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diff --git a/conf/default.conf.php b/conf/default.conf.php
index 6af98fb7f5..4666e05d01 100644
--- a/conf/default.conf.php
+++ b/conf/default.conf.php
@@ -1,1305 +1,1306 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
return array(
// The root URI which Phabricator is installed on.
// Example: ""
'phabricator.base-uri' => null,
// If you have multiple environments, provide the production environment URI
// here so that emails, etc., generated in development/sandbox environments
// contain the right links.
'phabricator.production-uri' => null,
// Setting this to 'true' will invoke a special setup mode which helps guide
// you through setting up Phabricator.
'phabricator.setup' => false,
// -- IMPORTANT! Security! -------------------------------------------------- //
// IMPORTANT: By default, Phabricator serves files from the same domain the
// application lives on. This is convenient but not secure: it creates a large
// class of vulnerabilities which can not be generally mitigated.
// To avoid this, you should configure a second domain in the same way you
// have the primary domain configured (e.g., point it at the same machine and
// set up the same vhost rules) and provide it here. For instance, if your
// primary install is on "", you could
// configure "" and specify the entire
// domain (with protocol) here. This will enforce that files are
// served only from the alternate domain. Ideally, you should use a
// completely separate domain name rather than just a different subdomain.
// It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you configure this. Your install is NOT
// SECURE unless you do so.
'security.alternate-file-domain' => null,
// Default key for HMAC digests where the key is not important (i.e., the
// hash itself is secret). You can change this if you want (to any other
// string), but doing so will break existing sessions and CSRF tokens.
'security.hmac-key' => '[D\t~Y7eNmnQGJ;rnH6aF;m2!vJ8@v8C=Cs:aQS\.Qw',
// If the web server responds to both HTTP and HTTPS requests but you want
// users to connect with only HTTPS, you can set this to true to make
// Phabricator redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.
// Normally, you should just configure your server not to accept HTTP traffic,
// but this setting may be useful if you originally used HTTP and have now
// switched to HTTPS but don't want to break old links, or if your webserver
// sits behind a load balancer which terminates HTTPS connections and you
// can not reasonably configure more granular behavior there.
// NOTE: Phabricator determines if a request is HTTPS or not by examining the
// PHP $_SERVER['HTTPS'] variable. If you run Apache/mod_php this will
// probably be set correctly for you automatically, but if you run Phabricator
// as CGI/FCGI (e.g., through nginx or lighttpd), you need to configure your
// web server so that it passes the value correctly based on the connection
// type. Alternatively, you can add a PHP snippet to the top of this
// configuration file to directly set $_SERVER['HTTPS'] to the correct value.
'security.require-https' => false,
// -- Internationalization -------------------------------------------------- //
// This allows customizing texts used in Phabricator. The class must extend
// PhabricatorTranslation.
'translation.provider' => 'PhabricatorEnglishTranslation',
// You can use 'translation.override' if you don't want to create a full
// translation to give users an option for switching to it and you just want
// to override some strings in the default translation.
'translation.override' => array(),
// -- Access Policies ------------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator allows you to set the visibility of objects (like repositories
// and source code) to "Public", which means anyone on the internet can see
// them, even without being logged in. This is great for open source, but
// some installs may never want to make anything public, so this policy is
// disabled by default. You can enable it here, which will let you set the
// policy for objects to "Public". With this option disabled, the most open
// policy is "All Users", which means users must be logged in to view things.
'policy.allow-public' => false,
// -- Logging --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// To enable the Phabricator access log, specify a path here. The Phabricator
// access log can provide more detailed information about Phabricator access
// than normal HTTP access logs (for instance, it can show logged-in users,
// controllers, and other application data). If not set, no log will be
// written.
// Make sure the PHP process can write to the log!
'log.access.path' => null,
// Format for the access log. If not set, the default format will be used:
// "[%D]\t%h\t%u\t%M\t%C\t%m\t%U\t%c\t%T"
// Available variables are:
// - %c The HTTP response code.
// - %C The controller which handled the request.
// - %D The request date.
// - %e Epoch timestamp.
// - %h The webserver's host name.
// - %p The PID of the server process.
// - %R The HTTP referrer.
// - %r The remote IP.
// - %T The request duration, in microseconds.
// - %U The request path.
// - %u The logged-in user, if one is logged in.
// - %M The HTTP method.
// - %m For conduit, the Conduit method which was invoked.
// If a variable isn't available (for example, %m appears in the file format
// but the request is not a Conduit request), it will be rendered as "-".
// Note that the default format is subject to change in the future, so if you
// rely on the log's format, specify it explicitly.
'log.access.format' => null,
// -- DarkConsole ----------------------------------------------------------- //
// DarkConsole is a administrative debugging/profiling tool built into
// Phabricator. You can leave it disabled unless you're developing against
// Phabricator.
// Determines whether or not DarkConsole is available. DarkConsole exposes
// some data like queries and stack traces, so you should be careful about
// turning it on in production (although users can not normally see it, even
// if the deployment configuration enables it).
'darkconsole.enabled' => false,
// Always enable DarkConsole, even for logged out users. This potentially
// exposes sensitive information to users, so make sure untrusted users can
// not access an install running in this mode. You should definitely leave
// this off in production. It is only really useful for using DarkConsole
// utilities to debug or profile logged-out pages. You must set
// 'darkconsole.enabled' to use this option.
'darkconsole.always-on' => false,
// Allows you to mask certain configuration values from appearing in the
// "Config" tab of DarkConsole.
'darkconsole.config-mask' => array(
// -- MySQL --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Class providing database configuration. It must implement
// DatabaseConfigurationProvider.
'mysql.configuration-provider' => 'DefaultDatabaseConfigurationProvider',
// The username to use when connecting to MySQL.
'mysql.user' => 'root',
// The password to use when connecting to MySQL.
'mysql.pass' => '',
// The MySQL server to connect to. If you want to connect to a different
// port than the default (which is 3306), specify it in the hostname
// (e.g.,
'' => 'localhost',
// The number of times to try reconnecting to the MySQL database
'mysql.connection-retries' => 3,
// Phabricator supports PHP extensions MySQL and MySQLi. It is possible to
// implement also other access mechanism (e.g. PDO_MySQL). The class must
// extend AphrontMySQLDatabaseConnectionBase.
'mysql.implementation' => 'AphrontMySQLDatabaseConnection',
// -- Notifications --------------------------------------------------------- //
'notification.enabled' => false,
// Client port for the realtime server to listen on, and for realtime clients
// to connect to. Use "localhost" if you are running the notification server
// on the same host as the web server.
'notification.client-uri' => 'http://localhost:22280/',
// URI and port for the notification root server.
'notification.server-uri' => 'http://localhost:22281/',
// The server must be started as root so it can bind to privileged ports, but
// if you specify a user here it will drop permissions after binding.
'notification.user' => null,
// Location where the server should log to.
'notification.log' => '/var/log/aphlict.log',
// PID file to use.
'notification.pidfile' => '/var/run/',
// Enable this option to get additional debug output in the browser.
'notification.debug' => false,
// -- Email ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Some Phabricator tools send email notifications, e.g. when Differential
// revisions are updated or Maniphest tasks are changed. These options allow
// you to configure how email is delivered.
// You can test your mail setup by going to "MetaMTA" in the web interface,
// clicking "Send New Message", and then composing a message.
// Default address to send mail "From".
'metamta.default-address' => '',
// Domain used to generate Message-IDs.
'metamta.domain' => '',
// When a message is sent to multiple recipients (for example, several
// reviewers on a code review), Phabricator can either deliver one email to
// everyone (e.g., "To: alincoln, usgrant, htaft") or separate emails to each
// user (e.g., "To: alincoln", "To: usgrant", "To: htaft"). The major
// advantages and disadvantages of each approach are:
// - One mail to everyone:
// - Recipients can see To/Cc at a glance.
// - If you use mailing lists, you won't get duplicate mail if you're
// a normal recipient and also Cc'd on a mailing list.
// - Getting threading to work properly is harder, and probably requires
// making mail less useful by turning off options.
// - Sometimes people will "Reply All" and everyone will get two mails,
// one from the user and one from Phabricator turning their mail into
// a comment.
// - Not supported with a private reply-to address.
// - Mails are sent in the server default translation.
// - One mail to each user:
// - Recipients need to look in the mail body to see To/Cc.
// - If you use mailing lists, recipients may sometimes get duplicate
// mail.
// - Getting threading to work properly is easier, and threading settings
// can be customzied by each user.
// - "Reply All" no longer spams all other users.
// - Required if private reply-to addresses are configured.
// - Mails are sent in the language of user preference.
// In the code, splitting one outbound email into one-per-recipient is
// sometimes referred to as "multiplexing".
'' => true,
// When sending a message that has no To recipient (i.e. all recipients
// are CC'd, for example when multiplexing mail), set the To field to the
// following value. If no value is set, messages with no To will have
// their CCs upgraded to To.
'metamta.placeholder-to-recipient' => null,
// When a user takes an action which generates an email notification (like
// commenting on a Differential revision), Phabricator can either send that
// mail "From" the user's email address (like "") or
// "From" the 'metamta.default-address' address. The user experience is
// generally better if Phabricator uses the user's real address as the "From"
// since the messages are easier to organize when they appear in mail clients,
// but this will only work if the server is authorized to send email on behalf
// of the "From" domain. Practically, this means:
// - If you are doing an install for Example Corp and all the users will
// have corporate addresses and any hosts Phabricator
// is running on are authorized to send email from,
// you can enable this to make the user experience a little better.
// - If you are doing an install for an open source project and your
// users will be registering via Facebook and using personal email
// addresses, you MUST NOT enable this or virtually all of your outgoing
// email will vanish into SFP blackholes.
// - If your install is anything else, you're much safer leaving this
// off since the risk in turning it on is that your outgoing mail will
// mostly never arrive.
