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@title PHP Pitfalls
@group php
This document discusses difficult traps and pitfalls in PHP, and how to avoid,
work around, or at least understand them.
= `array_merge()` in Incredibly Slow When Merging A List of Arrays =
If you merge a list of arrays like this:
$result = array();
foreach ($list_of_lists as $one_list) {
$result = array_merge($result, $one_list);
...your program now has a huge runtime because it generates a large number of
intermediate arrays and copies every element it has previously seen each time
you iterate.
In a libphutil environment, you can use @{function@arcanist:array_mergev}
= `var_export()` Hates Baby Animals =
If you try to `var_export()` an object that contains recursive references, your
program will terminate. You have no chance to intercept or react to this or
otherwise stop it from happening. Avoid `var_export()` unless you are certain
you have only simple data. You can use `print_r()` or `var_dump()` to display
complex variables safely.
= `isset()`, `empty()` and Truthiness =
A value is "truthy" if it evaluates to true in an `if` clause:
$value = something();
if ($value) {
// Value is truthy.
If a value is not truthy, it is "falsey". These values are falsey in PHP:
null // null
0 // integer
0.0 // float
"0" // string
"" // empty string
false // boolean
array() // empty array
Disregarding some bizarre edge cases, all other values are truthy.
In addition to truth tests with `if`, PHP has two special truthiness operators
which look like functions but aren't: `empty()` and `isset()`. These operators
help deal with undeclared variables.
In PHP, there are two major cases where you get undeclared variables -- either
you directly use a variable without declaring it:
function f() {
if ($not_declared) {
// ...
...or you index into an array with an index which may not exist:
function f(array $mystery) {
if ($mystery['stuff']) {
// ...
When you do either of these, PHP issues a warning. Avoid these warnings by
using `empty()` and `isset()` to do tests that are safe to apply to undeclared
`empty()` evaluates truthiness exactly opposite of `if()`. `isset()` returns
`true` for everything except `null`. This is the truth table:
| Value | `if()` | `empty()` | `isset()` |
| `null` | `false`| `true` | `false` |
| `0` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
| `0.0` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
| `"0"` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
| `""` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
|`false` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
|`array()` | `false`| `true` | `true` |
|Everything else| `true` | `false` | `true` |
The value of these operators is that they accept undeclared variables and do
not issue a warning. Specifically, if you try to do this you get a warning:
if ($not_previously_declared) { // PHP Notice: Undefined variable!
// ...
But these are fine:
if (empty($not_previously_declared)) { // No notice, returns true.
// ...
if (isset($not_previously_declared)) { // No notice, returns false.
// ...
So, `isset()` really means
`is_declared_and_is_set_to_something_other_than_null()`. `empty()` really means
`is_falsey_or_is_not_declared()`. Thus:
- If a variable is known to exist, test falsiness with `if (!$v)`, not
`empty()`. In particular, test for empty arrays with `if (!$array)`. There
is no reason to ever use `empty()` on a declared variable.
- When you use `isset()` on an array key, like `isset($array['key'])`, it
will evaluate to "false" if the key exists but has the value `null`! Test
for index existence with `array_key_exists()`.
Put another way, use `isset()` if you want to type `if ($value !== null)` but
are testing something that may not be declared. Use `empty()` if you want to
type `if (!$value)` but you are testing something that may not be declared.
= Check for non-empty strings =
As already mentioned, note that you cannot just use an `if` or `empty()` to
check for a non-empty string, mostly because "0" is falsey, so you cannot rely
on this sort of thing to prevent users from making empty comments:
if ($comment_text) {
This is wrong because it prevents users from making the comment "0".
Another way //was// also `strlen()`:
if (strlen($comment_text)) {
But using `strlen(null)` causes a deprecation warning since PHP 8.1. Also,
using `strlen()` uses too many CPU cycles to just check of a non-empty.
In short, outside Phorge, this is a general way to check for non-empty strings
for most wild input types:
$value_str = (string) $value;
if ($value_str !== '') {
// do something
To do the same thing in Phorge, use this better and safer approach:
$value_str = phutil_string_cast($value);
if ($value_str !== '') {
// do something
And, if you are 100% sure that you are __only__ working with string and
null, evaluate this instead:
if (phutil_nonempty_string($value)) {
// do something
WARNING: The function `phutil_nonempty_string()` is designed to throw a nice
exception if it receives `true`, `false`, an array, an object or anything
alien that is not a string and not null. Do your evaluations.
