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diff --git a/src/future/Future.php b/src/future/Future.php
index f69f14bc..8ce48eb6 100644
--- a/src/future/Future.php
+++ b/src/future/Future.php
@@ -1,211 +1,254 @@
* A 'future' or 'promise' is an object which represents the result of some
* pending computation. For a more complete overview of futures, see
* @{article:Using Futures}.
abstract class Future extends Phobject {
private $hasResult = false;
private $hasStarted = false;
private $hasEnded = false;
private $result;
private $exception;
private $futureKey;
+ private $serviceProfilerCallID;
* Is this future's process complete? Specifically, can this future be
* resolved without blocking?
* @return bool If true, the external process is complete and resolving this
* future will not block.
abstract public function isReady();
* Resolve a future and return its result, blocking until the result is ready
* if necessary.
* @return wild Future result.
public function resolve() {
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args)) {
throw new Exception(
'Parameter "timeout" to "Future->resolve()" is no longer '.
'supported. Update the caller so it no longer passes a '.
if ($this->hasException()) {
throw $this->getException();
if (!$this->hasResult()) {
$graph = new FutureIterator(array($this));
return $this->getResult();
final public function startFuture() {
if ($this->hasStarted) {
throw new Exception(
'Future has already started; futures can not start more '.
'than once.'));
$this->hasStarted = true;
+ $this->startServiceProfiler();
final public function updateFuture() {
if ($this->hasException()) {
if ($this->hasResult()) {
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
} catch (Throwable $ex) {
final public function endFuture() {
if (!$this->hasException() && !$this->hasResult()) {
throw new Exception(
'Trying to end a future which has no exception and no result. '.
'Futures must resolve before they can be ended.'));
if ($this->hasEnded) {
throw new Exception(
'Future has already ended; futures can not end more '.
'than once.'));
$this->hasEnded = true;
+ $this->endServiceProfiler();
+ }
+ private function startServiceProfiler() {
+ // NOTE: This is a soft dependency so that we don't need to build the
+ // ServiceProfiler into the Phage agent. Normally, this class is always
+ // available.
+ if (!class_exists('PhutilServiceProfiler')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $params = $this->getServiceProfilerStartParameters();
+ $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
+ $call_id = $profiler->beginServiceCall($params);
+ $this->serviceProfilerCallID = $call_id;
+ private function endServiceProfiler() {
+ $call_id = $this->serviceProfilerCallID;
+ if ($call_id === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $params = $this->getServiceProfilerResultParameters();
+ $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
+ $profiler->endServiceCall($call_id, $params);
+ }
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return array();
+ }
+ protected function getServiceProfilerResultParameters() {
+ return array();
+ }
* Retrieve a list of sockets which we can wait to become readable while
* a future is resolving. If your future has sockets which can be
* `select()`ed, return them here (or in @{method:getWriteSockets}) to make
* the resolve loop do a `select()`. If you do not return sockets in either
* case, you'll get a busy wait.
* @return list A list of sockets which we expect to become readable.
public function getReadSockets() {
return array();
* Retrieve a list of sockets which we can wait to become writable while a
* future is resolving. See @{method:getReadSockets}.
* @return list A list of sockets which we expect to become writable.
public function getWriteSockets() {
return array();
* Default amount of time to wait on stream select for this future. Normally
* 1 second is fine, but if the future has a timeout sooner than that it
* should return the amount of time left before the timeout.
public function getDefaultWait() {
return 1;
public function start() {
return $this;
* Retrieve the final result of the future.
* @return wild Final resolution of this future.
final protected function getResult() {
if (!$this->hasResult()) {
throw new Exception(
'Future has not yet resolved. Resolve futures before retrieving '.
return $this->result;
final protected function setResult($result) {
if ($this->hasResult()) {
throw new Exception(
'Future has already resolved. Futures may not resolve more than '.
$this->hasResult = true;
$this->result = $result;
return $this;
final public function hasResult() {
return $this->hasResult;
final private function setException($exception) {
// NOTE: The parameter may be an Exception or a Throwable.
$this->exception = $exception;
return $this;
final private function getException() {
return $this->exception;
final public function hasException() {
return ($this->exception !== null);
final public function setFutureKey($key) {
if ($this->futureKey !== null) {
throw new Exception(
'Future already has a key ("%s") assigned.',
$this->futureKey = $key;
return $this;
final public function getFutureKey() {
static $next_key = 1;
if ($this->futureKey === null) {
$this->futureKey = sprintf('Future/%d', $next_key++);
return $this->futureKey;
diff --git a/src/future/FutureProxy.php b/src/future/FutureProxy.php
index 65cbffa2..77c8c5bb 100644
--- a/src/future/FutureProxy.php
+++ b/src/future/FutureProxy.php
@@ -1,68 +1,76 @@
* Wraps another @{class:Future} and allows you to post-process its result once
* it resolves.
abstract class FutureProxy extends Future {
private $proxied;
public function __construct(Future $proxied = null) {
if ($proxied) {
public function setProxiedFuture(Future $proxied) {
$this->proxied = $proxied;
return $this;
protected function getProxiedFuture() {
if (!$this->proxied) {
throw new Exception(pht('The proxied future has not been provided yet.'));
return $this->proxied;
public function isReady() {
if ($this->hasResult()) {
return true;
$proxied = $this->getProxiedFuture();
$is_ready = $proxied->isReady();
if ($proxied->hasResult()) {
$result = $proxied->getResult();
$result = $this->didReceiveResult($result);
return $is_ready;
public function resolve() {
return $this->getResult();
public function getReadSockets() {
return $this->getProxiedFuture()->getReadSockets();
public function getWriteSockets() {
return $this->getProxiedFuture()->getWriteSockets();
public function start() {
return $this;
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return $this->getProxiedFuture()->getServiceProfilerStartParameters();
+ }
+ protected function getServiceProfilerResultParameters() {
+ return $this->getProxiedFuture()->getServiceProfilerResultParameters();
+ }
abstract protected function didReceiveResult($result);
diff --git a/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php b/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php
index df8ce772..afb0fd14 100644
--- a/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php
+++ b/src/future/exec/ExecFuture.php
@@ -1,961 +1,954 @@
* Execute system commands in parallel using futures.
* ExecFuture is a future, which means it runs asynchronously and represents
* a value which may not exist yet. See @{article:Using Futures} for an
* explanation of futures. When an ExecFuture resolves, it returns the exit
* code, stdout and stderr of the process it executed.
* ExecFuture is the core command execution implementation in libphutil, but is
* exposed through a number of APIs. See @{article:Command Execution} for more
* discussion about executing system commands.
