public function __get($name)Inherited
$name |
wild |
public function __set($name, $value)Inherited
$name | ||
$value |
wild |
public function current()Inherited
wild |
public function key()Inherited
wild |
public function next()Inherited
wild |
public function rewind()Inherited
wild |
public function valid()Inherited
wild |
private function throwOnAttemptedIteration()Inherited
wild |
public function getPhobjectClassConstant($key, $byte_limit)Inherited
Read the value of a class constant.
This is the same as just typing self::CONSTANTNAME, but throws a more useful message if the constant is not defined and allows the constant to be limited to a maximum length.
string | $key | Name of the constant. |
int|null | $byte_limit | Maximum number of bytes permitted in the value. |
string | Value of the constant. |
public function __construct($resources)
CelerityResources | $resources |
this | //Implicit.// |
public static function getNamedInstance($name)
$name |
wild |
public function getNameMap()
wild |
public function getSymbolMap()
wild |
public function getRequiresMap()
wild |
public function getPackageMap()
wild |
public function getPackagedNamesForSymbols($symbols)
array | $symbols |
wild |
private function resolveResources($symbols)
array | $symbols |
wild |
private function resolveResource(&$map, $symbol)
array | &$map | |
$symbol |
wild |
private function packageResources($resolved_map)
array | $resolved_map |
wild |
public function getResourceDataForName($resource_name)
$resource_name |
wild |
public function getResourceNamesForPackageName($package_name)
$package_name |
wild |
public function getModifiedTimeForName($name)
Get the epoch timestamp of the last modification time of a symbol.
string | $name | Resource symbol to lookup. |
int | Epoch timestamp of last resource modification. |
public function getURIForSymbol($symbol)
Return the absolute URI for the resource associated with a symbol. This method is fairly low-level and ignores packaging.
string | $symbol | Resource symbol to lookup. |
string|null | Resource URI, or null if the symbol is unknown. |
public function getURIForName($name)
Return the absolute URI for the resource associated with a resource name. This method is fairly low-level and ignores packaging.
string | $name | Resource name to lookup. |
string|null | Resource URI, or null if the name is unknown. |
public function getHashForName($name)
$name |
wild |
private function getURIForHash($hash)
Return the absolute URI for a resource, identified by hash. This method is fairly low-level and ignores packaging.
string | $hash | Resource hash to lookup. |
string|null | Resource URI, or null if the hash is unknown. |
public function getRequiredSymbolsForName($name)
Return the resource symbols required by a named resource.
string | $name | Resource name to lookup. |
list<string>|null | List of required symbols, or null if the name is unknown. |
public function getResourceNameForSymbol($symbol)
Return the resource name for a given symbol.
string | $symbol | Resource symbol to lookup. |
string|null | Resource name, or null if the symbol is unknown. |
public function isPackageResource($name)
$name |
wild |
public function getResourceTypeForName($name)
$name |
wild |