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diff --git a/src/applications/project/__tests__/PhabricatorProjectCoreTestCase.php b/src/applications/project/__tests__/PhabricatorProjectCoreTestCase.php
index f6b74801e6..8c17fc07e7 100644
--- a/src/applications/project/__tests__/PhabricatorProjectCoreTestCase.php
+++ b/src/applications/project/__tests__/PhabricatorProjectCoreTestCase.php
@@ -1,755 +1,754 @@
final class PhabricatorProjectCoreTestCase extends PhabricatorTestCase {
protected function getPhabricatorTestCaseConfiguration() {
return array(
public function testViewProject() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$user2 = $this->createUser();
$proj = $this->createProject($user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
$can_view = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW;
// When the view policy is set to "users", any user can see the project.
$this->assertTrue((bool)$this->refreshProject($proj, $user));
$this->assertTrue((bool)$this->refreshProject($proj, $user2));
// When the view policy is set to "no one", members can still see the
// project.
$this->assertTrue((bool)$this->refreshProject($proj, $user));
$this->assertFalse((bool)$this->refreshProject($proj, $user2));
public function testIsViewerMemberOrWatcher() {
$user1 = $this->createUser()
$user2 = $this->createUser()
$user3 = $this->createUser()
$proj1 = $this->createProject($user1);
$proj1 = $this->refreshProject($proj1, $user1);
$this->joinProject($proj1, $user1);
$this->joinProject($proj1, $user3);
$this->watchProject($proj1, $user3);
$proj1 = $this->refreshProject($proj1, $user1);
$proj1 = $this->refreshProject($proj1, $user1, false, true);
$proj1 = $this->refreshProject($proj1, $user1, true, false);
$proj1 = $this->refreshProject($proj1, $user1, true, true);
public function testEditProject() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$user2 = $this->createUser();
$proj = $this->createProject($user);
// When edit and view policies are set to "user", anyone can edit.
$this->assertTrue($this->attemptProjectEdit($proj, $user));
// When edit policy is set to "no one", no one can edit.
$caught = null;
try {
$this->attemptProjectEdit($proj, $user);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
$this->assertTrue($caught instanceof Exception);
public function testAncestryQueries() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$ancestor = $this->createProject($user);
$parent = $this->createProject($user, $ancestor);
$child = $this->createProject($user, $parent);
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$this->assertEqual(2, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$this->assertEqual(1, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
->withDepthBetween(2, null)
$this->assertEqual(1, count($projects));
$parent2 = $this->createProject($user, $ancestor);
$child2 = $this->createProject($user, $parent2);
$grandchild2 = $this->createProject($user, $child2);
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$this->assertEqual(5, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$this->assertEqual(2, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
->withDepthBetween(2, null)
$this->assertEqual(3, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
->withDepthBetween(3, null)
$this->assertEqual(1, count($projects));
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$this->assertEqual(2, count($projects));
public function testMemberMaterialization() {
$material_type = PhabricatorProjectMaterializedMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST;
$user = $this->createUser();
$parent = $this->createProject($user);
$child = $this->createProject($user, $parent);
$this->joinProject($child, $user);
$parent_material = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
public function testMilestones() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$parent = $this->createProject($user);
$m1 = $this->createProject($user, $parent, true);
$m2 = $this->createProject($user, $parent, true);
$m3 = $this->createProject($user, $parent, true);
$this->assertEqual(1, $m1->getMilestoneNumber());
$this->assertEqual(2, $m2->getMilestoneNumber());
$this->assertEqual(3, $m3->getMilestoneNumber());
public function testMilestoneMembership() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$parent = $this->createProject($user);
$milestone = $this->createProject($user, $parent, true);
$this->joinProject($parent, $user);
$milestone = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$milestone = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
public function testSameSlugAsName() {
// It should be OK to type the primary hashtag into "additional hashtags",
// even if the primary hashtag doesn't exist yet because you're creating
// or renaming the project.
$user = $this->createUser();
$project = $this->createProject($user);
// In this first case, set the name and slugs at the same time.
$name = 'slugproject';
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
$project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$slugs = $project->getSlugs();
$slugs = mpull($slugs, 'getSlug');
$this->assertTrue(in_array($name, $slugs));
// In this second case, set the name first and then the slugs separately.
$name2 = 'slugproject2';
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
$project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$slugs = $project->getSlugs();
$slugs = mpull($slugs, 'getSlug');
$this->assertTrue(in_array($name2, $slugs));
public function testDuplicateSlugs() {
// Creating a project with multiple duplicate slugs should succeed.
$user = $this->createUser();
$project = $this->createProject($user);
$input = 'duplicate';
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
->setNewValue(array($input, $input));
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
$project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$slugs = $project->getSlugs();
$slugs = mpull($slugs, 'getSlug');
$this->assertTrue(in_array($input, $slugs));
public function testNormalizeSlugs() {
// When a user creates a project with slug "XxX360n0sc0perXxX", normalize
// it before writing it.
$user = $this->createUser();
$project = $this->createProject($user);
$input = 'NoRmAlIzE';
$expect = 'normalize';
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
$project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$slugs = $project->getSlugs();
$slugs = mpull($slugs, 'getSlug');
$this->assertTrue(in_array($expect, $slugs));
// If another user tries to add the same slug in denormalized form, it
// should be caught and fail, even though the database version of the slug
// is normalized.
$project2 = $this->createProject($user);
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$caught = null;
try {
$this->applyTransactions($project2, $user, $xactions);
} catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationException $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
public function testParentProject() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$parent = $this->createProject($user);
$child = $this->createProject($user, $parent);
$child = $this->refreshProject($child, $user);
$this->assertEqual(1, (int)$child->getProjectDepth());
$this->joinProject($child, $user);
$child = $this->refreshProject($child, $user);
// Test that hiding a parent hides the child.
$user2 = $this->createUser();
// Second user can see the project for now.
$this->assertTrue((bool)$this->refreshProject($child, $user2));
// Hide the parent.
$this->setViewPolicy($parent, $user, $user->getPHID());
// First user (who can see the parent because they are a member of
// the child) can see the project.
$this->assertTrue((bool)$this->refreshProject($child, $user));
// Second user can not, because they can't see the parent.
