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diff --git a/src/applications/differential/field/specification/DifferentialFieldSpecification.php b/src/applications/differential/field/specification/DifferentialFieldSpecification.php
index 842a310bf0..868c78207a 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/field/specification/DifferentialFieldSpecification.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/field/specification/DifferentialFieldSpecification.php
@@ -1,932 +1,932 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Describes and implements the behavior for a custom field on Differential
* revisions. Along with other configuration, you can extend this class to add
* custom fields to Differential revisions and commit messages.
* Generally, you should implement all methods from the storage task and then
* the methods from one or more interface tasks.
* @task storage Field Storage
* @task edit Extending the Revision Edit Interface
* @task view Extending the Revision View Interface
* @task list Extending the Revision List Interface
* @task mail Extending the E-mail Interface
* @task conduit Extending the Conduit View Interface
* @task commit Extending Commit Messages
* @task load Loading Additional Data
* @task context Contextual Data
abstract class DifferentialFieldSpecification {
private $revision;
private $diff;
private $manualDiff;
private $handles;
private $diffProperties;
private $user;
/* -( Storage )------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Return a unique string used to key storage of this field's value, like
* "mycompany.fieldname" or similar. You can return null (the default) to
* indicate that this field does not use any storage. This is appropriate for
* display fields, like @{class:DifferentialLinesFieldSpecification}. If you
* implement this, you must also implement @{method:getValueForStorage} and
* @{method:setValueFromStorage}.
* @return string|null Unique key which identifies this field in auxiliary
* field storage. Maximum length is 32. Alternatively,
* null (default) to indicate that this field does not
* use auxiliary field storage.
* @task storage
public function getStorageKey() {
return null;
* Return a serialized representation of the field value, appropriate for
* storing in auxiliary field storage. You must implement this method if
* you implement @{method:getStorageKey}.
* @return string Serialized field value.
* @task storage
public function getValueForStorage() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Set the field's value given a serialized storage value. This is called
* when the field is loaded; if no data is available, the value will be
* null. You must implement this method if you implement
* @{method:getStorageKey}.
* @param string|null Serialized field representation (from
* @{method:getValueForStorage}) or null if no value has
* ever been stored.
* @return this
* @task storage
public function setValueFromStorage($value) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
/* -( Extending the Revision Edit Interface )------------------------------ */
* Determine if this field should appear on the "Edit Revision" interface. If
* you return true from this method, you must implement
* @{method:setValueFromRequest}, @{method:renderEditControl} and
* @{method:validateField}.
* For a concrete example of a field which implements an edit interface, see
* @{class:DifferentialRevertPlanFieldSpecification}.
* @return bool True to indicate that this field implements an edit interface.
* @task edit
public function shouldAppearOnEdit() {
return false;
* Set the field's value from an HTTP request. Generally, you should read
* the value of some field name you emitted in @{method:renderEditControl}
* and save it into the object, e.g.:
* $this->value = $request->getStr('my-custom-field');
* If you have some particularly complicated field, you may need to read
* more data; this is why you have access to the entire request.
* You must implement this if you implement @{method:shouldAppearOnEdit}.
* You should not perform field validation here; instead, you should implement
* @{method:validateField}.
* @param AphrontRequest HTTP request representing a user submitting a form
* with this field in it.
* @return this
* @task edit
public function setValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Build a renderable object (generally, some @{class:AphrontFormControl})
* which can be appended to a @{class:AphrontFormView} and represents the
* interface the user sees on the "Edit Revision" screen when interacting
* with this field.
* For example:
* return id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
* ->setLabel('Custom Field')
* ->setName('my-custom-key')
* ->setValue($this->value);
* You must implement this if you implement @{method:shouldAppearOnEdit}.
* @return AphrontView|string Something renderable.
* @task edit
public function renderEditControl() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* This method will be called after @{method:setValueFromRequest} but before
* the field is saved. It gives you an opportunity to inspect the field value
* and throw a @{class:DifferentialFieldValidationException} if there is a
* problem with the value the user has provided (for example, the value the
* user entered is not correctly formatted). This method is also called after
* @{method:setValueFromParsedCommitMessage} before the revision is saved.
