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diff --git a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php
index 727a4ca184..bc93de2db2 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php
@@ -1,992 +1,1014 @@
* @task config Query Configuration
* @task exec Query Execution
* @task internal Internals
final class DifferentialRevisionQuery
extends PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery {
private $pathIDs = array();
private $authors = array();
private $draftAuthors = array();
private $ccs = array();
private $reviewers = array();
private $revIDs = array();
private $commitHashes = array();
private $commitPHIDs = array();
private $phids = array();
private $responsibles = array();
private $branches = array();
private $repositoryPHIDs;
private $updatedEpochMin;
private $updatedEpochMax;
private $statuses;
private $isOpen;
+ private $createdEpochMin;
+ private $createdEpochMax;
const ORDER_MODIFIED = 'order-modified';
const ORDER_CREATED = 'order-created';
private $needActiveDiffs = false;
private $needDiffIDs = false;
private $needCommitPHIDs = false;
private $needHashes = false;
private $needReviewers = false;
private $needReviewerAuthority;
private $needDrafts;
private $needFlags;
/* -( Query Configuration )------------------------------------------------ */
* Filter results to revisions which affect a Diffusion path ID in a given
* repository. You can call this multiple times to select revisions for
* several paths.
* @param int Diffusion repository ID.
* @param int Diffusion path ID.
* @return this
* @task config
public function withPath($repository_id, $path_id) {
$this->pathIDs[] = array(
'repositoryID' => $repository_id,
'pathID' => $path_id,
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions authored by one of the given PHIDs. Calling
* this function will clear anything set by previous calls to
* @{method:withAuthors}.
* @param array List of PHIDs of authors
* @return this
* @task config
public function withAuthors(array $author_phids) {
$this->authors = $author_phids;
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions which CC one of the listed people. Calling this
* function will clear anything set by previous calls to @{method:withCCs}.
* @param array List of PHIDs of subscribers.
* @return this
* @task config
public function withCCs(array $cc_phids) {
$this->ccs = $cc_phids;
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions that have one of the provided PHIDs as
* reviewers. Calling this function will clear anything set by previous calls
* to @{method:withReviewers}.
* @param array List of PHIDs of reviewers
* @return this
* @task config
public function withReviewers(array $reviewer_phids) {
$this->reviewers = $reviewer_phids;
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions that have one of the provided commit hashes.
* Calling this function will clear anything set by previous calls to
* @{method:withCommitHashes}.
* @param array List of pairs <Class
* ArcanistDifferentialRevisionHash::HASH_$type constant,
* hash>
* @return this
* @task config
public function withCommitHashes(array $commit_hashes) {
$this->commitHashes = $commit_hashes;
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions that have one of the provided PHIDs as
* commits. Calling this function will clear anything set by previous calls
* to @{method:withCommitPHIDs}.
* @param array List of PHIDs of commits
* @return this
* @task config
public function withCommitPHIDs(array $commit_phids) {
$this->commitPHIDs = $commit_phids;
return $this;
public function withStatuses(array $statuses) {
$this->statuses = $statuses;
return $this;
public function withIsOpen($is_open) {
$this->isOpen = $is_open;
return $this;
* Filter results to revisions on given branches.
* @param list List of branch names.
* @return this
* @task config
public function withBranches(array $branches) {
$this->branches = $branches;
return $this;
* Filter results to only return revisions whose ids are in the given set.
* @param array List of revision ids
* @return this
* @task config
public function withIDs(array $ids) {
$this->revIDs = $ids;
return $this;
* Filter results to only return revisions whose PHIDs are in the given set.
* @param array List of revision PHIDs
* @return this
* @task config
public function withPHIDs(array $phids) {
$this->phids = $phids;
return $this;
* Given a set of users, filter results to return only revisions they are
* responsible for (i.e., they are either authors or reviewers).
* @param array List of user PHIDs.
* @return this
* @task config
public function withResponsibleUsers(array $responsible_phids) {
$this->responsibles = $responsible_phids;
return $this;
public function withRepositoryPHIDs(array $repository_phids) {
$this->repositoryPHIDs = $repository_phids;
return $this;
public function withUpdatedEpochBetween($min, $max) {
$this->updatedEpochMin = $min;
$this->updatedEpochMax = $max;
return $this;
+ public function withCreatedEpochBetween($min, $max) {
+ $this->createdEpochMin = $min;
+ $this->createdEpochMax = $max;
+ return $this;
+ }
* Set whether or not the query should load the active diff for each
* revision.