$this->assertFalse((bool)$this->refreshProject($child, $user2));
private function attemptProjectEdit(
PhabricatorProject $proj,
PhabricatorUser $user,
$skip_refresh = false) {
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$new_name = $proj->getName().' '.mt_rand();
$xaction = new PhabricatorProjectTransaction();
$this->applyTransactions($proj, $user, array($xaction));
return true;
public function testJoinLeaveProject() {
$user = $this->createUser();
$proj = $this->createProjectWithNewAuthor();
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
'Assumption that projects are default visible '.
'to any user when created.'));
pht('Arbitrary user not member of project.'));
// Join the project.
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Join works.'));
// Join the project again.
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Joining an already-joined project is a no-op.'));
// Leave the project.
$this->leaveProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Leave works.'));
// Leave the project again.
$this->leaveProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Leaving an already-left project is a no-op.'));
// If a user can't edit or join a project, joining fails.
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$caught = null;
try {
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
$this->assertTrue($ex instanceof Exception);
// If a user can edit a project, they can join.
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Join allowed with edit permission.'));
$this->leaveProject($proj, $user);
// If a user can join a project, they can join, even if they can't edit.
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$this->joinProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Join allowed with join permission.'));
// A user can leave a project even if they can't edit it or join.
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
$this->leaveProject($proj, $user);
$proj = $this->refreshProject($proj, $user, true);
pht('Leave allowed without any permission.'));
private function refreshProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $viewer,
$need_members = false,
$need_watchers = false) {
$results = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
if ($results) {
return head($results);
} else {
return null;
private function createProject(
PhabricatorUser $user,
PhabricatorProject $parent = null,
$is_milestone = false) {
$project = PhabricatorProject::initializeNewProject($user);
$name = pht('Test Project %d', mt_rand());
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
if ($parent) {
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
if ($is_milestone) {
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
return $project;
private function setViewPolicy(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user,
$policy) {
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
return $project;
private function createProjectWithNewAuthor() {
$author = $this->createUser();
$project = $this->createProject($author);
return $project;
private function createUser() {
$rand = mt_rand();
$user = new PhabricatorUser();
$user->setRealName(pht('Unit Test User %d', $rand));
return $user;
private function joinProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user) {
return $this->joinOrLeaveProject($project, $user, '+');
private function leaveProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user) {
return $this->joinOrLeaveProject($project, $user, '-');
private function watchProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user) {
return $this->watchOrUnwatchProject($project, $user, '+');
private function unwatchProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user) {
return $this->watchOrUnwatchProject($project, $user, '-');
private function joinOrLeaveProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user,
$operation) {
return $this->applyProjectEdgeTransaction(
private function watchOrUnwatchProject(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user,
$operation) {
return $this->applyProjectEdgeTransaction(
private function applyProjectEdgeTransaction(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user,
$edge_type) {
$spec = array(
$operation => array($user->getPHID() => $user->getPHID()),
$xactions = array();
$xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransaction())
->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $edge_type)
$this->applyTransactions($project, $user, $xactions);
return $project;
private function applyTransactions(
PhabricatorProject $project,
PhabricatorUser $user,
array $xactions) {
$editor = id(new PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor())
->applyTransactions($project, $xactions);
diff --git a/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php b/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
index ff9b23e477..70daac64ed 100644
--- a/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
+++ b/src/applications/project/editor/PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor.php
@@ -1,663 +1,695 @@
final class PhabricatorProjectTransactionEditor
extends PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor {
public function getEditorApplicationClass() {
return 'PhabricatorProjectApplication';
public function getEditorObjectsDescription() {
return pht('Projects');
public function getTransactionTypes() {
$types = parent::getTransactionTypes();
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE;
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY;
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY;
$types[] = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT;
$types[] = PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_MILESTONE;
return $types;
protected function getCustomTransactionOldValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
return $object->getName();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
$slugs = $object->getSlugs();
$slugs = mpull($slugs, 'getSlug', 'getSlug');
return array_keys($slugs);
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS:
return $object->getStatus();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
return $object->getProfileImagePHID();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON:
return $object->getIcon();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR:
return $object->getColor();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED:
return (int)$object->getIsMembershipLocked();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_MILESTONE:
return null;
return parent::getCustomTransactionOldValue($object, $xaction);
protected function getCustomTransactionNewValue(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
return $xaction->getNewValue();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
return $this->normalizeSlugs($xaction->getNewValue());
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_MILESTONE:
$current = queryfx_one(
'SELECT MAX(milestoneNumber) n
WHERE parentProjectPHID = %s',
if (!$current) {
$number = 1;
} else {
$number = (int)$current['n'] + 1;
return $number;
return parent::getCustomTransactionNewValue($object, $xaction);
protected function applyCustomInternalTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
$name = $xaction->getNewValue();
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_MILESTONE:
return parent::applyCustomInternalTransaction($object, $xaction);
protected function applyCustomExternalTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
// First, add the old name as a secondary slug; this is helpful
// for renames and generally a good thing to do.
if ($old !== null) {
$this->addSlug($object, $old, false);
$this->addSlug($object, $new, false);
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$add = array_diff($new, $old);
$rem = array_diff($old, $new);
foreach ($add as $slug) {
$this->addSlug($object, $slug, true);
$this->removeSlugs($object, $rem);
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_MILESTONE:
return parent::applyCustomExternalTransaction($object, $xaction);
protected function applyBuiltinExternalTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
$edge_type = $xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type');
switch ($edge_type) {
case PhabricatorProjectProjectHasMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST:
case PhabricatorObjectHasWatcherEdgeType::EDGECONST:
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
// When adding members or watchers, we add subscriptions.
$add = array_keys(array_diff_key($new, $old));
// When removing members, we remove their subscription too.
// When unwatching, we leave subscriptions, since it's fine to be
// subscribed to a project but not be a member of it.
$edge_const = PhabricatorProjectProjectHasMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST;
if ($edge_type == $edge_const) {
$rem = array_keys(array_diff_key($old, $new));
} else {
$rem = array();
// NOTE: The subscribe is "explicit" because there's no implicit
// unsubscribe, so Join -> Leave -> Join doesn't resubscribe you
// if we use an implicit subscribe, even though you never willfully
// unsubscribed. Not sure if adding implicit unsubscribe (which
// would not write the unsubscribe row) is justified to deal with
// this, which is a fairly weird edge case and pretty arguable both
// ways.