'metamta.can-send-as-user' => false,
// Adapter class to use to transmit mail to the MTA. The default uses
// PHPMailerLite, which will invoke "sendmail". This is appropriate
// if sendmail actually works on your host, but if you haven't configured mail
// it may not be so great. You can also use Amazon SES, by changing this to
// 'PhabricatorMailImplementationAmazonSESAdapter', signing up for SES, and
// filling in your 'amazon-ses.access-key' and 'amazon-ses.secret-key' below.
'metamta.mail-adapter' =>
// When email is sent, try to hand it off to the MTA immediately instead of
// queueing it for delivery by the daemons. If you are running the Phabricator
// daemons with "phd start", you should disable this to provide a (sometimes
// substantial) performance boost. It's on by default to make setup and
// configuration a little easier.
'metamta.send-immediately' => true,
// If you're using Amazon SES to send email, provide your AWS access key
// and AWS secret key here. To set up Amazon SES with Phabricator, you need
// to:
// - Make sure 'metamta.mail-adapter' is set to:
// "PhabricatorMailImplementationAmazonSESAdapter"
// - Make sure 'metamta.can-send-as-user' is false.
// - Make sure 'metamta.default-address' is configured to something sensible.
// - Make sure 'metamta.default-address' is a validated SES "From" address.
'amazon-ses.access-key' => null,
'amazon-ses.secret-key' => null,
// If you're using Sendgrid to send email, provide your access credentials
// here. This will use the REST API. You can also use Sendgrid as a normal
// SMTP service.
'sendgrid.api-user' => null,
'sendgrid.api-key' => null,
// You can configure a reply handler domain so that email sent from Maniphest
// will have a special "Reply To" address like ""
// that allows recipients to reply by email and interact with tasks. For
// instructions on configurating reply handlers, see the article
// "Configuring Inbound Email" in the Phabricator documentation. By default,
// this is set to 'null' and Phabricator will use a generic 'noreply@' address
// or the address of the acting user instead of a special reply handler
// address (see 'metamta.default-address'). If you set a domain here,
// Phabricator will begin generating private reply handler addresses. See
// also 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler' to further configure behavior.
// This key should be set to the domain part after the @, like "".
'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler-domain' => null,
// You can follow the instructions in "Configuring Inbound Email" in the
// Phabricator documentation and set 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler-domain'
// to support updating Maniphest tasks by email. If you want more advanced
// customization than this provides, you can override the reply handler
// class with an implementation of your own. This will allow you to do things
// like have a single public reply handler or change how private reply
// handlers are generated and validated.
// This key should be set to a loadable subclass of
// PhabricatorMailReplyHandler (and possibly of ManiphestReplyHandler).
'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler' => 'ManiphestReplyHandler',
// If you don't want phabricator to take up an entire domain
// (or subdomain for that matter), you can use this and set a common
// prefix for mail sent by phabricator. It will make use of the fact that
// a mail-address such as will be
// delivered to the phabricator users mailbox.
// Set this to the left part of the email address and it well get
// prepended to all outgoing mail. If you want to use e.g.
// '' this should be set to 'phabricator'.
'metamta.single-reply-handler-prefix' => null,
// Prefix prepended to mail sent by Maniphest. You can change this to
// distinguish between testing and development installs, for example.
'metamta.maniphest.subject-prefix' => '[Maniphest]',
// See 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler-domain'. This does the same thing,
// but allows email replies via Differential.
'metamta.differential.reply-handler-domain' => null,
// See 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler'. This does the same thing, but
// affects Differential.
'metamta.differential.reply-handler' => 'DifferentialReplyHandler',
// Prefix prepended to mail sent by Differential.
'metamta.differential.subject-prefix' => '[Differential]',
// Set this to true if you want patches to be attached to mail from
// Differential. This won't work if you are using SendGrid as your mail
// adapter.
'metamta.differential.attach-patches' => false,
// To include patches in email bodies, set this to a positive integer. Patches
// will be inlined if they are at most that many lines. For instance, a value
// of 100 means "inline patches if they are no longer than 100 lines". By
// default, patches are not inlined.
'metamta.differential.inline-patches' => 0,
// If you enable either of the options above, you can choose what format
// patches are sent in. Valid options are 'unified' (like diff -u) or 'git'.
'metamta.differential.patch-format' => 'unified',
// Enables a different format for comments in differential emails.
// Differential will create unified diffs around the comment, which
// will give enough context for people who are only viewing the
// reviews in email to understand what is going on. The context will
// be created based on the range of the comment.
'metamta.differential.unified-comment-context' => false,
// Prefix prepended to mail sent by Diffusion.
'metamta.diffusion.subject-prefix' => '[Diffusion]',
// See 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler-domain'. This does the same thing,
// but allows email replies via Diffusion.
'metamta.diffusion.reply-handler-domain' => null,
// See 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler'. This does the same thing, but
// affects Diffusion.
'metamta.diffusion.reply-handler' => 'PhabricatorAuditReplyHandler',
// Set this to true if you want patches to be attached to commit notifications
// from Diffusion. This won't work with SendGrid.
'metamta.diffusion.attach-patches' => false,
// To include patches in Diffusion email bodies, set this to a positive
// integer. Patches will be inlined if they are at most that many lines.
// By default, patches are not inlined.
'metamta.diffusion.inline-patches' => 0,
// If you've enabled attached patches or inline patches for commit emails, you
// can establish a hard byte limit on their size. You should generally set
// reasonable byte and time limits (defaults are 1MB and 60 seconds) to avoid
// sending ridiculously enormous email for changes like "importing an external
// library" or "accidentally committed this full-length movie as text".
'metamta.diffusion.byte-limit' => 1024 * 1024,
// If you've enabled attached patches or inline patches for commit emails, you
// can establish a hard time limit on generating them.
'metamta.diffusion.time-limit' => 60,
// Prefix prepended to mail sent by Package.
'metamta.package.subject-prefix' => '[Package]',
// See 'metamta.maniphest.reply-handler'. This does similar thing for package
// except that it only supports sending out mail and doesn't handle incoming
// email.
'metamta.package.reply-handler' => 'OwnersPackageReplyHandler',
// By default, Phabricator generates unique reply-to addresses and sends a
// separate email to each recipient when you enable reply handling. This is
// more secure than using "From" to establish user identity, but can mean
// users may receive multiple emails when they are on mailing lists. Instead,
// you can use a single, non-unique reply to address and authenticate users
// based on the "From" address by setting this to 'true'. This trades away
// a little bit of security for convenience, but it's reasonable in many
// installs. Object interactions are still protected using hashes in the
// single public email address, so objects can not be replied to blindly.
'metamta.public-replies' => false,
// You can configure an email address like ""
// which will automatically create Maniphest tasks when users send email
// to it. This relies on the "From" address to authenticate users, so it is
// is not completely secure. To set this up, enter a complete email
// address like "" and then configure mail to
// that address so it routed to Phabricator (if you've already configured
// reply handlers, you're probably already done). See "Configuring Inbound
// Email" in the documentation for more information.
'metamta.maniphest.public-create-email' => null,
// If you enable 'metamta.public-replies', Phabricator uses "From" to
// authenticate users. You can additionally enable this setting to try to
// authenticate with 'Reply-To'. Note that this is completely spoofable and
// insecure (any user can set any 'Reply-To' address) but depending on the
// nature of your install or other deliverability conditions this might be
// okay. Generally, you can't do much more by spoofing Reply-To than be
// annoying (you can write but not read content). But, you know, this is
'metamta.insecure-auth-with-reply-to' => false,
// If you enable 'metamta.maniphest.public-create-email' and create an
// email address like "", it will default to
// rejecting mail which doesn't come from a known user. However, you might
// want to let anyone send email to this address; to do so, set a default
// author here (a Phabricator username). A typical use of this might be to
// create a "System Agent" user called "bugs" and use that name here. If you
// specify a valid username, mail will always be accepted and used to create
// a task, even if the sender is not a system user. The original email
// address will be stored in an 'From Email' field on the task.
'metamta.maniphest.default-public-author' => null,
// You can disable the Herald hints in email if users prefer smaller messages.
// These are the links under the headers "MANAGE HERALD RULES" and
// "WHY DID I GET THIS EMAIL?". If you set this to true, they will not appear
// in any mail. Users can still navigate to the links via the web interface.
'' => true,
// You can disable the hints under "REPLY HANDLER ACTIONS" if users prefer
// smaller messages. The actions themselves will still work properly.
'' => true,
// You can disable the "To:" and "Cc:" footers in mail if users prefer
// smaller messages.
'' => true,
// If this option is enabled, Phabricator will add a "Precedence: bulk"
// header to transactional mail (e.g., Differential, Maniphest and Herald
// notifications). This may improve the behavior of some auto-responder
// software and prevent it from replying. However, it may also cause
// deliverability issues -- notably, you currently can not send this header
// via Amazon SES, and enabling this option with SES will prevent delivery
// of any affected mail.
'metamta.precedence-bulk' => false,
// on OS X Lion won't respect threading headers unless the subject
// is prefixed with "Re:". If you enable this option, Phabricator will add
// "Re:" to the subject line of all mail which is expected to thread. If
// you've set '', users can override this
// setting in their preferences.
'' => false,
// If true, allow MetaMTA to change mail subjects to put text like
// '[Accepted]' and '[Commented]' in them. This makes subjects more useful,
// but might break threading on some clients. If you've set
// '', users can override this setting in their
// preferences.
'metamta.vary-subjects' => true,
// -- Auth ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Can users login with a username/password, or by following the link from
// a password reset email? You can disable this and configure one or more
// OAuth providers instead.
'auth.password-auth-enabled' => true,
// Maximum number of simultaneous web sessions each user is permitted to have.
// Setting this to "1" will prevent a user from logging in on more than one
// browser at the same time.
'auth.sessions.web' => 5,
// Maximum number of simultaneous Conduit sessions each user is permitted
// to have.
'auth.sessions.conduit' => 5,
// Set this true to enable the Settings -> SSH Public Keys panel, which will
// allow users to associated SSH public keys with their accounts. This is only
// really useful if you're setting up services over SSH and want to use
// Phabricator for authentication; in most situations you can leave this
// disabled.
