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* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Base test case for the very simple libphutil test framework.
* @task assert Making Test Assertions
* @task exceptions Exception Handling
* @task hook Hooks for Setup and Teardown
* @task internal Internals
* @group unitrun
abstract class ArcanistPhutilTestCase {
private $assertions = 0;
private $runningTest;
private $testStartTime;
private $results = array();
private $enableCoverage;
private $coverage = array();
private $projectRoot;
private $paths;
/* -( Making Test Assertions )--------------------------------------------- */
* Assert that two values are equal. The test fails if they are not.
* NOTE: This method uses PHP's strict equality test operator ("===") to
* compare values. This means values and types must be equal, key order must
* be identical in arrays, and objects must be referentially identical.
* @param wild The theoretically expected value, generated by careful
* reasoning about the properties of the system.
* @param wild The empirically derived value, generated by executing the
* test.
* @param string A human-readable description of what these values represent,
* and particularly of what a discrepancy means.
* @return void
* @task assert
final protected function assertEqual($expect, $result, $message = null) {
if ($expect === $result) {
$expect = PhutilReadableSerializer::printableValue($expect);
$result = PhutilReadableSerializer::printableValue($result);
$where = debug_backtrace();
$where = array_shift($where);
$line = idx($where, 'line');
$file = basename(idx($where, 'file'));
$output = "Assertion failed at line {$line} in {$file}";
if ($message) {
$output .= ": {$message}";
$output .= "\n";
if (strpos($expect, "\n") === false && strpos($result, "\n") === false) {
$output .= "Expected: {$expect}\n";
$output .= "Actual: {$result}";
} else {
$output .= "Expected vs Actual Output Diff\n";
$output .= ArcanistDiffUtils::renderDifferences(
$lines = 0xFFFF);
throw new ArcanistPhutilTestTerminatedException($output);
* Assert an unconditional failure. This is just a convenience method that
* better indicates intent than using dummy values with assertEqual(). This
* causes test failure.
* @param string Human-readable description of the reason for test failure.
* @return void
* @task assert
final protected function assertFailure($message) {
throw new ArcanistPhutilTestTerminatedException($message);
* End this test by asserting that the test should be skipped for some
* reason.
* @param string Reason for skipping this test.
* @return void
* @task assert
final protected function assertSkipped($message) {
throw new ArcanistPhutilTestSkippedException($message);
/* -( Exception Handling )------------------------------------------------- */
* This simplest way to assert exceptions are thrown.
* @param exception The expected exception.
* @param callable The thing which throws the exception.
* @return void
* @task exceptions
final protected function assertException($expected_exception_class,
$callable) {
array('assertException' => array()),
* Straightforward method for writing unit tests which check if some block of
* code throws an exception. For example, this allows you to test the
* exception behavior of ##is_a_fruit()## on various inputs:
* public function testFruit() {
* $this->tryTestCases(
* array(
* 'apple is a fruit' => new Apple(),
* 'rock is not a fruit' => new Rock(),
* ),
* array(
* true,
* false,
* ),
* array($this, 'tryIsAFruit'),
* 'NotAFruitException');
* }
* protected function tryIsAFruit($input) {
* is_a_fruit($input);
* }
* @param map Map of test case labels to test case inputs.
* @param list List of expected results, true to indicate that the case
* is expected to succeed and false to indicate that the case
* is expected to throw.
* @param callable Callback to invoke for each test case.
* @param string Optional exception class to catch, defaults to
* 'Exception'.
* @return void
* @task exceptions
final protected function tryTestCases(
array $inputs,
array $expect,
$exception_class = 'Exception') {
if (count($inputs) !== count($expect)) {
"Input and expectations must have the same number of values.");
$labels = array_keys($inputs);
$inputs = array_values($inputs);
$expecting = array_values($expect);
foreach ($inputs as $idx => $input) {
$expect = $expecting[$idx];
$label = $labels[$idx];
$caught = null;
try {
call_user_func($callable, $input);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
if ($ex instanceof ArcanistPhutilTestTerminatedException) {
throw $ex;
if (!($ex instanceof $exception_class)) {
throw $ex;
$caught = $ex;
$actual = !($caught instanceof Exception);
if ($expect === $actual) {
if ($expect) {
$message = "Test case '{$label}' did not throw, as expected.";
} else {
$message = "Test case '{$label}' threw, as expected.";
} else {
if ($expect) {
$message = "Test case '{$label}' was expected to succeed, but it ".
"raised an exception of class ".get_class($ex)." with ".
"message: ".$ex->getMessage();
} else {
$message = "Test case '{$label}' was expected to raise an ".
"exception, but it did not throw anything.";
$this->assertEqual($expect, $actual, $message);
* Convenience wrapper around @{method:tryTestCases} for cases where your
* inputs are scalar. For example:
* public function testFruit() {
* $this->tryTestCaseMap(
* array(
* 'apple' => true,
* 'rock' => false,
* ),
* array($this, 'tryIsAFruit'),
* 'NotAFruitException');
* }
* protected function tryIsAFruit($input) {
* is_a_fruit($input);
* }
* For cases where your inputs are not scalar, use @{method:tryTestCases}.
