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diff --git a/src/lint/renderer/ArcanistConsoleLintRenderer.php b/src/lint/renderer/ArcanistConsoleLintRenderer.php
index 5b99e7c5..6f6daf33 100644
--- a/src/lint/renderer/ArcanistConsoleLintRenderer.php
+++ b/src/lint/renderer/ArcanistConsoleLintRenderer.php
@@ -1,343 +1,348 @@
final class ArcanistConsoleLintRenderer extends ArcanistLintRenderer {
const RENDERERKEY = 'console';
private $testableMode;
public function setTestableMode($testable_mode) {
$this->testableMode = $testable_mode;
return $this;
public function getTestableMode() {
return $this->testableMode;
public function supportsPatching() {
return true;
public function renderResultCode($result_code) {
if ($result_code == ArcanistLintWorkflow::RESULT_OKAY) {
$view = new PhutilConsoleInfo(
pht('No lint messages.'));
public function promptForPatch(
ArcanistLintResult $result,
$new_path) {
if ($old_path === null) {
$old_path = '/dev/null';
list($err, $stdout) = exec_manual('diff -u %s %s', $old_path, $new_path);
$prompt = pht(
'Apply this patch to %s?',
tsprintf('__%s__', $result->getPath()));
return phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = false);
public function renderLintResult(ArcanistLintResult $result) {
$messages = $result->getMessages();
$path = $result->getPath();
$data = $result->getData();
$line_map = $this->newOffsetMap($data);
$text = array();
foreach ($messages as $message) {
if ($message->isError()) {
$color = 'red';
} else {
$color = 'yellow';
$severity = ArcanistLintSeverity::getStringForSeverity(
$code = $message->getCode();
$name = $message->getName();
$description = $message->getDescription();
if ($message->getOtherLocations()) {
$locations = array();
foreach ($message->getOtherLocations() as $location) {
$locations[] =
idx($location, 'path', $path).
(!empty($location['line']) ? ":{$location['line']}" : '');
$description .= "\n".pht(
'Other locations: %s',
implode(', ', $locations));
$text[] = phutil_console_format(
" **<bg:{$color}> %s </bg>** (%s) __%s__\n%s\n",
phutil_console_wrap($description, 4));
if ($message->hasFileContext()) {
$text[] = $this->renderContext($message, $data, $line_map);
if ($text) {
$prefix = phutil_console_format(
"**>>>** %s\n\n\n",
'Lint for %s:',
phutil_console_format('__%s__', $path)));
$this->writeOut($prefix.implode("\n", $text));
protected function renderContext(
ArcanistLintMessage $message,
array $line_map) {
$context = 3;
$message = $message->newTrimmedMessage();
$original = $message->getOriginalText();
$replacement = $message->getReplacementText();
$line = $message->getLine();
$char = $message->getChar();
$old = $data;
$old_lines = phutil_split_lines($old);
$old_impact = substr_count($original, "\n") + 1;
$start = $line;
if ($message->isPatchable()) {
$patch_offset = $line_map[$line] + ($char - 1);
$new = substr_replace(
$new_lines = phutil_split_lines($new);
// Figure out how many "-" and "+" lines we have by counting the newlines
// for the relevant patches. This may overestimate things if we are adding
// or removing entire lines, but we'll adjust things below.
$new_impact = substr_count($replacement, "\n") + 1;
// If this is a change on a single line, we'll try to highlight the
// changed character range to make it easier to pick out.
if ($old_impact === 1 && $new_impact === 1) {
$old_lines[$start - 1] = substr_replace(
$old_lines[$start - 1],
$char - 1,
- $new_lines[$start - 1] = substr_replace(
- $new_lines[$start - 1],
- $this->highlightText($replacement),
- $char - 1,
- strlen($replacement));
+ // See T13543. The message may have completely removed this line: for
+ // example, if it trimmed trailing spaces from the end of a file. If
+ // the line no longer exists, don't try to highlight it.
