long ago. Tweak things here to get the two systems
+ // to agree. See PHI985, where this affected mail rendering of inline
+ // comments left on the final line of a file.
$range_end = $this->getOffset($offset_map, $range_start + $range_len);
$range_start = $this->getOffset($offset_map, $range_start);
- $range_len = ($range_end - $range_start);
+ $range_len = ($range_end - $range_start) + 1;
$render_pch = $this->shouldRenderPropertyChangeHeader($this->changeset);
$rows = max(
$renderer = $this->getRenderer()
$shield = null;
if ($this->isTopLevel && !$this->comments) {
if ($this->isGenerated()) {
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
'This file contains generated code, which does not normally '.
'need to be reviewed.'));
} else if ($this->isMoveAway()) {
// We put an empty shield on these files. Normally, they do not have
// any diff content anyway. However, if they come through `arc`, they
// may have content. We don't want to show it (it's not useful) and
// we bailed out of fully processing it earlier anyway.
// We could show a message like "this file was moved", but we show
// that as a change header anyway, so it would be redundant. Instead,
// just render an empty shield to skip rendering the diff body.
$shield = '';
} else if ($this->isUnchanged()) {
$type = 'text';
if (!$rows) {
// NOTE: Normally, diffs which don't change files do not include
// file content (for example, if you "chmod +x" a file and then
// run "git show", the file content is not available). Similarly,
// if you move a file from A to B without changing it, diffs normally
// do not show the file content. In some cases `arc` is able to
// synthetically generate content for these diffs, but for raw diffs
// we'll never have it so we need to be prepared to not render a link.
$type = 'none';
$type_add = DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_ADD;
if ($this->changeset->getChangeType() == $type_add) {
// Although the generic message is sort of accurate in a technical
// sense, this more-tailored message is less confusing.
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
pht('This is an empty file.'),
} else {
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
pht('The contents of this file were not changed.'),
} else if ($this->isWhitespaceOnly()) {
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
pht('This file was changed only by adding or removing whitespace.'),
} else if ($this->isDeleted()) {
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
pht('This file was completely deleted.'));
} else if ($this->changeset->getAffectedLineCount() > 2500) {
$shield = $renderer->renderShield(
'This file has a very large number of changes (%s lines).',
new PhutilNumber($this->changeset->getAffectedLineCount())));
if ($shield !== null) {
return $renderer->renderChangesetTable($shield);
// This request should render the "undershield" headers if it's a top-level
// request which made it this far (indicating the changeset has no shield)
// or it's a request with no mask information (indicating it's the request
// that removes the rendering shield). Possibly, this second class of
// request might need to be made more explicit.
$is_undershield = (empty($mask_force) || $this->isTopLevel);
$old_comments = array();
$new_comments = array();
$old_mask = array();
$new_mask = array();
$feedback_mask = array();
$lines_context = $this->getLinesOfContext();
if ($this->comments) {
// If there are any comments which appear in sections of the file which
// we don't have, we're going to move them backwards to the closest
// earlier line. Two cases where this may happen are:
// - Porting ghost comments forward into a file which was mostly
// deleted.
// - Porting ghost comments forward from a full-context diff to a
// partial-context diff.
list($old_backmap, $new_backmap) = $this->buildLineBackmaps();
foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
$new_side = $this->isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed($comment);
$line = $comment->getLineNumber();
if ($new_side) {
$back_line = $new_backmap[$line];
} else {
$back_line = $old_backmap[$line];
if ($back_line != $line) {
// TODO: This should probably be cleaner, but just be simple and
// obvious for now.
$ghost = $comment->getIsGhost();
if ($ghost) {
$moved = pht(
'This comment originally appeared on line %s, but that line '.
'does not exist in this version of the diff. It has been '.
