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* Simple glue linter which runs some script on each path, and then uses a
* regex to parse lint messages from the script's output. (This linter uses a
* script and a regex to interpret the results of some real linter, it does
* not itself lint both scripts and regexes).
* Configure this linter by setting these keys in your .arclint section:
* - `script-and-regex.script` Script command to run. This can be
* the path to a linter script, but may also include flags or use shell
* features (see below for examples).
* - `script-and-regex.regex` The regex to process output with. This
* regex uses named capturing groups (detailed below) to interpret output.
* The script will be invoked from the project root, so you can specify a
* relative path like `scripts/` or an absolute path like
* `/opt/lint/`.
* This linter is necessarily more limited in its capabilities than a normal
* linter which can perform custom processing, but may be somewhat simpler to
* configure.
* == Script... ==
* The script will be invoked once for each file that is to be linted, with
* the file passed as the first argument. The file may begin with a "-"; ensure
* your script will not interpret such files as flags (perhaps by ending your
* script configuration with "--", if its argument parser supports that).
* Note that when run via `arc diff`, the list of files to be linted includes
* deleted files and files that were moved away by the change. The linter should
* not assume the path it is given exists, and it is not an error for the
* linter to be invoked with paths which are no longer there. (Every affected
* path is subject to lint because some linters may raise errors in other files
* when a file is removed, or raise an error about its removal.)
* The script should emit lint messages to stdout, which will be parsed with
* the provided regex.
* For example, you might use a configuration like this:
* /opt/lint/ --flag value --other-flag --
* stderr is ignored. If you have a script which writes messages to stderr,
* you can redirect stderr to stdout by using a configuration like this:
* sh -c '/opt/lint/ "$0" 2>&1'
* The return code of the script must be 0, or an exception will be raised
* reporting that the linter failed. If you have a script which exits nonzero
* under normal circumstances, you can force it to always exit 0 by using a
* configuration like this:
* sh -c '/opt/lint/ "$0" || true'
* Multiple instances of the script will be run in parallel if there are
* multiple files to be linted, so they should not use any unique resources.
* For instance, this configuration would not work properly, because several
* processes may attempt to write to the file at the same time:
* sh -c '/opt/lint/ --output /tmp/lint.out "$0" && cat /tmp/lint.out'
* There are necessary limits to how gracefully this linter can deal with
* edge cases, because it is just a script and a regex. If you need to do
* things that this linter can't handle, you can write a phutil linter and move
* the logic to handle those cases into PHP. PHP is a better general-purpose
* programming language than regular expressions are, if only by a small margin.
* == ...and Regex ==
* The regex must be a valid PHP PCRE regex, including delimiters and flags.
* The regex will be matched against the entire output of the script, so it
* should generally be in this form if messages are one-per-line:
* /^...$/m
* The regex should capture these named patterns with `(?P<name>...)`:
* - `message` (required) Text describing the lint message. For example,
* "This is a syntax error.".
* - `name` (optional) Text summarizing the lint message. For example,
* "Syntax Error".
* - `severity` (optional) The word "error", "warning", "autofix", "advice",
* or "disabled", in any combination of upper and lower case. Instead, you
* may match groups called `error`, `warning`, `advice`, `autofix`, or
* `disabled`. These allow you to match output formats like "E123" and
* "W123" to indicate errors and warnings, even though the word "error" is
* not present in the output. If no severity capturing group is present,
* messages are raised with "error" severity. If multiple severity capturing
* groups are present, messages are raised with the highest captured
* severity. Capturing groups like `error` supersede the `severity`
* capturing group.
* - `error` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to indicate that this
* message has "error" severity.
* - `warning` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to indicate that this
* message has "warning" severity.
* - `advice` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to indicate that this
* message has "advice" severity.
* - `autofix` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to indicate that this
* message has "autofix" severity.
* - `disabled` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to indicate that this
* message has "disabled" severity.
* - `file` (optional) The name of the file to raise the lint message in. If
* not specified, defaults to the linted file. It is generally not necessary
* to capture this unless the linter can raise messages in files other than
* the one it is linting.
* - `line` (optional) The line number of the message. If no text is
* captured, the message is assumed to affect the entire file.
* - `char` (optional) The character offset of the message.
* - `offset` (optional) The byte offset of the message. If captured, this
* supersedes `line` and `char`.
* - `original` (optional) The text the message affects.
* - `replacement` (optional) The text that the range captured by `original`
* should be automatically replaced by to resolve the message.
* - `code` (optional) A short error type identifier which can be used
* elsewhere to configure handling of specific types of messages. For
* example, "EXAMPLE1", "EXAMPLE2", etc., where each code identifies a
* class of message like "syntax error", "missing whitespace", etc. This
* allows configuration to later change the severity of all whitespace
* messages, for example.
* - `ignore` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to ignore the match.
* You can use this if your linter sometimes emits text like "No lint
* errors".
* - `stop` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to stop processing input.
* Remaining matches for this file will be discarded, but linting will
* continue with other linters and other files.
* - `halt` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to halt all linting of
* this file by any linter. Linting will continue with other files.