* @task create Creating ExecFutures
* @task resolve Resolving Execution
* @task config Configuring Execution
* @task info Command Information
* @task interact Interacting With Commands
* @task internal Internals
final class ExecFuture extends PhutilExecutableFuture {
private $pipes = array();
private $proc = null;
private $start = null;
private $procStatus = null;
private $stdout = null;
private $stderr = null;
private $stdin = null;
private $closePipe = true;
private $stdoutPos = 0;
private $stderrPos = 0;
private $readBufferSize;
private $stdoutSizeLimit = PHP_INT_MAX;
private $stderrSizeLimit = PHP_INT_MAX;
private $profilerCallID;
private $killedByTimeout;
private $windowsStdoutTempFile = null;
private $windowsStderrTempFile = null;
private $terminateTimeout;
private $didTerminate;
private $killTimeout;
private static $descriptorSpec = array(
0 => array('pipe', 'r'), // stdin
1 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stdout
2 => array('pipe', 'w'), // stderr
protected function didConstruct() {
$this->stdin = new PhutilRope();
/* -( Command Information )------------------------------------------------ */
* Retrieve the byte limit for the stderr buffer.
* @return int Maximum buffer size, in bytes.
* @task info
public function getStderrSizeLimit() {
return $this->stderrSizeLimit;
* Retrieve the byte limit for the stdout buffer.
* @return int Maximum buffer size, in bytes.
* @task info
public function getStdoutSizeLimit() {
return $this->stdoutSizeLimit;
* Get the process's pid. This only works after execution is initiated, e.g.
* by a call to start().
* @return int Process ID of the executing process.
* @task info
public function getPID() {
$status = $this->procGetStatus();
return $status['pid'];
/* -( Configuring Execution )---------------------------------------------- */
* Set a maximum size for the stdout read buffer. To limit stderr, see
* @{method:setStderrSizeLimit}. The major use of these methods is to use less
* memory if you are running a command which sometimes produces huge volumes
* of output that you don't really care about.
* NOTE: Setting this to 0 means "no buffer", not "unlimited buffer".
* @param int Maximum size of the stdout read buffer.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setStdoutSizeLimit($limit) {
$this->stdoutSizeLimit = $limit;
return $this;
* Set a maximum size for the stderr read buffer.
* See @{method:setStdoutSizeLimit} for discussion.
* @param int Maximum size of the stderr read buffer.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setStderrSizeLimit($limit) {
$this->stderrSizeLimit = $limit;
return $this;
* Set the maximum internal read buffer size this future. The future will
* block reads once the internal stdout or stderr buffer exceeds this size.
* NOTE: If you @{method:resolve} a future with a read buffer limit, you may
* block forever!
* TODO: We should probably release the read buffer limit during
* @{method:resolve}, or otherwise detect this. For now, be careful.
* @param int|null Maximum buffer size, or `null` for unlimited.
* @return this
public function setReadBufferSize($read_buffer_size) {
$this->readBufferSize = $read_buffer_size;
return $this;
/* -( Interacting With Commands )------------------------------------------ */
* Read and return output from stdout and stderr, if any is available. This
* method keeps a read cursor on each stream, but the entire streams are
* still returned when the future resolves. You can call read() again after
* resolving the future to retrieve only the parts of the streams you did not
* previously read:
* $future = new ExecFuture('...');
* // ...
* list($stdout) = $future->read(); // Returns output so far
* list($stdout) = $future->read(); // Returns new output since first call
* // ...
* list($stdout) = $future->resolvex(); // Returns ALL output
* list($stdout) = $future->read(); // Returns unread output
* NOTE: If you set a limit with @{method:setStdoutSizeLimit} or
* @{method:setStderrSizeLimit}, this method will not be able to read data
* past the limit.
* NOTE: If you call @{method:discardBuffers}, all the stdout/stderr data
* will be thrown away and the cursors will be reset.
* @return pair <$stdout, $stderr> pair with new output since the last call
* to this method.
* @task interact
public function read() {
$stdout = $this->readStdout();
$result = array(
(string)substr($this->stderr, $this->stderrPos),
$this->stderrPos = strlen($this->stderr);
return $result;
public function readStdout() {
if ($this->start) {
$this->isReady(); // Sync
$result = (string)substr($this->stdout, $this->stdoutPos);
$this->stdoutPos = strlen($this->stdout);
return $result;
* Write data to stdin of the command.
* @param string Data to write.
* @param bool If true, keep the pipe open for writing. By default, the pipe
* will be closed as soon as possible so that commands which
* listen for EOF will execute. If you want to keep the pipe open
* past the start of command execution, do an empty write with
* `$keep_pipe = true` first.
* @return this
* @task interact
public function write($data, $keep_pipe = false) {
if (strlen($data)) {
if (!$this->stdin) {
throw new Exception(pht('Writing to a closed pipe!'));
$this->closePipe = !$keep_pipe;
return $this;
* Permanently discard the stdout and stderr buffers and reset the read
* cursors. This is basically useful only if you are streaming a large amount
* of data from some process.
* Conceivably you might also need to do this if you're writing a client using
* @{class:ExecFuture} and `netcat`, but you probably should not do that.
* NOTE: This completely discards the data. It won't be available when the
* future resolves. This is almost certainly only useful if you need the
* buffer memory for some reason.
* @return this
* @task interact
public function discardBuffers() {
$this->stderr = '';
$this->stderrPos = 0;
return $this;
public function discardStdoutBuffer() {
$this->stdout = '';
$this->stdoutPos = 0;
return $this;
* Returns true if this future was killed by a timeout configured with
* @{method:setTimeout}.
* @return bool True if the future was killed for exceeding its time limit.
public function getWasKilledByTimeout() {
return $this->killedByTimeout;
/* -( Configuring Execution )---------------------------------------------- */
* Set a hard limit on execution time. If the command runs longer, it will
* be terminated and the future will resolve with an error code. You can test
* if a future was killed by a timeout with @{method:getWasKilledByTimeout}.
* The subprocess will be sent a `TERM` signal, and then a `KILL` signal a
* short while later if it fails to exit.
* @param int Maximum number of seconds this command may execute for before
* it is signaled.
* @return this
* @task config
public function setTimeout($seconds) {
$this->terminateTimeout = $seconds;
$this->killTimeout = $seconds + min($seconds, 60);
return $this;
/* -( Resolving Execution )------------------------------------------------ */
* Resolve a command you expect to exit with return code 0. Works like
* @{method:resolve}, but throws if $err is nonempty. Returns only
* $stdout and $stderr. See also @{function:execx}.
* list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolvex();
* @param float Optional timeout after which resolution will pause and
* execution will return to the caller.
* @return pair <$stdout, $stderr> pair.
* @task resolve
public function resolvex() {
list($err, $stdout, $stderr) = $this->resolve();
if ($err) {
$cmd = $this->getCommand();
if ($this->getWasKilledByTimeout()) {
// NOTE: The timeout can be a float and PhutilNumber only handles
// integers, so just use "%s" to render it.