* @param bool True to load and attach diffs.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needActiveDiffs($need_active_diffs) {
$this->needActiveDiffs = $need_active_diffs;
return $this;
* Set whether or not the query should load the associated commit PHIDs for
* each revision.
* @param bool True to load and attach diffs.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needCommitPHIDs($need_commit_phids) {
$this->needCommitPHIDs = $need_commit_phids;
return $this;
* Set whether or not the query should load associated diff IDs for each
* revision.
* @param bool True to load and attach diff IDs.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needDiffIDs($need_diff_ids) {
$this->needDiffIDs = $need_diff_ids;
return $this;
* Set whether or not the query should load associated commit hashes for each
* revision.
* @param bool True to load and attach commit hashes.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needHashes($need_hashes) {
$this->needHashes = $need_hashes;
return $this;
* Set whether or not the query should load associated reviewers.
* @param bool True to load and attach reviewers.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needReviewers($need_reviewers) {
$this->needReviewers = $need_reviewers;
return $this;
* Request information about the viewer's authority to act on behalf of each
* reviewer. In particular, they have authority to act on behalf of projects
* they are a member of.
* @param bool True to load and attach authority.
* @return this
* @task config
public function needReviewerAuthority($need_reviewer_authority) {
$this->needReviewerAuthority = $need_reviewer_authority;
return $this;
public function needFlags($need_flags) {
$this->needFlags = $need_flags;
return $this;
public function needDrafts($need_drafts) {
$this->needDrafts = $need_drafts;
return $this;
/* -( Query Execution )---------------------------------------------------- */
public function newResultObject() {
return new DifferentialRevision();
* Execute the query as configured, returning matching
* @{class:DifferentialRevision} objects.
* @return list List of matching DifferentialRevision objects.
* @task exec
protected function loadPage() {
$data = $this->loadData();
$data = $this->didLoadRawRows($data);
$table = $this->newResultObject();
return $table->loadAllFromArray($data);
protected function willFilterPage(array $revisions) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$repository_phids = mpull($revisions, 'getRepositoryPHID');
$repository_phids = array_filter($repository_phids);
$repositories = array();
if ($repository_phids) {
$repositories = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery())
$repositories = mpull($repositories, null, 'getPHID');
// If a revision is associated with a repository:
// - the viewer must be able to see the repository; or
// - the viewer must have an automatic view capability.
// In the latter case, we'll load the revision but not load the repository.
$can_view = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW;
foreach ($revisions as $key => $revision) {
$repo_phid = $revision->getRepositoryPHID();
if (!$repo_phid) {
// The revision has no associated repository. Attach `null` and move on.
$repository = idx($repositories, $repo_phid);
if ($repository) {
// The revision has an associated repository, and the viewer can see
// it. Attach it and move on.
if ($revision->hasAutomaticCapability($can_view, $viewer)) {
// The revision has an associated repository which the viewer can not
// see, but the viewer has an automatic capability on this revision.
// Load the revision without attaching a repository.
if ($this->getViewer()->isOmnipotent()) {
// The viewer is omnipotent. Allow the revision to load even without
// a repository.
// The revision has an associated repository, and the viewer can't see
// it, and the viewer has no special capabilities. Filter out this
// revision.
if (!$revisions) {
return array();
$table = new DifferentialRevision();
$conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r');
if ($this->needCommitPHIDs) {
$this->loadCommitPHIDs($conn_r, $revisions);
$need_active = $this->needActiveDiffs;
$need_ids = $need_active || $this->needDiffIDs;
if ($need_ids) {
$this->loadDiffIDs($conn_r, $revisions);
if ($need_active) {
$this->loadActiveDiffs($conn_r, $revisions);
if ($this->needHashes) {
$this->loadHashes($conn_r, $revisions);
if ($this->needReviewers || $this->needReviewerAuthority) {
$this->loadReviewers($conn_r, $revisions);
return $revisions;
protected function didFilterPage(array $revisions) {
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
if ($this->needFlags) {
$flags = id(new PhabricatorFlagQuery())
->withObjectPHIDs(mpull($revisions, 'getPHID'))
$flags = mpull($flags, null, 'getObjectPHID');
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
idx($flags, $revision->getPHID()));
if ($this->needDrafts) {
return $revisions;
private function loadData() {
$table = $this->newResultObject();
$conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r');
$selects = array();
// NOTE: If the query includes "responsiblePHIDs", we execute it as a
// UNION of revisions they own and revisions they're reviewing. This has
// much better performance than doing it with JOIN/WHERE.
if ($this->responsibles) {
$basic_authors = $this->authors;
$basic_reviewers = $this->reviewers;
try {
// Build the query where the responsible users are authors.
