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* Provides access to the command-line console. Instead of reading from or
* writing to stdin/stdout/stderr directly, this class provides a richer API
* including support for ANSI color and formatting, convenience methods for
* prompting the user, and the ability to interact with stdin/stdout/stderr
* in some other process instead of this one.
* @task construct Construction
* @task interface Interfacing with the User
* @task internal Internals
final class PhutilConsole extends Phobject {
private static $console;
private $server;
private $channel;
private $messages = array();
private $flushing = false;
private $disabledTypes;
/* -( Console Construction )----------------------------------------------- */
* Use @{method:newLocalConsole} or @{method:newRemoteConsole} to construct
* new consoles.
* @task construct
private function __construct() {
$this->disabledTypes = new PhutilArrayWithDefaultValue();
* Get the current console. If there's no active console, a new local console
* is created (see @{method:newLocalConsole} for details). You can change the
* active console with @{method:setConsole}.
* @return PhutilConsole Active console.
* @task construct
public static function getConsole() {
if (empty(self::$console)) {
return self::$console;
* Set the active console.
* @param PhutilConsole $console
* @return void
* @task construct
public static function setConsole(PhutilConsole $console) {
self::$console = $console;
* Create a new console attached to stdin/stdout/stderr of this process.
* This is how consoles normally work -- for instance, writing output with
* @{method:writeOut} prints directly to stdout. If you don't create a
* console explicitly, a new local console is created for you.
* @return PhutilConsole A new console which operates on the pipes of this
* process.
* @task construct
public static function newLocalConsole() {
return self::newConsoleForServer(new PhutilConsoleServer());
public static function newConsoleForServer(PhutilConsoleServer $server) {
$console = new PhutilConsole();
$console->server = $server;
return $console;
public static function newRemoteConsole() {
$io_channel = new PhutilSocketChannel(
fopen('php://stdin', 'r'),
fopen('php://stdout', 'w'));
$protocol_channel = new PhutilPHPObjectProtocolChannel($io_channel);
$console = new PhutilConsole();
$console->channel = $protocol_channel;
return $console;
/* -( Interfacing with the User )------------------------------------------ */
public function confirm($prompt, $default = false) {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
'prompt' => $prompt,
'default' => $default,
$response = $this->waitForMessage();
return $response->getData();
public function prompt($prompt, $history = '') {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
'prompt' => $prompt,
'history' => $history,
$response = $this->waitForMessage();
return $response->getData();
public function sendMessage($data) {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())->setData($data);
return $this->writeMessage($message);
public function writeOut($pattern /* , ... */) {
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->writeTextMessage(PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_OUT, $args);
public function writeErr($pattern /* , ... */) {
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->writeTextMessage(PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_ERR, $args);
public function writeLog($pattern /* , ... */) {
$args = func_get_args();
return $this->writeTextMessage(PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_LOG, $args);
public function beginRedirectOut() {
// We need as small buffer as possible. 0 means infinite, 1 means 4096 in
// PHP < 5.4.0.
ob_start(array($this, 'redirectOutCallback'), 2);
$this->flushing = true;
public function endRedirectOut() {
$this->flushing = false;
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
// Must be public because it is called from output buffering.
public function redirectOutCallback($string) {
if (strlen($string)) {
$this->flushing = false;
$this->writeOut('%s', $string);
$this->flushing = true;
return '';
private function writeTextMessage($type, array $argv) {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
return $this;
private function writeMessage(PhutilConsoleMessage $message) {
if ($this->disabledTypes[$message->getType()]) {
return $this;
if ($this->flushing) {
if ($this->channel) {
} else {
$response = $this->server->handleMessage($message);
if ($response) {
$this->messages[] = $response;
return $this;
private function waitForMessage() {
if ($this->channel) {
$message = $this->channel->waitForMessage();
} else if ($this->messages) {
$message = array_shift($this->messages);
} else {
throw new Exception(
'%s called with no messages!',
return $message;
public function getServer() {
return $this->server;
private function disableMessageType($type) {
$this->disabledTypes[$type] += 1;
return $this;
private function enableMessageType($type) {
if ($this->disabledTypes[$type] == 0) {
throw new Exception(pht("Message type '%s' is already enabled!", $type));
$this->disabledTypes[$type] -= 1;
return $this;
public function disableOut() {
return $this->disableMessageType(PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_OUT);
public function enableOut() {
return $this->enableMessageType(PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_OUT);
public function isLogEnabled() {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
'which' => PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_LOG,
$response = $this->waitForMessage();
return $response->getData();
public function isErrATTY() {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
'which' => PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_ERR,
$response = $this->waitForMessage();
return $response->getData();
public function getErrCols() {
$message = id(new PhutilConsoleMessage())
'which' => PhutilConsoleMessage::TYPE_ERR,
$response = $this->waitForMessage();
return $response->getData();

File Metadata

Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 20:43 (6 w, 1 d ago)
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text
PhutilConsole.php (7 KB)

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