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diff --git a/src/applications/diviner/markup/DivinerSymbolRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/diviner/markup/DivinerSymbolRemarkupRule.php
index 422209fca0..bb4fafd11e 100644
--- a/src/applications/diviner/markup/DivinerSymbolRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/diviner/markup/DivinerSymbolRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,163 +1,167 @@
final class DivinerSymbolRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
const KEY_RULE_ATOM_REF = 'rule.diviner.atomref';
public function getPriority() {
return 200.0;
public function apply($text) {
// Grammar here is:
// rule = '@{' maybe_type name maybe_title '}'
// maybe_type = null | type ':' | type '@' book ':'
// name = name | name '@' context
// maybe_title = null | '|' title
// So these are all valid:
// @{name}
// @{type : name}
// @{name | title}
// @{type @ book : name @ context | title}
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupSymbol'),
public function markupSymbol($matches) {
if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
return $matches[0];
$type = (string)idx($matches, 'type');
$name = (string)$matches['name'];
$title = (string)idx($matches, 'title');
// Collapse sequences of whitespace into a single space.
$type = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($type));
$name = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($name));
$title = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim($title));
$ref = array();
if (strpos($type, '@') !== false) {
list($type, $book) = explode('@', $type, 2);
$ref['type'] = trim($type);
$ref['book'] = trim($book);
} else {
$ref['type'] = $type;
if (strpos($name, '@') !== false) {
list($name, $context) = explode('@', $name, 2);
$ref['name'] = trim($name);
$ref['context'] = trim($context);
} else {
$ref['name'] = $name;
$ref['title'] = nonempty($title, $name);
foreach ($ref as $key => $value) {
if ($value === '') {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$token = $engine->storeText('');
$key = self::KEY_RULE_ATOM_REF;
$data = $engine->getTextMetadata($key, array());
$data[$token] = $ref;
$engine->setTextMetadata($key, $data);
return $token;
public function didMarkupText() {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$key = self::KEY_RULE_ATOM_REF;
$data = $engine->getTextMetadata($key, array());
$renderer = $engine->getConfig('diviner.renderer');
foreach ($data as $token => $ref_dict) {
$ref = DivinerAtomRef::newFromDictionary($ref_dict);
$title = $ref->getTitle();
$href = null;
if ($renderer) {
// Here, we're generating documentation. If possible, we want to find
// the real atom ref so we can render the correct default title and
// render invalid links in an alternate style.
$ref = $renderer->normalizeAtomRef($ref);
if ($ref) {
$title = nonempty($ref->getTitle(), $ref->getName());
$href = $renderer->getHrefForAtomRef($ref);
} else {
// Here, we're generating comment text or something like that. Just
// link to Diviner and let it sort things out.
$href = id(new PhutilURI('/diviner/find/'))
'book' => $ref->getBook(),
'name' => $ref->getName(),
'type' => $ref->getType(),
'context' => $ref->getContext(),
'jump' => true,
// TODO: This probably is not the best place to do this. Move it somewhere
// better when it becomes more clear where it should actually go.
if ($ref) {
switch ($ref->getType()) {
case 'function':
case 'method':
$title = $title.'()';
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
if ($href) {
$link = $title.' <'.PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href).'>';
} else {
$link = $title;
} else if ($href) {
+ if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href);
+ }
$link = $this->newTag(
'class' => 'atom-ref',
'href' => $href,
} else {
$link = $this->newTag(
'class' => 'atom-ref-invalid',
$engine->overwriteStoredText($token, $link);
diff --git a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule.php
index 7fd9f6b6be..9daf9b6f0c 100644
--- a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,75 +1,80 @@
final class PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
public function getPriority() {
return 200.0;
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupIcon'),
public function markupIcon($matches) {
- if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
+ $engine = $this->getEngine();
+ $text_mode = $engine->isTextMode();
+ $mail_mode = $engine->isHTMLMailMode();
+ if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0]) || $text_mode || $mail_mode) {
return $matches[0];
$extra = idx($matches, 1);
// We allow various forms, like these:
// {icon}
// {icon camera}
// {icon,camera}
// {icon camera color=red}
// {icon, camera, color=red}
$extra = ltrim($extra, ", \n");
$extra = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $extra, 2);
// Choose some arbitrary default icon so that previews render in a mostly
// reasonable way as you're typing the syntax.
$icon = idx($extra, 0, 'paw');
$defaults = array(
'color' => null,
$options = idx($extra, 1, '');
$parser = new PhutilSimpleOptions();
$options = $parser->parse($options) + $defaults;
// NOTE: We're validating icon and color names to prevent users from
// adding arbitrary CSS classes to the document. Although this probably
// isn't dangerous, it's safer to validate.
static $icon_names;
if (!$icon_names) {
$icon_names = array_fuse(PHUIIconView::getFontIcons());
static $color_names;
if (!$color_names) {
$color_names = array_fuse(PHUIIconView::getFontIconColors());
if (empty($icon_names['fa-'.$icon])) {
$icon = 'paw';
$color = $options['color'];
if (empty($color_names[$color])) {
$color = null;
$icon_view = id(new PHUIIconView())
->setIconFont('fa-'.$icon, $color);
return $this->getEngine()->storeText($icon_view);
diff --git a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule.php
index 081f2bd5c5..965064b4a4 100644
--- a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,164 +1,166 @@
final class PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
private $macros;
const KEY_RULE_MACRO = 'rule.macro';
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupImageMacro'),
public function markupImageMacro($matches) {
if ($this->macros === null) {
$this->macros = array();
$viewer = $this->getEngine()->getConfig('viewer');
$rows = id(new PhabricatorMacroQuery())
$this->macros = mpull($rows, 'getPHID', 'getName');
$name = (string)$matches[1];
if (empty($this->macros[$name])) {
return $matches[1];
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_MACRO;
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
$token = $engine->storeText('<macro>');
$metadata[] = array(
'token' => $token,
'phid' => $this->macros[$name],
'original' => $name,
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, $metadata);
return $token;
public function didMarkupText() {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_MACRO;
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
if (!$metadata) {
$phids = ipull($metadata, 'phid');
$viewer = $this->getEngine()->getConfig('viewer');
// Load all the macros.
$macros = id(new PhabricatorMacroQuery())
$macros = mpull($macros, null, 'getPHID');
// Load all the images and audio.
$file_phids = array_merge(
array_values(mpull($macros, 'getFilePHID')),
array_values(mpull($macros, 'getAudioPHID')));
$file_phids = array_filter($file_phids);
$files = array();
if ($file_phids) {
$files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
$files = mpull($files, null, 'getPHID');
// Replace any macros that we couldn't load the macro or image for with
// the original text.
foreach ($metadata as $key => $spec) {
$macro = idx($macros, $spec['phid']);
if ($macro) {
$file = idx($files, $macro->getFilePHID());
if ($file) {
$engine->overwriteStoredText($spec['token'], $spec['original']);
foreach ($metadata as $spec) {
$macro = $macros[$spec['phid']];
$file = $files[$macro->getFilePHID()];
$src_uri = $file->getBestURI();
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
$result = $spec['original'].' <'.$src_uri.'>';
$engine->overwriteStoredText($spec['token'], $result);
+ } else if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $src_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($src_uri);
$file_data = $file->getMetadata();
$style = null;
$height = idx($file_data, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
$width = idx($file_data, PhabricatorFile::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH);
if ($height && $width) {
$style = sprintf(
'height: %dpx; width: %dpx;',
$id = null;
$audio = idx($files, $macro->getAudioPHID());
$should_play = ($audio && $macro->getAudioBehavior() !=
if ($should_play) {
$id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id();
$loop = null;
switch ($macro->getAudioBehavior()) {
case PhabricatorFileImageMacro::AUDIO_BEHAVIOR_LOOP:
$loop = true;
'sourceID' => $id,
'audioURI' => $audio->getBestURI(),
'loop' => $loop,
$result = $this->newTag(
'id' => $id,
'src' => $src_uri,
'alt' => $spec['original'],
'title' => $spec['original'],
'style' => $style,
$engine->overwriteStoredText($spec['token'], $result);
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
diff --git a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule.php
index 8e6e0f5639..0b65226e09 100644
--- a/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/macro/markup/PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,60 +1,64 @@
final class PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
private $images;
public function getPriority() {
return 200.0;
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupMeme'),
public function markupMeme($matches) {
if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
return $matches[0];
$options = array(
'src' => null,
'above' => null,
'below' => null,
$parser = new PhutilSimpleOptions();
$options = $parser->parse($matches[1]) + $options;
$uri = id(new PhutilURI('/macro/meme/'))
->alter('macro', $options['src'])
->alter('uppertext', $options['above'])
->alter('lowertext', $options['below']);
+ if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($uri);
+ }
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
$img =
($options['above'] != '' ? "\"{$options['above']}\"\n" : '').
$options['src'].' <'.PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($uri).'>'.
($options['below'] != '' ? "\n\"{$options['below']}\"" : '');
} else {
$alt_text = pht(
'Macro %s: %s %s',
$img = $this->newTag(
'src' => $uri,
'alt' => $alt_text,
return $this->getEngine()->storeText($img);
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/view/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody.php b/src/applications/metamta/view/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody.php
index e1ef4d6373..9e1a41f1c0 100644
--- a/src/applications/metamta/view/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody.php
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/view/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody.php
@@ -1,195 +1,237 @@
* Render the body of an application email by building it up section-by-section.
