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final class AlmanacServiceSearchEngine
extends PhabricatorApplicationSearchEngine {
public function getResultTypeDescription() {
return pht('Almanac Services');
public function getApplicationClassName() {
return PhabricatorAlmanacApplication::class;
public function newQuery() {
return new AlmanacServiceQuery();
protected function buildQueryFromParameters(array $map) {
$query = $this->newQuery();
if ($map['match'] !== null) {
if ($map['names']) {
if ($map['devicePHIDs']) {
if ($map['serviceTypes']) {
return $query;
protected function buildCustomSearchFields() {
return array(
id(new PhabricatorSearchTextField())
->setLabel(pht('Name Contains'))
->setDescription(pht('Search for services by name substring.')),
id(new PhabricatorSearchStringListField())
->setLabel(pht('Exact Names'))
->setDescription(pht('Search for services with specific names.')),
id(new PhabricatorSearchDatasourceField())
->setLabel(pht('Service Types'))
->setDescription(pht('Find services by type.'))
->setDatasource(id(new AlmanacServiceTypeDatasource())),
id(new PhabricatorPHIDsSearchField())
pht('Search for services bound to particular devices.')),
protected function getURI($path) {
return '/almanac/service/'.$path;
protected function getBuiltinQueryNames() {
$names = array(
'all' => pht('All Services'),
return $names;
public function buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key) {
$query = $this->newSavedQuery();
switch ($query_key) {
case 'all':
return $query;
return parent::buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key);
protected function renderResultList(
array $services,
PhabricatorSavedQuery $query,
array $handles) {
assert_instances_of($services, 'AlmanacService');
$viewer = $this->requireViewer();
$list = new PHUIObjectItemListView();
foreach ($services as $service) {
$item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView())
->setObjectName(pht('Service %d', $service->getID()))
$result = new PhabricatorApplicationSearchResultView();
$result->setNoDataString(pht('No Almanac Services found.'));
return $result;
protected function getNewUserBody() {
$see_devices = id(new PHUIButtonView())
->setText(pht('See Devices'))
$create_button = id(new PHUIButtonView())
->setText(pht('Create a Service'))
$app_name = pht('Services');
$view = id(new PHUIBigInfoView())
->setTitle(pht('Welcome to %s', $app_name))
'Services describe pools of devices, and '.
'they are available to Drydock for CI/CD, and more.'))
return $view;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 23, 23:35 (4 d, 32 m ago)
Storage Engine
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
AlmanacServiceSearchEngine.php (3 KB)

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