$this->authors = array_merge($basic_authors, $this->responsibles);
$this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers;
$selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r);
// Build the query where the responsible users are reviewers, or
// projects they are members of are reviewers.
$this->authors = $basic_authors;
$this->reviewers = array_merge($basic_reviewers, $this->responsibles);
$selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r);
// Put everything back like it was.
$this->authors = $basic_authors;
$this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->authors = $basic_authors;
$this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers;
throw $ex;
} else {
$selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r);
if (count($selects) > 1) {
$query = qsprintf(
'%Q %Q %Q',
implode(' UNION DISTINCT ', $selects),
$this->buildOrderClause($conn_r, true),
} else {
$query = head($selects);
return queryfx_all($conn_r, '%Q', $query);
private function buildSelectStatement(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) {
$table = new DifferentialRevision();
$select = $this->buildSelectClause($conn_r);
$from = qsprintf(
'FROM %T r',
$joins = $this->buildJoinsClause($conn_r);
$where = $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r);
$group_by = $this->buildGroupClause($conn_r);
$having = $this->buildHavingClause($conn_r);
$order_by = $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r);
$limit = $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r);
return qsprintf(
'(%Q %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q)',
/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
* @task internal
private function buildJoinsClause($conn_r) {
$joins = array();
if ($this->pathIDs) {
$path_table = new DifferentialAffectedPath();
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T p ON p.revisionID =',
if ($this->commitHashes) {
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T hash_rel ON hash_rel.revisionID =',
if ($this->ccs) {
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T e_ccs ON e_ccs.src = r.phid '.
'AND e_ccs.type = %s '.
'AND e_ccs.dst in (%Ls)',
if ($this->reviewers) {
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T reviewer ON reviewer.revisionPHID = r.phid
AND reviewer.reviewerStatus != %s
AND reviewer.reviewerPHID in (%Ls)',
id(new DifferentialReviewer())->getTableName(),
if ($this->draftAuthors) {
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T has_draft ON has_draft.srcPHID = r.phid
AND has_draft.type = %s
AND has_draft.dstPHID IN (%Ls)',
if ($this->commitPHIDs) {
$joins[] = qsprintf(
'JOIN %T commits ON commits.revisionID =',
$joins[] = $this->buildJoinClauseParts($conn_r);
return $this->formatJoinClause($joins);
* @task internal
protected function buildWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) {
$where = array();
if ($this->pathIDs) {
$path_clauses = array();
$repo_info = igroup($this->pathIDs, 'repositoryID');
foreach ($repo_info as $repository_id => $paths) {
$path_clauses[] = qsprintf(
'(p.repositoryID = %d AND p.pathID IN (%Ld))',
ipull($paths, 'pathID'));
$path_clauses = '('.implode(' OR ', $path_clauses).')';
$where[] = $path_clauses;
if ($this->authors) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.authorPHID IN (%Ls)',
if ($this->revIDs) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
' IN (%Ld)',
if ($this->repositoryPHIDs) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.repositoryPHID IN (%Ls)',
if ($this->commitHashes) {
$hash_clauses = array();
foreach ($this->commitHashes as $info) {
list($type, $hash) = $info;
$hash_clauses[] = qsprintf(
'(hash_rel.type = %s AND hash_rel.hash = %s)',
$hash_clauses = '('.implode(' OR ', $hash_clauses).')';
$where[] = $hash_clauses;
if ($this->commitPHIDs) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'commits.commitPHID IN (%Ls)',
if ($this->phids) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.phid IN (%Ls)',
if ($this->branches) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.branchName in (%Ls)',
if ($this->updatedEpochMin !== null) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.dateModified >= %d',
if ($this->updatedEpochMax !== null) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.dateModified <= %d',
+ if ($this->createdEpochMin !== null) {
+ $where[] = qsprintf(
+ $conn_r,
+ 'r.dateCreated >= %d',
+ $this->createdEpochMin);
+ }
+ if ($this->createdEpochMax !== null) {
+ $where[] = qsprintf(
+ $conn_r,
+ 'r.dateCreated <= %d',
+ $this->createdEpochMax);
+ }
if ($this->statuses !== null) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.status in (%Ls)',