* @task compose Composition
* @task render Rendering
final class PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody {
private $sections = array();
private $htmlSections = array();
private $attachments = array();
+ private $viewer;
+ public function getViewer() {
+ return $this->viewer;
+ }
+ public function setViewer($viewer) {
+ $this->viewer = $viewer;
+ }
/* -( Composition )-------------------------------------------------------- */
* Add a raw block of text to the email. This will be rendered as-is.
* @param string Block of text.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addRawSection($text) {
if (strlen($text)) {
$text = rtrim($text);
$this->sections[] = $text;
$this->htmlSections[] = phutil_escape_html_newlines(
phutil_tag('div', array(), $text));
return $this;
+ public function addRemarkupSection($text) {
+ try {
+ $engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array());
+ $engine->setConfig('viewer', $this->getViewer());
+ $engine->setMode(PhutilRemarkupEngine::MODE_TEXT);
+ $styled_text = $engine->markupText($text);
+ $this->sections[] = $styled_text;
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ phlog($ex);
+ $this->sections[] = $text;
+ }
+ try {
+ $mail_engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array());
+ $mail_engine->setConfig('viewer', $this->getViewer());
+ $mail_engine->setMode(PhutilRemarkupEngine::MODE_HTML_MAIL);
+ $mail_engine->setConfig(
+ 'uri.base',
+ PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/'));
+ $html = $mail_engine->markupText($text);
+ $this->htmlSections[] = $html;
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ phlog($ex);
+ $this->htmlSections[] = phutil_escape_html_newlines(
+ phutil_tag(
+ 'div',
+ array(),
+ $text));
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
public function addRawPlaintextSection($text) {
if (strlen($text)) {
$text = rtrim($text);
$this->sections[] = $text;
return $this;
public function addRawHTMLSection($html) {
$this->htmlSections[] = phutil_safe_html($html);
return $this;
* Add a block of text with a section header. This is rendered like this:
* Text is indented.
* @param string Header text.
* @param string Section text.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addTextSection($header, $section) {
if ($section instanceof PhabricatorMetaMTAMailSection) {
$plaintext = $section->getPlaintext();
$html = $section->getHTML();
} else {
$plaintext = $section;
$html = phutil_escape_html_newlines(phutil_tag('div', array(), $section));
$this->addPlaintextSection($header, $plaintext);
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $html);
return $this;
public function addPlaintextSection($header, $text) {
$this->sections[] = $header."\n".$this->indent($text);
return $this;
public function addHTMLSection($header, $html_fragment) {
$this->htmlSections[] = array(
phutil_tag('strong', array(), $header),
phutil_tag('div', array(), $html_fragment),
return $this;
public function addLinkSection($header, $link) {
$html = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $link), $link);
$this->addPlaintextSection($header, $link);
$this->addHTMLSection($header, $html);
return $this;
* Add a Herald section with a rule management URI and a transcript URI.
* @param string URI to rule transcripts.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addHeraldSection($xscript_uri) {
if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('')) {
return $this;
return $this;
* Add a section with reply handler instructions.
* @param string Reply handler instructions.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addReplySection($instructions) {
if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('')) {
return $this;
if (!strlen($instructions)) {
return $this;
$this->addTextSection(pht('REPLY HANDLER ACTIONS'), $instructions);
return $this;
* Add an attachment.
* @param PhabricatorMetaMTAAttachment Attachment.
* @return this
* @task compose
public function addAttachment(PhabricatorMetaMTAAttachment $attachment) {
$this->attachments[] = $attachment;
return $this;
/* -( Rendering )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Render the email body.
* @return string Rendered body.
* @task render
public function render() {
return implode("\n\n", $this->sections)."\n";
public function renderHTML() {
$br = phutil_tag('br');
$body = phutil_implode_html($br, $this->htmlSections);
return (string)hsprintf('%s', array($body, $br));
* Retrieve attachments.
* @return list<PhabricatorMetaMTAAttachment> Attachments.
* @task render
public function getAttachments() {
return $this->attachments;
* Indent a block of text for rendering under a section heading.
* @param string Text to indent.
* @return string Indented text.
* @task render
private function indent($text) {
return rtrim(" ".str_replace("\n", "\n ", $text));
diff --git a/src/applications/people/markup/PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/people/markup/PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule.php
index 49f56251f0..622b28998e 100644
--- a/src/applications/people/markup/PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/people/markup/PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,146 +1,165 @@
final class PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
const KEY_RULE_MENTION = 'rule.mention';
const KEY_RULE_MENTION_ORIGINAL = 'rule.mention.original';
const KEY_MENTIONED = 'phabricator.mentioned-user-phids';
// NOTE: The negative lookbehind prevents matches like "mail@lists", while
// allowing constructs like "@tomo/@mroch". Since we now allow periods in
// usernames, we can't resonably distinguish that "" isn't a
// username, so we'll incorrectly pick it up, but there's little to be done
// about that. We forbid terminal periods so that we can correctly capture
// "@joe" instead of "@joe." in "Hey, @joe.".
// We disallow "@@joe" because it creates a false positive in the common
// construction "l@@k", made popular by eBay.
const REGEX = '/(?<!\w|@)@([a-zA-Z0-9._-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_-])/';
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupMention'),
protected function markupMention($matches) {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
if ($engine->isTextMode()) {
return $engine->storeText($matches[0]);
$token = $engine->storeText('');
// Store the original text exactly so we can preserve casing if it doesn't
// resolve into a username.
$original_key = self::KEY_RULE_MENTION_ORIGINAL;
$original = $engine->getTextMetadata($original_key, array());
$original[$token] = $matches[1];
$engine->setTextMetadata($original_key, $original);
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_MENTION;
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
$username = strtolower($matches[1]);
if (empty($metadata[$username])) {
$metadata[$username] = array();
$metadata[$username][] = $token;
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, $metadata);
return $token;
public function didMarkupText() {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_MENTION;
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
if (empty($metadata)) {
// No mentions, or we already processed them.
$original_key = self::KEY_RULE_MENTION_ORIGINAL;
$original = $engine->getTextMetadata($original_key, array());
$usernames = array_keys($metadata);
$users = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery())
if ($users) {
$user_statuses = id(new PhabricatorCalendarEvent())
->loadCurrentStatuses(mpull($users, 'getPHID'));
$user_statuses = mpull($user_statuses, null, 'getUserPHID');
} else {
$user_statuses = array();
$actual_users = array();
$mentioned_key = self::KEY_MENTIONED;
$mentioned = $engine->getTextMetadata($mentioned_key, array());
foreach ($users as $row) {
$actual_users[strtolower($row->getUserName())] = $row;
$mentioned[$row->getPHID()] = $row->getPHID();
$engine->setTextMetadata($mentioned_key, $mentioned);
foreach ($metadata as $username => $tokens) {
$exists = isset($actual_users[$username]);
if ($exists) {
$user = $actual_users[$username];
- $tag = id(new PHUITagView())
- ->setType(PHUITagView::TYPE_PERSON)
- ->setPHID($user->getPHID())
- ->setName('@'.$user->getUserName())
- ->setHref('/p/'.$user->getUserName().'/');
- if (!$user->isUserActivated()) {
- $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_GREY);
+ $user_href = '/p/'.$user->getUserName().'/';
+ if ($engine->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $user_href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($user_href);
+ $tag = phutil_tag(
+ 'a',
+ array(
+ 'href' => $user_href,
+ 'style' => 'background-color: #f1f7ff;
+ border-color: #f1f7ff;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ color: #19558d;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 0 4px;',
+ ),
+ '@'.$user->getUserName());
} else {
- $status = idx($user_statuses, $user->getPHID());
- if ($status) {
- $status = $status->getStatus();
- if ($status == PhabricatorCalendarEvent::STATUS_AWAY) {
- $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_RED);
- } else if ($status == PhabricatorCalendarEvent::STATUS_AWAY) {
- $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_ORANGE);
+ $tag = id(new PHUITagView())
+ ->setType(PHUITagView::TYPE_PERSON)
+ ->setPHID($user->getPHID())
+ ->setName('@'.$user->getUserName())
+ ->setHref($user_href);
+ if (!$user->isUserActivated()) {
+ $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_GREY);
+ } else {
+ $status = idx($user_statuses, $user->getPHID());
+ if ($status) {
+ $status = $status->getStatus();
+ if ($status == PhabricatorCalendarEvent::STATUS_AWAY) {
+ $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_RED);
+ } else if ($status == PhabricatorCalendarEvent::STATUS_AWAY) {
+ $tag->setDotColor(PHUITagView::COLOR_ORANGE);
+ }
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$engine->overwriteStoredText($token, $tag);
} else {
// NOTE: The structure here is different from the 'exists' branch,
// because we want to preserve the original text capitalization and it
// may differ for each token.
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$tag = phutil_tag(
'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup-mention-unknown',
'@'.idx($original, $token, $username));
$engine->overwriteStoredText($token, $tag);
// Don't re-process these mentions.
