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diff --git a/src/workflow/land/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php b/src/workflow/land/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
index 746ed8cc..6b1b47da 100644
--- a/src/workflow/land/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/workflow/land/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
@@ -1,340 +1,341 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Lands a branch by rebasing, merging and amending it.
* @group workflow
final class ArcanistLandWorkflow extends ArcanistBaseWorkflow {
public function getCommandSynopses() {
return phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
**land** [__options__] __branch__ [--onto __master__]
public function getCommandHelp() {
return phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
Supports: git
Land an accepted change (currently sitting in local feature branch
__branch__) onto __master__ and push it to the remote. Then, delete
the feature branch.
In mutable repositories, this will perform a --squash merge (the
entire branch will be represented by one commit on __master__). In
immutable repositories (or when --merge is provided), it will perform
a --no-ff merge (the branch will always be merged into __master__ with
a merge commit).
public function requiresWorkingCopy() {
return true;
public function requiresConduit() {
return true;
public function requiresAuthentication() {
return true;
public function requiresRepositoryAPI() {
return true;
public function getArguments() {
return array(
'onto' => array(
'param' => 'master',
'help' => "Land feature branch onto a branch other than ".
- "'master' (default).",
+ "'master' (default). You can change the default by setting ".
+ "'' in your .arcconfig.",
'hold' => array(
'help' => "Prepare the change to be pushed, but do not actually ".
"push it.",
'keep-branch' => array(
'help' => "Keep the feature branch after pushing changes to the ".
"remote (by default, it is deleted).",
'remote' => array(
'param' => 'origin',
'help' => "Push to a remote other than 'origin' (default).",
'merge' => array(
'help' => 'Perform a --no-ff merge, not a --squash merge. If the '.
'project is marked as having an immutable history, this is '.
'the default behavior.',
+ 'squash' => array(
+ 'help' => 'Perform a --squash merge, not a --no-ff merge. If the '.
+ 'project is marked as having a mutable history, this is '.
+ 'the default behavior.',
+ 'conflicts' => array(
+ 'merge' => '--merge and --squash are conflicting merge strategies.',
+ ),
+ ),
'revision' => array(
'param' => 'id',
'help' => 'Use the message from a specific revision, rather than '.
'inferring the revision based on branch content.',
'*' => 'branch',
public function run() {
$branch = $this->getArgument('branch');
if (count($branch) !== 1) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"Specify exactly one branch to land changes from.");
$branch = head($branch);
+ $onto_default = nonempty(
+ $this->getWorkingCopy()->getConfig(''),
+ 'master');
$remote = $this->getArgument('remote', 'origin');
- $onto = $this->getArgument('onto', 'master');
- $is_immutable = $this->isHistoryImmutable() ||
- $this->getArgument('merge');
+ $onto = $this->getArgument('onto', $onto_default);
+ if ($this->getArgument('merge')) {
+ $use_squash = false;
+ } else if ($this->getArgument('squash')) {
+ $use_squash = true;
+ } else {
+ $use_squash = !$this->isHistoryImmutable();
+ }
$repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
if (!($repository_api instanceof ArcanistGitAPI)) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException("'arc land' only supports git.");
- list($err) = exec_manual(
- '(cd %s && git rev-parse --verify %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ list($err) = $repository_api->execManualLocal(
+ 'rev-parse --verify %s',
if ($err) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException("Branch '{$branch}' does not exist.");
$old_branch = $repository_api->getBranchName();
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git checkout %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
- $onto);
+ $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $onto);
echo phutil_console_format(
"Switched to branch **%s**. Updating branch...\n",
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git pull --ff-only)',
- $repository_api->getPath());
+ $repository_api->execxLocal('pull --ff-only');
- list($out) = execx(
- '(cd %s && git log %s/%s..%s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ list($out) = $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'log %s/%s..%s',
if (strlen(trim($out))) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"Local branch '{$onto}' is ahead of '{$remote}/{$onto}', so landing ".
"a feature branch would push additional changes. Push or reset the ".