+ if (isset($new_lines[$start - 1])) {
+ $new_lines[$start - 1] = substr_replace(
+ $new_lines[$start - 1],
+ $this->highlightText($replacement),
+ $char - 1,
+ strlen($replacement));
+ }
// If lines at the beginning of the changed line range are actually the
// same, shrink the range. This happens when a patch just adds a line.
do {
$old_line = idx($old_lines, $start - 1, null);
$new_line = idx($new_lines, $start - 1, null);
if ($old_line !== $new_line) {
// We can end up here if a patch removes a line which occurs before
// another identical line.
if ($old_impact <= 0 || $new_impact <= 0) {
} while (true);
// If the lines at the end of the changed line range are actually the
// same, shrink the range. This happens when a patch just removes a
// line.
if ($old_impact > 0 && $new_impact > 0) {
do {
$old_suffix = idx($old_lines, $start + $old_impact - 2, null);
$new_suffix = idx($new_lines, $start + $new_impact - 2, null);
if ($old_suffix !== $new_suffix) {
// We can end up here if a patch removes a line which occurs after
// another identical line.
if ($old_impact <= 0 || $new_impact <= 0) {
} while (true);
} else {
// If we have "original" text and it is contained on a single line,
// highlight the affected area. If we don't have any text, we'll mark
// the character with a caret (below, in rendering) instead.
if ($old_impact == 1 && strlen($original)) {
$old_lines[$start - 1] = substr_replace(
$old_lines[$start - 1],
$char - 1,
$old_impact = 0;
$new_impact = 0;
$out = array();
$head = max(1, $start - $context);
for ($ii = $head; $ii < $start; $ii++) {
$out[] = array(
'text' => $old_lines[$ii - 1],
'number' => $ii,
for ($ii = $start; $ii < $start + $old_impact; $ii++) {
$out[] = array(
'text' => $old_lines[$ii - 1],
'number' => $ii,
'type' => '-',
'chevron' => ($ii == $start),
for ($ii = $start; $ii < $start + $new_impact; $ii++) {
// If the patch was at the end of the file and ends with a newline, we
// won't have an actual entry in the array for the last line, even though
// we want to show it in the diff.
$out[] = array(
'text' => idx($new_lines, $ii - 1, ''),
'type' => '+',
'chevron' => ($ii == $start),
$cursor = $start + $old_impact;
$foot = min(count($old_lines), $cursor + $context);
for ($ii = $cursor; $ii <= $foot; $ii++) {
$out[] = array(
'text' => $old_lines[$ii - 1],
'number' => $ii,
'chevron' => ($ii == $cursor),
$result = array();
$seen_chevron = false;
foreach ($out as $spec) {
if ($seen_chevron) {
$chevron = false;
} else {
$chevron = !empty($spec['chevron']);
if ($chevron) {
$seen_chevron = true;
// If the line doesn't actually end in a newline, add one so the layout
// doesn't mess up. This can happen when the last line of the old file
// didn't have a newline at the end.
$text = $spec['text'];
if (!preg_match('/\n\z/', $spec['text'])) {
$text .= "\n";
$result[] = $this->renderLine(
idx($spec, 'number'),
idx($spec, 'type'));
// If this is just a message and does not have a patch, put a little
// caret underneath the line to point out where the issue is.
if ($chevron) {
if (!$message->isPatchable() && !strlen($original)) {
$result[] = $this->renderCaret($char)."\n";
return implode('', $result);
private function renderCaret($pos) {
return str_repeat(' ', 16 + $pos).'^';
protected function renderLine($line, $data, $chevron = false, $diff = null) {
$chevron = $chevron ? '>>>' : '';
return sprintf(
' %3s %1s %6s %s',
private function newOffsetMap($data) {
$lines = phutil_split_lines($data);
$line_map = array();
$number = 1;
$offset = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line_map[$number] = $offset;
$offset += strlen($line);
// If the last line ends in a newline, add a virtual offset for the final
// line with no characters on it. This allows lint messages to target the
// last line of the file at character 1.
if ($lines) {
if (preg_match('/\n\z/', $line)) {
$line_map[$number] = $offset;
return $line_map;
private function highlightText($text) {
if ($this->getTestableMode()) {
return '>'.$text.'<';
} else {
return (string)tsprintf('##%s##', $text);
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Jan 19 2025, 22:04 (6 w, 2 d ago)
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