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diff --git a/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorGlobalLock.php b/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorGlobalLock.php
index 3bf5ab0c54..93113ccb64 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorGlobalLock.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/util/PhabricatorGlobalLock.php
@@ -1,407 +1,421 @@
* Global, MySQL-backed lock. This is a high-reliability, low-performance
* global lock.
* The lock is maintained by using GET_LOCK() in MySQL, and automatically
* released when the connection terminates. Thus, this lock can safely be used
* to control access to shared resources without implementing any sort of
* timeout or override logic: the lock can't normally be stuck in a locked state
* with no process actually holding the lock.
* However, acquiring the lock is moderately expensive (several network
* roundtrips). This makes it unsuitable for tasks where lock performance is
* important.
* $lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock('example');
* $lock->lock();
* do_contentious_things();
* $lock->unlock();
* NOTE: This lock is not completely global; it is namespaced to the active
* storage namespace so that unit tests running in separate table namespaces
* are isolated from one another.
* @task construct Constructing Locks
* @task impl Implementation
final class PhabricatorGlobalLock extends PhutilLock {
private $parameters;
private $conn;
private $externalConnection;
private $log;
private $disableLogging;
private static $pool = array();
/* -( Constructing Locks )------------------------------------------------- */
public static function newLock($name, $parameters = array()) {
$namespace = PhabricatorLiskDAO::getStorageNamespace();
$namespace = PhabricatorHash::digestToLength($namespace, 20);
$parts = array();
foreach ($parameters as $key => $parameter) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\z/', $key)) {
throw new Exception(
'Lock parameter key "%s" must be alphanumeric.',
if (!is_scalar($parameter) && !is_null($parameter)) {
throw new Exception(
'Lock parameter for key "%s" must be a scalar.',
$value = phutil_json_encode($parameter);
$parts[] = "{$key}={$value}";
$parts = implode(', ', $parts);
$local = "{$name}({$parts})";
$local = PhabricatorHash::digestToLength($local, 20);
$full_name = "ph:{$namespace}:{$local}";
$lock = self::getLock($full_name);
if (!$lock) {
$lock = new PhabricatorGlobalLock($full_name);
$lock->parameters = $parameters;
return $lock;
* Use a specific database connection for locking.
* By default, `PhabricatorGlobalLock` will lock on the "repository" database
* (somewhat arbitrarily). In most cases this is fine, but this method can
* be used to lock on a specific connection.
* @param AphrontDatabaseConnection
* @return this
public function setExternalConnection(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) {
if ($this->conn) {
throw new Exception(
'Lock is already held, and must be released before the '.
'connection may be changed.'));
$this->externalConnection = $conn;
return $this;
public function setDisableLogging($disable) {
$this->disableLogging = $disable;
return $this;
/* -( Connection Pool )---------------------------------------------------- */
public static function getConnectionPoolSize() {
return count(self::$pool);
public static function clearConnectionPool() {
self::$pool = array();
/* -( Implementation )----------------------------------------------------- */
protected function doLock($wait) {
$conn = $this->conn;
if (!$conn) {
if ($this->externalConnection) {
$conn = $this->externalConnection;
if (!$conn) {
// Try to reuse a connection from the connection pool.
$conn = array_pop(self::$pool);
if (!$conn) {
// NOTE: Using the 'repository' database somewhat arbitrarily, mostly
// because the first client of locks is the repository daemons. We must
// always use the same database for all locks, but don't access any
// tables so we could use any valid database. We could build a
// database-free connection instead, but that's kind of messy and we
// might forget about it in the future if we vertically partition the
// application.
$dao = new PhabricatorRepository();
// NOTE: Using "force_new" to make sure each lock is on its own
// connection.
$conn = $dao->establishConnection('w', $force_new = true);
+ // See T13627. We must never hold more than one lock per connection, so
+ // make sure this connection has no existing locks. (Normally, we should
+ // only be able to get here if callers explicitly provide the same external
+ // connection to multiple locks.)
+ if ($conn->isHoldingAnyLock()) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Unable to establish lock on connection: this connection is '.