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/markup/PhrictionRemarkupRule.php b/src/applications/phriction/markup/PhrictionRemarkupRule.php
index 48eb9cc3ee..ba740e5f7b 100644
--- a/src/applications/phriction/markup/PhrictionRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/applications/phriction/markup/PhrictionRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,49 +1,52 @@
final class PhrictionRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
public function getPriority() {
return 175.0;
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupDocumentLink'),
public function markupDocumentLink($matches) {
$link = trim($matches[1]);
$name = trim(idx($matches, 2, $link));
if (empty($matches[2])) {
$name = explode('/', trim($name, '/'));
$name = end($name);
$uri = new PhutilURI($link);
$slug = $uri->getPath();
$fragment = $uri->getFragment();
$slug = PhabricatorSlug::normalize($slug);
$slug = PhrictionDocument::getSlugURI($slug);
$href = (string)id(new PhutilURI($slug))->setFragment($fragment);
+ $text_mode = $this->getEngine()->isTextMode();
+ $mail_mode = $this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode();
if ($this->getEngine()->getState('toc')) {
$text = $name;
- } else if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
+ } else if ($text_mode || $mail_mode) {
return PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href);
} else {
$text = $this->newTag(
'href' => $href,
'class' => 'phriction-link',
return $this->getEngine()->storeText($text);
diff --git a/src/applications/transactions/editor/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor.php b/src/applications/transactions/editor/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor.php
index 6de4b46ff5..ae225915b3 100644
--- a/src/applications/transactions/editor/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor.php
+++ b/src/applications/transactions/editor/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor.php
@@ -1,2541 +1,2542 @@
* @task mail Sending Mail
* @task feed Publishing Feed Stories
* @task search Search Index
* @task files Integration with Files
abstract class PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor
extends PhabricatorEditor {
private $contentSource;
private $object;
private $xactions;
private $isNewObject;
private $mentionedPHIDs;
private $continueOnNoEffect;
private $continueOnMissingFields;
private $parentMessageID;
private $heraldAdapter;
private $heraldTranscript;
private $subscribers;
private $unmentionablePHIDMap = array();
private $isPreview;
private $isHeraldEditor;
private $isInverseEdgeEditor;
private $actingAsPHID;
private $disableEmail;
* Get the class name for the application this editor is a part of.
* Uninstalling the application will disable the editor.
* @return string Editor's application class name.
abstract public function getEditorApplicationClass();
* Get a description of the objects this editor edits, like "Differential
* Revisions".
* @return string Human readable description of edited objects.
abstract public function getEditorObjectsDescription();
public function setActingAsPHID($acting_as_phid) {
$this->actingAsPHID = $acting_as_phid;
return $this;
public function getActingAsPHID() {
if ($this->actingAsPHID) {
return $this->actingAsPHID;
return $this->getActor()->getPHID();
* When the editor tries to apply transactions that have no effect, should
* it raise an exception (default) or drop them and continue?
* Generally, you will set this flag for edits coming from "Edit" interfaces,
* and leave it cleared for edits coming from "Comment" interfaces, so the
* user will get a useful error if they try to submit a comment that does
* nothing (e.g., empty comment with a status change that has already been
* performed by another user).
* @param bool True to drop transactions without effect and continue.
* @return this
public function setContinueOnNoEffect($continue) {
$this->continueOnNoEffect = $continue;
return $this;
public function getContinueOnNoEffect() {
return $this->continueOnNoEffect;
* When the editor tries to apply transactions which don't populate all of
* an object's required fields, should it raise an exception (default) or
* drop them and continue?
* For example, if a user adds a new required custom field (like "Severity")
* to a task, all existing tasks won't have it populated. When users
* manually edit existing tasks, it's usually desirable to have them provide
* a severity. However, other operations (like batch editing just the
* owner of a task) will fail by default.
* By setting this flag for edit operations which apply to specific fields
* (like the priority, batch, and merge editors in Maniphest), these
* operations can continue to function even if an object is outdated.
* @param bool True to continue when transactions don't completely satisfy
* all required fields.
* @return this
public function setContinueOnMissingFields($continue_on_missing_fields) {
$this->continueOnMissingFields = $continue_on_missing_fields;
return $this;
public function getContinueOnMissingFields() {
return $this->continueOnMissingFields;
* Not strictly necessary, but reply handlers ideally set this value to
* make email threading work better.
public function setParentMessageID($parent_message_id) {
$this->parentMessageID = $parent_message_id;
return $this;
public function getParentMessageID() {
return $this->parentMessageID;
public function getIsNewObject() {
return $this->isNewObject;
protected function getMentionedPHIDs() {
return $this->mentionedPHIDs;
public function setIsPreview($is_preview) {
$this->isPreview = $is_preview;
return $this;
public function getIsPreview() {
return $this->isPreview;
public function setIsInverseEdgeEditor($is_inverse_edge_editor) {
$this->isInverseEdgeEditor = $is_inverse_edge_editor;
return $this;
public function getIsInverseEdgeEditor() {
return $this->isInverseEdgeEditor;
public function setIsHeraldEditor($is_herald_editor) {
$this->isHeraldEditor = $is_herald_editor;
return $this;
public function getIsHeraldEditor() {
return $this->isHeraldEditor;
* Prevent this editor from generating email when applying transactions.
* @param bool True to disable email.
* @return this
public function setDisableEmail($disable_email) {
$this->disableEmail = $disable_email;
return $this;
public function getDisableEmail() {
return $this->disableEmail;
public function setUnmentionablePHIDMap(array $map) {
$this->unmentionablePHIDMap = $map;
return $this;
public function getUnmentionablePHIDMap() {
return $this->unmentionablePHIDMap;
public function getTransactionTypes() {
$types = array();
if ($this->object instanceof PhabricatorSubscribableInterface) {
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS;
if ($this->object instanceof PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface) {
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD;
if ($this->object instanceof HarbormasterBuildableInterface) {
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE;
if ($this->object instanceof PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface) {
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN;
if ($this->object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface) {
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE;
return $types;
private function adjustTransactionValues(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
if ($xaction->shouldGenerateOldValue()) {
$old = $this->getTransactionOldValue($object, $xaction);
$new = $this->getTransactionNewValue($object, $xaction);
private function getTransactionOldValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS:
return array_values($this->subscribers);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY:
return $object->getViewPolicy();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY:
return $object->getEditPolicy();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY:
return $object->getJoinPolicy();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
$edge_type = $xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
if (!$edge_type) {
throw new Exception("Edge transaction has no 'edge:type'!");
$old_edges = array();
if ($object->getPHID()) {
$edge_src = $object->getPHID();
$old_edges = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery())
$old_edges = $old_edges[$edge_src][$edge_type];
return $old_edges;
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
// NOTE: Custom fields have their old value pre-populated when they are
// built by PhabricatorCustomFieldList.
return $xaction->getOldValue();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT:
return null;
return $this->getCustomTransactionOldValue($object, $xaction);
private function getTransactionNewValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS:
return $this->getPHIDTransactionNewValue($xaction);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN:
return $xaction->getNewValue();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
return $this->getEdgeTransactionNewValue($xaction);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
$field = $this->getCustomFieldForTransaction($object, $xaction);
return $field->getNewValueFromApplicationTransactions($xaction);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT:
return null;
return $this->getCustomTransactionNewValue($object, $xaction);
protected function getCustomTransactionOldValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported!');
protected function getCustomTransactionNewValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported!');
protected function transactionHasEffect(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT:
return $xaction->hasComment();
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
$field = $this->getCustomFieldForTransaction($object, $xaction);
return $field->getApplicationTransactionHasEffect($xaction);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
// A straight value comparison here doesn't always get the right
// result, because newly added edges aren't fully populated. Instead,
// compare the changes in a more granular way.
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$old_dst = array_keys($old);
$new_dst = array_keys($new);
// NOTE: For now, we don't consider edge reordering to be a change.
// We have very few order-dependent edges and effectively no order
// oriented UI. This might change in the future.
if ($old_dst !== $new_dst) {
// We've added or removed edges, so this transaction definitely
// has an effect.
return true;
// We haven't added or removed edges, but we might have changed
// edge data.
foreach ($old as $key => $old_value) {
$new_value = $new[$key];
if ($old_value['data'] !== $new_value['data']) {
return true;
return false;
return ($xaction->getOldValue() !== $xaction->getNewValue());
protected function shouldApplyInitialEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return false;
protected function applyInitialEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException();
private function applyInternalEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
$field = $this->getCustomFieldForTransaction($object, $xaction);
return $field->applyApplicationTransactionInternalEffects($xaction);
return $this->applyCustomInternalTransaction($object, $xaction);
private function applyExternalEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS:
$subeditor = id(new PhabricatorSubscriptionsEditor())
$old_map = array_fuse($xaction->getOldValue());
$new_map = array_fuse($xaction->getNewValue());
array_diff_key($old_map, $new_map)));
array_diff_key($new_map, $old_map)));
// for the rest of these edits, subscribers should include those just
// added as well as those just removed.
$subscribers = array_unique(array_merge(
$this->subscribers = $subscribers;
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
if ($this->getIsInverseEdgeEditor()) {
// If we're writing an inverse edge transaction, don't actually
// do anything. The initiating editor on the other side of the
// transaction will take care of the edge writes.