* By default, fields are not validated.
* @return void
* @task edit
public function validateField() {
* Hook for applying revision changes via the editor. Normally, you should
* not implement this, but a number of builtin fields use the revision object
* itself as storage. If you need to do something similar for whatever reason,
* this method gives you an opportunity to interact with the editor or
* revision before changes are saved (for example, you can write the field's
* value into some property of the revision).
* @param DifferentialRevisionEditor Active editor which is applying changes
* to the revision.
* @return void
* @task edit
public function willWriteRevision(DifferentialRevisionEditor $editor) {
* Hook after an edit operation has completed. This allows you to update
* link tables or do other write operations which should happen after the
* revision is saved. Normally you don't need to implement this.
* @param DifferentialRevisionEditor Active editor which has just applied
* changes to the revision.
* @return void
* @task edit
public function didWriteRevision(DifferentialRevisionEditor $editor) {
/* -( Extending the Revision View Interface )------------------------------ */
* Determine if this field should appear on the revision detail view
* interface. One use of this interface is to add purely informational
* fields to the revision view, without any sort of backing storage.
* If you return true from this method, you must implement the methods
* @{method:renderLabelForRevisionView} and
* @{method:renderValueForRevisionView}.
* @return bool True if this field should appear when viewing a revision.
* @task view
public function shouldAppearOnRevisionView() {
return false;
* Return a string field label which will appear in the revision detail
* table.
* You must implement this method if you return true from
* @{method:shouldAppearOnRevisionView}.
* @return string Label for field in revision detail view.
* @task view
public function renderLabelForRevisionView() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Return a markup block representing the field for the revision detail
* view. Note that you can return null to suppress display (for instance,
* if the field shows related objects of some type and the revision doesn't
* have any related objects).
* You must implement this method if you return true from
* @{method:shouldAppearOnRevisionView}.
* @return string|null Display markup for field value, or null to suppress
* field rendering.
* @task view
public function renderValueForRevisionView() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Load users, their current statuses and return a markup with links to the
* user profiles and information about their current status.
* @return string Display markup.
* @task view
public function renderUserList(array $user_phids) {
if (!$user_phids) {
return '<em>None</em>';
$links = array();
foreach ($user_phids as $user_phid) {
$handle = $this->getHandle($user_phid);
$links[] = $handle->renderLink();
return implode(', ', $links);
* Return a markup block representing a warning to display with the comment
* box when preparing to accept a diff. A return value of null indicates no
* warning box should be displayed for this field.
* @return string|null Display markup for warning box, or null for no warning
public function renderWarningBoxForRevisionAccept() {
return null;
/* -( Extending the Revision List Interface )------------------------------ */
* Determine if this field should appear in the table on the revision list
* interface.
* @return bool True if this field should appear in the table.
* @task list
public function shouldAppearOnRevisionList() {
return false;
* Return a column header for revision list tables.
* @return string Column header.
* @task list
public function renderHeaderForRevisionList() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Optionally, return a column class for revision list tables.
* @return string CSS class for table cells.
* @task list
public function getColumnClassForRevisionList() {
return null;
* Return a table cell value for revision list tables.
* @param DifferentialRevision The revision to render a value for.
* @return string Table cell value.
* @task list
public function renderValueForRevisionList(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
/* -( Extending the E-mail Interface )------------------------------------- */
* Return plain text to render in e-mail messages. The text may span
* multiple lines.
* @return int One of DifferentialMailPhase constants.
* @return string|null Plain text, or null for no message.
* @task mail
public function renderValueForMail($phase) {
return null;
/* -( Extending the Conduit Interface )------------------------------------ */
* @task conduit
public function shouldAppearOnConduitView() {
return false;
* @task conduit
public function getValueForConduit() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* @task conduit
public function getKeyForConduit() {
$key = $this->getStorageKey();
if ($key === null) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
return $key;
/* -( Extending Commit Messages )------------------------------------------ */
* Determine if this field should appear in commit messages. You should return
* true if this field participates in any part of the commit message workflow,
* even if it is not rendered by default.
* If you implement this method, you must implement
* @{method:getCommitMessageKey} and
* @{method:setValueFromParsedCommitMessage}.