'auth.sshkeys.enabled' => false,
// If true, email addresses must be verified (by clicking a link in an
// email) before a user can login. By default, verification is optional
// unless '' is nonempty (see below).
'auth.require-email-verification' => false,
// You can restrict allowed email addresses to certain domains (like
// "") by setting a list of allowed domains here. Users will
// only be allowed to register using email addresses at one of the domains,
// and will only be able to add new email addresses for these domains. If
// you configure this, it implies 'auth.require-email-verification'.
// To configure email domains, set a list of domains like this:
// array(
// '',
// '',
// )
// You should omit the "@" from domains. Note that the domain must match
// exactly. If you allow "", that permits ""
// but rejects "".
'' => array(),
// You can provide an arbitrary block of HTML here, which will appear on the
// login screen. Normally, you'd use this to provide login or registration
// instructions to users.
'auth.login-message' => null,
// -- Accounts -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Is basic account information (email, real name, profile picture) editable?
// If you set up Phabricator to automatically synchronize account information
// from some other authoritative system, you can disable this to ensure
// information remains consistent across both systems.
'account.editable' => true,
// When users set or reset a password, it must have at least this many
// characters.
'account.minimum-password-length' => 8,
// -- Facebook OAuth -------------------------------------------------------- //
// Can users use Facebook credentials to login to Phabricator?
'facebook.auth-enabled' => false,
// Can users use Facebook credentials to create new Phabricator accounts?
'facebook.registration-enabled' => true,
// Are Facebook accounts permanently linked to Phabricator accounts, or can
// the user unlink them?
'facebook.auth-permanent' => false,
// The Facebook "Application ID" to use for Facebook API access.
'facebook.application-id' => null,
// The Facebook "Application Secret" to use for Facebook API access.
'facebook.application-secret' => null,
// Should Phabricator reject requests made by users with
// Secure Browsing disabled?
'facebook.require-https-auth' => false,
// -- GitHub OAuth ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Can users use GitHub credentials to login to Phabricator?
'github.auth-enabled' => false,
// Can users use GitHub credentials to create new Phabricator accounts?
'github.registration-enabled' => true,
// Are GitHub accounts permanently linked to Phabricator accounts, or can
// the user unlink them?
'github.auth-permanent' => false,
// The GitHub "Client ID" to use for GitHub API access.
'github.application-id' => null,
// The GitHub "Secret" to use for GitHub API access.
'github.application-secret' => null,
// -- Google OAuth ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Can users use Google credentials to login to Phabricator?
'google.auth-enabled' => false,
// Can users use Google credentials to create new Phabricator accounts?
'google.registration-enabled' => true,
// Are Google accounts permanently linked to Phabricator accounts, or can
// the user unlink them?
'google.auth-permanent' => false,
// The Google "Client ID" to use for Google API access.
'google.application-id' => null,
// The Google "Client Secret" to use for Google API access.
'google.application-secret' => null,
// -- LDAP Auth ----------------------------------------------------- //
// Enable ldap auth
'ldap.auth-enabled' => false,
// The LDAP server hostname
'ldap.hostname' => '',
// The LDAP server port
'ldap.port' => 389,
// The LDAP base domain name
'ldap.base_dn' => '',
// The attribute to be regarded as 'username'. Has to be unique
'ldap.search_attribute' => '',
// Perform a search to find a user
// Many LDAP installations do not have the username in the dn, if this is
// true for you set this to true and configure the username_attribute below
'' => false,
// The attribute to search for if you have to search for a user
'ldap.username-attribute' => '',
// The attribute(s) to be regarded as 'real name'.
// If more then one attribute is supplied the values of the attributes in
// the array will be joined
'ldap.real_name_attributes' => array(),
// A domain name to use when authenticating against Active Directory
// (e.g. '')
'ldap.activedirectory_domain' => '',
// The LDAP version
'ldap.version' => 3,
// LDAP Referrals Option
// Whether referrals should be followed by the client
// Should be set to 0 if you use Windows 2003 AD
'ldap.referrals' => 1,
// -- Disqus OAuth ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Can users use Disqus credentials to login to Phabricator?
'disqus.auth-enabled' => false,
// Can users use Disqus credentials to create new Phabricator accounts?
'disqus.registration-enabled' => true,
// Are Disqus accounts permanently linked to Phabricator accounts, or can
// the user unlink them?
'disqus.auth-permanent' => false,
// The Disqus "Client ID" to use for Disqus API access.
'disqus.application-id' => null,
// The Disqus "Client Secret" to use for Disqus API access.
'disqus.application-secret' => null,
// -- Phabricator OAuth ----------------------------------------------------- //
// Meta-town -- Phabricator is itself an OAuth Provider
// TODO -- T887 -- make this support multiple Phabricator instances!
// The URI of the Phabricator instance to use as an OAuth server.
'phabricator.oauth-uri' => null,
// Can users use Phabricator credentials to login to Phabricator?
'phabricator.auth-enabled' => false,
// Can users use Phabricator credentials to create new Phabricator accounts?
'phabricator.registration-enabled' => true,
// Are Phabricator accounts permanently linked to Phabricator accounts, or can
// the user unlink them?
'phabricator.auth-permanent' => false,
// The Phabricator "Client ID" to use for Phabricator API access.
'phabricator.application-id' => null,
// The Phabricator "Client Secret" to use for Phabricator API access.
'phabricator.application-secret' => null,
-// -- Disqus Comments ------------------------------------------------------- //
- // Should Phame users have Disqus comment widget, and if so what's the
- // website shortname to use? For example, uses
- // "phabricator", which we registered with Disqus. If you aren't familiar
- // with Disqus, see:
- // Disqus quick start guide -
- // Information on shortnames -
- 'disqus.shortname' => null,
// -- Recaptcha ------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Is Recaptcha enabled? If disabled, captchas will not appear. You should
// enable Recaptcha if your install is public-facing, as it hinders
// brute-force attacks.
'recaptcha.enabled' => false,
// Your Recaptcha public key, obtained from Recaptcha.
'recaptcha.public-key' => null,
// Your Recaptcha private key, obtained from Recaptcha.
'recaptcha.private-key' => null,
// -- Misc ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// This is hashed with other inputs to generate CSRF tokens. If you want, you
// can change it to some other string which is unique to your install. This
// will make your install more secure in a vague, mostly theoretical way. But
// it will take you like 3 seconds of mashing on your keyboard to set it up so
// you might as well.
'phabricator.csrf-key' => '0b7ec0592e0a2829d8b71df2fa269b2c6172eca3',
// This is hashed with other inputs to generate mail tokens. If you want, you
// can change it to some other string which is unique to your install. In
// particular, you will want to do this if you accidentally send a bunch of
// mail somewhere you shouldn't have, to invalidate all old reply-to
// addresses.
'phabricator.mail-key' => '5ce3e7e8787f6e40dfae861da315a5cdf1018f12',
// Version string displayed in the footer. You can generate this value from
// Git log or from the current date in the deploy with a script like this:
// git log -n1 --pretty=%h > version.txt
// You can then use this generated value like this:
// 'phabricator.version' =>
// file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/version.txt'),
'phabricator.version' => 'UNSTABLE',
// PHP requires that you set a timezone in your php.ini before using date
// functions, or it will emit a warning. If this isn't possible (for instance,
// because you are using HPHP) you can set some valid constant for
// date_default_timezone_set() here and Phabricator will set it on your
// behalf, silencing the warning.
'phabricator.timezone' => null,
// When unhandled exceptions occur, stack traces are hidden by default.
// You can enable traces for development to make it easier to debug problems.
'' => false,
// Shows an error callout if a page generated PHP errors, warnings or notices.
// This makes it harder to miss problems while developing Phabricator.
'' => false,
// When users write comments which have URIs, they'll be automatically linked
// if the protocol appears in this set. This whitelist is primarily to prevent
// security issues like javascript:// URIs.
'uri.allowed-protocols' => array(
'http' => true,
'https' => true,
// Tokenizers are UI controls which let the user select other users, email
// addresses, project names, etc., by typing the first few letters and having
// the control autocomplete from a list. They can load their data in two ways:
// either in a big chunk up front, or as the user types. By default, the data
// is loaded in a big chunk. This is simpler and performs better for small
// datasets. However, if you have a very large number of users or projects,
// (in the ballpark of more than a thousand), loading all that data may become
// slow enough that it's worthwhile to query on demand instead. This makes
// the typeahead slightly less responsive but overall performance will be much
// better if you have a ton of stuff. You can figure out which setting is
// best for your install by changing this setting and then playing with a
// user tokenizer (like the user selectors in Maniphest or Differential) and
// seeing which setting loads faster and feels better.
'tokenizer.ondemand' => false,
// By default, Phabricator includes some silly nonsense in the UI, such as
// a submit button called "Clowncopterize" in Differential and a call to
// "Leap Into Action". If you'd prefer more traditional UI strings like
// "Submit", you can set this flag to disable most of the jokes and easter
// eggs.
'phabricator.serious-business' => false,
// -- Files ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Lists which uploaded file types may be viewed in the browser. If a file
// has a mime type which does not appear in this list, it will always be
// downloaded instead of displayed. This is mainly a usability
// consideration, since browsers tend to freak out when viewing enormous
// binary files.
// The keys in this array are viewable mime types; the values are the mime
// types they will be delivered as when they are viewed in the browser.
// IMPORTANT: Configure 'security.alternate-file-domain' above! Your install
// is NOT safe if it is left unconfigured.
'files.viewable-mime-types' => array(
'image/jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'image/jpg' => 'image/jpg',
'image/png' => 'image/png',
'image/gif' => 'image/gif',
'text/plain' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
'text/x-diff' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
// ".ico" favicon files, which have mime type diversity. See:
'image/x-ico' => 'image/x-icon',
'image/x-icon' => 'image/x-icon',
'image/' => 'image/x-icon',
// List of mime types which can be used as the source for an <img /> tag.