$message = pht(
'Command killed by timeout after running for more than %s seconds.',
} else {
$message = pht('Command failed with error #%d!', $err);
throw new CommandException(
return array($stdout, $stderr);
* Resolve a command you expect to return valid JSON. Works like
* @{method:resolvex}, but also throws if stderr is nonempty, or stdout is not
* valid JSON. Returns a PHP array, decoded from the JSON command output.
* @param float Optional timeout after which resolution will pause and
* execution will return to the caller.
* @return array PHP array, decoded from JSON command output.
* @task resolve
public function resolveJSON() {
list($stdout, $stderr) = $this->resolvex();
if (strlen($stderr)) {
$cmd = $this->getCommand();
throw new CommandException(
"JSON command '%s' emitted text to stderr when none was expected: %d",
try {
return phutil_json_decode($stdout);
} catch (PhutilJSONParserException $ex) {
$cmd = $this->getCommand();
throw new CommandException(
"JSON command '%s' did not produce a valid JSON object on stdout: %s",
* Resolve the process by abruptly terminating it.
* @return list List of <err, stdout, stderr> results.
* @task resolve
public function resolveKill() {
if (!$this->hasResult()) {
$signal = 9;
if ($this->proc) {
proc_terminate($this->proc, $signal);
$result = array(
128 + $signal,
return $this->getResult();
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Provides read sockets to the future core.
* @return list List of read sockets.
* @task internal
public function getReadSockets() {
list($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = $this->pipes;
$sockets = array();
if (isset($stdout) && !feof($stdout)) {
$sockets[] = $stdout;
if (isset($stderr) && !feof($stderr)) {
$sockets[] = $stderr;
return $sockets;
* Provides write sockets to the future core.
* @return list List of write sockets.
* @task internal
public function getWriteSockets() {
list($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = $this->pipes;
$sockets = array();
if (isset($stdin) && $this->stdin->getByteLength() && !feof($stdin)) {
$sockets[] = $stdin;
return $sockets;
* Determine if the read buffer is empty.
* @return bool True if the read buffer is empty.
* @task internal
public function isReadBufferEmpty() {
return !strlen($this->stdout);
* Determine if the write buffer is empty.
* @return bool True if the write buffer is empty.
* @task internal
public function isWriteBufferEmpty() {
return !$this->getWriteBufferSize();
* Determine the number of bytes in the write buffer.
* @return int Number of bytes in the write buffer.
* @task internal
public function getWriteBufferSize() {
if (!$this->stdin) {
return 0;
return $this->stdin->getByteLength();
* Reads some bytes from a stream, discarding output once a certain amount
* has been accumulated.
* @param resource Stream to read from.
* @param int Maximum number of bytes to return from $stream. If
* additional bytes are available, they will be read and
* discarded.
* @param string Human-readable description of stream, for exception
* message.
* @param int Maximum number of bytes to read.
* @return string The data read from the stream.
* @task internal
private function readAndDiscard($stream, $limit, $description, $length) {
$output = '';
if ($length <= 0) {
return '';
do {
$data = fread($stream, min($length, 64 * 1024));
if (false === $data) {
throw new Exception(pht('Failed to read from %s', $description));
$read_bytes = strlen($data);
if ($read_bytes > 0 && $limit > 0) {
if ($read_bytes > $limit) {
$data = substr($data, 0, $limit);
$output .= $data;
$limit -= strlen($data);
if (strlen($output) >= $length) {
} while ($read_bytes > 0);
return $output;
* Begin or continue command execution.
* @return bool True if future has resolved.
* @task internal
public function isReady() {
- // NOTE: We have soft dependencies on PhutilServiceProfiler and
- // PhutilErrorTrap here. These dependencies are soft to avoid the need to
- // build them into the Phage agent. Under normal circumstances, these
- // classes are always available.
+ // NOTE: We have a soft dependencies on PhutilErrorTrap here, to avoid
+ // the need to build it into the Phage agent. Under normal circumstances,
+ // this class are always available.
if (!$this->pipes) {
$is_windows = phutil_is_windows();
- // NOTE: See note above about Phage.
- if (class_exists('PhutilServiceProfiler')) {
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $this->profilerCallID = $profiler->beginServiceCall(
- array(
- 'type' => 'exec',
- 'command' => phutil_string_cast($this->getCommand()),
- ));
- }
if (!$this->start) {
// We might already have started the timer via initiating resolution.
$this->start = microtime(true);
$unmasked_command = $this->getCommand();
$unmasked_command = $unmasked_command->getUnmaskedString();
$pipes = array();
if ($this->hasEnv()) {
$env = $this->getEnv();
} else {
$env = null;
$cwd = $this->getCWD();
// NOTE: See note above about Phage.
if (class_exists('PhutilErrorTrap')) {
$trap = new PhutilErrorTrap();
} else {
$trap = null;
$spec = self::$descriptorSpec;
if ($is_windows) {
$stdout_file = new TempFile();
$stderr_file = new TempFile();
$stdout_handle = fopen($stdout_file, 'wb');
if (!$stdout_handle) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to open stdout temporary file ("%s") for writing.',
$stderr_handle = fopen($stderr_file, 'wb');
if (!$stderr_handle) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to open stderr temporary file ("%s") for writing.',
$spec = array(
0 => self::$descriptorSpec[0],
1 => $stdout_handle,
2 => $stderr_handle,
$proc = @proc_open(
'bypass_shell' => true,
if ($trap) {
$err = $trap->getErrorsAsString();
} else {
$err = error_get_last();
if ($is_windows) {
if (!is_resource($proc)) {
// When you run an invalid command on a Linux system, the "proc_open()"
// works and then the process (really a "/bin/sh -c ...") exits after
// it fails to resolve the command.
// When you run an invalid command on a Windows system, we bypass the
// shell and the "proc_open()" itself fails. Throw a "CommandException"
// here for consistency with the Linux behavior in this common failure
// case.
throw new CommandException(
'Call to "proc_open()" to open a subprocess failed: %s',
if ($is_windows) {
$stdout_handle = fopen($stdout_file, 'rb');
if (!$stdout_handle) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to open stdout temporary file ("%s") for reading.',
$stderr_handle = fopen($stderr_file, 'rb');
if (!$stderr_handle) {
throw new Exception(
'Unable to open stderr temporary file ("%s") for reading.',
$pipes = array(
0 => $pipes[0],
1 => $stdout_handle,
2 => $stderr_handle,
$this->windowsStdoutTempFile = $stdout_file;
$this->windowsStderrTempFile = $stderr_file;
$this->pipes = $pipes;
$this->proc = $proc;
list($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = $pipes;
if (!$is_windows) {
// On Windows, we redirect process standard output and standard error
// through temporary files. Files don't block, so we don't need to make
// these streams nonblocking.
if ((!stream_set_blocking($stdout, false)) ||
(!stream_set_blocking($stderr, false)) ||
(!stream_set_blocking($stdin, false))) {
throw new Exception(pht('Failed to set streams nonblocking.'));
return false;
if (!$this->proc) {
return true;
list($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = $this->pipes;
while (isset($this->stdin) && $this->stdin->getByteLength()) {
$write_segment = $this->stdin->getAnyPrefix();
$bytes = fwrite($stdin, $write_segment);
if ($bytes === false) {
throw new Exception(pht('Unable to write to stdin!'));
} else if ($bytes) {
} else {
// Writes are blocked for now.