* @return bool True if this field appears in commit messages in any capacity.
* @task commit
public function shouldAppearOnCommitMessage() {
return false;
* Key which identifies this field in parsed commit messages. Commit messages
* exist in two forms: raw textual commit messages and parsed dictionaries of
* fields. This method must return a unique string which identifies this field
* in dictionaries. Principally, this dictionary is shipped to and from arc
* over Conduit. Keys should be appropriate property names, like "testPlan"
* (not "Test Plan") and must be globally unique.
* You must implement this method if you return true from
* @{method:shouldAppearOnCommitMessage}.
* @return string Key which identifies the field in dictionaries.
* @task commit
public function getCommitMessageKey() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Set this field's value from a value in a parsed commit message dictionary.
* Afterward, this field will go through the normal write workflows and the
* change will be permanently stored via either the storage mechanisms (if
* your field implements them), revision write hooks (if your field implements
* them) or discarded (if your field implements neither, e.g. is just a
* display field).
* The value you receive will either be null or something you originally
* returned from @{method:parseValueFromCommitMessage}.
* You must implement this method if you return true from
* @{method:shouldAppearOnCommitMessage}.
* @param mixed Field value from a parsed commit message dictionary.
* @return this
* @task commit
public function setValueFromParsedCommitMessage($value) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* In revision control systems which read revision information from the
* working copy, the user may edit the commit message outside of invoking
* "arc diff --edit". When they do this, only some fields (those fields which
* can not be edited by other users) are safe to overwrite. For instance, it
* is fine to overwrite "Summary" because no one else can edit it, but not
* to overwrite "Reviewers" because reviewers may have been added or removed
* via the web interface.
* If a field is safe to overwrite when edited in a working copy commit
* message, return true. If the authoritative value should always be used,
* return false. By default, fields can not be overwritten.
* arc will only attempt to overwrite field values if run with "--verbatim".
* @return bool True to indicate the field is save to overwrite.
* @task commit
public function shouldOverwriteWhenCommitMessageIsEdited() {
return false;
* Return true if this field should be suggested to the user during
* "arc diff --edit". Basicially, return true if the field is something the
* user might want to fill out (like "Summary"), and false if it's a
* system/display/readonly field (like "Differential Revision"). If this
* method returns true, the field will be rendered even if it has no value
* during edit and update operations.
* @return bool True to indicate the field should appear in the edit template.
* @task commit
public function shouldAppearOnCommitMessageTemplate() {
return true;
* Render a human-readable label for this field, like "Summary" or
* "Test Plan". This is distinct from the commit message key, but generally
* they should be similar.
* @return string Human-readable field label for commit messages.
* @task commit
public function renderLabelForCommitMessage() {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Render a human-readable value for this field when it appears in commit
* messages (for instance, lists of users should be rendered as user names).
* The ##$is_edit## parameter allows you to distinguish between commit
* messages being rendered for editing and those being rendered for amending
* or commit. Some fields may decline to render a value in one mode (for
* example, "Reviewed By" appears only when doing commit/amend, not while
* editing).
* @param bool True if the message is being edited.
* @return string Human-readable field value.
* @task commit
public function renderValueForCommitMessage($is_edit) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* Return one or more labels which this field parses in commit messages. For
* example, you might parse all of "Task", "Tasks" and "Task Numbers" or
* similar. This is just to make it easier to get commit messages to parse
* when users are typing in the fields manually as opposed to using a
* template, by accepting alternate spellings / pluralizations / etc. By
* default, only the label returned from @{method:renderLabelForCommitMessage}
* is parsed.
* @return list List of supported labels that this field can parse from commit
* messages.
* @task commit
public function getSupportedCommitMessageLabels() {
return array($this->renderLabelForCommitMessage());
* Parse a raw text block from a commit message into a canonical
* representation of the field value. For example, the "CC" field accepts a
* comma-delimited list of usernames and emails and parses them into valid
* PHIDs, emitting a PHID list.
* If you encounter errors (like a nonexistent username) while parsing,
* you should throw a @{class:DifferentialFieldParseException}.
* Generally, this method should accept whatever you return from
* @{method:renderValueForCommitMessage} and parse it back into a sensible
* representation.