+ 'already holding a lock. Acquiring a second lock on the same '.
+ 'connection would release the first lock in MySQL versions '.
+ 'older than 5.7.'));
+ }
// NOTE: Since MySQL will disconnect us if we're idle for too long, we set
// the wait_timeout to an enormous value, to allow us to hold the
// connection open indefinitely (or, at least, for 24 days).
$max_allowed_timeout = 2147483;
queryfx($conn, 'SET wait_timeout = %d', $max_allowed_timeout);
$lock_name = $this->getName();
$result = queryfx_one(
'SELECT GET_LOCK(%s, %f)',
$ok = head($result);
if (!$ok) {
// See PHI1794. We failed to acquire the lock, but the connection itself
// is still good. We're done with it, so add it to the pool, just as we
// would if we were releasing the lock.
- // If we don't do this, we may establish a huge number of connections
+ // If we don't do this, we may establish a huge number of connections
// very rapidly if many workers try to acquire a lock at once. For
// example, this can happen if there are a large number of webhook tasks
// in the queue.
self::$pool[] = $conn;
throw id(new PhutilLockException($lock_name))
->setHint($this->newHint($lock_name, $wait));
$this->conn = $conn;
if ($this->shouldLogLock()) {
$lock_context = $this->newLockContext();
$log = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLockLog())
$this->log = $log;
protected function doUnlock() {
$lock_name = $this->getName();
$conn = $this->conn;
try {
$result = queryfx_one(
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$result = array(null);
$ok = head($result);
if (!$ok) {
// TODO: We could throw here, but then this lock doesn't get marked
// unlocked and we throw again later when exiting. It also doesn't
// particularly matter for any current applications. For now, just
// swallow the error.
$this->conn = null;
if (!$this->externalConnection) {
self::$pool[] = $conn;
if ($this->log) {
$log = $this->log;
$this->log = null;
$conn = $log->establishConnection('w');
'UPDATE %T SET lockReleased = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = %d',
private function shouldLogLock() {
if ($this->disableLogging) {
return false;
$policy = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLockLogGarbageCollector())
if (!$policy) {
return false;
return true;
private function newLockContext() {
$context = array(
'pid' => getmypid(),
'host' => php_uname('n'),
'sapi' => php_sapi_name(),
global $argv;
if ($argv) {
$context['argv'] = $argv;
$access_log = null;
// TODO: There's currently no cohesive way to get the parameterized access
// log for the current request across different request types. Web requests
// have an "AccessLog", SSH requests have an "SSHLog", and other processes
// (like scripts) have no log. But there's no method to say "give me any
// log you've got". For now, just test if we have a web request and use the
// "AccessLog" if we do, since that's the only one we actually read any
// parameters from.
// NOTE: "PhabricatorStartup" is only available from web requests, not
// from CLI scripts.
if (class_exists('PhabricatorStartup', false)) {
$access_log = PhabricatorAccessLog::getLog();
if ($access_log) {
$controller = $access_log->getData('C');
if ($controller) {
$context['controller'] = $controller;
$method = $access_log->getData('m');
if ($method) {
$context['method'] = $method;
return $context;
private function newHint($lock_name, $wait) {
if (!$this->shouldLogLock()) {
return pht(
'Enable the lock log for more detailed information about '.
'which process is holding this lock.');
$now = PhabricatorTime::getNow();
// First, look for recent logs. If other processes have been acquiring and
// releasing this lock while we've been waiting, this is more likely to be
// a contention/throughput issue than an issue with something hung while
// holding the lock.
$limit = 100;
$logs = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLockLog())->loadAllWhere(
'lockName = %s AND dateCreated >= %d ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT %d',
($now - $wait),
if ($logs) {
if (count($logs) === $limit) {
return pht(
'During the last %s second(s) spent waiting for the lock, more '.
'than %s other process(es) acquired it, so this is likely a '.
'bottleneck. Use "bin/lock log --name %s" to review log activity.',
new PhutilNumber($wait),
new PhutilNumber($limit),
} else {
return pht(
'During the last %s second(s) spent waiting for the lock, %s '.
'other process(es) acquired it, so this is likely a '.