'moved backward to the nearest line.',
new PhutilNumber($line));
$ghost['reason'] = $ghost['reason']."\n\n".$moved;
$start = max($comment->getLineNumber() - $lines_context, 0);
$end = $comment->getLineNumber() +
$comment->getLineLength() +
for ($ii = $start; $ii <= $end; $ii++) {
if ($new_side) {
$new_mask[$ii] = true;
} else {
$old_mask[$ii] = true;
foreach ($this->old as $ii => $old) {
if (isset($old['line']) && isset($old_mask[$old['line']])) {
$feedback_mask[$ii] = true;
foreach ($this->new as $ii => $new) {
if (isset($new['line']) && isset($new_mask[$new['line']])) {
$feedback_mask[$ii] = true;
$this->comments = id(new PHUIDiffInlineThreader())
foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
$final = $comment->getLineNumber() +
$final = max(1, $final);
if ($this->isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed($comment)) {
$new_comments[$final][] = $comment;
} else {
$old_comments[$final][] = $comment;
switch ($this->changeset->getFileType()) {
case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_IMAGE:
$old = null;
$new = null;
// TODO: Improve the architectural issue as discussed in D955
$reference = $this->getRenderingReference();
$parts = explode('/', $reference);
if (count($parts) == 2) {
list($id, $vs) = $parts;
} else {
$id = $parts[0];
$vs = 0;
$id = (int)$id;
$vs = (int)$vs;
if (!$vs) {
$metadata = $this->changeset->getMetadata();
$data = idx($metadata, 'attachment-data');
$old_phid = idx($metadata, 'old:binary-phid');
$new_phid = idx($metadata, 'new:binary-phid');
} else {
$vs_changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($vs);
$old_phid = null;
$new_phid = null;
// TODO: This is spooky, see D6851
if ($vs_changeset) {
$vs_metadata = $vs_changeset->getMetadata();
$old_phid = idx($vs_metadata, 'new:binary-phid');
$changeset = id(new DifferentialChangeset())->load($id);
if ($changeset) {
$metadata = $changeset->getMetadata();
$new_phid = idx($metadata, 'new:binary-phid');
if ($old_phid || $new_phid) {
// grab the files, (micro) optimization for 1 query not 2
$file_phids = array();
if ($old_phid) {
$file_phids[] = $old_phid;
if ($new_phid) {
$file_phids[] = $new_phid;
$files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (empty($file)) {
if ($file->getPHID() == $old_phid) {
$old = $file;
} else if ($file->getPHID() == $new_phid) {
$new = $file;
return $renderer->renderFileChange($old, $new, $id, $vs);
case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY:
case DifferentialChangeType::FILE_BINARY:
$output = $renderer->renderChangesetTable(null);
return $output;
if ($this->originalLeft && $this->originalRight) {
list($highlight_old, $highlight_new) = $this->diffOriginals();
$highlight_old = array_flip($highlight_old);
$highlight_new = array_flip($highlight_new);
if ($range_start === null) {
$range_start = 0;
if ($range_len === null) {
$range_len = $rows;
$range_len = min($range_len, $rows - $range_start);
list($gaps, $mask, $depths) = $this->calculateGapsMaskAndDepths(
$html = $renderer->renderTextChange(
return $renderer->renderChangesetTable($html);
* This function calculates a lot of stuff we need to know to display
* the diff:
* Gaps - compute gaps in the visible display diff, where we will render
* "Show more context" spacers. If a gap is smaller than the context size,
* we just display it. Otherwise, we record it into $gaps and will render a
* "show more context" element instead of diff text below. A given $gap
* is a tuple of $gap_line_number_start and $gap_length.
* Mask - compute the actual lines that need to be shown (because they
* are near changes lines, near inline comments, or the request has
* explicitly asked for them, i.e. resulting from the user clicking
* "show more"). The $mask returned is a sparsely populated dictionary
* of $visible_line_number => true.
* Depths - compute how indented any given line is. The $depths returned
* is a sparsely populated dictionary of $visible_line_number => $depth.
* This function also has the side effect of modifying member variable
* new such that tabs are normalized to spaces for each line of the diff.
* @return array($gaps, $mask, $depths)
private function calculateGapsMaskAndDepths(
$range_len) {
$lines_context = $this->getLinesOfContext();
// Calculate gaps and mask first
$gaps = array();
$gap_start = 0;
$in_gap = false;
$base_mask = $this->visible + $mask_force + $feedback_mask;
$base_mask[$range_start + $range_len] = true;
for ($ii = $range_start; $ii <= $range_start + $range_len; $ii++) {
if (isset($base_mask[$ii])) {
if ($in_gap) {
$gap_length = $ii - $gap_start;
if ($gap_length <= $lines_context) {
for ($jj = $gap_start; $jj <= $gap_start + $gap_length; $jj++) {
$base_mask[$jj] = true;
} else {
$gaps[] = array($gap_start, $gap_length);
$in_gap = false;
} else {
if (!$in_gap) {
$gap_start = $ii;
$in_gap = true;
$gaps = array_reverse($gaps);
$mask = $base_mask;
// Time to calculate depth.