// Read status before reading pipes so that we can never miss data that
// arrives between our last read and the process exiting.
$status = $this->procGetStatus();
$read_buffer_size = $this->readBufferSize;
$max_stdout_read_bytes = PHP_INT_MAX;
$max_stderr_read_bytes = PHP_INT_MAX;
if ($read_buffer_size !== null) {
$max_stdout_read_bytes = $read_buffer_size - strlen($this->stdout);
$max_stderr_read_bytes = $read_buffer_size - strlen($this->stderr);
if ($max_stdout_read_bytes > 0) {
$this->stdout .= $this->readAndDiscard(
$this->getStdoutSizeLimit() - strlen($this->stdout),
if ($max_stderr_read_bytes > 0) {
$this->stderr .= $this->readAndDiscard(
$this->getStderrSizeLimit() - strlen($this->stderr),
$is_done = false;
if (!$status['running']) {
// We may still have unread bytes on stdout or stderr, particularly if
// this future is being buffered and streamed. If we do, we don't want to
// consider the subprocess to have exited until we've read everything.
// See T9724 for context.
if (feof($stdout) && feof($stderr)) {
$is_done = true;
if ($is_done) {
// If the subprocess got nuked with `kill -9`, we get a -1 exitcode.
// Upgrade this to a slightly more informative value by examining the
// terminating signal code.
$err = $status['exitcode'];
if ($err == -1) {
if ($status['signaled']) {
$err = 128 + $status['termsig'];
$result = array(
return true;
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - $this->start);
if ($this->terminateTimeout && ($elapsed >= $this->terminateTimeout)) {
if (!$this->didTerminate) {
$this->killedByTimeout = true;
return false;
if ($this->killTimeout && ($elapsed >= $this->killTimeout)) {
$this->killedByTimeout = true;
return true;
* @return void
* @task internal
public function __destruct() {
if (!$this->proc) {
// NOTE: If we try to proc_close() an open process, we hang indefinitely. To
// avoid this, kill the process explicitly if it's still running.
$status = $this->procGetStatus();
if ($status['running']) {
if (!$this->waitForExit(5)) {
} else {
* Close and free resources if necessary.
* @return void
* @task internal
private function closeProcess() {
foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) {
if (isset($pipe)) {
$this->pipes = array(null, null, null);
if ($this->proc) {
$this->proc = null;
$this->stdin = null;
- if ($this->profilerCallID !== null) {
- if ($this->hasResult()) {
- $result = $this->getResult();
- $err = idx($result, 0);
- } else {
- $err = null;
- }
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $profiler->endServiceCall(
- $this->profilerCallID,
- array(
- 'err' => $err,
- ));
- $this->profilerCallID = null;
- }
* Execute `proc_get_status()`, but avoid pitfalls.
* @return dict Process status.
* @task internal
private function procGetStatus() {
// After the process exits, we only get one chance to read proc_get_status()
// before it starts returning garbage. Make sure we don't throw away the
// last good read.
if ($this->procStatus) {
if (!$this->procStatus['running']) {
return $this->procStatus;
$this->procStatus = proc_get_status($this->proc);
return $this->procStatus;
* Try to close stdin, if we're done using it. This keeps us from hanging if
* the process on the other end of the pipe is waiting for EOF.
* @return void
* @task internal
private function tryToCloseStdin() {
if (!$this->closePipe) {
// We've been told to keep the pipe open by a call to write(..., true).
if ($this->stdin->getByteLength()) {
// We still have bytes to write.
list($stdin) = $this->pipes;
if (!$stdin) {
// We've already closed stdin.
// There's nothing stopping us from closing stdin, so close it.
$this->pipes[0] = null;
public function getDefaultWait() {
$wait = parent::getDefaultWait();
$next_timeout = $this->getNextTimeout();
if ($next_timeout) {
if (!$this->start) {
$this->start = microtime(true);
$elapsed = (microtime(true) - $this->start);
$wait = max(0, min($next_timeout - $elapsed, $wait));
return $wait;
private function getNextTimeout() {
if ($this->didTerminate) {
return $this->killTimeout;
} else {
return $this->terminateTimeout;
private function sendTerminateSignal() {
$this->didTerminate = true;
return $this;
private function waitForExit($duration) {
$start = microtime(true);
while (true) {
$status = $this->procGetStatus();
if (!$status['running']) {
return true;
$waited = (microtime(true) - $start);
if ($waited > $duration) {
return false;
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return array(
+ 'type' => 'exec',
+ 'command' => phutil_string_cast($this->getCommand()),
+ );
+ }
+ protected function getServiceProfilerResultParameters() {
+ if ($this->hasResult()) {
+ $result = $this->getResult();
+ $err = idx($result, 0);
+ } else {
+ $err = null;
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'err' => $err,
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/future/exec/PhutilExecPassthru.php b/src/future/exec/PhutilExecPassthru.php
index 8a761923..44eef97e 100644
--- a/src/future/exec/PhutilExecPassthru.php
+++ b/src/future/exec/PhutilExecPassthru.php
@@ -1,114 +1,122 @@
* Execute a command which takes over stdin, stdout and stderr, similar to
* `passthru()`, but which preserves TTY semantics, escapes arguments, and is
* traceable.
* Passthru commands use the `STDIN`, `STDOUT` and `STDERR` of the parent
* process, so input can be read from the console and output is printed to it.
* This is primarily useful for executing things like `$EDITOR` from command
* line scripts.
* $exec = new PhutilExecPassthru('ls %s', $dir);
* $err = $exec->execute();
* You can set the current working directory for the command with
* @{method:setCWD}, and set the environment with @{method:setEnv}.
* @task command Executing Passthru Commands
final class PhutilExecPassthru extends PhutilExecutableFuture {
/* -( Executing Passthru Commands )---------------------------------------- */
* Execute this command.
* @return int Error code returned by the subprocess.