if ($this->isOpen !== null) {
if ($this->isOpen) {
$statuses = DifferentialLegacyQuery::getModernValues(
} else {
$statuses = DifferentialLegacyQuery::getModernValues(
$where[] = qsprintf(
'r.status in (%Ls)',
$where[] = $this->buildWhereClauseParts($conn_r);
return $this->formatWhereClause($where);
* @task internal
protected function shouldGroupQueryResultRows() {
$join_triggers = array_merge(
if (count($join_triggers) > 1) {
return true;
return parent::shouldGroupQueryResultRows();
public function getBuiltinOrders() {
$orders = parent::getBuiltinOrders() + array(
'updated' => array(
'vector' => array('updated', 'id'),
'name' => pht('Date Updated (Latest First)'),
'aliases' => array(self::ORDER_MODIFIED),
'outdated' => array(
'vector' => array('-updated', '-id'),
'name' => pht('Date Updated (Oldest First)'),
// Alias the "newest" builtin to the historical key for it.
$orders['newest']['aliases'][] = self::ORDER_CREATED;
return $orders;
protected function getDefaultOrderVector() {
return array('updated', 'id');
public function getOrderableColumns() {
return array(
'updated' => array(
'table' => $this->getPrimaryTableAlias(),
'column' => 'dateModified',
'type' => 'int',
) + parent::getOrderableColumns();
protected function getPagingValueMap($cursor, array $keys) {
$revision = $this->loadCursorObject($cursor);
return array(
'id' => $revision->getID(),
'updated' => $revision->getDateModified(),
private function loadCommitPHIDs($conn_r, array $revisions) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$commit_phids = queryfx_all(
'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld)',
mpull($revisions, 'getID'));
$commit_phids = igroup($commit_phids, 'revisionID');
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$phids = idx($commit_phids, $revision->getID(), array());
$phids = ipull($phids, 'commitPHID');
private function loadDiffIDs($conn_r, array $revisions) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$diff_table = new DifferentialDiff();
$diff_ids = queryfx_all(
'SELECT revisionID, id FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld)
mpull($revisions, 'getID'));
$diff_ids = igroup($diff_ids, 'revisionID');
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$ids = idx($diff_ids, $revision->getID(), array());
$ids = ipull($ids, 'id');
private function loadActiveDiffs($conn_r, array $revisions) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$diff_table = new DifferentialDiff();
$load_ids = array();
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$diffs = $revision->getDiffIDs();
if ($diffs) {
$load_ids[] = max($diffs);
$active_diffs = array();
if ($load_ids) {
$active_diffs = $diff_table->loadAllWhere(
'id IN (%Ld)',
$active_diffs = mpull($active_diffs, null, 'getRevisionID');
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$revision->attachActiveDiff(idx($active_diffs, $revision->getID()));
private function loadHashes(
AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r,
array $revisions) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$data = queryfx_all(
'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld)',
mpull($revisions, 'getID'));
$data = igroup($data, 'revisionID');
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$hashes = idx($data, $revision->getID(), array());
$list = array();
foreach ($hashes as $hash) {
$list[] = array($hash['type'], $hash['hash']);
private function loadReviewers(
AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn,
array $revisions) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$reviewer_table = new DifferentialReviewer();
$reviewer_rows = queryfx_all(
mpull($revisions, 'getPHID'));
$reviewer_list = $reviewer_table->loadAllFromArray($reviewer_rows);
$reviewer_map = mgroup($reviewer_list, 'getRevisionPHID');
foreach ($reviewer_map as $key => $reviewers) {
$reviewer_map[$key] = mpull($reviewers, null, 'getReviewerPHID');
$viewer = $this->getViewer();
$viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID();
$allow_key = 'differential.allow-self-accept';
$allow_self = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($allow_key);
// Figure out which of these reviewers the viewer has authority to act as.
if ($this->needReviewerAuthority && $viewer_phid) {
$authority = $this->loadReviewerAuthority(
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$reviewers = idx($reviewer_map, $revision->getPHID(), array());
foreach ($reviewers as $reviewer_phid => $reviewer) {
if ($this->needReviewerAuthority) {
if (!$viewer_phid) {
// Logged-out users never have authority.