// This should be a subset of 'files.viewable-mime-types' and exclude files
// like text.
'files.image-mime-types' => array(
'image/jpeg' => true,
'image/jpg' => true,
'image/png' => true,
'image/gif' => true,
'image/x-ico' => true,
'image/x-icon' => true,
'image/' => true,
// Phabricator can proxy images from other servers so you can paste the URI
// to a funny picture of a cat into the comment box and have it show up as an
// image. However, this means the webserver Phabricator is running on will
// make HTTP requests to arbitrary URIs. If the server has access to internal
// resources, this could be a security risk. You should only enable it if you
// are installed entirely a VPN and VPN access is required to access
// Phabricator, or if the webserver has no special access to anything. If
// unsure, it is safer to leave this disabled.
'files.enable-proxy' => false,
// -- Storage --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator allows users to upload files, and can keep them in various
// storage engines. This section allows you to configure which engines
// Phabricator will use, and how it will use them.
// The largest filesize Phabricator will store in the MySQL BLOB storage
// engine, which just uses a database table to store files. While this isn't a
// best practice, it's really easy to set up. Set this to 0 to disable use of
// the MySQL blob engine.
'storage.mysql-engine.max-size' => 1000000,
// Phabricator provides a local disk storage engine, which just writes files
// to some directory on local disk. The webserver must have read/write
// permissions on this directory. This is straightforward and suitable for
// most installs, but will not scale past one web frontend unless the path
// is actually an NFS mount, since you'll end up with some of the files
// written to each web frontend and no way for them to share. To use the
// local disk storage engine, specify the path to a directory here. To
// disable it, specify null.
'storage.local-disk.path' => null,
// If you want to store files in Amazon S3, specify an AWS access and secret
// key here and a bucket name below.
'amazon-s3.access-key' => null,
'amazon-s3.secret-key' => null,
// Set this to a valid Amazon S3 bucket to store files there. You must also
// configure S3 access keys above.
'storage.s3.bucket' => null,
// Phabricator uses a storage engine selector to choose which storage engine
// to use when writing file data. If you add new storage engines or want to
// provide very custom rules (e.g., write images to one storage engine and
// other files to a different one), you can provide an alternate
// implementation here. The default engine will use choose MySQL, Local Disk,
// and S3, in that order, if they have valid configurations above and a file
// fits within configured limits.
'storage.engine-selector' => 'PhabricatorDefaultFileStorageEngineSelector',
// Set the size of the largest file a user may upload. This is used to render
// text like "Maximum file size: 10MB" on interfaces where users can upload
// files, and files larger than this size will be rejected.
// Specify this limit in bytes, or using a "K", "M", or "G" suffix.
// NOTE: Setting this to a large size is NOT sufficient to allow users to
// upload large files. You must also configure a number of other settings. To
// configure file upload limits, consult the article "Configuring File Upload
// Limits" in the documentation. Once you've configured some limit across all
// levels of the server, you can set this limit to an appropriate value and
// the UI will then reflect the actual configured limit.
'storage.upload-size-limit' => null,
// Phabricator puts databases in a namespace, which defualts to "phabricator"
// -- for instance, the Differential database is named
// "phabricator_differential" by default. You can change this namespace if you
// want. Normally, you should not do this unless you are developing
// Phabricator and using namespaces to separate multiple sandbox datasets.
'storage.default-namespace' => 'phabricator',
// -- Search ---------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator supports Elastic Search; to use it, specify a host like
// '' here.
'' => null,
// Phabricator uses a search engine selector to choose which search engine
// to use when indexing and reconstructing documents, and when executing
// queries. You can override the engine selector to provide a new selector
// class which can select some custom engine you implement, if you want to
// store your documents in some search engine which does not have default
// support.
'search.engine-selector' => 'PhabricatorDefaultSearchEngineSelector',
// -- Differential ---------------------------------------------------------- //
'differential.revision-custom-detail-renderer' => null,
// Array for custom remarkup rules. The array should have a list of
// class names of classes that extend PhutilRemarkupRule
'differential.custom-remarkup-rules' => null,
// Array for custom remarkup block rules. The array should have a list of
// class names of classes that extend PhutilRemarkupEngineBlockRule
'differential.custom-remarkup-block-rules' => null,
// Set display word-wrap widths for Differential. Specify a dictionary of
// regular expressions mapping to column widths. The filename will be matched
// against each regexp in order until one matches. The default configuration
// uses a width of 100 for Java and 80 for other languages. Note that 80 is
// the greatest column width of all time. Changes here will not be immediately
// reflected in old revisions unless you purge the changeset render cache
// (with `./scripts/util/purge_cache.php --changesets`).
'differential.wordwrap' => array(
'/\.java$/' => 100,
'/.*/' => 80,
// List of file regexps where whitespace is meaningful and should not
// use 'ignore-all' by default
'differential.whitespace-matters' => array(
'differential.field-selector' => 'DifferentialDefaultFieldSelector',
// Differential can show "Host" and "Path" fields on revisions, with
// information about the machine and working directory where the
// change came from. These fields are disabled by default because they may
// occasionally have sensitive information; you can set this to true to
// enable them.
'' => false,
// Differential has a required "Test Plan" field by default, which requires
// authors to fill out information about how they verified the correctness of
// their changes when sending code for review. If you'd prefer not to use
// this field, you can disable it here. You can also make it optional
// (instead of required) below.
'' => true,
// Differential has a required "Test Plan" field by default. You can make it
// optional by setting this to false. You can also completely remove it above,
// if you prefer.
'differential.require-test-plan-field' => true,
// If you set this to true, users can "!accept" revisions via email (normally,
// they can take other actions but can not "!accept"). This action is disabled
// by default because email authentication can be configured to be very weak,
// and, socially, email "!accept" is kind of sketchy and implies revisions may
// not actually be receiving thorough review.
'differential.enable-email-accept' => false,
// If you set this to true, users won't need to login to view differential
// revisions. Anonymous users will have read-only access and won't be able to
// interact with the revisions.
'differential.anonymous-access' => false,
// List of file regexps that should be treated as if they are generated by
// an automatic process, and thus get hidden by default in differential.
'differential.generated-paths' => array(
// '/config\.h$/',
// '#/autobuilt/#',
// If you set this to true, users can accept their own revisions. This action
// is disabled by default because it's most likely not a behavior you want,
// but it proves useful if you are working alone on a project and want to make
// use of all of differential's features.
'differential.allow-self-accept' => false,
// If you set this to true, any user can close any revision so long as it has
// been accepted. This can be useful depending on your development model. For
// example, github-style pull requests where the reviewer is often the
// actual committer can benefit from turning this option to true. If false,
// only the submitter can close a revision.
'differential.always-allow-close' => false,
// Revisions newer than this number of days are marked as fresh in Action
// Required and Revisions Waiting on You views. Only work days (not weekends
// and holidays) are included. Set to 0 to disable this feature.
'differential.days-fresh' => 1,
// Similar to 'differential.days-fresh' but marks stale revisions. If the
// revision is even older than it is marked as old.
'differential.days-stale' => 3,
// -- Maniphest ------------------------------------------------------------- //
'maniphest.enabled' => true,
// Array of custom fields for Maniphest tasks. For details on adding custom
// fields to Maniphest, see "Maniphest User Guide: Adding Custom Fields".
'maniphest.custom-fields' => array(),
// Class which drives custom field construction. See "Maniphest User Guide:
// Adding Custom Fields" in the documentation for more information.
'maniphest.custom-task-extensions-class' => 'ManiphestDefaultTaskExtensions',
// -- Phriction ------------------------------------------------------------- //
'phriction.enabled' => true,
+// -- Phame ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
+ // Should Phame users have Disqus comment widget, and if so what's the
+ // website shortname to use? For example, uses
+ // "phabricator", which we registered with Disqus. If you aren't familiar
+ // with Disqus, see:
+ // Disqus quick start guide -
+ // Information on shortnames -
+ 'disqus.shortname' => null,
// -- Remarkup -------------------------------------------------------------- //
// If you enable this, linked YouTube videos will be embeded inline. This has
// mild security implications (you'll leak referrers to YouTube) and is pretty
// silly (but sort of awesome).
'remarkup.enable-embedded-youtube' => false,
// -- Garbage Collection ---------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator generates various logs and caches in the database which can
// be garbage collected after a while to make the total data size more
// manageable. To run garbage collection, launch a
// PhabricatorGarbageCollector daemon.
// Since the GC daemon can issue large writes and table scans, you may want to
// run it only during off hours or make sure it is scheduled so it doesn't
// overlap with backups. This determines when the daemon can start running
// each day.
'' => '12 AM',
// How many seconds after '' the daemon may collect garbage
// for. By default it runs continuously, but you can set it to run for a
// limited period of time. For instance, if you do backups at 3 AM, you might
// run garbage collection for an hour beforehand. This is not a high-precision
// limit so you may want to leave some room for the GC to actually stop, and
// if you set it to something like 3 seconds you're on your own.
'' => 24 * 60 * 60,
// These 'ttl' keys configure how much old data the GC daemon keeps around.
// Objects older than the ttl will be collected. Set any value to 0 to store
// data indefinitely.
'gcdaemon.ttl.herald-transcripts' => 30 * (24 * 60 * 60),
'gcdaemon.ttl.daemon-logs' => 7 * (24 * 60 * 60),
'gcdaemon.ttl.differential-parse-cache' => 14 * (24 * 60 * 60),
'gcdaemon.ttl.markup-cache' => 30 * (24 * 60 * 60),
// -- Feed ------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// If you set this to true, you can embed Phabricator activity feeds in other
// pages using iframes. These feeds are completely public, and a login is not
// required to view them! This is intended for things like open source
// projects that want to expose an activity feed on the project homepage.
// NOTE: You must also set `policy.allow-public` to true for this setting
// to work properly.
'feed.public' => false,
// -- Drydock --------------------------------------------------------------- //
// If you want to use Drydock's builtin EC2 Blueprints, configure your AWS
// EC2 credentials here.