// We need to go backwards to properly indent whitespace in this code:
// 0: class C {
// 1:
// 1: function f() {
// 2:
// 2: return;
// 1:
// 1: }
// 0:
// 0: }
$depths = array();
$last_depth = 0;
$range_end = $range_start + $range_len;
if (!isset($this->new[$range_end])) {
for ($ii = $range_end; $ii >= $range_start; $ii--) {
// We need to expand tabs to process mixed indenting and to round
// correctly later.
$line = str_replace("\t", ' ', $this->new[$ii]['text']);
$trimmed = ltrim($line);
if ($trimmed != '') {
// We round down to flatten "/**" and " *".
$last_depth = floor((strlen($line) - strlen($trimmed)) / 2);
$depths[$ii] = $last_depth;
return array($gaps, $mask, $depths);
* Determine if an inline comment will appear on the rendered diff,
* taking into consideration which halves of which changesets will actually
* be shown.
* @param PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface Comment to test for visibility.
* @return bool True if the comment is visible on the rendered diff.
private function isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff(
PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) {
$changeset_id = $comment->getChangesetID();
$is_new = $comment->getIsNewFile();
if ($changeset_id == $this->rightSideChangesetID &&
$is_new == $this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile) {
return true;
if ($changeset_id == $this->leftSideChangesetID &&
$is_new == $this->leftSideAttachesToNewFile) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine if a comment will appear on the right side of the display diff.
* Note that the comment must appear somewhere on the rendered changeset, as
* per isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff().
* @param PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface Comment to test for display
* location.
* @return bool True for right, false for left.
private function isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed(
PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) {
if (!$this->isCommentVisibleOnRenderedDiff($comment)) {
throw new Exception(pht('Comment is not visible on changeset!'));
$changeset_id = $comment->getChangesetID();
$is_new = $comment->getIsNewFile();
if ($changeset_id == $this->rightSideChangesetID &&
$is_new == $this->rightSideAttachesToNewFile) {
return true;
return false;
* Parse the 'range' specification that this class and the client-side JS
* emit to indicate that a user clicked "Show more..." on a diff. Generally,
* use is something like this:
* $spec = $request->getStr('range');
* $parsed = DifferentialChangesetParser::parseRangeSpecification($spec);
* list($start, $end, $mask) = $parsed;
* $parser->render($start, $end, $mask);
* @param string Range specification, indicating the range of the diff that
* should be rendered.
* @return tuple List of <start, end, mask> suitable for passing to
* @{method:render}.
public static function parseRangeSpecification($spec) {
$range_s = null;
$range_e = null;
$mask = array();
if ($spec) {
$match = null;
if (preg_match('@^(\d+)-(\d+)(?:/(\d+)-(\d+))?$@', $spec, $match)) {
$range_s = (int)$match[1];
$range_e = (int)$match[2];
if (count($match) > 3) {
$start = (int)$match[3];
$len = (int)$match[4];
for ($ii = $start; $ii < $start + $len; $ii++) {
$mask[$ii] = true;
return array($range_s, $range_e, $mask);
* Render "modified coverage" information; test coverage on modified lines.
* This synthesizes diff information with unit test information into a useful
* indicator of how well tested a change is.
public function renderModifiedCoverage() {
$na = phutil_tag('em', array(), '-');
$coverage = $this->getCoverage();
if (!$coverage) {
return $na;
$covered = 0;
$not_covered = 0;
foreach ($this->new as $k => $new) {
if (!$new['line']) {
if (!$new['type']) {
if (empty($coverage[$new['line'] - 1])) {
switch ($coverage[$new['line'] - 1]) {
case 'C':
case 'U':
if (!$covered && !$not_covered) {
return $na;
return sprintf('%d%%', 100 * ($covered / ($covered + $not_covered)));
* Build maps from lines comments appear on to actual lines.