$has_authority = false;
} else if ((!$allow_self) &&
($revision->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer_phid)) {
// The author can never have authority unless we allow self-accept.
$has_authority = false;
} else {
// Otherwise, look up whether the viewer has authority.
$has_authority = isset($authority[$reviewer_phid]);
$reviewer->attachAuthority($viewer, $has_authority);
$reviewers[$reviewer_phid] = $reviewer;
private function loadReviewerAuthority(
array $revisions,
array $reviewers,
$allow_self) {
$revision_map = mpull($revisions, null, 'getPHID');
$viewer_phid = $this->getViewer()->getPHID();
// Find all the project/package reviewers which the user may have authority
// over.
$project_phids = array();
$package_phids = array();
$project_type = PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST;
$package_type = PhabricatorOwnersPackagePHIDType::TYPECONST;
foreach ($reviewers as $revision_phid => $reviewer_list) {
if (!$allow_self) {
if ($revision_map[$revision_phid]->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer_phid) {
// If self-review isn't permitted, the user will never have
// authority over projects on revisions they authored because you
// can't accept your own revisions, so we don't need to load any
// data about these reviewers.
foreach ($reviewer_list as $reviewer_phid => $reviewer) {
$phid_type = phid_get_type($reviewer_phid);
if ($phid_type == $project_type) {
$project_phids[] = $reviewer_phid;
if ($phid_type == $package_type) {
$package_phids[] = $reviewer_phid;
// The viewer has authority over themselves.
$user_authority = array_fuse(array($viewer_phid));
// And over any projects they are a member of.
$project_authority = array();
if ($project_phids) {
$project_authority = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())
$project_authority = mpull($project_authority, 'getPHID');
$project_authority = array_fuse($project_authority);
// And over any packages they own.
$package_authority = array();
if ($package_phids) {
$package_authority = id(new PhabricatorOwnersPackageQuery())
$package_authority = mpull($package_authority, 'getPHID');
$package_authority = array_fuse($package_authority);
return $user_authority + $project_authority + $package_authority;
public function getQueryApplicationClass() {
return 'PhabricatorDifferentialApplication';
protected function getPrimaryTableAlias() {
return 'r';
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionSearchEngine.php b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionSearchEngine.php
index 835291fba8..557ca23078 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionSearchEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionSearchEngine.php
@@ -1,276 +1,292 @@
final class DifferentialRevisionSearchEngine
extends PhabricatorApplicationSearchEngine {
public function getResultTypeDescription() {
return pht('Differential Revisions');
public function getApplicationClassName() {
return 'PhabricatorDifferentialApplication';
protected function newResultBuckets() {
return DifferentialRevisionResultBucket::getAllResultBuckets();
public function newQuery() {
return id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
protected function buildQueryFromParameters(array $map) {
$query = $this->newQuery();
if ($map['responsiblePHIDs']) {
if ($map['authorPHIDs']) {
if ($map['reviewerPHIDs']) {
if ($map['repositoryPHIDs']) {
if ($map['statuses']) {
+ if ($map['createdStart'] || $map['createdEnd']) {
+ $query->withCreatedEpochBetween(
+ $map['createdStart'],
+ $map['createdEnd']);
+ }
return $query;
protected function buildCustomSearchFields() {
return array(
id(new PhabricatorSearchDatasourceField())
->setLabel(pht('Responsible Users'))
->setAliases(array('responsiblePHID', 'responsibles', 'responsible'))
->setDatasource(new DifferentialResponsibleDatasource())
pht('Find revisions that a given user is responsible for.')),
id(new PhabricatorUsersSearchField())
->setAliases(array('author', 'authors', 'authorPHID'))
pht('Find revisions with specific authors.')),
id(new PhabricatorSearchDatasourceField())
->setAliases(array('reviewer', 'reviewers', 'reviewerPHID'))
->setDatasource(new DiffusionAuditorFunctionDatasource())
pht('Find revisions with specific reviewers.')),
id(new PhabricatorSearchDatasourceField())
->setAliases(array('repository', 'repositories', 'repositoryPHID'))
->setDatasource(new DiffusionRepositoryFunctionDatasource())
pht('Find revisions from specific repositories.')),
id(new PhabricatorSearchDatasourceField())
