- public function addRawSection($text) — Add a raw block of text to the email. This will be rendered as-is.
- public function addTextSection($header, $section) — Add a block of text with a section header. This is rendered like this:
- public function addAttachment($attachment) — Add an attachment.
- public function render() — Render the email body.
- public function getAttachments() — Retrieve attachments.
- private function indent($text) — Indent a block of text for rendering under a section heading.
Other Methods
Other Methods
- public function __get($name)
- public function __set($name, $value)
- public function current()
- public function key()
- public function next()
- public function rewind()
- public function valid()
- private function throwOnAttemptedIteration()
- public function getPhobjectClassConstant($key, $byte_limit) — Read the value of a class constant.
- public function getViewer()
- public function setViewer($viewer)
- public function setContextObject($context_object)
- public function getContextObject()
- public function addRemarkupSection($header, $text)
- public function addRawPlaintextSection($text)
- public function addRawHTMLSection($html)
- public function addPlaintextSection($header, $text, $indent)
- public function addHTMLSection($header, $html_fragment)
- public function addLinkSection($header, $link)
- public function renderHTML()
- private function newMarkupEngine()