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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
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string | $key | Name of the constant. |
int|null | $byte_limit | Maximum number of bytes permitted in the value. |
string | Value of the constant. |
string | $mode | Mode, either 'r' (reading) or 'w' (reading and writing). |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | New database connection. |
string | Connection namespace for cache |
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mode | $mode | Connection mode. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection|null | Connection, if it exists in cache. |
mode | $mode | Connection mode. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | $connection | Connection to cache. |
| $force_unique | |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | $connection | Connection to force this object to use. |
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dictionary | Map of configuration options to values. |
const | $option_name | Option name, one of the CONFIG_* constants. |
mixed | Option value, if configured (null if unavailable). |
int | $id | Numeric ID identifying the object to load. |
obj|null | Identified object, or null if it does not exist. |
dict | Dictionary of all persisted objects of this type, keyed on object ID. |
string | $pattern | queryfx()-style SQL WHERE clause. |
... | | Zero or more conversions. |
dict | Dictionary of matching objects, keyed on ID. |
string | $pattern | queryfx()-style SQL WHERE clause. |
... | | Zero or more conversions. |
obj|null | Matching object, or null if no object matches. |
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dict | $row | Dictionary of properties, which should be equivalent to selecting a row from the table or calling @{method:getProperties}. |
list | $rows | List of property dictionaries. |
dict | List of constructed objects, keyed on ID. |
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string | $property | Property name. |
bool | True if the property exists. |
dict | Dictionary of normalized (lowercase) to canonical (original case) property names. |
string|null | Canonical property name, or null if the property does not exist. |
string | $mode | 'r' for read, 'w' for read/write. |
bool | $force_new | True to force a new connection. The connection will not be retrieved from or saved into the connection cache. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | Lisk connection object. |
dict | Dictionary of object properties. |
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This method is not documented.
const | $mode | Either "INSERT" or "REPLACE", to force the desired mode. |
bool | true if the record should be inserted |
string | Table name for object storage. |
string | Name of the ID column. |
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phid | Unique, newly allocated PHID. |
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string | $field | Canonical field name |
string | $field | Canonical field name |
mixed | $value | Value to write |
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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
int | $idle_window | Close connections with no activity for this many seconds. |
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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
string | $method | Method name. |
list | $args | Argument vector. |
mixed | get*() methods return the property value. set*() methods return $this. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | $conn_w | Database where the counter resides. |
string | $counter_name | Counter name to create or increment. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | $conn_r | Database where the counter resides. |
string | $counter_name | Counter name to read. |
int|null | Current value, or `null` if the counter does not exist. |
AphrontDatabaseConnection | $conn_w | Database where the counter resides. |
string | $counter_name | Counter name to create or overwrite. |
| $counter_value | |
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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
| $application | |
| $database | |
| $mode | |
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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
int|null | $last_epoch | Epoch of the most recent successful event execution. |
bool | $is_reschedule | `true` if we're trying to reschedule the event after execution; `false` if this is in response to a trigger update. |
int|null | Return an epoch to schedule the next event execution, or `null` to stop the event from executing again. |
int|null | $last_event | Epoch of previous execution, or null if this is the first execution. |
int | $this_event | Scheduled epoch of this execution. This may not be the same as the current time. |
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This method is not documented.
PhabricatorWorkerTriggerEvent | $event | |
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PhabricatorTriggerAction | $action | |
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This method is not documented.
PhabricatorTriggerAction | $action | |
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PhabricatorTriggerClock | $clock | |
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This method is not documented.
PhabricatorTriggerClock | $clock | |
int|null | Epoch when the event will next fire, or `null` if it is not planned to trigger. |
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PhabricatorDestructionEngine | $engine | |
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This method is not documented.
This method is not documented.
| $capability | |
PhabricatorUser | $viewer | |