// Subscriptions caused by watches should also clearly be explicit,
// and that case is unambiguous.
id(new PhabricatorSubscriptionsEditor())
if ($rem) {
// When removing members, also remove any watches on the project.
$edge_editor = new PhabricatorEdgeEditor();
foreach ($rem as $rem_phid) {
return parent::applyBuiltinExternalTransaction($object, $xaction);
protected function validateTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$errors = parent::validateTransaction($object, $type, $xactions);
switch ($type) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
$missing = $this->validateIsEmptyTextField(
if ($missing) {
$error = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
pht('Project name is required.'),
nonempty(last($xactions), null));
$errors[] = $error;
if (!$xactions) {
$name = last($xactions)->getNewValue();
+ if (!PhabricatorSlug::isValidProjectSlug($name)) {
+ $errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
+ $type,
+ pht('Invalid'),
+ pht(
+ 'Project names must contain at least one letter or number.'),
+ last($xactions));
+ break;
+ }
$name_used_already = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
if ($name_used_already &&
($name_used_already->getPHID() != $object->getPHID())) {
$error = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
pht('Project name is already used.'),
nonempty(last($xactions), null));
$errors[] = $error;
$slug = PhabricatorSlug::normalizeProjectSlug($name);
$slug_used_already = id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())
->loadOneWhere('slug = %s', $slug);
if ($slug_used_already &&
$slug_used_already->getProjectPHID() != $object->getPHID()) {
$error = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
pht('Project name can not be used due to hashtag collision.'),
nonempty(last($xactions), null));
$errors[] = $error;
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_SLUGS:
if (!$xactions) {
$slug_xaction = last($xactions);
$new = $slug_xaction->getNewValue();
+ $invalid = array();
+ foreach ($new as $slug) {
+ if (!PhabricatorSlug::isValidProjectSlug($slug)) {
+ $invalid[] = $slug;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($invalid) {
+ $errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
+ $type,
+ pht('Invalid'),
+ pht(
+ 'Hashtags must contain at least one letter or number. %s '.
+ 'project hashtag(s) are invalid: %s.',
+ phutil_count($invalid),
+ implode(', ', $invalid)),
+ $slug_xaction);
+ break;
+ }
$new = $this->normalizeSlugs($new);
if ($new) {
$slugs_used_already = id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())
->loadAllWhere('slug IN (%Ls)', $new);
} else {
// The project doesn't have any extra slugs.
$slugs_used_already = array();
$slugs_used_already = mgroup($slugs_used_already, 'getProjectPHID');
foreach ($slugs_used_already as $project_phid => $used_slugs) {
if ($project_phid == $object->getPHID()) {
$used_slug_strs = mpull($used_slugs, 'getSlug');
$error = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'%s project hashtag(s) are already used by other projects: %s.',
implode(', ', $used_slug_strs)),
$errors[] = $error;
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
if (!$xactions) {
$xaction = last($xactions);
if (!$this->getIsNewObject()) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'You can only set a parent project when creating a project '.
'for the first time.'),
$parent_phid = $xaction->getNewValue();
$projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
if (!$projects) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'Parent project PHID ("%s") must be the PHID of a valid, '.
'visible project which you have permission to edit.',
$project = head($projects);
if ($project->isMilestone()) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'Parent project PHID ("%s") must not be a milestone. '.
'Milestones may not have subprojects.',
$limit = PhabricatorProject::getProjectDepthLimit();
if ($project->getProjectDepth() >= ($limit - 1)) {
$errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError(
'You can not create a subproject under this parent because '.
'it would nest projects too deeply. The maximum nesting '.
'depth of projects is %s.',
new PhutilNumber($limit)),
return $errors;
protected function requireCapabilities(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_NAME:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_STATUS:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_ICON:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_COLOR:
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_LOCKED:
newv($this->getEditorApplicationClass(), array()),
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
switch ($xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type')) {
case PhabricatorProjectProjectHasMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST:
$old = $xaction->getOldValue();
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
$add = array_keys(array_diff_key($new, $old));
$rem = array_keys(array_diff_key($old, $new));
$actor_phid = $this->requireActor()->getPHID();
$is_join = (($add === array($actor_phid)) && !$rem);
$is_leave = (($rem === array($actor_phid)) && !$add);
if ($is_join) {
// You need CAN_JOIN to join a project.
} else if ($is_leave) {
// You usually don't need any capabilities to leave a project.
if ($object->getIsMembershipLocked()) {
// you must be able to edit though to leave locked projects
} else {
// You need CAN_EDIT to change members other than yourself.
return parent::requireCapabilities($object, $xaction);
protected function willPublish(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object, array $xactions) {
$member_phids = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
return $object;
protected function shouldSendMail(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return true;
protected function getMailSubjectPrefix() {
return pht('[Project]');
protected function getMailTo(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
return $object->getMemberPHIDs();
protected function getMailCC(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
$all = parent::getMailCC($object);
return array_diff($all, $object->getMemberPHIDs());
public function getMailTagsMap() {
return array(
PhabricatorProjectTransaction::MAILTAG_METADATA =>
pht('Project name, hashtags, icon, image, or color changes.'),
PhabricatorProjectTransaction::MAILTAG_MEMBERS =>
pht('Project membership changes.'),
PhabricatorProjectTransaction::MAILTAG_WATCHERS =>
pht('Project watcher list changes.'),
PhabricatorProjectTransaction::MAILTAG_SUBSCRIBERS =>
pht('Project subscribers change.'),
PhabricatorProjectTransaction::MAILTAG_OTHER =>
pht('Other project activity not listed above occurs.'),
protected function buildReplyHandler(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
return id(new ProjectReplyHandler())
protected function buildMailTemplate(PhabricatorLiskDAO $object) {
$id = $object->getID();
$name = $object->getName();
return id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAMail())
->addHeader('Thread-Topic', "Project {$id}");
protected function buildMailBody(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$body = parent::buildMailBody($object, $xactions);
$uri = '/project/profile/'.$object->getID().'/';
return $body;
protected function shouldPublishFeedStory(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
return true;
protected function supportsSearch() {
return true;
protected function extractFilePHIDsFromCustomTransaction(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_IMAGE:
$new = $xaction->getNewValue();
if ($new) {
return array($new);
return parent::extractFilePHIDsFromCustomTransaction($object, $xaction);
protected function applyFinalEffects(
PhabricatorLiskDAO $object,
array $xactions) {
$materialize = false;
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
switch ($xaction->getMetadataValue('edge:type')) {
case PhabricatorProjectProjectHasMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST:
$materialize = true;
case PhabricatorProjectTransaction::TYPE_PARENT:
$materialize = true;
if ($materialize) {
id(new PhabricatorProjectsMembershipIndexEngineExtension())
return parent::applyFinalEffects($object, $xactions);
private function addSlug(PhabricatorProject $project, $slug, $force) {
$slug = PhabricatorSlug::normalizeProjectSlug($slug);
$table = new PhabricatorProjectSlug();
$project_phid = $project->getPHID();
if ($force) {
// If we have the `$force` flag set, we only want to ignore an existing
// slug if it's for the same project. We'll error on collisions with
// other projects.