= usort(), uksort(), and uasort() are Slow =
This family of functions is often extremely slow for large datasets. You should
avoid them if at all possible. Instead, build an array which contains surrogate
keys that are naturally sortable with a function that uses native comparison
(e.g., `sort()`, `asort()`, `ksort()`, or `natcasesort()`). Sort this array
instead, and use it to reorder the original array.
In a libphutil environment, you can often do this easily with
@{function@arcanist:isort} or @{function@arcanist:msort}.
= `array_intersect()` and `array_diff()` are Also Slow =
These functions are much slower for even moderately large inputs than
`array_intersect_key()` and `array_diff_key()`, because they can not make the
assumption that their inputs are unique scalars as the `key` varieties can.
Strongly prefer the `key` varieties.
= `array_uintersect()` and `array_udiff()` are Definitely Slow Too =
These functions have the problems of both the `usort()` family and the
`array_diff()` family. Avoid them.
= `foreach()` Does Not Create Scope =
Variables survive outside of the scope of `foreach()`. More problematically,
references survive outside of the scope of `foreach()`. This code mutates
`$array` because the reference leaks from the first loop to the second:
$array = range(1, 3);
echo implode(',', $array); // Outputs '1,2,3'
foreach ($array as &$value) {}
echo implode(',', $array); // Outputs '1,2,3'
foreach ($array as $value) {}
echo implode(',', $array); // Outputs '1,2,2'
The easiest way to avoid this is to avoid using foreach-by-reference. If you do
use it, unset the reference after the loop:
foreach ($array as &$value) {
// ...
= `unserialize()` is Incredibly Slow on Large Datasets =
The performance of `unserialize()` is nonlinear in the number of zvals you
unserialize, roughly `O(N^2)`.
| zvals | Approximate time |
| 10000 |5ms |
| 100000 | 85ms |
| 1000000 | 8,000ms |
| 10000000 | 72 billion years |
= `call_user_func()` Breaks References =
If you use `call_use_func()` to invoke a function which takes parameters by
reference, the variables you pass in will have their references broken and will
emerge unmodified. That is, if you have a function that takes references:
function add_one(&$v) {
...and you call it with `call_user_func()`:
$x = 41;
call_user_func('add_one', $x);
...`$x` will not be modified. The solution is to use `call_user_func_array()`
and wrap the reference in an array:
$x = 41;
array(&$x)); // Note '&$x'!
This will work as expected.
= You Can't Throw From `__toString()` =
If you throw from `__toString()`, your program will terminate uselessly and you
won't get the exception.
= An Object Can Have Any Scalar as a Property =
Object properties are not limited to legal variable names:
$property = '!@#$%^&*()';
$obj->$property = 'zebra';
echo $obj->$property; // Outputs 'zebra'.
So, don't make assumptions about property names.
= There is an `(object)` Cast =
You can cast a dictionary into an object.
$obj = (object)array('flavor' => 'coconut');
echo $obj->flavor; // Outputs 'coconut'.
echo get_class($obj); // Outputs 'stdClass'.
This is occasionally useful, mostly to force an object to become a JavaScript
dictionary (vs a list) when passed to `json_encode()`.
= Invoking `new` With an Argument Vector is Really Hard =
If you have some `$class_name` and some `$argv` of constructor arguments
and you want to do this:
new $class_name($argv[0], $argv[1], ...);
```'ll probably invent a very interesting, very novel solution that is very
wrong. In a libphutil environment, solve this problem with
@{function@arcanist:newv}. Elsewhere, copy `newv()`'s implementation.
= Equality is not Transitive =
This isn't terribly surprising since equality isn't transitive in a lot of
languages, but the `==` operator is not transitive:
$a = ''; $b = 0; $c = '0a';
$a == $b; // true
$b == $c; // true
$c == $a; // false!
When either operand is an integer, the other operand is cast to an integer
before comparison. Avoid this and similar pitfalls by using the `===` operator,
which is transitive.
= All 676 Letters in the Alphabet =
This doesn't do what you'd expect it to do in C:
for ($c = 'a'; $c <= 'z'; $c++) {
// ...
This is because the successor to `z` is `aa`, which is "less than" `z`.
The loop will run for ~700 iterations until it reaches `zz` and terminates.
That is, `$c` will take on these values:
aa // loop continues because 'aa' <= 'z'
zz // loop now terminates because 'zz' > 'z'
Instead, use this loop:
foreach (range('a', 'z') as $c) {
// ...

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