* @param map Map of scalar test inputs to expected success (true
* expects success, false expects an exception).
* @param callable Callback to invoke for each test case.
* @param string Optional exception class to catch, defaults to
* 'Exception'.
* @return void
* @task exceptions
final protected function tryTestCaseMap(
array $map,
$exception_class = 'Exception') {
return $this->tryTestCases(
array_combine(array_keys($map), array_keys($map)),
/* -( Hooks for Setup and Teardown )--------------------------------------- */
* This hook is invoked once, before any tests in this class are run. It
* gives you an opportunity to perform setup steps for the entire class.
* @return void
* @task hook
protected function willRunTests() {
* This hook is invoked once, after any tests in this class are run. It gives
* you an opportunity to perform teardown steps for the entire class.
* @return void
* @task hook
protected function didRunTests() {
* This hook is invoked once per test, before the test method is invoked.
* @param string Method name of the test which will be invoked.
* @return void
* @task hook
protected function willRunOneTest($test_method_name) {
* This hook is invoked once per test, after the test method is invoked.
* @param string Method name of the test which was invoked.
* @return void
* @task hook
protected function didRunOneTest($test_method_name) {
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Construct a new test case. This method is ##final##, use willRunTests() to
* provide test-wide setup logic.
* @task internal
final public function __construct() {
* Mark the currently-running test as a failure.
* @param string Human-readable description of problems.
* @return void
* @task internal
final private function failTest($reason) {
$this->resultTest(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL, $reason);
* This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
* @param string Human-readable overstatement of satisfaction.
* @return void
* @task internal
final private function passTest($reason) {
$this->resultTest(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS, $reason);
* Mark the current running test as skipped.
* @param string Description for why this test was skipped.
* @return void
* @task internal
final private function skipTest($reason) {
$this->resultTest(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP, $reason);
final private function resultTest($test_result, $reason) {
$coverage = $this->endCoverage();
$result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult();
$result->setDuration(microtime(true) - $this->testStartTime);
$this->results[] = $result;
* Execute the tests in this test case. You should not call this directly;
* use @{class:PhutilUnitTestEngine} to orchestrate test execution.
* @return void
* @task internal
final public function run() {
$this->results = array();
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
$methods = $reflection->getMethods();
// Try to ensure that poorly-written tests which depend on execution order
// (and are thus not properly isolated) will fail.
foreach ($methods as $method) {
$name = $method->getName();
if (preg_match('/^test/', $name)) {
$this->runningTest = $name;
$this->assertions = 0;
$this->testStartTime = microtime(true);
try {
$test_exception = null;
try {
array($this, $name),
$this->passTest(pht('%d assertion(s) passed.', $this->assertions));
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$test_exception = $ex;
if ($test_exception) {
throw $test_exception;
} catch (ArcanistPhutilTestTerminatedException $ex) {
// Continue with the next test.
} catch (ArcanistPhutilTestSkippedException $ex) {
// Continue with the next test.
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$ex_class = get_class($ex);
$ex_message = $ex->getMessage();
$ex_trace = $ex->getTraceAsString();
$message = "EXCEPTION ({$ex_class}): {$ex_message}\n{$ex_trace}";
return $this->results;
final public function setEnableCoverage($enable_coverage) {
$this->enableCoverage = $enable_coverage;
return $this;
* @phutil-external-symbol function xdebug_start_code_coverage
final private function beginCoverage() {
if (!$this->enableCoverage) {
xdebug_start_code_coverage(XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE);
* @phutil-external-symbol function xdebug_get_code_coverage
* @phutil-external-symbol function xdebug_stop_code_coverage
final private function endCoverage() {
if (!$this->enableCoverage) {
$result = xdebug_get_code_coverage();
xdebug_stop_code_coverage($cleanup = false);
$coverage = array();
foreach ($result as $file => $report) {
if (strncmp($file, $this->projectRoot, strlen($this->projectRoot))) {
$max = max(array_keys($report));
$str = '';
for ($ii = 1; $ii <= $max; $ii++) {
$c = idx($report, $ii);
if ($c === -1) {
$str .= 'U'; // Un-covered.
} else if ($c === -2) {
// TODO: This indicates "unreachable", but it flags the closing braces
// of functions which end in "return", which is super ridiculous. Just
// ignore it for now.
$str .= 'N'; // Not executable.
} else if ($c === 1) {
$str .= 'C'; // Covered.
} else {
$str .= 'N'; // Not executable.
$coverage[substr($file, strlen($this->projectRoot) + 1)] = $str;
// Only keep coverage information for files modified by the change.
$coverage = array_select_keys($coverage, $this->paths);
return $coverage;
final private function assertCoverageAvailable() {
if (!function_exists('xdebug_start_code_coverage')) {
throw new Exception(
"You've enabled code coverage but XDebug is not installed.");
final public function setProjectRoot($project_root) {
$this->projectRoot = $project_root;
return $this;
final public function setPaths(array $paths) {
$this->paths = $paths;
return $this;
protected function getLink($method) {
return null;

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ArcanistPhutilTestCase.php (14 KB)

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