$current = $table->loadOneWhere(
'slug = %s AND projectPHID = %s',
} else {
// Without the `$force` flag, we'll just return without doing anything
// if any other project already has the slug.
$current = $table->loadOneWhere(
'slug = %s',
if ($current) {
return id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())
private function removeSlugs(PhabricatorProject $project, array $slugs) {
$slugs = $this->normalizeSlugs($slugs);
if (!$slugs) {
$objects = id(new PhabricatorProjectSlug())->loadAllWhere(
'projectPHID = %s AND slug IN (%Ls)',
foreach ($objects as $object) {
private function normalizeSlugs(array $slugs) {
foreach ($slugs as $key => $slug) {
$slugs[$key] = PhabricatorSlug::normalizeProjectSlug($slug);
$slugs = array_unique($slugs);
$slugs = array_values($slugs);
return $slugs;
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php
index 762910413c..ff4174522c 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php
@@ -1,1512 +1,1520 @@
final class PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation
extends PhutilTranslation {
public function getLocaleCode() {
return 'en_US';
protected function getTranslations() {
return array(
'No daemon(s) with id(s) "%s" exist!' => array(
'No daemon with id %s exists!',
'No daemons with ids %s exist!',
'These %d configuration value(s) are related:' => array(
'This configuration value is related:',
'These configuration values are related:',
'%s Task(s)' => array('Task', 'Tasks'),
'%s ERROR(S)' => array('ERROR', 'ERRORS'),
'%d Error(s)' => array('%d Error', '%d Errors'),
'%d Warning(s)' => array('%d Warning', '%d Warnings'),
'%d Auto-Fix(es)' => array('%d Auto-Fix', '%d Auto-Fixes'),
'%d Advice(s)' => array('%d Advice', '%d Pieces of Advice'),
'%d Detail(s)' => array('%d Detail', '%d Details'),
'(%d line(s))' => array('(%d line)', '(%d lines)'),
'%d line(s)' => array('%d line', '%d lines'),
'%d path(s)' => array('%d path', '%d paths'),
'%d diff(s)' => array('%d diff', '%d diffs'),
'%s Answer(s)' => array('%s Answer', '%s Answers'),
'Show %d Comment(s)' => array('Show %d Comment', 'Show %d Comments'),
'%s DIFF LINK(S)' => array('DIFF LINK', 'DIFF LINKS'),
'You successfully created %d diff(s).' => array(
'You successfully created %d diff.',
'You successfully created %d diffs.',
'Diff creation failed; see body for %s error(s).' => array(
'Diff creation failed; see body for error.',
'Diff creation failed; see body for errors.',
'There are %d raw fact(s) in storage.' => array(
'There is %d raw fact in storage.',
'There are %d raw facts in storage.',
'There are %d aggregate fact(s) in storage.' => array(
'There is %d aggregate fact in storage.',
'There are %d aggregate facts in storage.',
'%s Commit(s) Awaiting Audit' => array(
'%s Commit Awaiting Audit',
'%s Commits Awaiting Audit',
'%s Problem Commit(s)' => array(
'%s Problem Commit',
'%s Problem Commits',
'%s Review(s) Blocking Others' => array(
'%s Review Blocking Others',
'%s Reviews Blocking Others',
'%s Review(s) Need Attention' => array(
'%s Review Needs Attention',
'%s Reviews Need Attention',
'%s Review(s) Waiting on Others' => array(
'%s Review Waiting on Others',
'%s Reviews Waiting on Others',
'%s Active Review(s)' => array(
'%s Active Review',
'%s Active Reviews',
'%s Flagged Object(s)' => array(
'%s Flagged Object',
'%s Flagged Objects',
'%s Object(s) Tracked' => array(
'%s Object Tracked',
'%s Objects Tracked',
'%s Assigned Task(s)' => array(
'%s Assigned Task',
'%s Assigned Tasks',
'Show %d Lint Message(s)' => array(
'Show %d Lint Message',
'Show %d Lint Messages',
'Hide %d Lint Message(s)' => array(
'Hide %d Lint Message',
'Hide %d Lint Messages',
'This is a binary file. It is %s byte(s) in length.' => array(
'This is a binary file. It is %s byte in length.',
'This is a binary file. It is %s bytes in length.',
'%s Action(s) Have No Effect' => array(
'Action Has No Effect',
'Actions Have No Effect',
'%s Action(s) With No Effect' => array(
'Action With No Effect',
'Actions With No Effect',
'Some of your %s action(s) have no effect:' => array(
'One of your actions has no effect:',
'Some of your actions have no effect:',
'Apply remaining %d action(s)?' => array(
'Apply remaining action?',
'Apply remaining actions?',
'Apply %d Other Action(s)' => array(
'Apply Remaining Action',
'Apply Remaining Actions',
'The %s action(s) you are taking have no effect:' => array(
'The action you are taking has no effect:',
'The actions you are taking have no effect:',
'%s edited member(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited members, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s member(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a member: %3$s.',
'%s added members: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s member(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a member: %3$s.',
'%s removed members: %3$s.',
'%s edited project(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited projects, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s project(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a project: %3$s.',
'%s added projects: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s project(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a project: %3$s.',
'%s removed projects: %3$s.',
'%s merged %s task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s merged a task: %3$s.',
'%s merged tasks: %3$s.',
'%s merged %s task(s) %s into %s.' => array(
'%s merged %3$s into %4$s.',
'%s merged tasks %3$s into %4$s.',
'%s added %s voting user(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a voting user: %3$s.',
'%s added voting users: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s voting user(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a voting user: %3$s.',
'%s removed voting users: %3$s.',
'%s added %s blocking task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a blocking task: %3$s.',
'%s added blocking tasks: %3$s.',
'%s added %s blocked task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a blocked task: %3$s.',
'%s added blocked tasks: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s blocking task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a blocking task: %3$s.',
'%s removed blocking tasks: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s blocked task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a blocked task: %3$s.',
'%s removed blocked tasks: %3$s.',
'%s added %s blocking task(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a blocking task for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added blocking tasks for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added %s blocked task(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a blocked task for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added blocked tasks for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s blocking task(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a blocking task for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed blocking tasks for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s blocked task(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a blocked task for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed blocked tasks for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited blocking task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited blocking tasks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s edited blocking task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited blocking tasks for %s, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'%s edited blocked task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited blocked tasks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s edited blocked task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited blocked tasks for %s, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'%s edited answer(s), added %s: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited answers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s answer(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added an answer: %3$s.',