* @task command
public function execute() {
$command = $this->getCommand();
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $call_id = $profiler->beginServiceCall(
- array(
- 'type' => 'exec',
- 'subtype' => 'passthru',
- 'command' => $command,
- ));
$spec = array(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR);
$pipes = array();
$unmasked_command = $command->getUnmaskedString();
if ($this->hasEnv()) {
$env = $this->getEnv();
} else {
$env = null;
$cwd = $this->getCWD();
$options = array();
if (phutil_is_windows()) {
// Without 'bypass_shell', things like launching vim don't work properly,
// and we can't execute commands with spaces in them, and all commands
// invoked from git bash fail horridly, and everything is a mess in
// general.
$options['bypass_shell'] = true;
$trap = new PhutilErrorTrap();
$proc = @proc_open(
$errors = $trap->getErrorsAsString();
if (!is_resource($proc)) {
throw new Exception(
'Failed to passthru %s: %s',
$err = proc_close($proc);
- $profiler->endServiceCall(
- $call_id,
- array(
- 'err' => $err,
- ));
return $err;
/* -( Future )------------------------------------------------------------- */
public function isReady() {
// This isn't really a future because it executes synchronously and has
// full control of the console. We're just implementing the interfaces to
// make it easier to share code with ExecFuture.
if (!$this->hasResult()) {
$result = $this->execute();
return true;
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return array(
+ 'type' => 'exec',
+ 'subtype' => 'passthru',
+ 'command' => phutil_string_cast($this->getCommand()),
+ );
+ }
+ protected function getServiceProfilerResultParameters() {
+ if ($this->hasResult()) {
+ $err = $this->getResult();
+ } else {
+ $err = null;
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'err' => $err,
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/future/http/HTTPFuture.php b/src/future/http/HTTPFuture.php
index 738cde27..91dd709a 100644
--- a/src/future/http/HTTPFuture.php
+++ b/src/future/http/HTTPFuture.php
@@ -1,306 +1,303 @@
* Socket-based HTTP future, for making HTTP requests using future semantics.
* This is an alternative to @{class:CURLFuture} which has better resolution
* behavior (select()-based wait instead of busy wait) but fewer features. You
* should prefer this class to @{class:CURLFuture} unless you need its advanced
* features (like HTTP/1.1, chunked transfer encoding, gzip, etc.).
* Example Usage
* $future = new HTTPFuture('');
* list($response_body, $headers) = $future->resolvex();
* Or
* $future = new HTTPFuture('');
* list($http_response_status_object,
* $response_body,
* $headers) = $future->resolve();
* Prefer @{method:resolvex} to @{method:resolve} as the former throws
* @{class:HTTPFutureHTTPResponseStatus} on failures, which includes an
* informative exception message.
final class HTTPFuture extends BaseHTTPFuture {
private $host;
private $port = 80;
private $fullRequestPath;
private $socket;
private $writeBuffer;
private $response;
private $stateConnected = false;
private $stateWriteComplete = false;
private $stateReady = false;
private $stateStartTime;
private $profilerCallID;
public function setURI($uri) {
$parts = parse_url($uri);
if (!$parts) {
throw new Exception(pht("Could not parse URI '%s'.", $uri));
if (empty($parts['scheme']) || $parts['scheme'] !== 'http') {
throw new Exception(
"URI '%s' must be fully qualified with '%s' scheme.",
if (!isset($parts['host'])) {
throw new Exception(
pht("URI '%s' must be fully qualified and include host name.", $uri));
$this->host = $parts['host'];
if (!empty($parts['port'])) {
$this->port = $parts['port'];
if (isset($parts['user']) || isset($parts['pass'])) {
throw new Exception(
pht('HTTP Basic Auth is not supported by %s.', __CLASS__));
if (isset($parts['path'])) {
$this->fullRequestPath = $parts['path'];
} else {
$this->fullRequestPath = '/';
if (isset($parts['query'])) {
$this->fullRequestPath .= '?'.$parts['query'];
return parent::setURI($uri);
public function __destruct() {
if ($this->socket) {
$this->socket = null;
public function getReadSockets() {
if ($this->socket) {
return array($this->socket);
return array();
public function getWriteSockets() {
if (strlen($this->writeBuffer)) {
return array($this->socket);
return array();
public function isWriteComplete() {
return $this->stateWriteComplete;
private function getDefaultUserAgent() {
return __CLASS__.'/1.0';
public function isReady() {
if ($this->stateReady) {
return true;
if (!$this->socket) {
$this->stateStartTime = microtime(true);
$this->socket = $this->buildSocket();
if (!$this->socket) {
return $this->stateReady;
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $this->profilerCallID = $profiler->beginServiceCall(
- array(
- 'type' => 'http',
- 'uri' => $this->getURI(),
- ));
if (!$this->stateConnected) {
$read = array();
$write = array($this->socket);
$except = array();
$select = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $tv_sec = 0);
if ($write) {
$this->stateConnected = true;
if ($this->stateConnected) {
if (strlen($this->writeBuffer)) {
$bytes = @fwrite($this->socket, $this->writeBuffer);
if ($bytes === false) {
throw new Exception(pht('Failed to write to buffer.'));
} else if ($bytes) {
$this->writeBuffer = substr($this->writeBuffer, $bytes);
if (!strlen($this->writeBuffer)) {
$this->stateWriteComplete = true;
while (($data = fread($this->socket, 32768)) || strlen($data)) {
$this->response .= $data;
if ($data === false) {
throw new Exception(pht('Failed to read socket.'));
return $this->checkSocket();
private function buildSocket() {
$errno = null;
$errstr = null;
$socket = @stream_socket_client(
$ignored_connection_timeout = 1.0,
if (!$socket) {
$this->stateReady = true;
return null;
$ok = stream_set_blocking($socket, 0);
if (!$ok) {
throw new Exception(pht('Failed to set stream nonblocking.'));
$this->writeBuffer = $this->buildHTTPRequest();
return $socket;
private function checkSocket() {
$timeout = false;
$now = microtime(true);
if (($now - $this->stateStartTime) > $this->getTimeout()) {
$timeout = true;
if (!feof($this->socket) && !$timeout) {
return false;
$this->stateReady = true;
if ($timeout) {
} else if (!$this->stateConnected) {
} else if (!$this->stateWriteComplete) {
} else {
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $profiler->endServiceCall($this->profilerCallID, array());
return true;
private function buildErrorResult($error) {
return array(
$status = new HTTPFutureTransportResponseStatus($error, $this->getURI()),
$body = null,
$headers = array(),
private function buildHTTPRequest() {
$data = $this->getData();
$method = $this->getMethod();
$uri = $this->fullRequestPath;
$add_headers = array();
if ($this->getMethod() == 'GET') {
if (is_array($data)) {
$data = phutil_build_http_querystring($data);
if (strpos($uri, '?') !== false) {
$uri .= '&'.$data;
} else {
$uri .= '?'.$data;
$data = '';
} else {
if (is_array($data)) {
$data = phutil_build_http_querystring($data)."\r\n";
$add_headers[] = array(
$length = strlen($data);
$add_headers[] = array(
if (!$this->getHeaders('User-Agent')) {
$add_headers[] = array(
if (!$this->getHeaders('Host')) {
$add_headers[] = array(
$headers = array_merge($this->getHeaders(), $add_headers);
foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
list($name, $value) = $header;
if (strlen($value)) {
$value = ': '.$value;
$headers[$key] = $name.$value."\r\n";
"{$method} {$uri} HTTP/1.0\r\n".
implode('', $headers).
