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final class ArcanistAliasEngine
extends Phobject {
private $runtime;
private $toolset;
private $workflows;
private $configurationSourceList;
public function setRuntime(ArcanistRuntime $runtime) {
$this->runtime = $runtime;
return $this;
public function getRuntime() {
return $this->runtime;
public function setToolset(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
$this->toolset = $toolset;
return $this;
public function getToolset() {
return $this->toolset;
public function setWorkflows(array $workflows) {
assert_instances_of($workflows, 'ArcanistWorkflow');
$this->workflows = $workflows;
return $this;
public function getWorkflows() {
return $this->workflows;
public function setConfigurationSourceList(
ArcanistConfigurationSourceList $config) {
$this->configurationSourceList = $config;
return $this;
public function getConfigurationSourceList() {
return $this->configurationSourceList;
public function resolveAliases(array $argv) {
$aliases_key = ArcanistArcConfigurationEngineExtension::KEY_ALIASES;
$source_list = $this->getConfigurationSourceList();
$aliases = $source_list->getConfig($aliases_key);
$results = array();
// Identify aliases which had some kind of format or specification issue
// when loading config. We could possibly do this earlier, but it's nice
// to handle all the alias stuff in one place.
foreach ($aliases as $key => $alias) {
$exception = $alias->getException();
if (!$exception) {
// This alias is not defined properly, so we're going to ignore it.
$results[] =
'Configuration source ("%s") defines an invalid alias, which '.
'will be ignored: %s',
$command = array_shift($argv);
$stack = array();
return $this->resolveAliasesForCommand(
private function resolveAliasesForCommand(
array $aliases,
array $argv,
array $results,
array $stack) {
$toolset = $this->getToolset();
$toolset_key = $toolset->getToolsetKey();
// If we have a command which resolves to a real workflow, match it and
// finish resolution. You can not overwrite a real workflow with an alias.
$workflows = $this->getWorkflows();
if (isset($workflows[$command])) {
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_RESOLUTION)
return $results;
// Find all the aliases which match whatever the user typed, like "draft".
// We look for aliases in other toolsets, too, so we can provide the user
// a hint when they type "phage draft" and mean "arc draft".
$matches = array();
$toolset_matches = array();
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
if ($alias->getTrigger() === $command) {
$matches[] = $alias;
if ($alias->getToolset() == $toolset_key) {
$toolset_matches[] = $alias;
if (!$toolset_matches) {
// If the user typed "phage draft" and meant "arc draft", give them a
// hint that the alias exists somewhere else and they may have specified
// the wrong toolset.
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_SUGGEST)
'No "%s %s" alias is defined, did you mean "%s %s"?',
// If the user misspells a command (like "arc hlep") and it doesn't match
// anything (no alias or workflow), we want to pass it through unmodified
// and let the parser try to correct the spelling into a real workflow
// later on.
// However, if the user correctly types a command (like "arc draft") that
// resolves at least once (so it hits a valid alias) but does not
// ultimately resolve into a valid workflow, we want to treat this as a
// hard failure.
// This could happen if you manually defined a bad alias, or a workflow
// you'd previously aliased to was removed, or you stacked aliases and
// then deleted one.
if ($stack) {
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_NOTFOUND)
'Alias resolved to "%s", but this is not a valid workflow or '.
'alias name. This alias or workflow might have previously '.
'existed and been removed.',
} else {
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_RESOLUTION)
return $results;
$alias = array_pop($toolset_matches);
if ($toolset_matches) {
$source = $alias->getConfigurationSource();
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_IGNORED)
'Multiple configuration sources define an alias for "%s %s". '.
'The last definition in the most specific source ("%s") will '.
'be used.',
foreach ($toolset_matches as $ignored_match) {
$source = $ignored_match->getConfigurationSource();
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_IGNORED)
'A definition of "%s %s" in "%s" will be ignored.',
$alias_argv = $alias->getCommand();
$alias_command = array_shift($alias_argv);
if ($alias->isShellCommandAlias()) {
$shell_command = substr($alias_command, 1);
$shell_argv = array_merge(
$shell_display = csprintf('%Ls', $shell_argv);
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_SHELL)
'%s %s -> $ %s',
return $results;
if (isset($stack[$alias_command])) {
$cycle = array_keys($stack);
$cycle[] = $alias_command;
$cycle = implode(' -> ', $cycle);
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_CYCLE)
'Alias definitions form a cycle which can not be resolved: %s.',
return $results;
$stack[$alias_command] = true;
$stack_limit = 16;
if (count($stack) >= $stack_limit) {
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_STACK)
'Alias definitions form an unreasonably deep stack. A chain of '.
'aliases may not resolve more than %s times.',
new PhutilNumber($stack_limit)));
return $results;
$display_argv = (string)csprintf('%LR', $alias_argv);
$results[] = $this->newEffect(ArcanistAliasEffect::EFFECT_ALIAS)
'%s %s -> %s %s %s',
$argv = array_merge($alias_argv, $argv);
return $this->resolveAliasesForCommand(
protected function newEffect($effect_type) {
return id(new ArcanistAliasEffect())

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ArcanistAliasEngine.php (7 KB)

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