'%s added answers: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s answer(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a answer: %3$s.',
'%s removed answers: %3$s.',
'%s edited question(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited questions, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s question(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a question: %3$s.',
'%s added questions: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s question(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a question: %3$s.',
'%s removed questions: %3$s.',
'%s edited mock(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited mocks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s mock(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a mock: %3$s.',
'%s added mocks: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s mock(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a mock: %3$s.',
'%s removed mocks: %3$s.',
'%s added %s task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a task: %3$s.',
'%s added tasks: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s task(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a task: %3$s.',
'%s removed tasks: %3$s.',
'%s edited file(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited files, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s file(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a file: %3$s.',
'%s added files: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s file(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a file: %3$s.',
'%s removed files: %3$s.',
'%s edited contributor(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited contributors, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s contributor(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a contributor: %3$s.',
'%s added contributors: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s contributor(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a contributor: %3$s.',
'%s removed contributors: %3$s.',
'%s edited %s reviewer(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reviewers, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'%s edited %s reviewer(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reviewers for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed: %7$s.',
'%s added %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a reviewer: %3$s.',
'%s added reviewers: %3$s.',
'%s added %s reviewer(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a reviewer for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added reviewers for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reviewer: %3$s.',
'%s removed reviewers: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s reviewer(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reviewer for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed reviewers for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%d other(s)' => array(
'1 other',
'%d others',
'%s edited subscriber(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited subscribers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %d subscriber(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a subscriber: %3$s.',
'%s added subscribers: %3$s.',
'%s removed %d subscriber(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a subscriber: %3$s.',
'%s removed subscribers: %3$s.',
'%s edited watcher(s), added %s: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited watchers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s watcher(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a watcher: %3$s.',
'%s added watchers: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s watcher(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a watcher: %3$s.',
'%s removed watchers: %3$s.',
'%s edited participant(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited participants, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %d participant(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a participant: %3$s.',
'%s added participants: %3$s.',
'%s removed %d participant(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a participant: %3$s.',
'%s removed participants: %3$s.',
'%s edited image(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s edited images, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s',
'%s added %d image(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added an image: %3$s.',
'%s added images: %3$s.',
'%s removed %d image(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed an image: %3$s.',
'%s removed images: %3$s.',
'%s Line(s)' => array(
'%s Line',
'%s Lines',
'Indexing %d object(s) of type %s.' => array(
'Indexing %d object of type %s.',
'Indexing %d object of type %s.',
'Run these %d command(s):' => array(
'Run this command:',
'Run these commands:',
'Install these %d PHP extension(s):' => array(
'Install this PHP extension:',
'Install these PHP extensions:',
'The current Phabricator configuration has these %d value(s):' => array(
'The current Phabricator configuration has this value:',
'The current Phabricator configuration has these values:',
'The current MySQL configuration has these %d value(s):' => array(
'The current MySQL configuration has this value:',
'The current MySQL configuration has these values:',
'You can update these %d value(s) here:' => array(
'You can update this value here:',
'You can update these values here:',
'The current PHP configuration has these %d value(s):' => array(
'The current PHP configuration has this value:',
'The current PHP configuration has these values:',
'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file.' => array(
'To update this %d value, edit your PHP configuration file.',
'To update these %d values, edit your PHP configuration file.',
'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file, located '.
'here:' => array(
'To update this value, edit your PHP configuration file, located '.
'To update these values, edit your PHP configuration file, located '.
'PHP also loaded these %s configuration file(s):' => array(
'PHP also loaded this configuration file:',
'PHP also loaded these configuration files:',
'You have %d unresolved setup issue(s)...' => array(
'You have an unresolved setup issue...',
'You have %d unresolved setup issues...',
'%s added %d inline comment(s).' => array(
'%s added an inline comment.',
'%s added inline comments.',
'%s comment(s)' => array('%s comment', '%s comments'),
'%s rejection(s)' => array('%s rejection', '%s rejections'),
'%s update(s)' => array('%s update', '%s updates'),
'This configuration value is defined in these %d '.
'configuration source(s): %s.' => array(
'This configuration value is defined in this '.
'configuration source: %2$s.',
'This configuration value is defined in these %d '.