'amazon-ec2.access-key' => null,
'amazon-ec2.secret-key' => null,
// -- Customization --------------------------------------------------------- //
// Paths to additional phutil libraries to load.
'load-libraries' => array(),
'aphront.default-application-configuration-class' =>
'controller.oauth-registration' =>
// Directory that phd (the Phabricator daemon control script) should use to
// track running daemons.
'' => '/var/tmp/phd/pid',
// Directory that the Phabricator daemons should use to store the log file
'phd.log-directory' => '/var/tmp/phd/log',
// Number of "TaskMaster" daemons that "phd start" should start. You can
// raise this if you have a task backlog, or explicitly launch more with
// "phd launch <N> taskmaster".
'phd.start-taskmasters' => 4,
// Launch daemons in "verbose" mode by default. This creates a lot of output,
// but can help debug issues. Daemons launched in debug mode with "phd debug"
// are always launched in verbose mode. See also 'phd.trace'.
'phd.verbose' => false,
// Launch daemons in "trace" mode by default. This creates an ENORMOUS amount
// of output, but can help debug issues. Daemons launched in debug mode with
// "phd debug" are always launched in trace mdoe. See also 'phd.verbose'.
'phd.trace' => false,
// Path to custom celerity resource map relative to 'phabricator/src'.
// See also `scripts/celerity_mapper.php`.
'celerity.resource-path' => '__celerity_resource_map__.php',
// This value is an input to the hash function when building resource hashes.
// It has no security value, but if you accidentally poison user caches (by
// pushing a bad patch or having something go wrong with a CDN, e.g.) you can
// change this to something else and rebuild the Celerity map to break user
// caches. Unless you are doing Celerity development, it is exceptionally
// unlikely that you need to modify this.
'celerity.resource-hash' => 'd9455ea150622ee044f7931dabfa52aa',
// In a development environment, it is desirable to force static resources
// (CSS and JS) to be read from disk on every request, so that edits to them
// appear when you reload the page even if you haven't updated the resource
// maps. This setting ensures requests will be verified against the state on
// disk. Generally, you should leave this off in production (caching behavior
// and performance improve with it off) but turn it on in development. (These
// settings are the defaults.)
'celerity.force-disk-reads' => false,
// Minify static resources by removing whitespace and comments. You should
// enable this in production, but disable it in development.
'celerity.minify' => false,
// You can respond to various application events by installing listeners,
// which will receive callbacks when interesting things occur. Specify a list
// of classes which extend PhabricatorEventListener here.
'events.listeners' => array(),
// -- Syntax Highlighting --------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator can highlight PHP by default and use Pygments for other
// languages if enabled. You can provide a custom highlighter engine by
// extending class PhutilSyntaxHighlighterEngine.
'syntax-highlighter.engine' => 'PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighterEngine',
// If you want syntax highlighting for other languages than PHP then you can
// install the python package 'Pygments', make sure the 'pygmentize' script is
// available in the $PATH of the webserver, and then enable this.
'pygments.enabled' => false,
// In places that we display a dropdown to syntax-highlight code,
// this is where that list is defined.
// Syntax is 'lexer-name' => 'Display Name',
'pygments.dropdown-choices' => array(
'apacheconf' => 'Apache Configuration',
'bash' => 'Bash Scripting',
'brainfuck' => 'Brainf*ck',
'c' => 'C',
'cpp' => 'C++',
'css' => 'CSS',
'd' => 'D',
'diff' => 'Diff',
'django' => 'Django Templating',
'erb' => 'Embedded Ruby/ERB',
'erlang' => 'Erlang',
'haskell' => 'Haskell',
'html' => 'HTML',
'java' => 'Java',
'js' => 'Javascript',
'mysql' => 'MySQL',
'objc' => 'Objective-C',
'perl' => 'Perl',
'php' => 'PHP',
'rest' => 'reStructuredText',
'text' => 'Plain Text',
'python' => 'Python',
'rainbow' => 'Rainbow',
'remarkup' => 'Remarkup',
'ruby' => 'Ruby',
'xml' => 'XML',
// This is an override list of regular expressions which allows you to choose
// what language files are highlighted as. If your projects have certain rules
// about filenames or use unusual or ambiguous language extensions, you can
// create a mapping here. This is an ordered dictionary of regular expressions
// which will be tested against the filename. They should map to either an
// explicit language as a string value, or a numeric index into the captured
// groups as an integer.
'syntax.filemap' => array(
// Example: Treat all '*.xyz' files as PHP.
// '@\\.xyz$@' => 'php',
// Example: Treat 'httpd.conf' as 'apacheconf'.
// '@/httpd\\.conf$@' => 'apacheconf',
// Example: Treat all '*.x.bak' file as '.x'. NOTE: we map to capturing
// group 1 by specifying the mapping as "1".
// '@\\.([^.]+)\\.bak$@' => 1,
'@\.arcconfig$@' => 'js',
'@\.divinerconfig$@' => 'js',
// Set the default monospaced font style for users who haven't set a custom
// style.
'style.monospace' => '10px "Menlo", "Consolas", "Monaco", monospace',
// -- Debugging ------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Enable this to change HTTP redirects into normal pages with a link to the
// redirection target. For example, after you submit a form you'll get a page
// saying "normally, you'd be redirected...". This is useful to examine
// service or profiler information on write pathways, or debug redirects. It
// also makes the UX horrible for normal use, so you should enable it only
// when debugging.
// NOTE: This does not currently work for forms with Javascript "workflow",
// since the redirect happens in Javascript.
'debug.stop-on-redirect' => false,
// Set the rate for how often to do sampled profiling. On average, one
// request for every number of requests specified here will be sampled.
// Set this value to 0 to completely disable profiling. In a production
// environment, this value should either be set to 0 (to disable) or to
// a large number (to sample only a few requests).
'debug.profile-rate' => 0,
// -- Previews ------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Turn on to enable the "viewport" meta tag. This is a preview feature which
// will improve the usability of Phabricator on phones and tablets once it
// is ready.
'preview.viewport-meta-tag' => false,
// -- Environment ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Phabricator occasionally shells out to other binaries on the server.
// An example of this is the "pygmentize" command, used to syntax-highlight
// code written in languages other than PHP. By default, it is assumed that
// these binaries are in the $PATH of the user running Phabricator (normally
// 'apache', 'httpd', or 'nobody'). Here you can add extra directories to
// the $PATH environment variable, for when these binaries are in non-standard
// locations.
'environment.append-paths' => array(),
diff --git a/resources/sql/patches/phamedomain.sql b/resources/sql/patches/phamedomain.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..066fa37e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/sql/patches/phamedomain.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ALTER TABLE `{$NAMESPACE}_phame`.`phame_blog`
+ ADD COLUMN `domain` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin
+ AFTER `description`,
+ ADD UNIQUE KEY (`domain`);
diff --git a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
index 8220980ba6..c288c059d0 100644
--- a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
+++ b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontApplicationConfiguration.php
@@ -1,199 +1,235 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @task routing URI Routing
* @group aphront
abstract class AphrontApplicationConfiguration {
private $request;
private $host;
private $path;
private $console;
abstract public function getApplicationName();
abstract public function getURIMap();
abstract public function buildRequest();
abstract public function build404Controller();
abstract public function buildRedirectController($uri);
final public function setRequest(AphrontRequest $request) {
$this->request = $request;
return $this;
final public function getRequest() {
return $this->request;
final public function getConsole() {
return $this->console;
final public function setConsole($console) {
$this->console = $console;
return $this;
final public function setHost($host) {
$this->host = $host;
return $this;
final public function getHost() {
return $this->host;
final public function setPath($path) {
$this->path = $path;
return $this;
final public function getPath() {
return $this->path;
public function willBuildRequest() {
* Hook for synchronizing account information from OAuth workflows.
* @task hook
public function willAuthenticateUserWithOAuth(
PhabricatorUser $user,
PhabricatorUserOAuthInfo $oauth_info,
PhabricatorOAuthProvider $provider) {
/* -( URI Routing )-------------------------------------------------------- */
* Using builtin and application routes, build the appropriate
* @{class:AphrontController} class for the request. To route a request, we
- * test the URI against all builtin routes from @{method:getURIMap}, then
- * against all application routes from installed
- * @{class:PhabricatorApplication}s.
+ * first test if the HTTP_HOST is configured as a valid Phabricator URI. If
+ * it isn't, we do a special check to see if it's a custom domain for a blog
+ * in the Phame application and if that fails we error. Otherwise, we test
+ * the URI against all builtin routes from @{method:getURIMap}, then against
+ * all application routes from installed @{class:PhabricatorApplication}s.
* If we match a route, we construct the controller it points at, build it,
* and return it.
* If we fail to match a route, but the current path is missing a trailing
* "/", we try routing the same path with a trailing "/" and do a redirect
* if that has a valid route. The idea is to canoncalize URIs for consistency,
* but avoid breaking noncanonical URIs that we can easily salvage.
* NOTE: We only redirect on GET. On POST, we'd drop parameters and most
* likely mutate the request implicitly, and a bad POST usually indicates a
* programming error rather than a sloppy typist.
* If the failing path already has a trailing "/", or we can't route the
* version with a "/", we call @{method:build404Controller}, which build a
* fallback @{class:AphrontController}.
* @return pair<AphrontController,dict> Controller and dictionary of request
* parameters.
* @task routing
final public function buildController() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
- $path = $request->getPath();
if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.require-https')) {
if (!$request->isHTTPS()) {
$uri = $request->getRequestURI();
return $this->buildRedirectController($uri);
+ $path = $request->getPath();
+ $host = $request->getHost();
+ $base_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.base-uri');
+ $prod_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.production-uri');
+ $file_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain');
+ if ($host != id(new PhutilURI($base_uri))->getDomain() &&
+ $host != id(new PhutilURI($prod_uri))->getDomain() &&
+ $host != id(new PhutilURI($file_uri))->getDomain()) {
+ $blogs = id(new PhameBlogQuery())->withDomain($host)->execute();
+ $blog = reset($blogs);
+ if (!$blog) {
+ if ($prod_uri) {
+ $prod_str = ' or '.$prod_uri;
+ } else {
+ $prod_str = '';
+ }
+ throw new Exception(
+ 'Specified domain '.$host.' is not configured for Phabricator '.
