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final class ArcanistUnitConsoleRenderer extends ArcanistUnitRenderer {
public function renderUnitResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult $result) {
$result_code = $result->getResult();
$duration = '';
if ($result_code == ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS) {
$duration = ' '.$this->formatTestDuration($result->getDuration());
$test_name = $result->getName();
$test_namespace = $result->getNamespace();
if (strlen($test_namespace)) {
$test_name = $test_namespace.'::'.$test_name;
$return = sprintf(
" %s %s\n",
if ($result_code != ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS) {
$return .= $result->getUserData()."\n";
return $return;
public function renderPostponedResult($count) {
return sprintf(
"%s %s\n",
pht('%d test(s)', $count));
private function getFormattedResult($result) {
static $status_codes = array(
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS => '<bg:green>** PASS **</bg>',
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL => '<bg:red>** FAIL **</bg>',
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP => '<bg:yellow>** SKIP **</bg>',
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN => '<bg:red>** BROKEN **</bg>',
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_UNSOUND => '<bg:yellow>** UNSOUND **</bg>',
ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_POSTPONED =>
'<bg:yellow>** POSTPONED **</bg>',
return phutil_console_format($status_codes[$result]);
private function formatTestDuration($seconds) {
// Very carefully define inclusive upper bounds on acceptable unit test
// durations. Times are in milliseconds and are in increasing order.
$star = "\xE2\x98\x85";
if (phutil_is_windows()) {
// Fall-back to normal asterisk for Windows consoles.
$star = '*';
$acceptableness = array(
50 => "<fg:green>%s</fg><fg:yellow>{$star}</fg> ",
200 => '<fg:green>%s</fg> ',
500 => '<fg:yellow>%s</fg> ',
INF => '<fg:red>%s</fg> ',
$milliseconds = $seconds * 1000;
$duration = $this->formatTime($seconds);
foreach ($acceptableness as $upper_bound => $formatting) {
if ($milliseconds <= $upper_bound) {
return phutil_console_format($formatting, $duration);
return phutil_console_format(end($acceptableness), $duration);
private function formatTime($seconds) {
if ($seconds >= 60) {
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
return sprintf('%dm%02ds', $minutes, round($seconds % 60));
if ($seconds >= 1) {
return sprintf('%4.1fs', $seconds);
$milliseconds = $seconds * 1000;
if ($milliseconds >= 1) {
return sprintf('%3dms', round($milliseconds));
return ' <1ms';

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Mime Type
Sun, Mar 23, 22:35 (4 d, 1 h ago)
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ArcanistUnitConsoleRenderer.php (2 KB)

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