'configuration sources: %s.',
'%s Open Pull Request(s)' => array(
'%s Open Pull Request',
'%s Open Pull Requests',
'Stale (%s day(s))' => array(
'Stale (%s day)',
'Stale (%s days)',
'Old (%s day(s))' => array(
'Old (%s day)',
'Old (%s days)',
'%s Commit(s)' => array(
'%s Commit',
'%s Commits',
'%s attached %d file(s): %s.' => array(
'%s attached a file: %3$s.',
'%s attached files: %3$s.',
'%s detached %d file(s): %s.' => array(
'%s detached a file: %3$s.',
'%s detached files: %3$s.',
'%s changed file(s), attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s.' =>
'%s changed files, attached: %3$s; detached: %5$s.',
'%s added %s dependencie(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a dependency: %3$s.',
'%s added dependencies: %3$s.',
'%s added %s dependencie(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a dependency for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added dependencies for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s dependencie(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a dependency: %3$s.',
'%s removed dependencies: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s dependencie(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a dependency for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed dependencies for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited dependencie(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited dependencies, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s edited dependencie(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited dependencies for %s, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s added %s dependent revision(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a dependent revision: %3$s.',
'%s added dependent revisions: %3$s.',
'%s added %s dependent revision(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a dependent revision for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added dependent revisions for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s dependent revision(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a dependent revision: %3$s.',
'%s removed dependent revisions: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s dependent revision(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a dependent revision for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed dependent revisions for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added %s commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a commit: %3$s.',
'%s added commits: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a commit: %3$s.',
'%s removed commits: %3$s.',
'%s edited commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
'%s added %s reverted commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a reverted commit: %3$s.',
'%s added reverted commits: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s reverted commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reverted commit: %3$s.',
'%s removed reverted commits: %3$s.',
'%s edited reverted commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reverted commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
'%s added %s reverted commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a reverted commit for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added reverted commits for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s reverted commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reverted commit for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed reverted commits for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited reverted commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reverted commits for %2$s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s reverting commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a reverting commit: %3$s.',
'%s added reverting commits: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s reverting commit(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reverting commit: %3$s.',
'%s removed reverting commits: %3$s.',
'%s edited reverting commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reverting commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
'%s added %s reverting commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a reverting commit for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added reverting commitsi for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s reverting commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a reverting commit for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed reverting commits for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited reverting commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited reverting commits for %s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s changed project member(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s changed project members, added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
'%s added %d project member(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a member: %3$s.',
'%s added members: %3$s.',
'%s removed %d project member(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a member: %3$s.',
'%s removed members: %3$s.',
'%s project hashtag(s) are already used by other projects: %s.' => array(
'Project hashtag "%2$s" is already used by another project.',
'Some project hashtags are already used by other projects: %2$s.',
'%s changed project hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s changed project hashtags, added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
+ 'Hashtags must contain at least one letter or number. %s '.
+ 'project hashtag(s) are invalid: %s.' => array(
+ 'Hashtags must contain at least one letter or number. The '.
+ 'hashtag "%2$s" is not valid.',
+ 'Hashtags must contain at least one letter or number. These '.
+ 'hashtags are invalid: %2$s.',
+ ),
'%s added %d project hashtag(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a hashtag: %3$s.',
'%s added hashtags: %3$s.',
'%s removed %d project hashtag(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a hashtag: %3$s.',
'%s removed hashtags: %3$s.',
'%s changed %s hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' =>
'%s changed hashtags for %s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %d %s hashtag(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a hashtag to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added hashtags to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %d %s hashtag(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a hashtag from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed hashtags from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%d User(s) Need Approval' => array(
'%d User Needs Approval',
'%d Users Need Approval',
'%s, %s line(s)' => array(
'%s, %s line',
'%s, %s lines',
'%s pushed %d commit(s) to %s.' => array(
'%s pushed a commit to %3$s.',
'%s pushed %d commits to %s.',
'%s commit(s)' => array(
'1 commit',
'%s commits',
'%s removed %s JIRA issue(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a JIRA issue: %3$s.',
'%s removed JIRA issues: %3$s.',
'%s added %s JIRA issue(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a JIRA issue: %3$s.',
'%s added JIRA issues: %3$s.',
'%s added %s required legal document(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a required legal document: %3$s.',
'%s added required legal documents: %3$s.',
'%s updated JIRA issue(s): added %s %s; removed %d %s.' =>
'%s updated JIRA issues: added %3$s; removed %5$s.',
'%s edited %s task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited tasks, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s task(s) to %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a task to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added tasks to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s task(s) from %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a task from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed tasks from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited %s task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited tasks for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%s edited %s commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited commits, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s commit(s) to %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a commit to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added commits to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s commit(s) from %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a commit from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed commits from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited %s commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited commits for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%s added %s revision(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a revision: %3$s.',
'%s added revisions: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s revision(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a revision: %3$s.',
'%s removed revisions: %3$s.',
'%s edited %s revision(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited revisions, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s revision(s) to %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a revision to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added revisions to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s revision(s) from %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a revision from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed revisions from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited %s revision(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited revisions for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%s edited %s project(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited projects, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s project(s) to %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a project to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added projects to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s project(s) from %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a project from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed projects from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited %s project(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited projects for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%s added %s panel(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a panel: %3$s.',
'%s added panels: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s panel(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a panel: %3$s.',
'%s removed panels: %3$s.',
'%s edited %s panel(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited panels, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s dashboard(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a dashboard: %3$s.',
'%s added dashboards: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s dashboard(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed a dashboard: %3$s.',
'%s removed dashboards: %3$s.',
'%s edited %s dashboard(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited dashboards, added %4$s; removed %6$s.',
'%s added %s edge(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added an edge: %3$s.',
'%s added edges: %3$s.',
'%s added %s edge(s) to %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added an edge to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added edges to %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s edge(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed an edge: %3$s.',
'%s removed edges: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s edge(s) from %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed an edge from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed edges from %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited edge(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited edges, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.',
'%s edited %s edge(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited edges for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%s added %s member(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a member for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s added members for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed %s member(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s removed a member for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s removed members for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s edited %s member(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s edited members for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.',
'%d related link(s):' => array(
'Related link:',
'Related links:',
'You have %d unpaid invoice(s).' => array(
'You have an unpaid invoice.',
'You have unpaid invoices.',
'The configurations differ in the following %s way(s):' => array(
'The configurations differ:',
'The configurations differ in these ways:',
'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), so '.
'only users with a verified email address at one of these %s '.
'allowed domain(s) will be able to register an account: %s' => array(
'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), '.
'so only users with a verified email address at %3$s will be '.
'allowed to register an account.',
'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), '.
'so only users with a verified email address at one of these '.
'allowed domains will be able to register an account: %3$s',
'Show First %d Line(s)' => array(
'Show First Line',
'Show First %d Lines',
"\xE2\x96\xB2 Show %d Line(s)" => array(
"\xE2\x96\xB2 Show Line",
"\xE2\x96\xB2 Show %d Lines",
'Show All %d Line(s)' => array(
'Show Line',
'Show All %d Lines',
"\xE2\x96\xBC Show %d Line(s)" => array(
"\xE2\x96\xBC Show Line",
"\xE2\x96\xBC Show %d Lines",
'Show Last %d Line(s)' => array(
'Show Last Line',
'Show Last %d Lines',
'%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done and %s inline comment(s) as '.
