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MikeCripps (Mike Cripps)



  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Sep 16 2021, 21:58 (183 w, 5 d)

Hi, I'm Mike - I've been using Phabricator since 2014 in two of my previous three jobs. In each of those I've been the administrator, and have set up clustered Phabricator and single instance.

I also maintained a list of bugfixes and changes at and am familiar with extending and implementing Phabricator functionality.

Recent Activity

Sep 16 2021

MikeCripps added a comment to T15010: Vision Statement.

Really glad to see Phabricator will live on - I've previously managed some bugfixes in an external repo and would love to try to get them into upstream. I've run Phabricator instances for 7 of the last 9 years (and was unable to convince my previous employer to switch) so I've got a bit of experience on the managing side as well.

Sep 16 2021, 22:17 · Phorge, Governance
MikeCripps updated MikeCripps.
Sep 16 2021, 22:08
MikeCripps updated MikeCripps.
Sep 16 2021, 22:07