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$src = $object->getPHID();
$const = $xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
$type = PhabricatorEdgeType::getByConstant($const);
if ($type->shouldWriteInverseTransactions()) {
foreach ($new as $dst_phid => $edge) {
$new[$dst_phid]['src'] = $src;
$editor = new PhabricatorEdgeEditor();
foreach ($old as $dst_phid => $edge) {
if (!empty($new[$dst_phid])) {
if ($old[$dst_phid]['data'] === $new[$dst_phid]['data']) {
$editor->removeEdge($src, $const, $dst_phid);
foreach ($new as $dst_phid => $edge) {
if (!empty($old[$dst_phid])) {
if ($old[$dst_phid]['data'] === $new[$dst_phid]['data']) {
$data = array(
'data' => $edge['data'],
$editor->addEdge($src, $const, $dst_phid, $data);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
$field = $this->getCustomFieldForTransaction($object, $xaction);
return $field->applyApplicationTransactionExternalEffects($xaction);
return $this->applyCustomExternalTransaction($object, $xaction);
protected function applyCustomInternalTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$type = $xaction->getTransactionType();
throw new Exception(
"Transaction type '{$type}' is missing an internal apply ".
protected function applyCustomExternalTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$type = $xaction->getTransactionType();
throw new Exception(
"Transaction type '{$type}' is missing an external apply ".
* Fill in a transaction's common values, like author and content source.
protected function populateTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$actor = $this->getActor();
// TODO: This needs to be more sophisticated once we have meta-policies.
if ($actor->isOmnipotent()) {
} else {
if ($object->getPHID()) {
return $xaction;
protected function applyFinalEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return $xactions;
public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) {
$this->contentSource = $content_source;
return $this;
public function setContentSourceFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
return $this->setContentSource(
public function setContentSourceFromConduitRequest(
ConduitAPIRequest $request) {
$content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
return $this->setContentSource($content_source);
public function getContentSource() {
return $this->contentSource;
final public function applyTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$this->object = $object;
$this->xactions = $xactions;
$this->isNewObject = ($object->getPHID() === null);
$this->validateEditParameters($object, $xactions);
$actor = $this->requireActor();
// NOTE: Some transaction expansion requires that the edited object be
// attached.
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$xactions = $this->expandTransactions($object, $xactions);
$xactions = $this->expandSupportTransactions($object, $xactions);
$xactions = $this->combineTransactions($xactions);
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$xaction = $this->populateTransaction($object, $xaction);
$is_preview = $this->getIsPreview();
$read_locking = false;
$transaction_open = false;
if (!$is_preview) {
$errors = array();
$type_map = mgroup($xactions, 'getTransactionType');
foreach ($this->getTransactionTypes() as $type) {
$type_xactions = idx($type_map, $type, array());
$errors[] = $this->validateTransaction($object, $type, $type_xactions);
$errors = array_mergev($errors);
$continue_on_missing = $this->getContinueOnMissingFields();
foreach ($errors as $key => $error) {
if ($continue_on_missing && $error->getIsMissingFieldError()) {
if ($errors) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationException($errors);
$file_phids = $this->extractFilePHIDs($object, $xactions);
if ($object->getID()) {
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
// If any of the transactions require a read lock, hold one and
// reload the object. We need to do this fairly early so that the
// call to `adjustTransactionValues()` (which populates old values)
// is based on the synchronized state of the object, which may differ
// from the state when it was originally loaded.
if ($this->shouldReadLock($object, $xaction)) {
$transaction_open = true;
$read_locking = true;
if ($this->shouldApplyInitialEffects($object, $xactions)) {
if (!$transaction_open) {
$transaction_open = true;
if ($this->shouldApplyInitialEffects($object, $xactions)) {
$this->applyInitialEffects($object, $xactions);
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$this->adjustTransactionValues($object, $xaction);
$xactions = $this->filterTransactions($object, $xactions);
if (!$xactions) {
if ($read_locking) {
$read_locking = false;
if ($transaction_open) {
$transaction_open = false;
return array();
// Now that we've merged, filtered, and combined transactions, check for
// required capabilities.
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$this->requireCapabilities($object, $xaction);
$xactions = $this->sortTransactions($xactions);
if ($is_preview) {
return $xactions;
$comment_editor = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionCommentEditor())
if (!$transaction_open) {
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$this->applyInternalEffects($object, $xaction);
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
if ($xaction->getComment()) {
$comment_editor->applyEdit($xaction, $xaction->getComment());
} else {
if ($file_phids) {
$this->attachFiles($object, $file_phids);
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$this->applyExternalEffects($object, $xaction);
$xactions = $this->applyFinalEffects($object, $xactions);
if ($read_locking) {
$read_locking = false;
// Now that we've completely applied the core transaction set, try to apply
// Herald rules. Herald rules are allowed to either take direct actions on
// the database (like writing flags), or take indirect actions (like saving
// some targets for CC when we generate mail a little later), or return
// transactions which we'll apply normally using another Editor.
// First, check if *this* is a sub-editor which is itself applying Herald
// rules: if it is, stop working and return so we don't descend into
// madness.
// Otherwise, we're not a Herald editor, so process Herald rules (possibly
// using a Herald editor to apply resulting transactions) and then send out
// mail, notifications, and feed updates about everything.
if ($this->getIsHeraldEditor()) {
// We are the Herald editor, so stop work here and return the updated
// transactions.
return $xactions;
} else if ($this->shouldApplyHeraldRules($object, $xactions)) {
// We are not the Herald editor, so try to apply Herald rules.
$herald_xactions = $this->applyHeraldRules($object, $xactions);
if ($herald_xactions) {
$xscript_id = $this->getHeraldTranscript()->getID();
foreach ($herald_xactions as $herald_xaction) {
$herald_xaction->setMetadataValue('herald:transcriptID', $xscript_id);
// NOTE: We're acting as the omnipotent user because rules deal with
// their own policy issues. We use a synthetic author PHID (the
// Herald application) as the author of record, so that transactions
// will render in a reasonable way ("Herald assigned this task ...").
$herald_actor = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser();
$herald_phid = id(new PhabricatorHeraldApplication())->getPHID();
// TODO: It would be nice to give transactions a more specific source
// which points at the rule which generated them. You can figure this
// out from transcripts, but it would be cleaner if you didn't have to.
$herald_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
$herald_editor = newv(get_class($this), array())
$herald_xactions = $herald_editor->applyTransactions(
// Merge the new transactions into the transaction list: we want to
// send email and publish feed stories about them, too.
$xactions = array_merge($xactions, $herald_xactions);
// Before sending mail or publishing feed stories, reload the object
// subscribers to pick up changes caused by Herald (or by other side effects
// in various transaction phases).
$mail = null;
if (!$this->getDisableEmail()) {
if ($this->shouldSendMail($object, $xactions)) {
$mail = $this->sendMail($object, $xactions);
if ($this->supportsSearch()) {
id(new PhabricatorSearchIndexer())
if ($this->shouldPublishFeedStory($object, $xactions)) {
$mailed = array();
if ($mail) {
$mailed = $mail->buildRecipientList();
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface) {
// Maybe this makes more sense to move into the search index itself? For
// now I'm putting it here since I think we might end up with things that
// need it to be up to date once the next page loads, but if we don't go
// there we we could move it into search once search moves to the daemons.
// It now happens in the search indexer as well, but the search indexer is
// always daemonized, so the logic above still potentially holds. We could
// possibly get rid of this. The major motivation for putting it in the
// indexer was to enable reindexing to work.
$fields = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields(
return $xactions;
protected function didApplyTransactions(array $xactions) {
// Hook for subclasses.
* Determine if the editor should hold a read lock on the object while
* applying a transaction.
* If the editor does not hold a lock, two editors may read an object at the
* same time, then apply their changes without any synchronization. For most
* transactions, this does not matter much. However, it is important for some
* transactions. For example, if an object has a transaction count on it, both
* editors may read the object with `count = 23`, then independently update it
* and save the object with `count = 24` twice. This will produce the wrong
* state: the object really has 25 transactions, but the count is only 24.
* Generally, transactions fall into one of four buckets:
* - Append operations: Actions like adding a comment to an object purely
* add information to its state, and do not depend on the current object
* state in any way. These transactions never need to hold locks.
* - Overwrite operations: Actions like changing the title or description
* of an object replace the current value with a new value, so the end
* state is consistent without a lock. We currently do not lock these
* transactions, although we may in the future.
* - Edge operations: Edge and subscription operations have internal
* synchronization which limits the damage race conditions can cause.
* We do not currently lock these transactions, although we may in the
* future.
* - Update operations: Actions like incrementing a count on an object.
* These operations generally should use locks, unless it is not
* important that the state remain consistent in the presence of races.
* @param PhabricatorLiskDAO Object being updated.
* @param PhabricatorApplicationTransaction Transaction being applied.
* @return bool True to synchronize the edit with a lock.
protected function shouldReadLock(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
return false;
private function loadHandles(array $xactions) {
$phids = array();
foreach ($xactions as $key => $xaction) {
$phids[$key] = $xaction->getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
$handles = array();
$merged = array_mergev($phids);
if ($merged) {
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
foreach ($xactions as $key => $xaction) {
$xaction->setHandles(array_select_keys($handles, $phids[$key]));
private function loadSubscribers(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
if ($object->getPHID() &&
($object instanceof PhabricatorSubscribableInterface)) {
$subs = PhabricatorSubscribersQuery::loadSubscribersForPHID(
$this->subscribers = array_fuse($subs);
} else {
$this->subscribers = array();
private function validateEditParameters(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
if (!$this->getContentSource()) {
throw new Exception(
'Call setContentSource() before applyTransactions()!');
// Do a bunch of sanity checks that the incoming transactions are fresh.