'not done.' => array(
'%s marked an inline comment as done and an inline comment '.
'as not done.',
'%s marked an inline comment as done and %3$s inline comments '.
'as not done.',
'%s marked %s inline comments as done and an inline comment '.
'as not done.',
'%s marked %s inline comments as done and %s inline comments '.
'as done.',
'%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done.' => array(
'%s marked an inline comment as done.',
'%s marked %s inline comments as done.',
'%s marked %s inline comment(s) as not done.' => array(
'%s marked an inline comment as not done.',
'%s marked %s inline comments as not done.',
'These %s object(s) will be destroyed forever:' => array(
'This object will be destroyed forever:',
'These objects will be destroyed forever:',
'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy these %s '.
'object(s)?' => array(
'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy this object?',
'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy these objects?',
'%s added %s owner(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added an owner: %3$s.',
'%s added owners: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s owner(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed an owner: %3$s.',
'%s removed owners: %3$s.',
'%s changed %s package owner(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array(
'%s changed package owners, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'Found %s book(s).' => array(
'Found %s book.',
'Found %s books.',
'Found %s file(s)...' => array(
'Found %s file...',
'Found %s files...',
'Found %s file(s) in project.' => array(
'Found %s file in project.',
'Found %s files in project.',
'Found %s unatomized, uncached file(s).' => array(
'Found %s unatomized, uncached file.',
'Found %s unatomized, uncached files.',
'Found %s file(s) to atomize.' => array(
'Found %s file to atomize.',
'Found %s files to atomize.',
'Atomizing %s file(s).' => array(
'Atomizing %s file.',
'Atomizing %s files.',
'Creating %s document(s).' => array(
'Creating %s document.',
'Creating %s documents.',
'Deleting %s document(s).' => array(
'Deleting %s document.',
'Deleting %s documents.',
'Found %s obsolete atom(s) in graph.' => array(
'Found %s obsolete atom in graph.',
'Found %s obsolete atoms in graph.',
'Found %s new atom(s) in graph.' => array(
'Found %s new atom in graph.',
'Found %s new atoms in graph.',
'This call takes %s parameter(s), but only %s are documented.' => array(
'This call takes %s parameter, but only %s is documented.',
'This call takes %s parameter, but only %s are documented.',
'This call takes %s parameters, but only %s is documented.',
'This call takes %s parameters, but only %s are documented.',
'%s Passed Test(s)' => '%s Passed',
'%s Failed Test(s)' => '%s Failed',
'%s Skipped Test(s)' => '%s Skipped',
'%s Broken Test(s)' => '%s Broken',
'%s Unsound Test(s)' => '%s Unsound',
'%s Other Test(s)' => '%s Other',
'%s Bulk Task(s)' => array(
'%s Task',
'%s Tasks',
'%s added %s badge(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s added a badge for %s: %3$s.',
'%s added badges for %s: %3$s.',
'%s added %s badge(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added a badge: %3$s.',
'%s added badges: %3$s.',
'%s awarded %s recipient(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s awarded %3$s to %4$s.',
'%s awarded %3$s to multiple recipients: %4$s.',
'%s awarded %s recipients(s): %s.' => array(
'%s awarded a recipient: %3$s.',
'%s awarded multiple recipients: %3$s.',
'%s edited badge(s) for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited badges for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited badges for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited badge(s), added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited badges, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited badges, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited recipient(s) for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited recipients for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited recipients for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited recipient(s), awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array(
'%s edited recipients, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s edited recipients, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.',
'%s revoked %s badge(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s revoked a badge for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s revoked multiple badges for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s revoked %s badge(s): %s.' => array(
'%s revoked a badge: %3$s.',
'%s revoked multiple badges: %3$s.',
'%s revoked %s recipient(s) for %s: %s.' => array(
'%s revoked %3$s from %4$s.',
'%s revoked multiple recipients for %3$s: %4$s.',
'%s revoked %s recipients(s): %s.' => array(
'%s revoked a recipient: %3$s.',
'%s revoked multiple recipients: %3$s.',
'%s automatically subscribed target(s) were not affected: %s.' => array(
'An automatically subscribed target was not affected: %2$s.',
'Automatically subscribed targets were not affected: %2$s.',
'Declined to resubscribe %s target(s) because they previously '.
'unsubscribed: %s.' => array(
'Delined to resubscribe a target because they previously '.
'unsubscribed: %2$s.',
'Declined to resubscribe targets because they previously '.
'unsubscribed: %2$s.',
'%s target(s) are not subscribed: %s.' => array(
'A target is not subscribed: %2$s.',
'Targets are not subscribed: %2$s.',
'%s target(s) are already subscribed: %s.' => array(
'A target is already subscribed: %2$s.',
'Targets are already subscribed: %2$s.',
'Added %s subscriber(s): %s.' => array(
'Added a subscriber: %2$s.',
'Added subscribers: %2$s.',
'Removed %s subscriber(s): %s.' => array(
'Removed a subscriber: %2$s.',
'Removed subscribers: %2$s.',
'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s): %s.' => array(
'Queued email to be delivered to target: %2$s.',
'Queued email to be delivered to targets: %2$s.',
'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s), ignoring their '.
'notification preferences: %s.' => array(
'Queued email to be delivered to target, ignoring notification '.
'preferences: %2$s.',
'Queued email to be delivered to targets, ignoring notification '.