->setDatasource(new DifferentialRevisionStatusFunctionDatasource())
pht('Find revisions with particular statuses.')),
+ id(new PhabricatorSearchDateField())
+ ->setLabel(pht('Created After'))
+ ->setKey('createdStart')
+ ->setDescription(
+ pht('Find revisions created at or after a particular time.')),
+ id(new PhabricatorSearchDateField())
+ ->setLabel(pht('Created Before'))
+ ->setKey('createdEnd')
+ ->setDescription(
+ pht('Find revisions created at or before a particular time.')),
protected function getURI($path) {
return '/differential/'.$path;
protected function getBuiltinQueryNames() {
$names = array();
if ($this->requireViewer()->isLoggedIn()) {
$names['active'] = pht('Active Revisions');
$names['authored'] = pht('Authored');
$names['all'] = pht('All Revisions');
return $names;
public function buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key) {
$query = $this->newSavedQuery();
$viewer = $this->requireViewer();
switch ($query_key) {
case 'active':
$bucket_key = DifferentialRevisionRequiredActionResultBucket::BUCKETKEY;
return $query
->setParameter('responsiblePHIDs', array($viewer->getPHID()))
->setParameter('statuses', array('open()'))
->setParameter('bucket', $bucket_key);
case 'authored':
return $query
->setParameter('authorPHIDs', array($viewer->getPHID()));
case 'all':
return $query;
return parent::buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key);
private function getStatusOptions() {
return array(
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_ANY => pht('All'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_OPEN => pht('Open'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_ACCEPTED => pht('Accepted'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_NEEDS_REVIEW => pht('Needs Review'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_NEEDS_REVISION => pht('Needs Revision'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_CLOSED => pht('Closed'),
DifferentialLegacyQuery::STATUS_ABANDONED => pht('Abandoned'),
protected function renderResultList(
array $revisions,
PhabricatorSavedQuery $query,
array $handles) {
assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision');
$viewer = $this->requireViewer();
$template = id(new DifferentialRevisionListView())
$bucket = $this->getResultBucket($query);
$unlanded = $this->loadUnlandedDependencies($revisions);
$views = array();
if ($bucket) {
try {
$groups = $bucket->newResultGroups($query, $revisions);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
// Don't show groups in Dashboard Panels
if ($group->getObjects() || !$this->isPanelContext()) {
$views[] = id(clone $template)
} catch (Exception $ex) {
} else {
$views[] = id(clone $template)
if (!$views) {
$views[] = id(new DifferentialRevisionListView())
->setNoDataString(pht('No revisions found.'));
foreach ($views as $view) {
if (count($views) == 1) {
// Reduce this to a PHUIObjectItemListView so we can get the free
// support from ApplicationSearch.
$list = head($views)->render();
} else {
$list = $views;
$result = new PhabricatorApplicationSearchResultView();
return $result;
protected function getNewUserBody() {
$create_button = id(new PHUIButtonView())
->setText(pht('Create a Diff'))
$icon = $this->getApplication()->getIcon();
$app_name = $this->getApplication()->getName();
$view = id(new PHUIBigInfoView())
->setTitle(pht('Welcome to %s', $app_name))
pht('Pre-commit code review. Revisions that are waiting on your input '.
'will appear here.'))
return $view;
private function loadUnlandedDependencies(array $revisions) {
$phids = array();
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
if (!$revision->isAccepted()) {
$phids[] = $revision->getPHID();
if (!$phids) {
return array();
$query = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery())
$revision_phids = $query->getDestinationPHIDs();
if (!$revision_phids) {
return array();
$viewer = $this->requireViewer();
$blocking_revisions = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
$blocking_revisions = mpull($blocking_revisions, null, 'getPHID');
$result = array();
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
$revision_phid = $revision->getPHID();
$blocking_phids = $query->getDestinationPHIDs(array($revision_phid));
$blocking = array_select_keys($blocking_revisions, $blocking_phids);
if ($blocking) {
$result[$revision_phid] = $blocking;
return $result;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 19:19 (6 w, 2 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(37 KB)

Event Timeline