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final class ArcanistBuildRef
extends Phobject {
private $parameters;
public static function newFromConduit(array $data) {
$ref = new self();
$ref->parameters = $data;
return $ref;
private function getStatusMap() {
// The modern "" API method returns this in the
// "fields" list; the older API method returns it at the root level.
if (isset($this->parameters['fields']['buildStatus'])) {
$status = $this->parameters['fields']['buildStatus'];
} else if (isset($this->parameters['buildStatus'])) {
$status = $this->parameters['buildStatus'];
} else {
$status = 'unknown';
// We may either have an array or a scalar here. The array comes from
// "", or from "harbormaster.querybuilds" if
// the server is newer than August 2016. The scalar comes from older
// versions of that method. See PHI261.
if (is_array($status)) {
$map = $status;
} else {
$map = array(
'value' => $status,
// If we don't have a name, try to fill one in.
if (!isset($map['name'])) {
$name_map = array(
'inactive' => pht('Inactive'),
'pending' => pht('Pending'),
'building' => pht('Building'),
'passed' => pht('Passed'),
'failed' => pht('Failed'),
'aborted' => pht('Aborted'),
'error' => pht('Error'),
'paused' => pht('Paused'),
'deadlocked' => pht('Deadlocked'),
'unknown' => pht('Unknown'),
$map['name'] = idx($name_map, $map['value'], $map['value']);
// If we don't have an ANSI color code, try to fill one in.
if (!isset($map['color.ansi'])) {
$color_map = array(
'failed' => 'red',
'passed' => 'green',
$map['color.ansi'] = idx($color_map, $map['value'], 'yellow');
return $map;
public function getID() {
return $this->parameters['id'];
public function getPHID() {
return $this->parameters['phid'];
public function getName() {
if (isset($this->parameters['fields']['name'])) {
return $this->parameters['fields']['name'];
return $this->parameters['name'];
public function getStatus() {
$map = $this->getStatusMap();
return $map['value'];
public function getStatusName() {
$map = $this->getStatusMap();
return $map['name'];
public function getStatusANSIColor() {
$map = $this->getStatusMap();
return $map['color.ansi'];
public function getObjectName() {
return pht('Build %d', $this->getID());
public function getBuildPlanPHID() {
return idxv($this->parameters, array('fields', 'buildPlanPHID'));
public function isComplete() {
switch ($this->getStatus()) {
case 'passed':
case 'failed':
case 'aborted':
case 'error':
case 'deadlocked':
return true;
return false;
public function isPassed() {
return ($this->getStatus() === 'passed');
public function getStatusSortVector() {
$status = $this->getStatus();
// For now, just sort passed builds first.
if ($this->isPassed()) {
$status_class = 1;
} else {
$status_class = 2;
return id(new PhutilSortVector())

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 23, 22:33 (4 d, 1 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
ArcanistBuildRef.php (3 KB)

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