// They should be unsaved and have only "transactionType" and "newValue"
// set.
$types = array_fill_keys($this->getTransactionTypes(), true);
assert_instances_of($xactions, 'PhabricatorApplicationTransaction');
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
if ($xaction->getPHID() || $xaction->getID()) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'You can not apply transactions which already have IDs/PHIDs!'));
if ($xaction->getObjectPHID()) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'You can not apply transactions which already have objectPHIDs!'));
if ($xaction->getAuthorPHID()) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'You can not apply transactions which already have authorPHIDs!'));
if ($xaction->getCommentPHID()) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'You can not apply transactions which already have '.
if ($xaction->getCommentVersion() !== 0) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'You can not apply transactions which already have '.
$expect_value = !$xaction->shouldGenerateOldValue();
$has_value = $xaction->hasOldValue();
if ($expect_value && !$has_value) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'This transaction is supposed to have an oldValue set, but '.
'it does not!'));
if ($has_value && !$expect_value) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'This transaction should generate its oldValue automatically, '.
'but has already had one set!'));
$type = $xaction->getTransactionType();
if (empty($types[$type])) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionStructureException(
'Transaction has type "%s", but that transaction type is not '.
'supported by this editor (%s).',
protected function requireCapabilities(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
if ($this->getIsNewObject()) {
$actor = $this->requireActor();
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY:
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY:
private function buildSubscribeTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions,
array $blocks) {
if (!($object instanceof PhabricatorSubscribableInterface)) {
return null;
$texts = array_mergev($blocks);
$phids = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::extractPHIDsFromMentions(
$this->mentionedPHIDs = $phids;
if ($object->getPHID()) {
// Don't try to subscribe already-subscribed mentions: we want to generate
// a dialog about an action having no effect if the user explicitly adds
// existing CCs, but not if they merely mention existing subscribers.
$phids = array_diff($phids, $this->subscribers);
foreach ($phids as $key => $phid) {
if ($object->isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid)) {
$phids = array_values($phids);
if (!$phids) {
return null;
$xaction = newv(get_class(head($xactions)), array());
$xaction->setNewValue(array('+' => $phids));
return $xaction;
protected function getRemarkupBlocksFromTransaction(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $transaction) {
return $transaction->getRemarkupBlocks();
protected function mergeTransactions(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $u,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $v) {
$type = $u->getTransactionType();
switch ($type) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS:
return $this->mergePHIDOrEdgeTransactions($u, $v);
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
$u_type = $u->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
$v_type = $v->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
if ($u_type == $v_type) {
return $this->mergePHIDOrEdgeTransactions($u, $v);
return null;
// By default, do not merge the transactions.
return null;
* Optionally expand transactions which imply other effects. For example,
* resigning from a revision in Differential implies removing yourself as
* a reviewer.
private function expandTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$results = array();
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
foreach ($this->expandTransaction($object, $xaction) as $expanded) {
$results[] = $expanded;
return $results;
protected function expandTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
return array($xaction);
private function expandSupportTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$xactions = $this->applyImplicitCC($object, $xactions);
$blocks = array();
foreach ($xactions as $key => $xaction) {
$blocks[$key] = $this->getRemarkupBlocksFromTransaction($xaction);
$subscribe_xaction = $this->buildSubscribeTransaction(
if ($subscribe_xaction) {
$xactions[] = $subscribe_xaction;
// TODO: For now, this is just a placeholder.
$engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::getEngine('extract');
$engine->setConfig('viewer', $this->requireActor());
$block_xactions = $this->expandRemarkupBlockTransactions(
foreach ($block_xactions as $xaction) {
$xactions[] = $xaction;
return $xactions;
private function expandRemarkupBlockTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions,
PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) {
$block_xactions = $this->expandCustomRemarkupBlockTransactions(
$mentioned_phids = array();
foreach ($blocks as $key => $xaction_blocks) {
foreach ($xaction_blocks as $block) {
$mentioned_phids += $engine->getTextMetadata(
if (!$mentioned_phids) {
return $block_xactions;
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface) {
$phids = $mentioned_phids;
$project_type = PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST;
foreach ($phids as $key => $phid) {
if (phid_get_type($phid) != $project_type) {
if ($phids) {
$edge_type = PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST;
$block_xactions[] = newv(get_class(head($xactions)), array())
->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $edge_type)
->setNewValue(array('+' => $phids));
$mentioned_objects = id(new PhabricatorObjectQuery())
$mentionable_phids = array();
foreach ($mentioned_objects as $mentioned_object) {
if ($mentioned_object instanceof PhabricatorMentionableInterface) {
$mentioned_phid = $mentioned_object->getPHID();
if (idx($this->getUnmentionablePHIDMap(), $mentioned_phid)) {
// don't let objects mention themselves
if ($object->getPHID() && $mentioned_phid == $object->getPHID()) {
$mentionable_phids[$mentioned_phid] = $mentioned_phid;
if ($mentionable_phids) {
$edge_type = PhabricatorObjectMentionsObject::EDGECONST;
$block_xactions[] = newv(get_class(head($xactions)), array())
->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $edge_type)
->setNewValue(array('+' => $mentionable_phids));
return $block_xactions;
protected function expandCustomRemarkupBlockTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions,
PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) {
return array();
* Attempt to combine similar transactions into a smaller number of total
* transactions. For example, two transactions which edit the title of an
* object can be merged into a single edit.
private function combineTransactions(array $xactions) {
$stray_comments = array();
$result = array();
$types = array();
foreach ($xactions as $key => $xaction) {
$type = $xaction->getTransactionType();
if (isset($types[$type])) {
foreach ($types[$type] as $other_key) {
$merged = $this->mergeTransactions($result[$other_key], $xaction);
if ($merged) {
$result[$other_key] = $merged;
if ($xaction->getComment() &&
($xaction->getComment() !== $merged->getComment())) {
$stray_comments[] = $xaction->getComment();
if ($result[$other_key]->getComment() &&
($result[$other_key]->getComment() !== $merged->getComment())) {
$stray_comments[] = $result[$other_key]->getComment();
// Move on to the next transaction.
continue 2;
$result[$key] = $xaction;
$types[$type][] = $key;
// If we merged any comments away, restore them.
foreach ($stray_comments as $comment) {
$xaction = newv(get_class(head($result)), array());
$result[] = $xaction;
return array_values($result);
protected function mergePHIDOrEdgeTransactions(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $u,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $v) {
$result = $u->getNewValue();
foreach ($v->getNewValue() as $key => $value) {
if ($u->getTransactionType() == PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) {
if (empty($result[$key])) {
$result[$key] = $value;
} else {
// We're merging two lists of edge adds, sets, or removes. Merge
// them by merging individual PHIDs within them.
$merged = $result[$key];
foreach ($value as $dst => $v_spec) {
if (empty($merged[$dst])) {
$merged[$dst] = $v_spec;
} else {
// Two transactions are trying to perform the same operation on
// the same edge. Normalize the edge data and then merge it. This
// allows transactions to specify how data merges execute in a
// precise way.
$u_spec = $merged[$dst];
if (!is_array($u_spec)) {
$u_spec = array('dst' => $u_spec);
if (!is_array($v_spec)) {
$v_spec = array('dst' => $v_spec);
$ux_data = idx($u_spec, 'data', array());
$vx_data = idx($v_spec, 'data', array());
$merged_data = $this->mergeEdgeData(
$u_spec['data'] = $merged_data;
$merged[$dst] = $u_spec;
$result[$key] = $merged;
} else {
$result[$key] = array_merge($value, idx($result, $key, array()));
// When combining an "ignore" transaction with a normal transaction, make
// sure we don't propagate the "ignore" flag.
if (!$v->getIgnoreOnNoEffect()) {
return $u;
protected function mergeEdgeData($type, array $u, array $v) {
return $v + $u;
protected function getPHIDTransactionNewValue(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$old = array_fuse($xaction->getOldValue());
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$new_add = idx($new, '+', array());
$new_rem = idx($new, '-', array());
$new_set = idx($new, '=', null);
if ($new_set !== null) {
$new_set = array_fuse($new_set);
if ($new) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid 'new' value for PHID transaction. Value should contain only ".
"keys '+' (add PHIDs), '-' (remove PHIDs) and '=' (set PHIDS).");
$result = array();
foreach ($old as $phid) {
if ($new_set !== null && empty($new_set[$phid])) {
$result[$phid] = $phid;
if ($new_set !== null) {
foreach ($new_set as $phid) {
$result[$phid] = $phid;
foreach ($new_add as $phid) {
$result[$phid] = $phid;
foreach ($new_rem as $phid) {
return array_values($result);
protected function getEdgeTransactionNewValue(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$new_add = idx($new, '+', array());
$new_rem = idx($new, '-', array());
$new_set = idx($new, '=', null);
if ($new) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid 'new' value for Edge transaction. Value should contain only ".