* You must implement this method if you return true from
* @{method:shouldAppearOnCommitMessage}.
* @param string
* @return mixed The canonical representation of the field value. For example,
* you should lookup usernames and object references.
* @task commit
public function parseValueFromCommitMessage($value) {
throw new DifferentialFieldSpecificationIncompleteException($this);
* This method allows you to take action when a commit appears in a tracked
* branch (for example, by closing tasks associated with the commit).
* @param PhabricatorRepository The repository the commit appeared in.
* @param PhabricatorRepositoryCommit The commit itself.
* @param PhabricatorRepostioryCommitData Commit data.
* @return void
* @task commit
public function didParseCommit(
PhabricatorRepository $repo,
PhabricatorRepositoryCommit $commit,
PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData $data) {
/* -( Loading Additional Data )-------------------------------------------- */
* Specify which @{class:PhabricatorObjectHandle}s need to be loaded for your
* field to render correctly.
* This is a convenience method which makes the handles available on all
* interfaces where the field appears. If your field needs handles on only
* some interfaces (or needs different handles on different interfaces) you
* can overload the more specific methods to customize which interfaces you
* retrieve handles for. Requesting only the handles you need will improve
* the performance of your field.
* You can later retrieve these handles by calling @{method:getHandle}.
* @return list List of PHIDs to load handles for.
* @task load
protected function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() {
return array();
* Specify which @{class:PhabricatorObjectHandle}s need to be loaded for your
* field to render correctly on the view interface.
* This is a more specific version of @{method:getRequiredHandlePHIDs} which
* can be overridden to improve field performance by loading only data you
* need.
* @return list List of PHIDs to load handles for.
* @task load
public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForRevisionView() {
return $this->getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
* Specify which @{class:PhabricatorObjectHandle}s need to be loaded for your
* field to render correctly on the list interface.
* This is a more specific version of @{method:getRequiredHandlePHIDs} which
* can be overridden to improve field performance by loading only data you
* need.
* @param DifferentialRevision The revision to pull PHIDs for.
* @return list List of PHIDs to load handles for.
* @task load
public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForRevisionList(
DifferentialRevision $revision) {
return array();
* Specify which @{class:PhabricatorObjectHandle}s need to be loaded for your
* field to render correctly on the edit interface.
* This is a more specific version of @{method:getRequiredHandlePHIDs} which
* can be overridden to improve field performance by loading only data you
* need.
* @return list List of PHIDs to load handles for.
* @task load
public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForRevisionEdit() {
return $this->getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
* Specify which @{class:PhabricatorObjectHandle}s need to be loaded for your
* field to render correctly on the commit message interface.
* This is a more specific version of @{method:getRequiredHandlePHIDs} which
* can be overridden to improve field performance by loading only data you
* need.
* @return list List of PHIDs to load handles for.
* @task load
public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForCommitMessage() {
return $this->getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
* Specify which diff properties this field needs to load.
* @return list List of diff property keys this field requires.
* @task load
public function getRequiredDiffProperties() {
return array();
* Parse a list of users into a canonical PHID list.
* @param string Raw list of comma-separated user names.
* @return list List of corresponding PHIDs.
* @task load
protected function parseCommitMessageUserList($value) {
return $this->parseCommitMessageObjectList($value, $mailables = false);
* Parse a list of mailable objects into a canonical PHID list.
* @param string Raw list of comma-separated mailable names.
* @return list List of corresponding PHIDs.
* @task load
protected function parseCommitMessageMailableList($value) {
return $this->parseCommitMessageObjectList($value, $mailables = true);
* Parse and lookup a list of object names, converting them to PHIDs.
* @param string Raw list of comma-separated object names.
* @param bool True to include mailing lists.
* @param bool True to make a best effort. By default, an exception is
* thrown if any item is invalid.
* @return list List of corresponding PHIDs.