+ 'requests. Please use '.$base_uri.$prod_str.' to visit this instance.'
+ );
+ }
+ // 2 basic cases
+ // -- looking at a list of blog posts, path is nothing or '/'
+ // -- looking at an actual blog post, path is like /btrahan/post_title
+ if (!$path || $path == '/') {
+ $path = $blog->getViewURI();
+ } else {
+ $path = '/phame/posts/'.trim($path, '/').'/';
+ }
+ // TODO - now we need to tell Celerity to render static resources with
+ // full URIs like
+ }
list($controller, $uri_data) = $this->buildControllerForPath($path);
if (!$controller) {
if (!preg_match('@/$@', $path)) {
// If we failed to match anything but don't have a trailing slash, try
// to add a trailing slash and issue a redirect if that resolves.
list($controller, $uri_data) = $this->buildControllerForPath($path.'/');
// NOTE: For POST, just 404 instead of redirecting, since the redirect
// will be a GET without parameters.
if ($controller && !$request->isHTTPPost()) {
$uri = $request->getRequestURI()->setPath($path.'/');
return $this->buildRedirectController($uri);
return $this->build404Controller();
return array($controller, $uri_data);
* Map a specific path to the corresponding controller. For a description
* of routing, see @{method:buildController}.
* @return pair<AphrontController,dict> Controller and dictionary of request
* parameters.
* @task routing
final public function buildControllerForPath($path) {
$maps = array();
$maps[] = array(null, $this->getURIMap());
$applications = PhabricatorApplication::getAllInstalledApplications();
foreach ($applications as $application) {
$maps[] = array($application, $application->getRoutes());
$current_application = null;
$controller_class = null;
foreach ($maps as $map_info) {
list($application, $map) = $map_info;
$mapper = new AphrontURIMapper($map);
list($controller_class, $uri_data) = $mapper->mapPath($path);
if ($controller_class) {
if ($application) {
$current_application = $application;
if (!$controller_class) {
return array(null, null);
$request = $this->getRequest();
$controller = newv($controller_class, array($request));
if ($current_application) {
return array($controller, $uri_data);
diff --git a/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogEditController.php b/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogEditController.php
index e7a806049a..7aa6ba4328 100644
--- a/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogEditController.php
+++ b/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogEditController.php
@@ -1,237 +1,260 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @group phame
final class PhameBlogEditController
extends PhameController {
private $phid;
private $isBlogEdit;
private function setBlogPHID($phid) {
$this->phid = $phid;
return $this;
private function getBlogPHID() {
return $this->phid;
private function setIsBlogEdit($is_blog_edit) {
$this->isBlogEdit = $is_blog_edit;
return $this;
private function isBlogEdit() {
return $this->isBlogEdit;
protected function getSideNavFilter() {
if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
$filter = 'blog/edit/'.$this->getBlogPHID();
} else {
$filter = 'blog/new';
return $filter;
protected function getSideNavBlogFilters() {
$filters = parent::getSideNavBlogFilters();
if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
$filter =
array('key' => 'blog/edit/'.$this->getBlogPHID(),
'name' => 'Edit Blog');
$filters[] = $filter;
} else {
$filter =
array('key' => 'blog/new',
'name' => 'New Blog');
array_unshift($filters, $filter);
return $filters;
public function willProcessRequest(array $data) {
$phid = idx($data, 'phid');
public function processRequest() {
- $request = $this->getRequest();
- $user = $request->getUser();
- $e_name = null;
- $e_bloggers = null;
- $errors = array();
+ $request = $this->getRequest();
+ $user = $request->getUser();
+ $e_name = null;
+ $e_bloggers = null;
+ $e_custom_domain = null;
+ $errors = array();
if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
$blogs = id(new PhameBlogQuery())
$blog = reset($blogs);
if (empty($blog)) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$bloggers = $blog->loadBloggers()->getBloggers();
// TODO -- make this check use a policy
if (!isset($bloggers[$user->getPHID()]) &&
!$user->isAdmin()) {
return new Aphront403Response();
$blogger_tokens = mpull($bloggers, 'getFullName', 'getPHID');
$submit_button = 'Save Changes';
$delete_button = javelin_render_tag(
'href' => $blog->getDeleteURI(),
'class' => 'grey button',
'sigil' => 'workflow',
'Delete Blog');
$page_title = 'Edit Blog';
} else {
$blog = id(new PhameBlog())
$blogger_tokens = array($user->getPHID() => $user->getFullName());
$submit_button = 'Create Blog';
$delete_button = null;
$page_title = 'Create Blog';
if ($request->isFormPost()) {
- $saved = true;
- $name = $request->getStr('name');
- $description = $request->getStr('description');
- $blogger_arr = $request->getArr('bloggers');
+ $saved = true;
+ $name = $request->getStr('name');
+ $description = $request->getStr('description');
+ $blogger_arr = $request->getArr('bloggers');
+ $custom_domain = $request->getStr('custom_domain');
if (empty($blogger_arr)) {
$error = 'Bloggers must be nonempty.';
if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
$error .= ' To delete the blog, use the delete button.';
} else {
$error .= ' A blog cannot exist without bloggers.';
$e_bloggers = 'Required';
$errors[] = $error;
$new_bloggers = array_values($blogger_arr);
if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
$old_bloggers = array_keys($blogger_tokens);
} else {
$old_bloggers = array();
if (empty($name)) {
$errors[] = 'Name must be nonempty.';
$e_name = 'Required';
+ if (!empty($custom_domain)) {
+ $error = $blog->validateCustomDomain($custom_domain);
+ if ($error) {
+ $errors[] = $error;
+ $e_custom_domain = 'Invalid';
+ }
+ $blog->setDomain($custom_domain);
+ }
if (empty($errors)) {
$add_phids = $new_bloggers;
$rem_phids = array_diff($old_bloggers, $new_bloggers);
$editor = new PhabricatorEdgeEditor();
$edge_type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_BLOG_HAS_BLOGGER;
foreach ($add_phids as $phid) {
$editor->addEdge($blog->getPHID(), $edge_type, $phid);
foreach ($rem_phids as $phid) {
$editor->removeEdge($blog->getPHID(), $edge_type, $phid);
} else {
$saved = false;
if ($saved) {
$uri = new PhutilURI($blog->getViewURI());
- $uri->setQueryParam('new', true);
+ if ($this->isBlogEdit()) {
+ $uri->setQueryParam('edit', true);
+ } else {
+ $uri->setQueryParam('new', true);
+ }
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())
$panel = new AphrontPanelView();
if ($delete_button) {
$form = id(new AphrontFormView())
id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
id(new PhabricatorRemarkupControl())
id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl())
- ->appendChild(
- id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
+ ->appendChild(
+ id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
+ ->setLabel('Custom Domain')
+ ->setName('custom_domain')
+ ->setValue($blog->getDomain())
+ ->setCaption('Must include at least one dot (.), e.g. '.
+ '')
+ ->setError($e_custom_domain)
+ )
+ ->appendChild(
+ id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())
if ($errors) {
$error_view = id(new AphrontErrorView())
->setTitle('Errors saving blog.')
} else {
$error_view = null;
return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(
'title' => $page_title,
diff --git a/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogViewController.php b/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogViewController.php
index 3bb2d94b3a..7ed20e82af 100644
--- a/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogViewController.php
+++ b/src/applications/phame/controller/blog/PhameBlogViewController.php
@@ -1,169 +1,173 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @group phame
final class PhameBlogViewController
extends PhameController {
private $blogPHID;
private $bloggerPHIDs;
private $postPHIDs;
private function setPostPHIDs($post_phids) {
$this->postPHIDs = $post_phids;
return $this;
private function getPostPHIDs() {
return $this->postPHIDs;
private function setBloggerPHIDs($blogger_phids) {
$this->bloggerPHIDs = $blogger_phids;
return $this;
private function getBloggerPHIDs() {
return $this->bloggerPHIDs;
private function setBlogPHID($blog_phid) {
$this->blogPHID = $blog_phid;
return $this;
private function getBlogPHID() {
return $this->blogPHID;
protected function getSideNavFilter() {
$filter = 'blog/view/'.$this->getBlogPHID();
return $filter;
protected function getSideNavExtraBlogFilters() {
$filters = array(
array('key' => $this->getSideNavFilter(),
'name' => $this->getPhameTitle())
return $filters;
public function willProcessRequest(array $data) {
$this->setBlogPHID(idx($data, 'phid'));
public function processRequest() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
$user = $request->getUser();
$blog_phid = $this->getBlogPHID();
$blogs = id(new PhameBlogQuery())
$blog = reset($blogs);
if (!$blog) {
return new Aphront404Response();
$blogger_phids = $this->getBloggerPHIDs();
if ($blogger_phids) {
$bloggers = $this->loadViewerHandles($blogger_phids);
} else {
$bloggers = array();
$post_phids = $this->getPostPHIDs();
if ($post_phids) {
$posts = id(new PhamePostQuery())
} else {
$posts = array();
$actions = array('view');
$is_admin = false;
// TODO -- make this check use a policy
if (isset($bloggers[$user->getPHID()])) {
$actions[] = 'edit';
$is_admin = true;
if ($request->getExists('new')) {
$notice = $this->buildNoticeView()
->setTitle('Successfully created your blog.')
->appendChild('Time to write some posts.');
+ } else if ($request->getExists('edit')) {
+ $notice = $this->buildNoticeView()
+ ->setTitle('Successfully edited your blog.')