'bottleneck. Use "bin/lock log --name %s" to review log activity.',
new PhutilNumber($wait),
$last_log = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLockLog())->loadOneWhere(
'lockName = %s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1',
if ($last_log) {
$info = array();
$acquired = $last_log->getDateCreated();
$context = $last_log->getLockContext();
$process_info = array();
$pid = idx($context, 'pid');
if ($pid) {
$process_info[] = 'pid='.$pid;
$host = idx($context, 'host');
if ($host) {
$process_info[] = 'host='.$host;
$sapi = idx($context, 'sapi');
if ($sapi) {
$process_info[] = 'sapi='.$sapi;
$argv = idx($context, 'argv');
if ($argv) {
$process_info[] = 'argv='.(string)csprintf('%LR', $argv);
$controller = idx($context, 'controller');
if ($controller) {
$process_info[] = 'controller='.$controller;
$method = idx($context, 'method');
if ($method) {
$process_info[] = 'method='.$method;
$process_info = implode(', ', $process_info);
$info[] = pht(
'This lock was most recently acquired by a process (%s) '.
'%s second(s) ago.',
new PhutilNumber($now - $acquired));
$released = $last_log->getLockReleased();
if ($released) {
$info[] = pht(
'This lock was released %s second(s) ago.',
new PhutilNumber($now - $released));
} else {
$info[] = pht('There is no record of this lock being released.');
return implode(' ', $info);
return pht(
'Found no records of processes acquiring or releasing this lock.');
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/util/__tests__/PhabricatorGlobalLockTestCase.php b/src/infrastructure/util/__tests__/PhabricatorGlobalLockTestCase.php
index 8d5176f391..81c7b463c2 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/util/__tests__/PhabricatorGlobalLockTestCase.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/util/__tests__/PhabricatorGlobalLockTestCase.php
@@ -1,116 +1,150 @@
final class PhabricatorGlobalLockTestCase
extends PhabricatorTestCase {
protected function getPhabricatorTestCaseConfiguration() {
return array(
public function testConnectionPoolWithDefaultConnection() {
pht('Clear Connection Pool'));
$lock_name = $this->newLockName();
$lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock($lock_name);
pht('Connection Pool With Lock'));
pht('Connection Pool With Lock Released'));
public function testConnectionPoolWithSpecificConnection() {
$conn = id(new HarbormasterScratchTable())
pht('Clear Connection Pool'));
pht('Specific Connection, No Lock'));
$lock_name = $this->newLockName();
$lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock($lock_name);
pht('Connection Pool + Specific, With Lock'));
pht('Specific Connection, Holding Lock'));
// The specific connection provided should NOT be returned to the
// connection pool.
pht('Connection Pool + Specific, With Lock Released'));
pht('Specific Connection, No Lock'));
public function testExternalConnectionMutationScope() {
$conn = id(new HarbormasterScratchTable())
$lock_name = $this->newLockName();
$lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock($lock_name);
$caught = null;
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
} catch (Throwable $ex) {
$caught = $ex;
($caught instanceof Exception),
pht('Changing connection while locked is forbidden.'));
+ public function testMultipleLocks() {
+ $conn = id(new HarbormasterScratchTable())
+ ->establishConnection('w');
+ PhabricatorGlobalLock::clearConnectionPool();
+ $lock_name_a = $this->newLockName();
+ $lock_name_b = $this->newLockName();
+ $lock_a = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock($lock_name_a);
+ $lock_a->setExternalConnection($conn);
+ $lock_b = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock($lock_name_b);
+ $lock_b->setExternalConnection($conn);
+ $lock_a->lock();
+ $caught = null;
+ try {
+ $lock_b->lock();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $caught = $ex;
+ } catch (Throwable $ex) {
+ $caught = $ex;
+ }
+ // See T13627. The lock infrastructure must forbid this because it does
+ // not work in versions of MySQL older than 5.7.
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ ($caught instanceof Exception),
+ pht('Expect multiple locks on the same connection to fail.'));
+ }
private function newLockName() {
return 'testlock-'.Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(16);
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