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return array(
+ 'type' => 'http',
+ 'uri' => phutil_string_cast($this->getURI()),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php b/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
index f65af3e8..70804332 100644
--- a/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
+++ b/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
@@ -1,824 +1,824 @@
* Very basic HTTPS future.
final class HTTPSFuture extends BaseHTTPFuture {
private static $multi;
private static $results = array();
private static $pool = array();
private static $globalCABundle;
private $handle;
private $profilerCallID;
private $cabundle;
private $followLocation = true;
private $responseBuffer = '';
private $responseBufferPos;
private $files = array();
private $temporaryFiles = array();
private $rawBody;
private $rawBodyPos = 0;
private $fileHandle;
private $downloadPath;
private $downloadHandle;
private $parser;
private $progressSink;
* Create a temp file containing an SSL cert, and use it for this session.
* This allows us to do host-specific SSL certificates in whatever client
* is using libphutil. e.g. in Arcanist, you could add an "ssl_cert" key
* to a specific host in ~/.arcrc and use that.
* cURL needs this to be a file, it doesn't seem to be able to handle a string
* which contains the cert. So we make a temporary file and store it there.
* @param string The multi-line, possibly lengthy, SSL certificate to use.
* @return this
public function setCABundleFromString($certificate) {
$temp = new TempFile();
Filesystem::writeFile($temp, $certificate);
$this->cabundle = $temp;
return $this;
* Set the SSL certificate to use for this session, given a path.
* @param string The path to a valid SSL certificate for this session
* @return this
public function setCABundleFromPath($path) {
$this->cabundle = $path;
return $this;
* Get the path to the SSL certificate for this session.
* @return string|null
public function getCABundle() {
return $this->cabundle;
* Set whether Location headers in the response will be respected.
* The default is true.
* @param boolean true to follow any Location header present in the response,
* false to return the request directly
* @return this
public function setFollowLocation($follow) {
$this->followLocation = $follow;
return $this;
* Get whether Location headers in the response will be respected.
* @return boolean
public function getFollowLocation() {
return $this->followLocation;
* Set the fallback CA certificate if one is not specified
* for the session, given a path.
* @param string The path to a valid SSL certificate
* @return void
public static function setGlobalCABundleFromPath($path) {
self::$globalCABundle = $path;
* Set the fallback CA certificate if one is not specified
* for the session, given a string.
* @param string The certificate
* @return void
public static function setGlobalCABundleFromString($certificate) {
$temp = new TempFile();
Filesystem::writeFile($temp, $certificate);
self::$globalCABundle = $temp;
* Get the fallback global CA certificate
* @return string
public static function getGlobalCABundle() {
return self::$globalCABundle;
* Load contents of remote URI. Behaves pretty much like
* `@file_get_contents($uri)` but doesn't require `allow_url_fopen`.
* @param string
* @param float
* @return string|false
public static function loadContent($uri, $timeout = null) {
$future = new HTTPSFuture($uri);
if ($timeout !== null) {
try {
list($body) = $future->resolvex();
return $body;
} catch (HTTPFutureResponseStatus $ex) {
return false;
public function setDownloadPath($download_path) {
$this->downloadPath = $download_path;
if (Filesystem::pathExists($download_path)) {
throw new Exception(
'Specified download path "%s" already exists, refusing to '.
return $this;
public function setProgressSink(PhutilProgressSink $progress_sink) {
$this->progressSink = $progress_sink;
return $this;
public function getProgressSink() {
return $this->progressSink;
* Attach a file to the request.
* @param string HTTP parameter name.
* @param string File content.
* @param string File name.
* @param string File mime type.
* @return this
public function attachFileData($key, $data, $name, $mime_type) {
if (isset($this->files[$key])) {
throw new Exception(
'%s currently supports only one file attachment for each '.
'parameter name. You are trying to attach two different files with '.
'the same parameter, "%s".',
$this->files[$key] = array(
'data' => $data,
'name' => $name,
'mime' => $mime_type,
return $this;
public function isReady() {
if ($this->hasResult()) {
return true;
$uri = $this->getURI();
$domain = id(new PhutilURI($uri))->getDomain();
$is_download = $this->isDownload();
// See T13396. For now, use the streaming response parser only if we're
// downloading the response to disk.
$use_streaming_parser = (bool)$is_download;
if (!$this->handle) {
$uri_object = new PhutilURI($uri);
$proxy = PhutilHTTPEngineExtension::buildHTTPProxyURI($uri_object);
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $this->profilerCallID = $profiler->beginServiceCall(
- array(
- 'type' => 'http',
- 'uri' => $uri,
- 'proxy' => (string)$proxy,
- ));
+ // TODO: Currently, the "proxy" is not passed to the ServiceProfiler
+ // because of changes to how ServiceProfiler is integrated. It would
+ // be nice to pass it again.
if (!self::$multi) {
self::$multi = curl_multi_init();
if (!self::$multi) {
throw new Exception(pht('%s failed!', 'curl_multi_init()'));
if (!empty(self::$pool[$domain])) {
$curl = array_pop(self::$pool[$domain]);
} else {
$curl = curl_init();
if (!$curl) {
throw new Exception(pht('%s failed!', 'curl_init()'));
$this->handle = $curl;
curl_multi_add_handle(self::$multi, $curl);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $uri);
if (defined('CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS')) {
// cURL supports a lot of protocols, and by default it will honor
// redirects across protocols (for instance, from HTTP to POP3). Beyond
// being very silly, this also has security implications:
// Disable all protocols other than HTTP and HTTPS.
$allowed_protocols = CURLPROTO_HTTPS | CURLPROTO_HTTP;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS, $allowed_protocols);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, $allowed_protocols);
if (strlen($this->rawBody)) {
if ($this->getData()) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not execute an HTTP future with both a raw request '.
'body and structured request data.'));
// We aren't actually going to use this file handle, since we are
// just pushing data through the callback, but cURL gets upset if
// we don't hand it a real file handle.