"keys '+' (add edges), '-' (remove edges) and '=' (set edges).");
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$lists = array($new_set, $new_add, $new_rem);
foreach ($lists as $list) {
$result = array();
foreach ($old as $dst_phid => $edge) {
if ($new_set !== null && empty($new_set[$dst_phid])) {
$result[$dst_phid] = $this->normalizeEdgeTransactionValue(
if ($new_set !== null) {
foreach ($new_set as $dst_phid => $edge) {
$result[$dst_phid] = $this->normalizeEdgeTransactionValue(
foreach ($new_add as $dst_phid => $edge) {
$result[$dst_phid] = $this->normalizeEdgeTransactionValue(
foreach ($new_rem as $dst_phid => $edge) {
return $result;
private function checkEdgeList($list) {
if (!$list) {
foreach ($list as $key => $item) {
if (phid_get_type($key) === PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
throw new Exception(
"Edge transactions must have destination PHIDs as in edge ".
"lists (found key '{$key}').");
if (!is_array($item) && $item !== $key) {
throw new Exception(
"Edge transactions must have PHIDs or edge specs as values ".
"(found value '{$item}').");
private function normalizeEdgeTransactionValue(
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction,
$dst_phid) {
if (!is_array($edge)) {
if ($edge != $dst_phid) {
throw new Exception(
'Transaction edge data must either be the edge PHID or an edge '.
'specification dictionary.'));
$edge = array();
} else {
foreach ($edge as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case 'src':
case 'dst':
case 'type':
case 'data':
case 'dateCreated':
case 'dateModified':
case 'seq':
case 'dataID':
throw new Exception(
'Transaction edge specification contains unexpected key '.
$edge['dst'] = $dst_phid;
$edge_type = $xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
if (empty($edge['type'])) {
$edge['type'] = $edge_type;
} else {
if ($edge['type'] != $edge_type) {
$this_type = $edge['type'];
throw new Exception(
"Edge transaction includes edge of type '{$this_type}', but ".
"transaction is of type '{$edge_type}'. Each edge transaction must ".
"alter edges of only one type.");
if (!isset($edge['data'])) {
$edge['data'] = array();
return $edge;
protected function sortTransactions(array $xactions) {
$head = array();
$tail = array();
// Move bare comments to the end, so the actions precede them.
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$type = $xaction->getTransactionType();
if ($type == PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT) {
$tail[] = $xaction;
} else {
$head[] = $xaction;
return array_values(array_merge($head, $tail));
protected function filterTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$type_comment = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT;
$no_effect = array();
$has_comment = false;
$any_effect = false;
foreach ($xactions as $key => $xaction) {
if ($this->transactionHasEffect($object, $xaction)) {
if ($xaction->getTransactionType() != $type_comment) {
$any_effect = true;
} else if ($xaction->getIgnoreOnNoEffect()) {
} else {
$no_effect[$key] = $xaction;
if ($xaction->hasComment()) {
$has_comment = true;
if (!$no_effect) {
return $xactions;
if (!$this->getContinueOnNoEffect() && !$this->getIsPreview()) {
throw new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException(
if (!$any_effect && !$has_comment) {
// If we only have empty comment transactions, just drop them all.
return array();
foreach ($no_effect as $key => $xaction) {
if ($xaction->getComment()) {
} else {
return $xactions;
* Hook for validating transactions. This callback will be invoked for each
* available transaction type, even if an edit does not apply any transactions
* of that type. This allows you to raise exceptions when required fields are
* missing, by detecting that the object has no field value and there is no
* transaction which sets one.
* @param PhabricatorLiskDAO Object being edited.
* @param string Transaction type to validate.
* @param list<PhabricatorApplicationTransaction> Transactions of given type,
* which may be empty if the edit does not apply any transactions of the
* given type.
* @return list<PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError> List of
* validation errors.
protected function validateTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$errors = array();
switch ($type) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY:
$errors[] = $this->validatePolicyTransaction(
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY:
$errors[] = $this->validatePolicyTransaction(
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD:
$groups = array();
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$groups[$xaction->getMetadataValue('customfield:key')][] = $xaction;
$field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields(
$role_xactions = PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_APPLICATIONTRANSACTIONS;
foreach ($field_list->getFields() as $field) {
if (!$field->shouldEnableForRole($role_xactions)) {
$errors[] = $field->validateApplicationTransactions(
idx($groups, $field->getFieldKey(), array()));
return array_mergev($errors);
private function validatePolicyTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions,
$capability) {
$actor = $this->requireActor();
$errors = array();
// Note $this->xactions is necessary; $xactions is $this->xactions of
// $transaction_type
$policy_object = $this->adjustObjectForPolicyChecks(
// Make sure the user isn't editing away their ability to $capability this
// object.
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
try {
} catch (PhabricatorPolicyException $ex) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'You can not select this %s policy, because you would no longer '.
'be able to %s the object.',
if ($this->getIsNewObject()) {
if (!$xactions) {
$has_capability = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability(
if (!$has_capability) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
pht('The selected %s policy excludes you. Choose a %s policy '.
'which allows you to %s the object.',
return $errors;
protected function adjustObjectForPolicyChecks(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return clone $object;
* Check for a missing text field.
* A text field is missing if the object has no value and there are no
* transactions which set a value, or if the transactions remove the value.
* This method is intended to make implementing @{method:validateTransaction}
* more convenient:
* $missing = $this->validateIsEmptyTextField(
* $object->getName(),
* $xactions);
* This will return `true` if the net effect of the object and transactions
* is an empty field.
* @param wild Current field value.
* @param list<PhabricatorApplicationTransaction> Transactions editing the
* field.
* @return bool True if the field will be an empty text field after edits.
protected function validateIsEmptyTextField($field_value, array $xactions) {
if (strlen($field_value) && empty($xactions)) {
return false;
if ($xactions && strlen(last($xactions)->getNewValue())) {
return false;
return true;
/* -( Implicit CCs )------------------------------------------------------- */
* When a user interacts with an object, we might want to add them to CC.
final public function applyImplicitCC(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
if (!($object instanceof PhabricatorSubscribableInterface)) {
// If the object isn't subscribable, we can't CC them.
return $xactions;
$actor_phid = $this->getActingAsPHID();
$type_user = PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST;
if (phid_get_type($actor_phid) != $type_user) {
// Transactions by application actors like Herald, Harbormaster and
// Diffusion should not CC the applications.
return $xactions;
if ($object->isAutomaticallySubscribed($actor_phid)) {
// If they're auto-subscribed, don't CC them.
return $xactions;
$should_cc = false;
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
if ($this->shouldImplyCC($object, $xaction)) {
$should_cc = true;
if (!$should_cc) {
// Only some types of actions imply a CC (like adding a comment).
return $xactions;
if ($object->getPHID()) {
if (isset($this->subscribers[$actor_phid])) {
// If the user is already subscribed, don't implicitly CC them.
return $xactions;
$unsub = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
$unsub = array_fuse($unsub);
if (isset($unsub[$actor_phid])) {
// If the user has previously unsubscribed from this object explicitly,
// don't implicitly CC them.
return $xactions;
$xaction = newv(get_class(head($xactions)), array());
$xaction->setNewValue(array('+' => array($actor_phid)));
array_unshift($xactions, $xaction);
return $xactions;
protected function shouldImplyCC(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
return $xaction->isCommentTransaction();
/* -( Sending Mail )------------------------------------------------------- */
* @task mail
protected function shouldSendMail(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return false;
* @task mail
protected function sendMail(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
// Check if any of the transactions are visible. If we don't have any
// visible transactions, don't send the mail.
$any_visible = false;
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
if (!$xaction->shouldHideForMail($xactions)) {
$any_visible = true;
if (!$any_visible) {
$email_to = array_filter(array_unique($this->getMailTo($object)));
$email_cc = array_filter(array_unique($this->getMailCC($object)));
$phids = array_merge($email_to, $email_cc);
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
$template = $this->buildMailTemplate($object);
$body = $this->buildMailBody($object, $xactions);
$mail_tags = $this->getMailTags($object, $xactions);
$action = $this->getMailAction($object, $xactions);
$reply_handler = $this->buildReplyHandler($object);
$reply_section = $reply_handler->getReplyHandlerInstructions();
if ($reply_section !== null) {
->setThreadID($this->getMailThreadID($object), $this->getIsNewObject())
foreach ($body->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
$herald_xscript = $this->getHeraldTranscript();
if ($herald_xscript) {
$herald_header = $herald_xscript->getXHeraldRulesHeader();
$herald_header = HeraldTranscript::saveXHeraldRulesHeader(
} else {
$herald_header = HeraldTranscript::loadXHeraldRulesHeader(
if ($herald_header) {
$template->addHeader('X-Herald-Rules', $herald_header);
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface) {
$this->addMailProjectMetadata($object, $template);
if ($this->getParentMessageID()) {
$mails = $reply_handler->multiplexMail(
array_select_keys($handles, $email_to),
array_select_keys($handles, $email_cc));
foreach ($mails as $mail) {
return $template;
private function addMailProjectMetadata(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorMetaMTAMail $template) {
$project_phids = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
if (!$project_phids) {
// TODO: This viewer isn't quite right. It would be slightly better to use
// the mail recipient, but that's not very easy given the way rendering
// works today.
