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@title Spaces User Guide
@group userguide
Guide to the Spaces application.
IMPORTANT: Spaces is a prototype application.
Archiving Spaces
If you no longer need a Space, you can archive it by choosing
{nav Archive Space} from the detail view. This hides the space and all the
objects in it without deleting any data.
New objects can't be created into archived spaces, and existing objects can't
be shifted into archived spaces. The UI won't give you options to choose
these spaces when creating or editing objects.
Additionally, objects (like tasks) in archived spaces won't be shown in most
search result lists by default. If you need to find objects in an archived
space, use the `Spaces` constraint to specifically search for objects in that
You can reactivate a space later by choosing {nav Activate Space}.

File Metadata

Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 20:01 (6 w, 1 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
spaces.diviner (861 B)

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