'preferences: %2$s.',
'%s project(s) are not associated: %s.' => array(
'A project is not associated: %2$s.',
'Projects are not associated: %2$s.',
'%s project(s) are already associated: %s.' => array(
'A project is already associated: %2$s.',
'Projects are already associated: %2$s.',
'Added %s project(s): %s.' => array(
'Added a project: %2$s.',
'Added projects: %2$s.',
'Removed %s project(s): %s.' => array(
'Removed a project: %2$s.',
'Removed projects: %2$s.',
'Added %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array(
'Added a reviewer: %2$s.',
'Added reviewers: %2$s.',
'Added %s blocking reviewer(s): %s.' => array(
'Added a blocking reviewer: %2$s.',
'Added blocking reviewers: %2$s.',
'Required %s signature(s): %s.' => array(
'Required a signature: %2$s.',
'Required signatures: %2$s.',
'Started %s build(s): %s.' => array(
'Started a build: %2$s.',
'Started builds: %2$s.',
'Added %s auditor(s): %s.' => array(
'Added an auditor: %2$s.',
'Added auditors: %2$s.',
'%s target(s) do not have permission to see this object: %s.' => array(
'A target does not have permission to see this object: %2$s.',
'Targets do not have permission to see this object: %2$s.',
'This action has no effect on %s target(s): %s.' => array(
'This action has no effect on a target: %2$s.',
'This action has no effect on targets: %2$s.',
'Mail sent in the last %s day(s).' => array(
'Mail sent in the last day.',
'Mail sent in the last %s days.',
'%s Day(s)' => array(
'%s Day',
'%s Days',
'%s Day(s) Ago' => array(
'%s Day Ago',
'%s Days Ago',
'Setting retention policy for "%s" to %s day(s).' => array(
'Setting retention policy for "%s" to one day.',
'Setting retention policy for "%s" to %s days.',
'Waiting %s second(s) for lease to activate.' => array(
'Waiting a second for lease to activate.',
'Waiting %s seconds for lease to activate.',
'%s changed %s automation blueprint(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s changed automation blueprints, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'%s added %s automation blueprint(s): %s.' => array(
'%s added an automation blueprint: %3$s.',
'%s added automation blueprints: %3$s.',
'%s removed %s automation blueprint(s): %s.' => array(
'%s removed an automation blueprint: %3$s.',
'%s removed automation blueprints: %3$s.',
'WARNING: There are %s unapproved authorization(s)!' => array(
'WARNING: There is an unapproved authorization!',
'WARNING: There are unapproved authorizations!',
'Found %s Open Resource(s)' => array(
'Found %s Open Resource',
'Found %s Open Resources',
'%s Open Resource(s) Remain' => array(
'%s Open Resource Remain',
'%s Open Resources Remain',
'Found %s Blueprint(s)' => array(
'Found %s Blueprint',
'Found %s Blueprints',
'%s Blueprint(s) Can Allocate' => array(
'%s Blueprint Can Allocate',
'%s Blueprints Can Allocate',
'%s Blueprint(s) Enabled' => array(
'%s Blueprint Enabled',
'%s Blueprints Enabled',
'%s Event(s)' => array(
'%s Event',
'%s Events',
'%s Unit(s)' => array(
'%s Unit',
'%s Units',
'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commit(s)):' => array(
'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commit):',
'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commits):',
'Found %s total commit(s); updating...' => array(
'Found %s total commit; updating...',
'Found %s total commits; updating...',
'Not enough process slots to schedule the other %s '.
'repository(s) for updates yet.' => array(
'Not enough process slots to schedule the other '.'
repository for update yet.',
'Not enough process slots to schedule the other %s '.
'repositories for updates yet.',
'%s updated %s, added %d: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s, added: %4$s.',
'%s updated %s, removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s, removed: %4$s.',
'%s updated %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.',
'%s updated %s for %s, added %d: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s for %s, added: %5$s.',
'%s updated %s for %s, removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s for %s, removed: %5$s.',
'%s updated %s for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' =>
'%s updated %s for %s, added: %5$s; removed; %7$s.',
'Permanently destroyed %s object(s).' => array(
'Permanently destroyed %s object.',
'Permanently destroyed %s objects.',
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorSlug.php b/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorSlug.php
index fd169914fe..c977c21d70 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorSlug.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorSlug.php
@@ -1,118 +1,123 @@
final class PhabricatorSlug extends Phobject {
public static function normalizeProjectSlug($slug) {
$slug = str_replace('/', ' ', $slug);
$slug = self::normalize($slug, $hashtag = true);
return rtrim($slug, '/');
+ public static function isValidProjectSlug($slug) {
+ $slug = self::normalizeProjectSlug($slug);
+ return ($slug != '_');
+ }
public static function normalize($slug, $hashtag = false) {
$slug = preg_replace('@/+@', '/', $slug);
$slug = trim($slug, '/');
$slug = phutil_utf8_strtolower($slug);
$ban =
// Ban control characters since users can't type them and they create
// various other problems with parsing and rendering.
// Ban characters with special meanings in URIs (and spaces), since we
// want slugs to produce nice URIs.
" ".
// Ban backslashes and various brackets for parsing and URI quality.
// Ban single and double quotes since they can mess up URIs.
// In hashtag mode (used for Project hashtags), ban additional characters
// which cause parsing problems.
if ($hashtag) {
$ban .= '`~!@$^*,:;(|)';
$slug = preg_replace('(['.$ban.']+)', '_', $slug);
$slug = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $slug);
$parts = explode('/', $slug);
// Remove leading and trailing underscores from each component, if the
// component has not been reduced to a single underscore. For example, "a?"
// converts to "a", but "??" converts to "_".
foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
if ($part != '_') {
$parts[$key] = trim($part, '_');
$slug = implode('/', $parts);
// Specifically rewrite these slugs. It's OK to have a slug like "a..b",
// but not a slug which is only "..".
// NOTE: These are explicitly not pht()'d, because they should be stable
// across languages.
$replace = array(
'.' => 'dot',
'..' => 'dotdot',
foreach ($replace as $pattern => $replacement) {
$pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '@');
$slug = preg_replace(
'\1'.$replacement.'\2', $slug);
return $slug.'/';
public static function getDefaultTitle($slug) {
$parts = explode('/', trim($slug, '/'));
$default_title = end($parts);
$default_title = str_replace('_', ' ', $default_title);
$default_title = phutil_utf8_ucwords($default_title);
$default_title = nonempty($default_title, pht('Untitled Document'));
return $default_title;
public static function getAncestry($slug) {
$slug = self::normalize($slug);
if ($slug == '/') {
return array();
$ancestors = array(
$slug = explode('/', $slug);
$accumulate = '';
foreach ($slug as $part) {
$accumulate .= $part.'/';
$ancestors[] = $accumulate;
return $ancestors;
public static function getDepth($slug) {
$slug = self::normalize($slug);
if ($slug == '/') {
return 0;
} else {
return substr_count($slug, '/');
File Metadata
Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 16:46 (7 w, 21 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(94 KB)
Attached To
rP Phorge
Detach File
Event Timeline
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