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery())
$project_tags = array();
foreach ($handles as $handle) {
if (!$handle->isComplete()) {
$project_tags[] = '<'.$handle->getObjectName().'>';
if (!$project_tags) {
$project_tags = implode(', ', $project_tags);
$template->addHeader('X-Phabricator-Projects', $project_tags);
protected function getMailThreadID(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
return $object->getPHID();
* @task mail
protected function getStrongestAction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return last(msort($xactions, 'getActionStrength'));
* @task mail
protected function buildReplyHandler(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported.');
* @task mail
protected function getMailSubjectPrefix() {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported.');
* @task mail
protected function getMailTags(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$tags = array();
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$tags[] = $xaction->getMailTags();
return array_mergev($tags);
* @task mail
public function getMailTagsMap() {
// TODO: We should move shared mail tags, like "comment", here.
return array();
* @task mail
protected function getMailAction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return $this->getStrongestAction($object, $xactions)->getActionName();
* @task mail
protected function buildMailTemplate(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported.');
* @task mail
protected function getMailTo(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported.');
* @task mail
protected function getMailCC(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
$phids = array();
$has_support = false;
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorSubscribableInterface) {
$phids[] = $this->subscribers;
$has_support = true;
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface) {
$project_phids = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
if ($project_phids) {
$watcher_type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_OBJECT_HAS_WATCHER;
$query = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery())
$watcher_phids = $query->getDestinationPHIDs();
if ($watcher_phids) {
// We need to do a visibility check for all the watchers, as
// watching a project is not a guarantee that you can see objects
// associated with it.
$users = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery())
$watchers = array();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$can_see = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability(
if ($can_see) {
$watchers[] = $user->getPHID();
$phids[] = $watchers;
$has_support = true;
if (!$has_support) {
throw new Exception('Capability not supported.');
return array_mergev($phids);
* @task mail
protected function buildMailBody(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$headers = array();
$comments = array();
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
if ($xaction->shouldHideForMail($xactions)) {
$header = $xaction->getTitleForMail();
if ($header !== null) {
$headers[] = $header;
$comment = $xaction->getBodyForMail();
if ($comment !== null) {
$comments[] = $comment;
$body = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody();
+ $body->setViewer($this->requireActor());
$body->addRawSection(implode("\n", $headers));
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
- $body->addRawSection($comment);
+ $body->addRemarkupSection($comment);
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface) {
$field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields(
foreach ($field_list->getFields() as $field) {
return $body;
/* -( Publishing Feed Stories )-------------------------------------------- */
* @task feed
protected function shouldPublishFeedStory(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return false;
* @task feed
protected function getFeedStoryType() {
return 'PhabricatorApplicationTransactionFeedStory';
* @task feed
protected function getFeedRelatedPHIDs(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$phids = array(
if ($object instanceof PhabricatorProjectInterface) {
$project_phids = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
foreach ($project_phids as $project_phid) {
$phids[] = $project_phid;
return $phids;
* @task feed
protected function getFeedNotifyPHIDs(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return array_unique(array_merge(
* @task feed
protected function getFeedStoryData(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$xactions = msort($xactions, 'getActionStrength');
$xactions = array_reverse($xactions);
return array(
'objectPHID' => $object->getPHID(),
'transactionPHIDs' => mpull($xactions, 'getPHID'),
* @task feed
protected function publishFeedStory(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions,
array $mailed_phids) {
$xactions = mfilter($xactions, 'shouldHideForFeed', true);
if (!$xactions) {
$related_phids = $this->getFeedRelatedPHIDs($object, $xactions);
$subscribed_phids = $this->getFeedNotifyPHIDs($object, $xactions);
$story_type = $this->getFeedStoryType();
$story_data = $this->getFeedStoryData($object, $xactions);
id(new PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher())
->setMailTags($this->getMailTags($object, $xactions))
/* -( Search Index )------------------------------------------------------- */
* @task search
protected function supportsSearch() {
return false;
/* -( Herald Integration )-------------------------------------------------- */
protected function shouldApplyHeraldRules(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return false;
protected function buildHeraldAdapter(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
throw new Exception('No herald adapter specified.');
private function setHeraldAdapter(HeraldAdapter $adapter) {
$this->heraldAdapter = $adapter;
return $this;
protected function getHeraldAdapter() {
return $this->heraldAdapter;
private function setHeraldTranscript(HeraldTranscript $transcript) {
$this->heraldTranscript = $transcript;
return $this;
protected function getHeraldTranscript() {
return $this->heraldTranscript;
private function applyHeraldRules(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$adapter = $this->buildHeraldAdapter($object, $xactions);
$xscript = HeraldEngine::loadAndApplyRules($adapter);
return array_merge(
$this->didApplyHeraldRules($object, $adapter, $xscript),
protected function didApplyHeraldRules(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
HeraldAdapter $adapter,
HeraldTranscript $transcript) {
return array();
/* -( Custom Fields )------------------------------------------------------ */
* @task customfield
private function getCustomFieldForTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$field_key = $xaction->getMetadataValue('customfield:key');
if (!$field_key) {
throw new Exception(
"Custom field transaction has no 'customfield:key'!");
$field = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectField(
if (!$field) {
throw new Exception(
"Custom field transaction has invalid 'customfield:key'; field ".
"'{$field_key}' is disabled or does not exist.");
if (!$field->shouldAppearInApplicationTransactions()) {
throw new Exception(
"Custom field transaction '{$field_key}' does not implement ".
"integration for ApplicationTransactions.");
return $field;
/* -( Files )-------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Extract the PHIDs of any files which these transactions attach.
* @task files
private function extractFilePHIDs(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$blocks = array();
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$blocks[] = $this->getRemarkupBlocksFromTransaction($xaction);
$blocks = array_mergev($blocks);
$phids = array();
if ($blocks) {
$phids[] = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::extractFilePHIDsFromEmbeddedFiles(
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
$phids[] = $this->extractFilePHIDsFromCustomTransaction(
$phids = array_unique(array_filter(array_mergev($phids)));
if (!$phids) {
return array();
// Only let a user attach files they can actually see, since this would
// otherwise let you access any file by attaching it to an object you have
// view permission on.
$files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
return mpull($files, 'getPHID');
* @task files
protected function extractFilePHIDsFromCustomTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
return array();
* @task files
private function attachFiles(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $file_phids) {
if (!$file_phids) {
$editor = new PhabricatorEdgeEditor();
$src = $object->getPHID();
$type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_OBJECT_HAS_FILE;
foreach ($file_phids as $dst) {
$editor->addEdge($src, $type, $dst);
private function applyInverseEdgeTransactions(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction,
$inverse_type) {
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$add = array_keys(array_diff_key($new, $old));
$rem = array_keys(array_diff_key($old, $new));
$add = array_fuse($add);
$rem = array_fuse($rem);
$all = $add + $rem;
$nodes = id(new PhabricatorObjectQuery())
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if (!($node instanceof PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface)) {
$editor = $node->getApplicationTransactionEditor();
$template = $node->getApplicationTransactionTemplate();
$target = $node->getApplicationTransactionObject();
if (isset($add[$node->getPHID()])) {
$edge_edit_type = '+';
} else {
$edge_edit_type = '-';
->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $inverse_type)
$edge_edit_type => array($object->getPHID() => $object->getPHID()),
$editor->applyTransactions($target, array($template));
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule.php b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule.php
index d0bf3a69b1..2f32950f4e 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,102 +1,112 @@
final class PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
public function getPriority() {
return 200.0;
public function apply($text) {
return preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupNavigation'),
public function markupNavigation($matches) {
if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
return $matches[0];
$elements = ltrim($matches[1], ", \n");
$elements = explode('>', $elements);
$defaults = array(
'name' => null,
'type' => 'link',
'href' => null,
'icon' => null,
$sequence = array();
$parser = new PhutilSimpleOptions();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if (strpos($element, '=') === false) {
$sequence[] = array(
'name' => trim($element),
) + $defaults;
} else {
$sequence[] = $parser->parse($element) + $defaults;
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
return implode(' > ', ipull($sequence, 'name'));
static $icon_names;
if (!$icon_names) {
$icon_names = array_fuse(PHUIIconView::getFontIcons());
$out = array();
foreach ($sequence as $item) {
$item_name = $item['name'];
$item_color = PHUITagView::COLOR_GREY;
if ($item['type'] == 'instructions') {