"changes in '{$onto}' before running 'arc land'.");
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git checkout %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'checkout %s',
echo phutil_console_format(
"Switched to branch **%s**. Identifying and merging...\n",
- if (!$is_immutable) {
- $err = phutil_passthru(
- '(cd %s && git rebase %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
- $onto);
+ if ($use_squash) {
+ chdir($repository_api->getPath());
+ $err = phutil_passthru('git rebase %s', $onto);
if ($err) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"'git rebase {$onto}' failed. You can abort with 'git rebase ".
"--abort', or resolve conflicts and use 'git rebase --continue' to ".
"continue forward. After resolving the rebase, run 'arc land' ".
// Now that we've rebased, the merge-base of origin/master and HEAD may
// be different. Reparse the relative commit.
$revision_id = $this->getArgument('revision');
if ($revision_id) {
$revision_id = $this->normalizeRevisionID($revision_id);
$revisions = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous(
'ids' => array($revision_id),
if (!$revisions) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException("No such revision 'D{$revision_id}'!");
} else {
$revisions = $repository_api->loadWorkingCopyDifferentialRevisions(
'authors' => array($this->getUserPHID()),
if (!count($revisions)) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"arc can not identify which revision exists on branch '{$branch}'. ".
"Update the revision with recent changes to synchronize the branch ".
"name and hashes, or use 'arc amend' to amend the commit message at ".
"HEAD, or use '--revision <id>' to select a revision explicitly.");
} else if (count($revisions) > 1) {
$message =
"There are multiple revisions on feature branch '{$branch}' which are ".
"not present on '{$onto}':\n\n".
"Separate these revisions onto different branches, or use ".
"'--revision <id>' to select one.";
throw new ArcanistUsageException($message);
$revision = head($revisions);
$rev_id = $revision['id'];
$rev_title = $revision['title'];
if ($revision['status'] != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED) {
$ok = phutil_console_confirm(
"Revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' has not been accepted. Continue ".
if (!$ok) {
throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
echo "Landing revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}'...\n";
$message = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous(
'revision_id' => $revision['id'],
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git checkout %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
- $onto);
+ $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $onto);
- if ($is_immutable) {
+ if ($use_squash) {
// In immutable histories, do a --no-ff merge to force a merge commit with
// the right message.
+ chdir($repository_api->getPath());
$err = phutil_passthru(
- '(cd %s && git merge --no-ff -m %s %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ 'git merge --no-ff -m %s %s',
if ($err) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
"'git merge' failed. Your working copy has been left in a partially ".
"merged state. You can: abort with 'git merge --abort'; or follow ".
"the instructions to complete the merge.");
} else {
// In mutable histories, do a --squash merge.
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git merge --squash --ff-only %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'merge --squash --ff-only %s',
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git commit -m %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'commit -m %s',
if ($this->getArgument('hold')) {
echo phutil_console_format(
"Holding change in **%s**: it has NOT been pushed yet.\n",
} else {
echo "Pushing change...\n\n";
+ chdir($repository_api->getPath());
$err = phutil_passthru(
- '(cd %s && git push %s %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ 'git push %s %s',
if ($err) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException("'git push' failed.");
$mark_workflow = $this->buildChildWorkflow(
echo "\n";
if (!$this->getArgument('keep-branch')) {
- list($ref) = execx(
- '(cd %s && git rev-parse --verify %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ list($ref) = $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'rev-parse --verify %s',
$ref = trim($ref);
$recovery_command = csprintf(
'git checkout -b %s %s',
echo "Cleaning up feature branch...\n";
echo "(Use `{$recovery_command}` if you want it back.)\n";
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git branch -D %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'branch -D %s',
// If we were on some branch A and the user ran "arc land B", switch back
// to A.
if (($old_branch != $branch) && ($old_branch != $onto)) {
- execx(
- '(cd %s && git checkout %s)',
- $repository_api->getPath(),
+ $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'checkout %s',
echo phutil_console_format(
"Switched back to branch **%s**.\n",
echo "Done.\n";
return 0;
protected function getSupportedRevisionControlSystems() {
return array('git');
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Jan 19 2025, 17:38 (6 w, 10 h ago)
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