* - `throw` (optional) Match some nonempty substring to throw an error, which
* will stop `arc` completely. You can use this to fail abruptly if you
* encounter unexpected output. All processing will abort.
* Numbered capturing groups are ignored.
* For example, if your lint script's output looks like this:
* error:13 Too many goats!
* warning:22 Not enough boats.
* could use this regex to parse it:
* /^(?P<severity>warning|error):(?P<line>\d+) (?P<message>.*)$/m
* The simplest valid regex for line-oriented output is something like this:
* /^(?P<message>.*)$/m
* @task lint Linting
* @task linterinfo Linter Information
* @task parse Parsing Output
* @task config Validating Configuration
final class ArcanistScriptAndRegexLinter extends ArcanistLinter {
private $script = null;
private $regex = null;
private $output = array();
public function getInfoName() {
return pht('Script and Regex');
public function getInfoDescription() {
return pht(
'Run an external script, then parse its output with a regular '.
'expression. This is a generic binding that can be used to '.
'run custom lint scripts.');
/* -( Linting )------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Run the script on each file to be linted.
* @task lint
public function willLintPaths(array $paths) {
$root = $this->getProjectRoot();
$futures = array();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
$future = new ExecFuture('%C %s', $this->script, $path);
$futures[$path] = $future;
$futures = id(new FutureIterator($futures))
foreach ($futures as $path => $future) {
list($stdout) = $future->resolvex();
$this->output[$path] = $stdout;
* Run the regex on the output of the script.
* @task lint
public function lintPath($path) {
$output = idx($this->output, $path);
if (!strlen($output)) {
// No output, but it exited 0, so just move on.
$matches = null;
if (!preg_match_all($this->regex, $output, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
// Output with no matches. This might be a configuration error, but more
// likely it's something like "No lint errors." and the user just hasn't
// written a sufficiently powerful/ridiculous regexp to capture it into an
// 'ignore' group. Don't make them figure this out; advanced users can
// capture 'throw' to handle this case.
foreach ($matches as $match) {
if (!empty($match['throw'])) {
$throw = $match['throw'];
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"%s: configuration captured a '%s' named capturing group, ".
"'%s'. Script output:\n%s",
if (!empty($match['halt'])) {
if (!empty($match['stop'])) {
if (!empty($match['ignore'])) {
list($line, $char) = $this->getMatchLineAndChar($match, $path);
$dict = array(
'path' => idx($match, 'file', $path),
'line' => $line,
'char' => $char,
'code' => idx($match, 'code', $this->getLinterName()),
'severity' => $this->getMatchSeverity($match),
'name' => idx($match, 'name', 'Lint'),
'description' => idx($match, 'message', pht('Undefined Lint Message')),
$original = idx($match, 'original');
if ($original !== null) {
$dict['original'] = $original;
$replacement = idx($match, 'replacement');
if ($replacement !== null) {
$dict['replacement'] = $replacement;
$lint = ArcanistLintMessage::newFromDictionary($dict);
/* -( Linter Information )------------------------------------------------- */
* Return the short name of the linter.
* @return string Short linter identifier.
* @task linterinfo
public function getLinterName() {
return 'S&RX';
public function getLinterConfigurationName() {
return 'script-and-regex';
public function getLinterConfigurationOptions() {
// These fields are optional only to avoid breaking things.
$options = array(
'script-and-regex.script' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'help' => pht('Script to execute.'),
'script-and-regex.regex' => array(
'type' => 'regex',
'help' => pht('The regex to process output with.'),
return $options + parent::getLinterConfigurationOptions();
public function setLinterConfigurationValue($key, $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'script-and-regex.script':
$this->script = $value;
case 'script-and-regex.regex':
$this->regex = $value;
return parent::setLinterConfigurationValue($key, $value);
/* -( Parsing Output )----------------------------------------------------- */
* Get the line and character of the message from the regex match.
* @param dict Captured groups from regex.
* @return pair<int|null,int|null> Line and character of the message.
* @task parse
private function getMatchLineAndChar(array $match, $path) {
if (!empty($match['offset'])) {
list($line, $char) = $this->getEngine()->getLineAndCharFromOffset(
idx($match, 'file', $path),
return array($line + 1, $char + 1);
$line = idx($match, 'line');
if (strlen($line)) {
$line = (int)$line;
if (!$line) {
$line = 1;
} else {
$line = null;
$char = idx($match, 'char');
if ($char) {
$char = (int)$char;
} else {
$char = null;
return array($line, $char);
* Map the regex matching groups to a message severity. We look for either
* a nonempty severity name group like 'error', or a group called 'severity'
* with a valid name.
* @param dict Captured groups from regex.
* @return const @{class:ArcanistLintSeverity} constant.
* @task parse
private function getMatchSeverity(array $match) {
$map = array(
'error' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR,
'warning' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_WARNING,
'autofix' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_AUTOFIX,
'advice' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ADVICE,
'disabled' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_DISABLED,
$severity_name = strtolower(idx($match, 'severity'));
foreach ($map as $name => $severity) {
if (!empty($match[$name])) {
return $severity;
} else if ($severity_name == $name) {
return $severity;
return ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR;

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ArcanistScriptAndRegexLinter.php (13 KB)

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