$item_name = phutil_tag('em', array(), $item_name);
$item_color = PHUITagView::COLOR_INDIGO;
$tag = id(new PHUITagView())
if ($item['icon']) {
$icon_name = 'fa-'.$item['icon'];
if (isset($icon_names[$icon_name])) {
if ($item['href'] !== null) {
if (PhabricatorEnv::isValidWebResource($item['href'])) {
$out[] = $tag;
+ if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $arrow_attr = array(
+ 'style' => 'color: #92969D;',
+ );
+ $nav_attr = array();
+ } else {
+ $arrow_attr = array(
+ 'class' => 'remarkup-nav-sequence-arrow',
+ );
+ $nav_attr = array(
+ 'class' => 'remarkup-nav-sequence',
+ );
+ }
$joiner = phutil_tag(
- array(
- 'class' => 'remarkup-nav-sequence-arrow',
- ),
+ $arrow_attr,
" \xE2\x86\x92 ");
$out = phutil_implode_html($joiner, $out);
$out = phutil_tag(
- array(
- 'class' => 'remarkup-nav-sequence',
- ),
+ $nav_attr,
return $this->getEngine()->storeText($out);
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorObjectRemarkupRule.php b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorObjectRemarkupRule.php
index 1e60bde7dc..3f8688897e 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorObjectRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorObjectRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,302 +1,359 @@
abstract class PhabricatorObjectRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
const KEY_RULE_OBJECT = 'rule.object';
const KEY_MENTIONED_OBJECTS = 'rule.object.mentioned';
abstract protected function getObjectNamePrefix();
abstract protected function loadObjects(array $ids);
public function getPriority() {
return 450.0;
protected function getObjectNamePrefixBeginsWithWordCharacter() {
$prefix = $this->getObjectNamePrefix();
return preg_match('/^\w/', $prefix);
protected function getObjectIDPattern() {
return '[1-9]\d*';
protected function shouldMarkupObject(array $params) {
return true;
protected function loadHandles(array $objects) {
$phids = mpull($objects, 'getPHID');
$handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery($phids))
$result = array();
foreach ($objects as $id => $object) {
$result[$id] = $handles[$object->getPHID()];
return $result;
protected function getObjectHref($object, $handle, $id) {
return $handle->getURI();
- protected function renderObjectRef($object, $handle, $anchor, $id) {
+ protected function renderObjectRefForAnyMedia (
+ $object,
+ $handle,
+ $anchor,
+ $id) {
$href = $this->getObjectHref($object, $handle, $id);
$text = $this->getObjectNamePrefix().$id;
if ($anchor) {
$href = $href.'#'.$anchor;
$text = $text.'#'.$anchor;
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
return PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href);
+ } else if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href);
+ return $this->renderObjectTagForMail($text, $href, $handle);
+ return $this->renderObjectRef($object, $handle, $anchor, $id);
+ }
+ protected function renderObjectRef($object, $handle, $anchor, $id) {
+ $href = $this->getObjectHref($object, $handle, $id);
+ $text = $this->getObjectNamePrefix().$id;
$status_closed = PhabricatorObjectHandleStatus::STATUS_CLOSED;
+ if ($anchor) {
+ $href = $href.'#'.$anchor;
+ $text = $text.'#'.$anchor;
+ }
$attr = array(
'phid' => $handle->getPHID(),
'closed' => ($handle->getStatus() == $status_closed),
return $this->renderHovertag($text, $href, $attr);
- protected function renderObjectEmbed($object, $handle, $options) {
+ protected function renderObjectEmbedForAnyMedia($object, $handle, $options) {
$name = $handle->getFullName();
$href = $handle->getURI();
- $status_closed = PhabricatorObjectHandleStatus::STATUS_CLOSED;
if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
return $name.' <'.PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href).'>';
+ } else if ($this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode()) {
+ $href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($href);
+ return $this->renderObjectTagForMail($name, $href, $handle);
+ return $this->renderObjectEmbed($object, $handle, $options);
+ }
+ protected function renderObjectEmbed($object, $handle, $options) {
+ $name = $handle->getFullName();
+ $href = $handle->getURI();
+ $status_closed = PhabricatorObjectHandleStatus::STATUS_CLOSED;
$attr = array(
'phid' => $handle->getPHID(),
'closed' => ($handle->getStatus() == $status_closed),
return $this->renderHovertag($name, $href, $attr);
+ protected function renderObjectTagForMail(
+ $text,
+ $href,
+ $handle) {
+ $status_closed = PhabricatorObjectHandleStatus::STATUS_CLOSED;
+ $strikethrough = $handle->getStatus() == $status_closed ?
+ 'text-decoration: line-through;' :
+ 'text-decoration: none;';
+ return phutil_tag(
+ 'a',
+ array(
+ 'href' => $href,
+ 'style' => 'background-color: #e7e7e7;
+ border-color: #e7e7e7;
+ border-radius: 3px;
+ padding: 0 4px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: black;'
+ .$strikethrough,
+ ),
+ $text);
+ }
protected function renderHovertag($name, $href, array $attr = array()) {
return id(new PHUITagView())
->setPHID(idx($attr, 'phid'))
->setClosed(idx($attr, 'closed'))
public function apply($text) {
$text = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupObjectEmbed'),
$text = preg_replace_callback(
array($this, 'markupObjectReference'),
return $text;
private function getObjectEmbedPattern() {
$prefix = $this->getObjectNamePrefix();
$prefix = preg_quote($prefix);
$id = $this->getObjectIDPattern();
return '(\B{'.$prefix.'('.$id.')((?:[^}\\\\]|\\\\.)*)}\B)u';
private function getObjectReferencePattern() {
$prefix = $this->getObjectNamePrefix();
$prefix = preg_quote($prefix);
$id = $this->getObjectIDPattern();
// If the prefix starts with a word character (like "D"), we want to
// require a word boundary so that we don't match "XD1" as "D1". If the
// prefix does not start with a word character, we want to require no word
// boundary for the same reasons. Test if the prefix starts with a word
// character.
if ($this->getObjectNamePrefixBeginsWithWordCharacter()) {
$boundary = '\\b';
} else {
$boundary = '\\B';
// The "(?<![#-])" prevents us from linking "#abcdef" or similar, and
// "ABC-T1" (see T5714).
// The "\b" allows us to link "(abcdef)" or similar without linking things
// in the middle of words.
return '((?<![#-])'.$boundary.$prefix.'('.$id.')(?:#([-\w\d]+))?(?!\w))u';
* Extract matched object references from a block of text.
* This is intended to make it easy to write unit tests for object remarkup
* rules. Production code is not normally expected to call this method.
* @param string Text to match rules against.
* @return wild Matches, suitable for writing unit tests against.
public function extractReferences($text) {
$embed_matches = null;
$ref_matches = null;
$results = array();
$sets = array(
'embed' => $embed_matches,
'ref' => $ref_matches,
foreach ($sets as $type => $matches) {
$formatted = array();
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$format = array(
'offset' => $match[1][1],
'id' => $match[1][0],
if (isset($match[2][0])) {
$format['tail'] = $match[2][0];
$formatted[] = $format;
$results[$type] = $formatted;
return $results;
public function markupObjectEmbed($matches) {
if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
return $matches[0];
return $this->markupObject(array(
'type' => 'embed',
'id' => $matches[1],
'options' => idx($matches, 2),
'original' => $matches[0],
public function markupObjectReference($matches) {
if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
return $matches[0];
return $this->markupObject(array(
'type' => 'ref',
'id' => $matches[1],
'anchor' => idx($matches, 2),
'original' => $matches[0],
private function markupObject(array $params) {
if (!$this->shouldMarkupObject($params)) {
return $params['original'];
$regex = trim(
if ($regex && preg_match($regex, $params['original'])) {
return $params['original'];
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$token = $engine->storeText('x');
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_OBJECT.'.'.$this->getObjectNamePrefix();
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
$metadata[] = array(
'token' => $token,
) + $params;
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, $metadata);
return $token;
public function didMarkupText() {
$engine = $this->getEngine();
$metadata_key = self::KEY_RULE_OBJECT.'.'.$this->getObjectNamePrefix();
$metadata = $engine->getTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
if (!$metadata) {
$ids = ipull($metadata, 'id');
$objects = $this->loadObjects($ids);
// For objects that are invalid or which the user can't see, just render
// the original text.
// TODO: We should probably distinguish between these cases and render a
// "you can't see this" state for nonvisible objects.
foreach ($metadata as $key => $spec) {
if (empty($objects[$spec['id']])) {
$phids = $engine->getTextMetadata(self::KEY_MENTIONED_OBJECTS, array());
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$phids[$object->getPHID()] = $object->getPHID();
$engine->setTextMetadata(self::KEY_MENTIONED_OBJECTS, $phids);
$handles = $this->loadHandles($objects);
foreach ($metadata as $key => $spec) {
$handle = $handles[$spec['id']];
$object = $objects[$spec['id']];
switch ($spec['type']) {
case 'ref':
- $view = $this->renderObjectRef(
+ $view = $this->renderObjectRefForAnyMedia(
case 'embed':
$spec['options'] = $this->assertFlatText($spec['options']);
- $view = $this->renderObjectEmbed($object, $handle, $spec['options']);
+ $view = $this->renderObjectEmbedForAnyMedia(
+ $object,
+ $handle,
+ $spec['options']);
$engine->overwriteStoredText($spec['token'], $view);
$engine->setTextMetadata($metadata_key, array());
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule.php b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule.php
index 6528783aed..43af8d3f01 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/markup/rule/PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule.php
@@ -1,47 +1,49 @@
final class PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule extends PhutilRemarkupRule {
public function getPriority() {
return 350.0;
public function apply($text) {
$this->uri = new PhutilURI($text);
if ($this->uri->getDomain() &&
preg_match('/(^|\.)youtube\.com$/', $this->uri->getDomain()) &&
idx($this->uri->getQueryParams(), 'v')) {
return $this->markupYoutubeLink();
return $text;
public function markupYoutubeLink() {
$v = idx($this->uri->getQueryParams(), 'v');
+ $text_mode = $this->getEngine()->isTextMode();
+ $mail_mode = $this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode();
- if ($this->getEngine()->isTextMode()) {
+ if ($text_mode || $mail_mode) {
return $this->getEngine()->storeText(''.$v);
$youtube_src = ''.$v;
$iframe = $this->newTag(
'class' => 'embedded-youtube-video',
'width' => '650',
'height' => '400',
'style' => 'margin: 1em auto; border: 0px;',
'src' => $youtube_src,
'frameborder' => 0,
return $this->getEngine()->storeText($iframe);
File Metadata
Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 19:55 (6 w, 1 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(119 KB)
Attached To
rP Phorge
Detach File
Event Timeline
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