private function buildLineBackmaps() {
$old_back = array();
$new_back = array();
foreach ($this->old as $ii => $old) {
$old_back[$old['line']] = $old['line'];
foreach ($this->new as $ii => $new) {
$new_back[$new['line']] = $new['line'];
$max_old_line = 0;
$max_new_line = 0;
foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
if ($this->isCommentOnRightSideWhenDisplayed($comment)) {
$max_new_line = max($max_new_line, $comment->getLineNumber());
} else {
$max_old_line = max($max_old_line, $comment->getLineNumber());
$cursor = 1;
for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $max_old_line; $ii++) {
if (empty($old_back[$ii])) {
$old_back[$ii] = $cursor;
} else {
$cursor = $old_back[$ii];
$cursor = 1;
for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $max_new_line; $ii++) {
if (empty($new_back[$ii])) {
$new_back[$ii] = $cursor;
} else {
$cursor = $new_back[$ii];
return array($old_back, $new_back);
private function getOffset(array $map, $line) {
if (!$map) {
return null;
$line = (int)$line;
foreach ($map as $key => $spec) {
if ($spec && isset($spec['line'])) {
if ((int)$spec['line'] >= $line) {
return $key;
return $key;
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher.php b/src/applications/feed/PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher.php
index 47dde8c98a..70d9a2f61c 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher.php
+++ b/src/applications/feed/PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher.php
@@ -1,341 +1,341 @@
final class PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher extends Phobject {
private $relatedPHIDs;
private $storyType;
private $storyData;
private $storyTime;
private $storyAuthorPHID;
private $primaryObjectPHID;
private $subscribedPHIDs = array();
private $mailRecipientPHIDs = array();
private $notifyAuthor;
private $mailTags = array();
private $unexpandablePHIDs = array();
public function setMailTags(array $mail_tags) {
$this->mailTags = $mail_tags;
return $this;
public function getMailTags() {
return $this->mailTags;
public function setNotifyAuthor($notify_author) {
$this->notifyAuthor = $notify_author;
return $this;
public function getNotifyAuthor() {
return $this->notifyAuthor;
public function setRelatedPHIDs(array $phids) {
$this->relatedPHIDs = $phids;
return $this;
public function setSubscribedPHIDs(array $phids) {
$this->subscribedPHIDs = $phids;
return $this;
public function setPrimaryObjectPHID($phid) {
$this->primaryObjectPHID = $phid;
return $this;
public function setUnexpandablePHIDs(array $unexpandable_phids) {
$this->unexpandablePHIDs = $unexpandable_phids;
return $this;
public function getUnexpandablePHIDs() {
return $this->unexpandablePHIDs;
public function setStoryType($story_type) {
$this->storyType = $story_type;
return $this;
public function setStoryData(array $data) {
$this->storyData = $data;
return $this;
public function setStoryTime($time) {
$this->storyTime = $time;
return $this;
public function setStoryAuthorPHID($phid) {
$this->storyAuthorPHID = $phid;
return $this;
public function setMailRecipientPHIDs(array $phids) {
$this->mailRecipientPHIDs = $phids;
return $this;
public function publish() {
$class = $this->storyType;
if (!$class) {
throw new Exception(
'Call %s before publishing!',
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new Exception(
"Story type must be a valid class name and must subclass %s. ".
"'%s' is not a loadable class.",
if (!is_subclass_of($class, 'PhabricatorFeedStory')) {
throw new Exception(
"Story type must be a valid class name and must subclass %s. ".
"'%s' is not a subclass of %s.",
$chrono_key = $this->generateChronologicalKey();
$story = new PhabricatorFeedStoryData();
if ($this->relatedPHIDs) {
$ref = new PhabricatorFeedStoryReference();
$sql = array();
$conn = $ref->establishConnection('w');
foreach (array_unique($this->relatedPHIDs) as $phid) {
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%s, %s)',
- 'INSERT INTO %T (objectPHID, chronologicalKey) VALUES %Q',
+ 'INSERT INTO %T (objectPHID, chronologicalKey) VALUES %LQ',
- implode(', ', $sql));
+ $sql);
$subscribed_phids = $this->subscribedPHIDs;
if ($subscribed_phids) {
$subscribed_phids = $this->filterSubscribedPHIDs($subscribed_phids);
$this->insertNotifications($chrono_key, $subscribed_phids);
$this->sendNotification($chrono_key, $subscribed_phids);
'key' => $chrono_key,
return $story;
private function insertNotifications($chrono_key, array $subscribed_phids) {
if (!$this->primaryObjectPHID) {
throw new Exception(
'You must call %s if you %s!',
$notif = new PhabricatorFeedStoryNotification();
$sql = array();
$conn = $notif->establishConnection('w');
$will_receive_mail = array_fill_keys($this->mailRecipientPHIDs, true);
$user_phids = array_unique($subscribed_phids);
foreach ($user_phids as $user_phid) {
if (isset($will_receive_mail[$user_phid])) {
$mark_read = 1;
} else {
$mark_read = 0;
$sql[] = qsprintf(
'(%s, %s, %s, %d)',
if ($sql) {
'(primaryObjectPHID, userPHID, chronologicalKey, hasViewed) '.
