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@title Diffusion User Guide: Repository Hosting
@group userguide
Guide to configuring Phabricator repository hosting.
= Overview =
Phabricator can host repositories and provide authenticated read and write
access to them over HTTP and SSH. This document describes how to configure
repository hosting.
NOTE: This feature is new and has some rough edges. Let us know if you run into
issues (see @{article:Give Feedback! Get Support!}).
= Understanding Supported Protocols =
Phabricator supports hosting over these protocols:
| VCS | SSH | HTTP |
| Git | Supported | Supported |
| Mercurial | Supported | Supported |
| Subversion | Supported | Not Supported |
All supported protocols handle reads (pull/checkout/clone) and writes
(push/commit). Of the two protocols, SSH is generally more robust, secure and
performant, but HTTP is easier to set up and supports anonymous access.
| | SSH | HTTP |
| |-----|------|
| Reads | Yes | Yes |
| Writes | Yes | Yes |
| Authenticated Access | Yes | Yes |
| Push Logs | Yes | Yes |
| Commit Hooks | Yes | Yes |
| Anonymous Access | No | Yes |
| Security | Better (Asymmetric Key) | Okay (Password) |
| Performance | Better | Okay |
| Setup | Hard | Easy |
Each repository can be configured individually, and you can use either protocol,
or both, or a mixture across different repositories.
SSH is recommended unless you need anonymous access, or are not able to
configure it for technical reasons.
= Configuring System User Accounts =
Phabricator uses as many as three user accounts. This section will guide you
through creating and configuring them. These are system user accounts on the
machine Phabricator runs on, not Phabricator user accounts.
The system accounts are:
- The user the daemons run as. We'll call this `daemon-user`. For more
information on the daemons, see @{article:Managing Daemons with phd}.
- The user the webserver runs as. We'll call this `www-user`. If you do not
plan to make repositories available over HTTP, you do not need to perform
any special configuration for this user.
- The user that users will connect over SSH as. We'll call this `vcs-user`.
If you do not plan to make repositories available over SSH, you do not need
to perform any special configuration for this user.
To configure these users:
- Create a `daemon-user` if one does not already exist (you can call this user
whatever you want, or use an existing account). When you start the daemons,
start them using this user.
- Create a `www-user` if one does not already exist. Run your webserver as
this user. In most cases, this user will already exist.
- Create a `vcs-user` if one does not already exist. Common names for this
user are `git` or `hg`. When users clone repositories, they will use a URI
like ``.
Now, allow the `vcs-user` and `www-user` to `sudo` as the `daemon-user`. Add
this to `/etc/sudoers`, using `visudo` or `sudoedit`.
If you plan to use SSH:
vcs-user ALL=(daemon-user) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /path/to/bin/git-upload-pack, /path/to/bin/git-receive-pack, /path/to/bin/hg, /path/to/bin/svnserve
If you plan to use HTTP:
www-user ALL=(daemon-user) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/git-http-backend, /usr/bin/hg
Replace `vcs-user`, `www-user` and `daemon-user` with the right usernames for
your configuration. Make sure all the paths point to the real locations of the
binaries on your system. You can omit any binaries associated with VCSes you do
not use.
Adding these commands to `sudoers` will allow the daemon and webserver users to
write to repositories as the daemon user.
Finally, once you've configured `sudoers`, set `phd.user` to the `daemon-user`:
phabricator/ $ ./bin/config set phd.user daemon-user
= Configuring HTTP =
If you plan to use authenticated HTTP, you need to set
`diffusion.allow-http-auth` in Config. If you don't plan to use HTTP, or plan to
use only anonymous HTTP, you can leave this setting disabled.
Otherwise, if you've configured system accounts above, you're all set. No
additional server configuration is required to make HTTP work.
= Configuring SSH =
SSH access requires some additional setup. Here's an overview of how setup
- You'll move the normal `sshd` daemon to another port, like `222`. When
connecting to the machine to administrate it, you'll use this alternate
- You'll run a highly restricted `sshd` on port 22, with a special locked-down
configuration that uses Phabricator to authorize users and execute commands.
- The `sshd` on port 22 **MUST** be 6.2 or newer, because Phabricator relies
on the `AuthorizedKeysCommand` option.
Here's a walkthrough of how to perform this configuration in detail:
**Move Normal SSHD**: Be careful when editing the configuration for `sshd`. If
you get it wrong, you may lock yourself out of the machine. Restarting `sshd`
generally will not interrupt existing connections, but you should exercise
caution. Two strategies you can use to mitigate this risk are: smoke-test
configuration by starting a second `sshd`; and use a `screen` session which
automatically repairs configuration unless stopped.
To smoke-test a configuration, just start another `sshd` using the `-f` flag:
sudo sshd -f /path/to/config_file.edited
You can then connect and make sure the edited config file is valid before
replacing your primary configuration file.
To automatically repair configuration, start a `screen` session with a command
like this in it:
sleep 60 ; mv sshd_config.good sshd_config ; /etc/init.d/sshd restart
The specific command may vary for your system, but the general idea is to have
the machine automatically restore configuration after some period of time if
you don't stop it. If you lock yourself out, this will fix things automatically.
Now that you're ready to edit your configuration, open up your `sshd` config
(often `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`) and change the `Port` setting to some other port,
like `222` (you can choose any port other than 22).
Port 222
Very carefully, restart `sshd`. Verify that you can connect on the new port:
ssh -p 222 ...
**Configure and Start Phabricator SSHD**: Now, configure and start a second
`sshd` instance which will run on port `22`. This instance will use a special
locked-down configuration that uses Phabricator to handle authentication and
command execution.
There are three major steps:
- Create a `` file.
- Create a `sshd_phabricator` config file.
- Start a copy of `sshd` using the new configuration.
**Create ``**: Copy the template in
`phabricator/resources/sshd/` to somewhere like
`/usr/libexec/` and edit it to have the correct
settings. Then make it owned by `root` and restrict editing:
sudo chown root /path/to/
sudo chmod 755 /path/to/
If you don't do this, `sshd` will refuse to execute the hook.
**Create `sshd_config` for Phabricator**: Copy the template in
`phabricator/resources/sshd/sshd_config.phabricator.example` to somewhere like
Open the file and edit the `AuthorizedKeysCommand` and
`AuthorizedKeysCommandUser` settings to be correct for your system.
**Start SSHD**: Now, start the Phabricator `sshd`:
sudo sshd -f /path/to/sshd_config.phabricator
If you did everything correctly, you should be able to run this:
echo {} | ssh conduit
...and get a response like this:
(If you get an authentication error, make sure you added your public key in
**Settings > SSH Public Keys**.)
= Authentication Over HTTP =
To authenticate over HTTP, users should configure a **VCS Password** in the
**Settings** screen. This panel is available only if `diffusion.allow-http-auth`
is enabled.
= Authentication Over SSH =
To authenticate over SSH, users should add **SSH Public Keys** in the
**Settings** screen.

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