* @task load
public static function parseCommitMessageObjectList(
$allow_partial = false) {
$value = array_unique(array_filter(preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $value)));
if (!$value) {
return array();
$object_map = array();
$users = id(new PhabricatorUser())->loadAllWhere(
'(username IN (%Ls))',
$user_map = mpull($users, 'getPHID', 'getUsername');
foreach ($user_map as $username => $phid) {
// Usernames may have uppercase letters in them. Put both names in the
// map so we can try the original case first, so that username *always*
// works in weird edge cases where some other mailable object collides.
$object_map[$username] = $phid;
$object_map[strtolower($username)] = $phid;
if ($include_mailables) {
$mailables = id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailingList())->loadAllWhere(
'(email IN (%Ls)) OR (name IN (%Ls))',
$object_map += mpull($mailables, 'getPHID', 'getName');
$object_map += mpull($mailables, 'getPHID', 'getEmail');
$invalid = array();
$results = array();
foreach ($value as $name) {
if (empty($object_map[$name])) {
if (empty($object_map[strtolower($name)])) {
$invalid[] = $name;
} else {
$results[] = $object_map[strtolower($name)];
} else {
$results[] = $object_map[$name];
if ($invalid && !$allow_partial) {
$invalid = implode(', ', $invalid);
$what = $include_mailables
? "users and mailing lists"
: "users";
throw new DifferentialFieldParseException(
"Commit message references nonexistent {$what}: {$invalid}.");
return array_unique($results);
/* -( Contextual Data )---------------------------------------------------- */
* @task context
final public function setRevision(DifferentialRevision $revision) {
$this->revision = $revision;
return $this;
* @task context
protected function didSetRevision() {
* @task context
final public function setDiff(DifferentialDiff $diff) {
$this->diff = $diff;
return $this;
* @task context
final public function setManualDiff(DifferentialDiff $diff) {
$this->manualDiff = $diff;
return $this;
* @task context
final public function setHandles(array $handles) {
assert_instances_of($handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle');
$this->handles = $handles;
return $this;
* @task context
final public function setDiffProperties(array $diff_properties) {
$this->diffProperties = $diff_properties;
return $this;
* @task context
final public function setUser(PhabricatorUser $user) {
$this->user = $user;
return $this;
* @task context
final protected function getRevision() {
if (empty($this->revision)) {
throw new DifferentialFieldDataNotAvailableException($this);
return $this->revision;
* @task context
final protected function getDiff() {
if (empty($this->diff)) {
throw new DifferentialFieldDataNotAvailableException($this);
return $this->diff;
* @task context
final protected function getManualDiff() {
if (!$this->manualDiff) {
return $this->getDiff();
return $this->manualDiff;
* @task context
final protected function getUser() {
if (empty($this->user)) {
throw new DifferentialFieldDataNotAvailableException($this);
return $this->user;
* Get the handle for an object PHID. You must overload
* @{method:getRequiredHandlePHIDs} (or a more specific version thereof)
* and include the PHID you want in the list for it to be available here.
* @return PhabricatorObjectHandle Handle to the object.
* @task context
final protected function getHandle($phid) {
if ($this->handles === null) {
throw new DifferentialFieldDataNotAvailableException($this);
if (empty($this->handles[$phid])) {
$class = get_class($this);
throw new Exception(
"A differential field (of class '{$class}') is attempting to retrieve ".
"a handle ('{$phid}') which it did not request. Return all handle ".
"PHIDs you need from getRequiredHandlePHIDs().");
return $this->handles[$phid];
* Get a diff property which this field previously requested by returning
* the key from @{method:getRequiredDiffProperties}.
* @param string Diff property key.
- * @return string|null Diff property, or null if the property does not have
+ * @return mixed|null Diff property, or null if the property does not have
* a value.
* @task context
final public function getDiffProperty($key) {
if ($this->diffProperties === null) {
// This will be set to some (possibly empty) array if we've loaded
// properties, so null means diff properties aren't available in this
// context.
throw new DifferentialFieldDataNotAvailableException($this);
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->diffProperties)) {
$class = get_class($this);
throw new Exception(
"A differential field (of class '{$class}') is attempting to retrieve ".
"a diff property ('{$key}') which it did not request. Return all ".
"diff property keys you need from getRequiredDiffProperties().");
return $this->diffProperties[$key];
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Jan 19 2025, 20:46 (6 w, 1 d ago)
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