public function __get($name)Inherited
$name |
wild |
public function __set($name, $value)Inherited
$name | ||
$value |
wild |
public function current()Inherited
wild |
public function key()Inherited
wild |
public function next()Inherited
wild |
public function rewind()Inherited
wild |
public function valid()Inherited
wild |
private function throwOnAttemptedIteration()Inherited
wild |
public function getPhobjectClassConstant($key, $byte_limit)Inherited
Read the value of a class constant.
This is the same as just typing self::CONSTANTNAME, but throws a more useful message if the constant is not defined and allows the constant to be limited to a maximum length.
string | $key | Name of the constant. |
int|null | $byte_limit | Maximum number of bytes permitted in the value. |
string | Value of the constant. |
public function store($text)
$text |
wild |
public function restore($corpus, $text_mode)
$corpus | ||
$text_mode |
wild |
public function overwrite($key, $new_text)
$key | ||
$new_text |
wild |
public function getMap()
wild |
public function setMap($map)
array | $map |
wild |