- 'VALUES %Q',
- implode(', ', $sql));
+ $sql);
private function sendNotification($chrono_key, array $subscribed_phids) {
$data = array(
'key' => (string)$chrono_key,
'type' => 'notification',
'subscribers' => $subscribed_phids,
* Remove PHIDs who should not receive notifications from a subscriber list.
* @param list<phid> List of potential subscribers.
* @return list<phid> List of actual subscribers.
private function filterSubscribedPHIDs(array $phids) {
$phids = $this->expandRecipients($phids);
$tags = $this->getMailTags();
if ($tags) {
$all_prefs = id(new PhabricatorUserPreferencesQuery())
$all_prefs = mpull($all_prefs, null, 'getUserPHID');
$pref_default = PhabricatorEmailTagsSetting::VALUE_EMAIL;
$pref_ignore = PhabricatorEmailTagsSetting::VALUE_IGNORE;
$keep = array();
foreach ($phids as $phid) {
if (($phid == $this->storyAuthorPHID) && !$this->getNotifyAuthor()) {
if ($tags && isset($all_prefs[$phid])) {
$mailtags = $all_prefs[$phid]->getSettingValue(
$notify = false;
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
// If this is set to "email" or "notify", notify the user.
if ((int)idx($mailtags, $tag, $pref_default) != $pref_ignore) {
$notify = true;
if (!$notify) {
$keep[] = $phid;
return array_values(array_unique($keep));
private function expandRecipients(array $phids) {
$expanded_phids = id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAMemberQuery())
// Filter out unexpandable PHIDs from the results. The typical case for
// this is that resigned reviewers should not be notified just because
// they are a member of some project or package reviewer.
$original_map = array_fuse($phids);
$unexpandable_map = array_fuse($this->unexpandablePHIDs);
foreach ($expanded_phids as $key => $phid) {
// We can keep this expanded PHID if it was present originally.
if (isset($original_map[$phid])) {
// We can also keep it if it isn't marked as unexpandable.
if (!isset($unexpandable_map[$phid])) {
// If it's unexpandable and we produced it by expanding recipients,
// throw it away.
$expanded_phids = array_values($expanded_phids);
return $expanded_phids;
* We generate a unique chronological key for each story type because we want
* to be able to page through the stream with a cursor (i.e., select stories
* after ID = X) so we can efficiently perform filtering after selecting data,
* and multiple stories with the same ID make this cumbersome without putting
* a bunch of logic in the client. We could use the primary key, but that
* would prevent publishing stories which happened in the past. Since it's
* potentially useful to do that (e.g., if you're importing another data
* source) build a unique key for each story which has chronological ordering.
* @return string A unique, time-ordered key which identifies the story.
private function generateChronologicalKey() {
// Use the epoch timestamp for the upper 32 bits of the key. Default to
// the current time if the story doesn't have an explicit timestamp.
$time = nonempty($this->storyTime, time());
// Generate a random number for the lower 32 bits of the key.
$rand = head(unpack('L', Filesystem::readRandomBytes(4)));
// On 32-bit machines, we have to get creative.
if (PHP_INT_SIZE < 8) {
// We're on a 32-bit machine.
if (function_exists('bcadd')) {
// Try to use the 'bc' extension.
return bcadd(bcmul($time, bcpow(2, 32)), $rand);
} else {
// Do the math in MySQL. TODO: If we formalize a bc dependency, get
// rid of this.
$conn_r = id(new PhabricatorFeedStoryData())->establishConnection('r');
$result = queryfx_one(
'SELECT (%d << 32) + %d as N',
return $result['N'];
} else {
// This is a 64 bit machine, so we can just do the math.
return ($time << 32) + $rand;
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Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 22:42 (6 w, 3 d ago)
Storage Engine
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text
(67 KB)
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