+ ->appendChild('Time to write some posts.');
} else {
$notice = null;
$details = id(new PhameBlogDetailView())
$panel = id(new PhamePostListView())
return $this->buildStandardPageResponse(
'title' => $blog->getName(),
private function loadEdges() {
$edge_types = array(
$blog_phid = $this->getBlogPHID();
$phids = array($blog_phid);
$edges = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery())
$blogger_phids = array_keys(
$post_phids = array_keys(
diff --git a/src/applications/phame/query/PhameBlogQuery.php b/src/applications/phame/query/PhameBlogQuery.php
index b68ed4894d..31159d5ca6 100644
--- a/src/applications/phame/query/PhameBlogQuery.php
+++ b/src/applications/phame/query/PhameBlogQuery.php
@@ -1,108 +1,123 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @group phame
final class PhameBlogQuery extends PhabricatorOffsetPagedQuery {
private $phids;
+ private $domain;
private $needBloggers;
public function withPHIDs($phids) {
$this->phids = $phids;
return $this;
+ public function withDomain($domain) {
+ $this->domain = $domain;
+ return $this;
+ }
public function needBloggers($need_bloggers) {
$this->needBloggers = $need_bloggers;
return $this;
public function execute() {
$table = new PhameBlog();
$conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r');
$where_clause = $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r);
$order_clause = $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r);
$limit_clause = $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r);
$data = queryfx_all(
'SELECT * FROM %T b %Q %Q %Q',
$blogs = $table->loadAllFromArray($data);
if ($blogs) {
if ($this->needBloggers) {
return $blogs;
private function loadBloggers(array $blogs) {
assert_instances_of($blogs, 'PhameBlog');
$blog_phids = mpull($blogs, 'getPHID');
$edge_types = array(PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_BLOG_HAS_BLOGGER);
$query = new PhabricatorEdgeQuery();
$all_blogger_phids = $query->getDestinationPHIDs(
$handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($all_blogger_phids))
foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
$blogger_phids = $query->getDestinationPHIDs(
$blog->attachBloggers(array_select_keys($handles, $blogger_phids));
private function buildWhereClause($conn_r) {
$where = array();
if ($this->phids) {
$where[] = qsprintf(
'phid IN (%Ls)',
- $this->phids);
+ $this->phids
+ );
+ }
+ if ($this->domain) {
+ $where[] = qsprintf(
+ $conn_r,
+ 'domain = %s',
+ $this->domain
+ );
return $this->formatWhereClause($where);
private function buildOrderClause($conn_r) {
return 'ORDER BY id DESC';
diff --git a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php
index b5b5a3a52d..f33a7da0a7 100644
--- a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php
+++ b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php
@@ -1,135 +1,168 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @group phame
final class PhameBlog extends PhameDAO {
protected $id;
protected $phid;
protected $name;
protected $description;
+ protected $domain;
protected $configData;
protected $creatorPHID;
private $bloggerPHIDs;
private $bloggers;
public function getConfiguration() {
return array(
self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true,
'configData' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON,
) + parent::getConfiguration();
public function generatePHID() {
return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(
+ /**
+ * Makes sure a given custom blog uri is properly configured in DNS
+ * to point at this Phabricator instance. If there is an error in
+ * the configuration, return a string describing the error and how
+ * to fix it. If there is no error, return an empty string.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function validateCustomDomain($custom_domain) {
+ $example_domain = '(e.g.';
+ $valid = '';
+ // note this "uri" should be pretty busted given the desired input
+ // so just use it to test if there's a protocol specified
+ $uri = new PhutilURI($custom_domain);
+ if ($uri->getProtocol()) {
+ return 'Do not specify a protocol, just the domain. '.$example_domain;
+ }
+ if (strpos($custom_domain, '/') !== false) {
+ return 'Do not specify a path, just the domain. '.$example_domain;
+ }
+ if (strpos($custom_domain, '.') === false) {
+ return 'Custom domain must contain at least one dot (.) because '.
+ 'some browsers fail to set cookies on domains such as '.
+ 'http://example. '.$example_domain;
+ }
+ return $valid;
+ }
public function loadBloggerPHIDs() {
if (!$this->getPHID()) {
return $this;
if ($this->bloggerPHIDs) {
return $this;
$this->bloggerPHIDs = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs(
return $this;
public function getBloggerPHIDs() {
if ($this->bloggerPHIDs === null) {
throw new Exception(
'You must loadBloggerPHIDs before you can getBloggerPHIDs!'
return $this->bloggerPHIDs;
public function loadBloggers() {
if ($this->bloggers) {
return $this->bloggers;
$blogger_phids = $this->loadBloggerPHIDs()->getBloggerPHIDs();
if (empty($blogger_phids)) {
return array();
$bloggers = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($blogger_phids))
return $this;
public function attachBloggers(array $bloggers) {
assert_instances_of($bloggers, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle');
$this->bloggers = $bloggers;
return $this;
public function getBloggers() {
if ($this->bloggers === null) {
throw new Exception(
'You must loadBloggers or attachBloggers before you can getBloggers!'
return $this->bloggers;
public function getPostListURI() {
return $this->getActionURI('posts');
public function getViewURI() {
return $this->getActionURI('view');
public function getEditURI() {
return $this->getActionURI('edit');
public function getEditFilter() {
return 'blog/edit/'.$this->getPHID();
public function getDeleteURI() {
return $this->getActionURI('delete');
private function getActionURI($action) {
return '/phame/blog/'.$action.'/'.$this->getPHID().'/';
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php b/src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
index 33cfa46ac4..35c3986953 100644
--- a/src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
@@ -1,994 +1,999 @@
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
final class PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList extends PhabricatorSQLPatchList {
public function getNamespace() {
return 'phabricator';
private function getPatchPath($file) {
$root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
$path = $root.'/resources/sql/patches/'.$file;
// Make sure it exists.
return $path;
public function getPatches() {
return array(
'db.audit' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'audit',
'after' => array( /* First Patch */ ),
'db.calendar' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'calendar',
'db.chatlog' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'chatlog',
'db.conduit' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'conduit',
'db.countdown' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'countdown',
'db.daemon' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'daemon',
'db.differential' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'differential',
'db.draft' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'draft',
'db.drydock' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'drydock',
'db.feed' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'feed',
'db.file' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'file',
'db.flag' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'flag',
'db.harbormaster' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'harbormaster',
'db.herald' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'herald',
'db.maniphest' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'maniphest',
'db.meta_data' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'meta_data',
'db.metamta' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'metamta',
'db.oauth_server' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'oauth_server',
'db.owners' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'owners',
'db.pastebin' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'pastebin',
'db.phame' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'phame',
'db.phriction' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'phriction',
'db.project' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'project',
'db.repository' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'repository',
'' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'search',
'db.slowvote' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'slowvote',
'db.timeline' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'timeline',
'db.user' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'user',
'db.worker' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'worker',
'db.xhpastview' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'xhpastview',
'db.cache' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'cache',
'db.fact' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'fact',
'db.ponder' => array(
'type' => 'db',
'name' => 'ponder',
'0000.legacy.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('0000.legacy.sql'),
'legacy' => 0,
'000.project.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('000.project.sql'),
'legacy' => 0,
'001.maniphest_projects.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('001.maniphest_projects.sql'),
'legacy' => 1,
'002.oauth.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('002.oauth.sql'),
'legacy' => 2,
'003.more_oauth.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('003.more_oauth.sql'),
'legacy' => 3,
'004.daemonrepos.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('004.daemonrepos.sql'),
'legacy' => 4,
'005.workers.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('005.workers.sql'),
'legacy' => 5,
'006.repository.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('006.repository.sql'),
'legacy' => 6,
'007.daemonlog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('007.daemonlog.sql'),
'legacy' => 7,
'008.repoopt.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('008.repoopt.sql'),
'legacy' => 8,
'009.repo_summary.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('009.repo_summary.sql'),
'legacy' => 9,
'010.herald.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('010.herald.sql'),
'legacy' => 10,
'011.badcommit.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('011.badcommit.sql'),
'legacy' => 11,
'012.dropphidtype.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('012.dropphidtype.sql'),
'legacy' => 12,
'013.commitdetail.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('013.commitdetail.sql'),
'legacy' => 13,
'014.shortcuts.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('014.shortcuts.sql'),
'legacy' => 14,
'015.preferences.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('015.preferences.sql'),
'legacy' => 15,
'016.userrealnameindex.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('016.userrealnameindex.sql'),
'legacy' => 16,
'017.sessionkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('017.sessionkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 17,
'018.owners.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('018.owners.sql'),
'legacy' => 18,
'019.arcprojects.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('019.arcprojects.sql'),
'legacy' => 19,
'020.pathcapital.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('020.pathcapital.sql'),
'legacy' => 20,
'021.xhpastview.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('021.xhpastview.sql'),
'legacy' => 21,
'022.differentialcommit.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('022.differentialcommit.sql'),
'legacy' => 22,
'023.dxkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('023.dxkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 23,
'024.mlistkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('024.mlistkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 24,
'025.commentopt.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('025.commentopt.sql'),
'legacy' => 25,
'026.diffpropkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('026.diffpropkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 26,
'027.metamtakeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('027.metamtakeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 27,
'028.systemagent.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('028.systemagent.sql'),
'legacy' => 28,
'029.cursors.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('029.cursors.sql'),
'legacy' => 29,
'030.imagemacro.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('030.imagemacro.sql'),
'legacy' => 30,
'031.workerrace.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('031.workerrace.sql'),
'legacy' => 31,
'032.viewtime.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('032.viewtime.sql'),
'legacy' => 32,
'033.privtest.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('033.privtest.sql'),
'legacy' => 33,
'034.savedheader.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('034.savedheader.sql'),
'legacy' => 34,
'035.proxyimage.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('035.proxyimage.sql'),
'legacy' => 35,
'036.mailkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('036.mailkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 36,
'037.setuptest.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('037.setuptest.sql'),
'legacy' => 37,
'038.admin.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('038.admin.sql'),
'legacy' => 38,
'039.userlog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('039.userlog.sql'),
'legacy' => 39,
'040.transform.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('040.transform.sql'),
'legacy' => 40,
'041.heraldrepetition.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('041.heraldrepetition.sql'),
'legacy' => 41,
'042.commentmetadata.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('042.commentmetadata.sql'),