$tmp = new TempFile();
$this->fileHandle = fopen($tmp, 'r');
// NOTE: We must set CURLOPT_PUT here to make cURL use CURLOPT_INFILE.
// We'll possibly overwrite the method later on, unless this is really
// a PUT request.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PUT, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, $this->fileHandle);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, strlen($this->rawBody));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION,
array($this, 'willWriteBody'));
} else {
$data = $this->formatRequestDataForCURL();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$headers = $this->getHeaders();
$saw_expect = false;
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($headers); $ii++) {
list($name, $value) = $headers[$ii];
$headers[$ii] = $name.': '.$value;
if (!strncasecmp($name, 'Expect', strlen('Expect'))) {
$saw_expect = true;
if (!$saw_expect) {
// cURL sends an "Expect" header by default for certain requests. While
// there is some reasoning behind this, it causes a practical problem
// in that lighttpd servers reject these requests with a 417. Both sides
// are locked in an eternal struggle (lighttpd has introduced a
// 'server.reject-expect-100-with-417' option to deal with this case).
// The ostensibly correct way to suppress this behavior on the cURL side
// is to add an empty "Expect:" header. If we haven't seen some other
// explicit "Expect:" header, do so.
// See here, for example, although this issue is fairly widespread:
$headers[] = 'Expect:';
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
// Set the requested HTTP method, e.g. GET / POST / PUT.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->getMethod());
// Make sure we get the headers and data back.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,
array($this, 'didReceiveDataCallback'));
if ($this->followLocation) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20);
if (defined('CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS')) {
// If CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS is available, use the higher-precision timeout.
$timeout = max(1, ceil(1000 * $this->getTimeout()));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, $timeout);
} else {
// Otherwise, fall back to the lower-precision timeout.
$timeout = max(1, ceil($this->getTimeout()));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
// We're going to try to set CAINFO below. This doesn't work at all on
// OSX around Yosemite (see T5913). On these systems, we'll use the
// system CA and then try to tell the user that their settings were
// ignored and how to fix things if we encounter a CA-related error.
// Assume we have custom CA settings to start with; we'll clear this
// flag if we read the default CA info below.
// Try some decent fallbacks here:
// - First, check if a bundle is set explicitly for this request, via
// `setCABundle()` or similar.
// - Then, check if a global bundle is set explicitly for all requests,
// via `setGlobalCABundle()` or similar.
// - Then, if a local custom.pem exists, use that, because it probably
// means that the user wants to override everything (also because the
// user might not have access to change the box's php.ini to add
// curl.cainfo).
// - Otherwise, try using curl.cainfo. If it's set explicitly, it's
// probably reasonable to try using it before we fall back to what
// libphutil ships with.
// - Lastly, try the default that libphutil ships with. If it doesn't
// work, give up and yell at the user.
if (!$this->getCABundle()) {
$caroot = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('arcanist'));
$caroot = $caroot.'/resources/ssl/';
$ini_val = ini_get('curl.cainfo');
if (self::getGlobalCABundle()) {
} else if (Filesystem::pathExists($caroot.'custom.pem')) {
} else if ($ini_val) {
// TODO: We can probably do a pathExists() here, even.
} else {
if ($this->canSetCAInfo()) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $this->getCABundle());
$verify_peer = 1;
$verify_host = 2;
$extensions = PhutilHTTPEngineExtension::getAllExtensions();
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
if ($extension->shouldTrustAnySSLAuthorityForURI($uri_object)) {
$verify_peer = 0;
if ($extension->shouldTrustAnySSLHostnameForURI($uri_object)) {
$verify_host = 0;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $verify_peer);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $verify_host);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 0);
// See T13391. Recent versions of cURL default to "HTTP/2" on some
// connections, but do not support HTTP/2 proxies. Until HTTP/2
// stabilizes, force HTTP/1.1 explicitly.
if ($proxy) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, (string)$proxy);
if ($is_download) {
$this->downloadHandle = @fopen($this->downloadPath, 'wb+');
if (!$this->downloadHandle) {
throw new Exception(
'Failed to open filesystem path "%s" for writing.',
if ($use_streaming_parser) {
$streaming_parser = id(new PhutilHTTPResponseParser())
if ($this->downloadHandle) {
$progress_sink = $this->getProgressSink();
if ($progress_sink) {
$this->parser = $streaming_parser;
} else {
$curl = $this->handle;
if (!self::$results) {
// NOTE: In curl_multi_select(), PHP calls curl_multi_fdset() but does
// not check the return value of &maxfd for -1 until recent versions
// of PHP (5.4.8 and newer). cURL may return -1 as maxfd in some unusual
// situations; if it does, PHP enters select() with nfds=0, which blocks
// until the timeout is reached.
// We could try to guess whether this will happen or not by examining
// the version identifier, but we can also just sleep for only a short
// period of time.
curl_multi_select(self::$multi, 0.01);
do {
$active = null;
$result = curl_multi_exec(self::$multi, $active);
} while ($result == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
while ($info = curl_multi_info_read(self::$multi)) {
if ($info['msg'] == CURLMSG_DONE) {
self::$results[(int)$info['handle']] = $info;
if (!array_key_exists((int)$curl, self::$results)) {
return false;
// The request is complete, so release any temporary files we wrote
// earlier.
$this->temporaryFiles = array();
$info = self::$results[(int)$curl];
$result = $this->responseBuffer;
$err_code = $info['result'];
if ($err_code) {
if (($err_code == CURLE_SSL_CACERT) && !$this->canSetCAInfo()) {
$status = new HTTPFutureCertificateResponseStatus(
} else {
$status = new HTTPFutureCURLResponseStatus($err_code, $uri);
$body = null;
$headers = array();
$this->setResult(array($status, $body, $headers));
} else if ($this->parser) {
$streaming_parser = $this->parser;
try {
$responses = $streaming_parser->getResponses();
$final_response = last($responses);
$result = array(
} catch (HTTPFutureParseResponseStatus $ex) {
$result = array($ex, null, array());
} else {
// cURL returns headers of all redirects, we strip all but the final one.
$redirects = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT);
$result = preg_replace('/^(.*\r\n\r\n){'.$redirects.'}/sU', '', $result);
curl_multi_remove_handle(self::$multi, $curl);
// NOTE: We want to use keepalive if possible. Return the handle to a
// pool for the domain; don't close it.
if ($this->shouldReuseHandles()) {
self::$pool[$domain][] = $curl;
if ($is_download) {
if ($this->downloadHandle) {
$this->downloadHandle = null;
$sink = $this->getProgressSink();
if ($sink) {
$status = head($this->getResult());
if ($status->isError()) {
} else {
- $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
- $profiler->endServiceCall($this->profilerCallID, array());
return true;
* Callback invoked by cURL as it reads HTTP data from the response. We save
* the data to a buffer.
public function didReceiveDataCallback($handle, $data) {
if ($this->parser) {
} else {
$this->responseBuffer .= $data;
return strlen($data);
* Read data from the response buffer.
