Formatting JSON Objects
Formatting JSON Objects
No methods for this task.
- private function encodeFormattedObject($object, $depth) — Pretty-print a JSON object.
- private function encodeFormattedArray($array, $depth) — Pretty-print a JSON list.
- private function encodeFormattedValue($value, $depth) — Pretty-print a JSON value.
- private function getIndent($depth) — Render a string corresponding to the current indent depth.
Other Methods
Other Methods
- public function __get($name)
- public function __set($name, $value)
- public function current()
- public function key()
- public function next()
- public function rewind()
- public function valid()
- private function throwOnAttemptedIteration()
- public function getPhobjectClassConstant($key, $byte_limit) — Read the value of a class constant.
- public function encodeFormatted($object) — Encode an object in JSON and pretty-print it. This generates a valid JSON object with human-readable whitespace and indentation.
- public function encodeAsList($list) — Encode a list in JSON and pretty-print it, discarding keys.