Is it possible to escape Remarkup elements? Say you wish to refer to S3 and you have at least 3 spaces configured you... kinda can't as it becomes an active element.
It'd be nice to be able to escape the S with the traditional backslash so that it's inactive. Same goes for *, _ and other tidbits.
That's assuming something like this isn't already there. :)
Basically I just want to be able to type, for example, "We should get S3 storage with Wobblebottom." and have it come out as a normal sentence with normally displaying words.
All the current solutions either put weirdness there (grey boxes, turn it into links, etc) or force a paragraph (with added weirdness :) ).
It'd also be nice to type in an asterisk in the beginning of a line without it becoming a bullet point and so on. Or to write a URL like without it becoming a link but with it being a normal part of the sentence.