* NOTE: Like @{class:ExecFuture}, this method advances a read cursor but
* does not discard the data. The data will still be buffered, and it will
* all be returned when the future resolves. To discard the data after
* reading it, call @{method:discardBuffers}.
* @return string Response data, if available.
public function read() {
if ($this->isDownload()) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not read the result buffer while streaming results '.
'to disk: there is no in-memory buffer to read.'));
if ($this->parser) {
throw new Exception(
'Streaming reads are not currently supported by the streaming '.
$result = substr($this->responseBuffer, $this->responseBufferPos);
$this->responseBufferPos = strlen($this->responseBuffer);
return $result;
* Discard any buffered data. Normally, you call this after reading the
* data with @{method:read}.
* @return this
public function discardBuffers() {
if ($this->isDownload()) {
throw new Exception(
'You can not discard the result buffer while streaming results '.
'to disk: there is no in-memory buffer to discard.'));
if ($this->parser) {
throw new Exception(
'Buffer discards are not currently supported by the streaming '.
$this->responseBuffer = '';
$this->responseBufferPos = 0;
return $this;
* Produces a value safe to pass to `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS`.
* @return wild Some value, suitable for use in `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS`.
private function formatRequestDataForCURL() {
// We're generating a value to hand to cURL as CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS. The way
// cURL handles this value has some tricky caveats.
// First, we can return either an array or a query string. If we return
// an array, we get a "multipart/form-data" request. If we return a
// query string, we get an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request.
// Second, if we return an array we can't duplicate keys. The user might
// want to send the same parameter multiple times.
// Third, if we return an array and any of the values start with "@",
// cURL includes arbitrary files off disk and sends them to an untrusted
// remote server. For example, an array like:
// array('name' => '@/usr/local/secret')
// ...will attempt to read that file off disk and transmit its contents with
// the request. This behavior is pretty surprising, and it can easily
// become a relatively severe security vulnerability which allows an
// attacker to read any file the HTTP process has access to. Since this
// feature is very dangerous and not particularly useful, we prevent its
// use. Broadly, this means we must reject some requests because they
// contain an "@" in an inconvenient place.
// Generally, to avoid the "@" case and because most servers usually
// expect "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data, we try to return a
// string unless there are files attached to this request.
$data = $this->getData();
$files = $this->files;
$any_data = ($data || (is_string($data) && strlen($data)));
$any_files = (bool)$this->files;
if (!$any_data && !$any_files) {
// No files or data, so just bail.
return null;
if (!$any_files) {
// If we don't have any files, just encode the data as a query string,
// make sure it's not including any files, and we're good to go.
if (is_array($data)) {
$data = phutil_build_http_querystring($data);
$this->checkForDangerousCURLMagic($data, $is_query_string = true);
return $data;
// If we've made it this far, we have some files, so we need to return
// an array. First, convert the other data into an array if it isn't one
// already.
if (is_string($data)) {
// NOTE: We explicitly don't want fancy array parsing here, so just
// do a basic parse and then convert it into a dictionary ourselves.
$parser = new PhutilQueryStringParser();
$pairs = $parser->parseQueryStringToPairList($data);
$map = array();
foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
list($key, $value) = $pair;
if (array_key_exists($key, $map)) {
throw new Exception(
'Request specifies two values for key "%s", but parameter '.
'names must be unique if you are posting file data due to '.
'limitations with cURL.',
$map[$key] = $value;
$data = $map;
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$this->checkForDangerousCURLMagic($value, $is_query_string = false);
foreach ($this->files as $name => $info) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
throw new Exception(
'Request specifies a file with key "%s", but that key is also '.
'defined by normal request data. Due to limitations with cURL, '.
'requests that post file data must use unique keys.',
$tmp = new TempFile($info['name']);
Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $info['data']);
$this->temporaryFiles[] = $tmp;
// In 5.5.0 and later, we can use CURLFile. Prior to that, we have to
// use this "@" stuff.
if (class_exists('CURLFile', false)) {
$file_value = new CURLFile((string)$tmp, $info['mime'], $info['name']);
} else {
$file_value = '@'.(string)$tmp;
$data[$name] = $file_value;
return $data;
* Detect strings which will cause cURL to do horrible, insecure things.
* @param string Possibly dangerous string.
* @param bool True if this string is being used as part of a query string.
* @return void
private function checkForDangerousCURLMagic($string, $is_query_string) {
if (empty($string[0]) || ($string[0] != '@')) {
// This isn't an "@..." string, so it's fine.
if ($is_query_string) {
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '<')) {
throw new Exception(
'Attempting to make an HTTP request, but query string data begins '.
'with "%s". Prior to PHP 5.2.0 this reads files off disk, which '.
'creates a wide attack window for security vulnerabilities. '.
'Upgrade PHP or avoid making cURL requests which begin with "%s".',
// This is safe if we're on PHP 5.2.0 or newer.
throw new Exception(
'Attempting to make an HTTP request which includes file data, but the '.
'value of a query parameter begins with "%s". PHP interprets these '.
'values to mean that it should read arbitrary files off disk and '.
'transmit them to remote servers. Declining to make this request.',
* Determine whether CURLOPT_CAINFO is usable on this system.
private function canSetCAInfo() {
// We cannot set CAInfo on OSX after Yosemite.
$osx_version = PhutilExecutionEnvironment::getOSXVersion();
if ($osx_version) {
if (version_compare($osx_version, 14, '>=')) {
return false;
return true;
* Write a raw HTTP body into the request.
* You must write the entire body before starting the request.
* @param string Raw body.
* @return this
public function write($raw_body) {
$this->rawBody = $raw_body;
return $this;
* Callback to pass data to cURL.
public function willWriteBody($handle, $infile, $len) {
$bytes = substr($this->rawBody, $this->rawBodyPos, $len);
$this->rawBodyPos += $len;
return $bytes;
private function shouldReuseHandles() {
$curl_version = curl_version();
$version = idx($curl_version, 'version');
// NOTE: cURL 7.43.0 has a bug where the POST body length is not recomputed
// properly when a handle is reused. For this version of cURL, disable
// handle reuse and accept a small performance penalty. See T8654.
if ($version == '7.43.0') {
return false;
return true;
private function isDownload() {
return ($this->downloadPath !== null);
+ protected function getServiceProfilerStartParameters() {
+ return array(
+ 'type' => 'http',
+ 'uri' => phutil_string_cast($this->getURI()),
+ );
+ }
File Metadata
Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 18:15 (6 w, 4 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(73 KB)
Attached To
rARC Arcanist
Detach File
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