Managing Encryption Passwords
Managing Encryption Passwords
- public function shouldShowPasswordField() — Return true to show an additional "Password" field. This is used by SSH credentials to strip passwords off private keys.
- public function getPasswordLabel() — Return the label for the password field, if one is shown.
Other Methods
Other Methods
- public function __get($name)
- public function __set($name, $value)
- public function current()
- public function key()
- public function next()
- public function rewind()
- public function valid()
- private function throwOnAttemptedIteration()
- public function getPhobjectClassConstant($key, $byte_limit) — Read the value of a class constant.
- public function getCredentialType()
- final public function getProvidesType()
- public function getCredentialTypeName()
- public function getCredentialTypeDescription()
- public function getSecretLabel()
- public function newSecretControl()
- public static function getAllTypes()
- public static function getAllCreateableTypes()
- public static function getAllProvidesTypes()
- public static function getTypeByConstant($constant)
- public function isCreateable()
- public function didInitializeNewCredential($actor, $credential)
- public function hasPublicKey()
- public function getPublicKey($viewer, $credential)
- public function shouldRequireUsername()