'legacy' => 42,
'043.pastebin.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('043.pastebin.sql'),
'legacy' => 43,
'044.countdown.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('044.countdown.sql'),
'legacy' => 44,
'045.timezone.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('045.timezone.sql'),
'legacy' => 45,
'046.conduittoken.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('046.conduittoken.sql'),
'legacy' => 46,
'047.projectstatus.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('047.projectstatus.sql'),
'legacy' => 47,
'048.relationshipkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('048.relationshipkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 48,
'049.projectowner.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('049.projectowner.sql'),
'legacy' => 49,
'050.taskdenormal.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('050.taskdenormal.sql'),
'legacy' => 50,
'051.projectfilter.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('051.projectfilter.sql'),
'legacy' => 51,
'052.pastelanguage.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('052.pastelanguage.sql'),
'legacy' => 52,
'053.feed.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('053.feed.sql'),
'legacy' => 53,
'054.subscribers.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('054.subscribers.sql'),
'legacy' => 54,
'055.add_author_to_files.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('055.add_author_to_files.sql'),
'legacy' => 55,
'056.slowvote.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('056.slowvote.sql'),
'legacy' => 56,
'057.parsecache.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('057.parsecache.sql'),
'legacy' => 57,
'058.missingkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('058.missingkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 58,
'059.engines.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('059.engines.php'),
'legacy' => 59,
'060.phriction.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('060.phriction.sql'),
'legacy' => 60,
'061.phrictioncontent.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('061.phrictioncontent.sql'),
'legacy' => 61,
'062.phrictionmenu.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('062.phrictionmenu.sql'),
'legacy' => 62,
'063.pasteforks.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('063.pasteforks.sql'),
'legacy' => 63,
'064.subprojects.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('064.subprojects.sql'),
'legacy' => 64,
'065.sshkeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('065.sshkeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 65,
'066.phrictioncontent.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('066.phrictioncontent.sql'),
'legacy' => 66,
'067.preferences.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('067.preferences.sql'),
'legacy' => 67,
'068.maniphestauxiliarystorage.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('068.maniphestauxiliarystorage.sql'),
'legacy' => 68,
'069.heraldxscript.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('069.heraldxscript.sql'),
'legacy' => 69,
'070.differentialaux.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('070.differentialaux.sql'),
'legacy' => 70,
'071.contentsource.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('071.contentsource.sql'),
'legacy' => 71,
'072.blamerevert.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('072.blamerevert.sql'),
'legacy' => 72,
'073.reposymbols.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('073.reposymbols.sql'),
'legacy' => 73,
'074.affectedpath.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('074.affectedpath.sql'),
'legacy' => 74,
'075.revisionhash.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('075.revisionhash.sql'),
'legacy' => 75,
'076.indexedlanguages.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('076.indexedlanguages.sql'),
'legacy' => 76,
'077.originalemail.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('077.originalemail.sql'),
'legacy' => 77,
'078.nametoken.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('078.nametoken.sql'),
'legacy' => 78,
'079.nametokenindex.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('079.nametokenindex.php'),
'legacy' => 79,
'080.filekeys.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('080.filekeys.sql'),
'legacy' => 80,
'081.filekeys.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('081.filekeys.php'),
'legacy' => 81,
'082.xactionkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('082.xactionkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 82,
'083.dxviewtime.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('083.dxviewtime.sql'),
'legacy' => 83,
'084.pasteauthorkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('084.pasteauthorkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 84,
'085.packagecommitrelationship.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('085.packagecommitrelationship.sql'),
'legacy' => 85,
'086.formeraffil.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('086.formeraffil.sql'),
'legacy' => 86,
'087.phrictiondelete.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('087.phrictiondelete.sql'),
'legacy' => 87,
'088.audit.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('088.audit.sql'),
'legacy' => 88,
'089.projectwiki.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('089.projectwiki.sql'),
'legacy' => 89,
'090.forceuniqueprojectnames.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('090.forceuniqueprojectnames.php'),
'legacy' => 90,
'091.uniqueslugkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('091.uniqueslugkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 91,
'092.dropgithubnotification.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('092.dropgithubnotification.sql'),
'legacy' => 92,
'093.gitremotes.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('093.gitremotes.php'),
'legacy' => 93,
'094.phrictioncolumn.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('094.phrictioncolumn.sql'),
'legacy' => 94,
'' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath(''),
'legacy' => 95,
'096.filename.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('096.filename.sql'),
'legacy' => 96,
'097.heraldruletypes.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('097.heraldruletypes.sql'),
'legacy' => 97,
'098.heraldruletypemigration.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('098.heraldruletypemigration.php'),
'legacy' => 98,
'099.drydock.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('099.drydock.sql'),
'legacy' => 99,
'100.projectxaction.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('100.projectxaction.sql'),
'legacy' => 100,
'101.heraldruleapplied.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('101.heraldruleapplied.sql'),
'legacy' => 101,
'102.heraldcleanup.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('102.heraldcleanup.php'),
'legacy' => 102,
'103.heraldedithistory.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('103.heraldedithistory.sql'),
'legacy' => 103,
'104.searchkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('104.searchkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 104,
'105.mimetype.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('105.mimetype.sql'),
'legacy' => 105,
'106.chatlog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('106.chatlog.sql'),
'legacy' => 106,
'107.oauthserver.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('107.oauthserver.sql'),
'legacy' => 107,
'108.oauthscope.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('108.oauthscope.sql'),
'legacy' => 108,
'109.oauthclientphidkey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('109.oauthclientphidkey.sql'),
'legacy' => 109,
'110.commitaudit.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('110.commitaudit.sql'),
'legacy' => 110,
'111.commitauditmigration.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('111.commitauditmigration.php'),
'legacy' => 111,
'112.oauthaccesscoderedirecturi.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('112.oauthaccesscoderedirecturi.sql'),
'legacy' => 112,
'113.lastreviewer.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('113.lastreviewer.sql'),
'legacy' => 113,
'114.auditrequest.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('114.auditrequest.sql'),
'legacy' => 114,
'115.prepareutf8.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('115.prepareutf8.sql'),
'legacy' => 115,
'116.utf8-backup-first-expect-wait.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' =>
'legacy' => 116,
'117.repositorydescription.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('117.repositorydescription.php'),
'legacy' => 117,
'118.auditinline.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('118.auditinline.sql'),
'legacy' => 118,
'119.filehash.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('119.filehash.sql'),
'legacy' => 119,
'120.noop.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('120.noop.sql'),
'legacy' => 120,
'121.drydocklog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('121.drydocklog.sql'),
'legacy' => 121,
'122.flag.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('122.flag.sql'),
'legacy' => 122,
'123.heraldrulelog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('123.heraldrulelog.sql'),
'legacy' => 123,
'124.subpriority.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('124.subpriority.sql'),
'legacy' => 124,
'125.ipv6.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('125.ipv6.sql'),
'legacy' => 125,
'126.edges.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('126.edges.sql'),
'legacy' => 126,
'127.userkeybody.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('127.userkeybody.sql'),
'legacy' => 127,
'128.phabricatorcom.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('128.phabricatorcom.sql'),
'legacy' => 128,
'129.savedquery.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('129.savedquery.sql'),
'legacy' => 129,
'130.denormalrevisionquery.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('130.denormalrevisionquery.sql'),
'legacy' => 130,
'131.migraterevisionquery.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('131.migraterevisionquery.php'),
'legacy' => 131,
'132.phame.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('132.phame.sql'),
'legacy' => 132,
'133.imagemacro.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('133.imagemacro.sql'),
'legacy' => 133,
'134.emptysearch.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('134.emptysearch.sql'),
'legacy' => 134,
'135.datecommitted.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('135.datecommitted.sql'),
'legacy' => 135,
'' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath(''),
'legacy' => 136,
'137.auditmetadata.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('137.auditmetadata.sql'),
'legacy' => 137,
'138.notification.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('138.notification.sql'),
'holidays.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('holidays.sql'),
'userstatus.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('userstatus.sql'),
'emailtable.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('emailtable.sql'),
'emailtableport.sql' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('emailtableport.php'),
'emailtableremove.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('emailtableremove.sql'),
'phiddrop.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('phiddrop.sql'),
'testdatabase.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('testdatabase.sql'),
'ldapinfo.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('ldapinfo.sql'),
'threadtopic.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('threadtopic.sql'),
'usertranslation.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('usertranslation.sql'),
'differentialbookmarks.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('differentialbookmarks.sql'),
'harbormasterobject.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('harbormasterobject.sql'),
'markupcache.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('markupcache.sql'),
'maniphestxcache.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('maniphestxcache.sql'),
'migrate-maniphest-dependencies.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('migrate-maniphest-dependencies.php'),
'migrate-differential-dependencies.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath(
'phameblog.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('phameblog.sql'),
'migrate-maniphest-revisions.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('migrate-maniphest-revisions.php'),
'daemonstatus.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('daemonstatus.sql'),
'symbolcontexts.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('symbolcontexts.sql'),
'migrate-project-edges.php' => array(
'type' => 'php',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('migrate-project-edges.php'),
'fact-raw.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('fact-raw.sql'),
'ponder.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('ponder.sql')
'policy-project.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('policy-project.sql'),
'daemonstatuskey.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('daemonstatuskey.sql'),
'edgetype.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('edgetype.sql'),
'ponder-comments.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('ponder-comments.sql'),
'pastepolicy.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('pastepolicy.sql'),
'xhprof.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('xhprof.sql'),
'draft-metadata.sql' => array(
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('draft-metadata.sql'),
+ 'phamedomain.sql' => array(
+ 'type' => 'sql',
+ 'name' => $this->getPatchPath('phamedomain.sql'),
+ ),

File Metadata

Mime Type
Jan 19 2025, 19:11 (6 w, 3 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(122 KB)

Event Timeline